Just a new Idea, it will be different to all my other stories. So I hope you like it.

No matter what I will bring him home.

Chapter 1.

Pulling on her coat, JJ joined her fellow friends in the bullpen. "Hey JJ you up for a drink?"

"How about ten drinks"

"That's my girl."

Sitting down on one of the stools, JJ let out a breath looking round the bar, she noticed a hot guy, sat across the bar, who seemed to be alone.

"I know that look, who you checking out?" Emily said eyeing her friend.

"Guy at the end of the bar, brown hair."


"Down this and go" Emily said sliding the drink to JJ.

Downing the shot, JJ let out a breath, grabbing her stuff. JJ sat down on the empty stool next to the guy, eyeing the bartender "Can I get something strong, make it a double."

Raising his brow, he watched as the hot blonde sat down beside him ordering a drink. "Tough day?"

"Tough month." JJ said sipping on her drink.

"Wanna talk about it." he said leaning forwards.

"That depends" JJ said turning to him.

"On what?"

"What you do for a living"

Will smiled. "Well if I told you that, I would have to kill you and then relocate so…"

Letting out a little laugh, JJ licked her lips. "Well your heart beat is clam and you seem pretty sure of your answer so your telling the truth."

"And how do you know that?"

"Cause, that's what I do."

"FBI?" he said raising his brow.

"And I'm guessing "CIA."

"Will Lamontagne"

"Jennifer Jareau."

"Well, Jennifer Jareau, would like to continue this convocation somewhere a little more private" he whispered in her ear

"Lead the way"

One year later

Walking into the bedroom, JJ stood holding her coffee cup, watching as Will do push up's "Damn that doesn't get old"

Will let out a breath, falling to the floor, standing up he grabbed the towel off the bed, wiping the sweat of his forehead, walking towards his girlfriend, he moved the cup out of her hand, wrapping his hands around her waist.

"Is that so."

"Yep." JJ said staring at his sweaty chest.

"Ya late for work?" he said tilting her chin.

"I am today" she said running her hand down his hard abs.

Smiling, Will kissed JJ deeply on the lips, knowing these were some of the best parts of there relationship.


Eleven months later

Walking into the nursery, JJ let out a yawn. "Mamma's coming baby" JJ said picking up her three month old son. Laying him on her shoulder, JJ walked over to the sofa, sitting down. "I know you miss your daddy, I miss him too" JJ said kissing his tiny head.

"I missed ya both too" Will.

JJ turned her head, seeing Will stood in the doorway, getting up onto her feet, JJ walked towards him.

"Oh my god what happened?" JJ asked running her hand along his bruised cut cheek.

"Some guy thought he'd send his minions to try kill me." Will said placing his hand on hers.

JJ sighed, hearing Henry let out a cry. Handing him over to Will, JJ watched as there son clamed down straight away. "Daddy's here Henry."

Walking into the bedroom, Will saw JJ sat on the bed in deep thought, bending down in front of her, Will took hold of her hand. "Hey I'm okay."

JJ nodded, gulping down a breath. "I can see that."

"Babe, please don't be mad" Will said sitting on the bed.

"I'm not mad"

"Yes you are." I can see it all over your face."

Sighing, JJ looked round at Will. "I'm just scared, that.."

"I know, and that's why I told my boss, I will only be taking small assignments close to home, till Henry's older."


"Yes" he smiled.

JJ let out a little laugh. "Your full of surprises you know that."

"I do, now come ere, so I can kiss you beautiful face"


Two years later.

"Henry hurry up, or your going to be late" JJ shouted, buttering his toast.

"Coming, mamma."

Smiling, JJ saw Henry run into the kitchen, Will right behind him. "What are you both up to." JJ said raising her brow.

"Nothin' " Will said picking up a slice of toast.

"Funny, I'll figure it out."

"I'm sure you will, won't she little man."

"NEVER!" Henry shouted letting out a laugh.

"Well, I will see you both tonight."

"Bye" JJ said pecking his lips.

As Will drove off his street, one car followed him. The other. Waiting. Seeing that the car had followed him, Will pulled over, Pulling out his gun, hiding it down the side of the car, as he wind down the window, seeing some people walking towards him. As they opened the car, one of the men pulled him, out he was twice Will's size and he knew he was going to have trouble taking them out. Feeling a punch to his face, Will spat out some blood as they through him to floor.

"Well hello there agent"

Will looked up, seeing one face, he hoped he wouldn't have to see again.

As the car stopped at a traffic light, JJ looked through the mirror seeing Henry singing to himself, smiling she turned to look round at him, when the car hit pushing there car off the road.


Waking up, JJ slowly looked around the room. "Wha…"

"JJ!" Will spoke.

Turning her head, JJ saw Will holding her hand. "What happened?"

"You were in a car accident."


"Babe, I need you to clam down okay" Will said sitting on the edge of the bed, placing his hands onto her shoulders.

"Where's our son?" JJ said feeling tears form in his eyes.

JJ looked right at Will, noticing the fresh cuts and bruises, along with some stitches."

"Someone took him."

JJ stared right at Will. "What you mean someone took him."

"They followed us both, you remember that time I came home and said someone tried to kill me well."

JJ let go of Will's hand, letting out a cry. "My baby" She whispered, right now she was too upset and angry to push Will away as he held her as she cried.


So what did you think? Let me know and leave a review please.