Okay I'm back. I will spare you all with my ramblings and give you the chapter. I'll just put my author's note at the end. Enjoy!

Warning (s) AU Fanfiction

Genderbent Characters Fem!Ryoma

OOC Characters


Disclaimer: I don't own Prince of Tennis. This series belongs to its rightful owners. I'm just practicing my rights to exploit and use the charactersto my own DISCRETION in my FANFIC.

Previously on the 'The Empress'


"You kept your promise." He mumbled, shifting from his back lying position to his side with his elbows propping himself up.

"Of course why wouldn't I? I'm a woman of her word. I did say that I would return to Japan." Reika replied, pulling herself up and sat with her arms resting on her sides.

Genichirou stared at Reika's form fondly. She had changed so much for the past three years that he isn't confident that this Echizen Reika is the same Echizen Reika from then. She looked so familiar yet she feels like a stranger as well.

"And to you…

He stared at her with wide eyes as he too sat up and openly gaped at her. Call it instinct but the next second, he found himself pulling the girl to his him and wrapped her protectively with his arms.

She might look different, act different. Feel dofferent. But now he knew that deep down and behind everything about her. She's still the same cocky brat that had beaten him, changed him and inspired him all those years ago.

Reika immediately stiffened at the sudeen touch but founf herself visibly relaxing in his hold. It felt like she's safe with him. That he wouldn't hurt her, like she was made to be held like this by this man. Slowly, she lifted her hands and wrap