
- One Year Later –

"Okay where are you taking us" Elena said with a giggle, as she and the girls were being lead blind folded down a street. Damon had his hands on Elena's shoulders much like Kol, Alaric and Stefan did with the other girls.

This spring break the guys took it upon themselves to plan the trip and the girls had no idea what it was. Earlier that day the guys had picked the girls up and were whisking them away for a surprise spring break. Elena and the others had no idea what they had planned and the guys weren't giving anything away.

"You know blind folding us and leading us to some place unknown is pretty sketchy" Elena said with a laugh still unsure what they had planned for them.

"Well the fact you let me blindfold you and drag you to some place unknown maybe means you are too trusting" Damon whispered in her ear as his one hand slid down her arm and wrapped around her stomach to pulled her closer to his own body.

"What can I say, the last time I let you blindfold me it had quite the reward" Elena growled as a smiled crept across her face when she thought back to that very hot night the two had shared.

"Hey I don't want to hear sex stories," Jenna warned her niece while she was standing beside her blindfolded as well.

Both Damon and Elena couldn't help but laugh and then Damon's lips were on her neck kissing and sucking on her delicate skin while his hands were at her waist and his fingertips drummed on her hipbone.

For the past year Elena had been happier then she had been in a long time. Her and Damon seemed to be on cloud nine whenever they were together. They spent the good first part of their relationship and the summer naked as they got the chance to explore and learn different sides of each other. Unfortunately for Jenna and Jeremy there were a number of times that they walked in on the two whether it was in the living room, kitchen, or laundry room.

As much as that was some of Jenna's least favorite memories over the last year she couldn't be more happy for the two as she had never seen Elena smile this much in a very long time. The two were still much Damon and Elena as they bickered and continued to be very competitive with each other but there was also a much softer and tender part to their relationship now.

It took some time but Stefan had managed to really accept them together. The beginning was definitely hard on him as he could see how happy Elena was with Damon but at the same time seeing her happy was all he really wanted for her. He had even started dating himself and was moving on from his high school sweetheart. Elena would always hold a special place in his heart just like she would have for him but now they were at a place where they could be friends.

Over the last couple months Stefan was getting closer with Caroline. The two had first decided to keep their distance from each other after last spring break's kiss but now after some time they have been really starting to connect.

Elena had to admit it was kind of weird at first but over time she got use to the idea of Stefan and Caroline together and it was now no longer so weird when they would all hang out together.

As spring break rolled around for another year Damon and the guys had decided to plan a surprise trip for the girls and up until this moment they still had no idea what they had planned.

Earlier Damon and Ric showed up at the Gilbert household and blindfolded both Elena and Jenna after telling them to pack. It was quick the process as Elena tried to get clues by asking what she should pack t-shirts or sweaters. Damon made the mistake in saying it didn't matter and that started to two bickering on how she would have to pack twice as much to cover her bases unless he gave her a clue. Not falling for her trap Damon smiled and watched as Elena packed two separate suitcases.

"Come on Damon enough with the games, where are you taking us?" Elena asked as her fingers grabbed hold of Damon's arms that he still had wrapped around her.

"Patients" Damon whispered in her ear and then pressed a tender kiss to her ear.

"Elena's right where are you guys taking us?" Bonnie asked with a giggle as Kol was leading her to the unknown destination.

"Seriously what is going on?" Caroline begged as Stefan had her come to a stop next to Elena, Bonnie and Jenna.

"Now what?" Jenna asked, as she was just standing there no longer moving.

"Come on you guys, you drive us god knows where and made us walk a good 15 minutes what is going on?" Bonnie said just as Kol pulled away from her.

"Okay here we go" Stefan said softly as he reached out to undo the blindfold on Caroline just as Damon and the guys were removed the others.

As the blindfolds fell from their faces the girls' eyes started to adjust and they were starring straight at a small log cabin. The woods surrounded them, and as the sun was setting, darkness was taking over. Looking at the cabin in front of them Elena and the girls couldn't help but notice that the cabin in the woods looked much like the one the group had stayed in last year on spring break when their van broke down.

"We figured maybe instead of a beach we could go a little rustic, beside from the broken down van we had some fun in that cabin" Damon told the girls as they all smiled and took in what the guys had planned for them.

"Oh my god!" Elena squealed as she jumped up into Damon's arms as he spun her around. Leaning in for a kiss Elena couldn't help but think back to the cabin they were at last spring break and how it was during that time that her and Damon really started to fall for each other.

"We call master bedroom!" Kol yelled as he and Bonnie started racing towards the cabin.

"I think the engaged couple should get the master bedroom" Jenna called out as she showed off her diamond ring.

"Nah you used that excuse yesterday to pick the movie," Elena snapped back as she had her arm wrapped around Damon.

"Did I?" Jenna said with a laugh as she too wrapped her arms around Ric and the two made their way up to the cabin with everyone else.

"And where are we?" Elena asked as she realized that Damon was holding her back from going into the cabin with the rest of the group.

"We will get our room in a bit, first I have something else planned for us," he told her as he took her hand and started backing up towards the woods and the lake in the distance.

"Oh you have my attention" Elena said with a smile and happily let Damon pulled her away from the group for some time just to themselves.

The two were running through the forest and towards the lakeshore as the moonlight was shining off the water. When they finally reached the lake Damon turned to face Elena and pulled her body close to his with his hands on her hips and kissed her lips. Elena let out a moan in pleasure as she sucked on his bottom lip and then top lip very slowly. Her arms wrapped around his neck as the kiss deepened and enjoyed the feeling of being in each other's arms.

As the pulled away both had smiles on their faces as Damon removed his shirt over his head, "Come on lets go for a swim" he said with a devilish smirk.

"I don't have a swimsuit," Elena told him with a laugh.

"Oh you don't need one" Damon told her with a grin and then started to pull her shirt over her head.

"Oh I see" she said with a giggled and then helped to quicken the process in removing her pants and his. Their undergarments quickly followed as the two were running naked into the lake laughing and splashing around.

Falling backwards into the refreshing water Damon was pulling Elena on top of him as the two went under the water. About two seconds later their heads popped out from under the water and with huge smiles on their faces their had their arms wrapped around each other. Holding Elena tightly he captured her lips in a hungry kiss while one hand ran through her wet hair.

Elena's hands were roaming over Damon's smooth back while the kiss was so hot and addicting. Her legs wrapped around his waist as Damon was bobbing them around in the water and slowly spinning them around. "So this is what you have been up to these last couple weeks," Elena said with a smile as her forehead was pressed against his.

"You forgive me for canceling dinner Friday?" Damon asked her and then his lips were moving down her neck and then sucking on the soft skin of her shoulders.

Elena gave a giggle and through her head back in pleasure and then when she came back up to look at Damon. Her hands came up to cup his face and her lips were just inches from his as she got a grin on her face. "I think I may need a little bit more convincing," she told him before her hungry lips crashed down on his, and her body tightened around him even more. Damon let out a growl as he new exactly what she was getting at.

After their climax Elena clung to Damon's body as he kept them above the water, both were breathing quite heavily as nothing but their breath and then sound of the waters slashing against their skin could be heard. Her head was resting on his shoulder while her hands moved up and under the water as they ran along his back. "Okay you're forgiven" Elena said with a heavy breath and then leaned down to press kisses on his shoulder.

Pulling back so they could look in each other's eyes they both had smiles on their faces. Their naked bodies clung to each other in the water under the clear starry sky both thinking about how much things had changed over the last year. "I can't believe it has already been a year," Elena said to him as her fingers moved through his jet-black hair.

"Best year of my life" Damon told her happily and with a huge smile. Holding Elena close he thought about how much things had changed, how that had found each other in a whole other light when they least expected it. Leaning forward he captured her lips once more and lowered them into the water so that only their head were above.

When they broke apart Elena's hand came up to touch Damon's cheek as her eyes stared deep into his. Being in a relationship with someone who was also your best friend was an amazing thing, they could be so honest and supportive of each other and they knew that the other person would be there to stand by you or protect you. "I love you Damon" Elena said meaning it more then she ever thought possible.

"I love you too" Damon replied in a husky voice before his lips found hers again.

A year ago they found love and everyday since then that love has grown even stronger no matter what they were up against. Of course the love she had for Stefan was something that would never be able to be replaced because he was her first love. You never forget your first love, but this love defies the odds, and while meeting was fate, becoming friends was by choice, falling in love is completely out of their control. It is a love that doesn't have a happy ending, because true love has no ending.

Thanks for reading, sorry I didn't get to post as quick as I had hoped but I still enjoyed writing it and hope you all enjoyed reading. I still have one story on the go, Teenage diaries 2 and will be updating that one soon. Thanks again.
