Chapter 4 - Lesson Two: Effort

The soothing smell of cinnamon wafted through the kitchen as Vanessa quietly worked on making breakfast. Late the night before she'd set out dough to make cinnamon rolls, one of Bloom's favorite breakfast foods. Yes, they were a bit of a hassle and took time to prepare, but Vanessa felt as though they'd make a good start to Oritel and Miriam's mission. Bloom was always a happier girl when she'd eaten a decent breakfast, so maybe she'd be a bit more agreeable with her favorite wholesome breakfast. Not to mention they'd give her and Mike bonus points in the parent-off…

Eager to get baking, Vanessa peeked under the towel she had draped over the rising cinnamon rolls to check their progress. Unsatisfied with the rate at which the dough was rising, she turned up the heat of the oven. "They'll never be ready by the time she wakes…" Vanessa muttered. Then she put a hand to her forehead and shook her head. "Look who I'm talking about! It's Bloom! The girl would sleep sixteen hours a day if I'd let her. I could've slept in an hour, showered, done a load of laundry, and still have had plenty time to make breakfast."

As Vanessa spoke, a figure entered the kitchen and perched on one of the high stools next to the island counter. "Morning, Mom."

"Morning, Bloom." Vanessa responded out of habit, opening one of the cupboards and not even realizing who it was she was speaking too. She was about to reach for a mug when realization finally sunk in. She whipped around and stared at Bloom in shock. "Bloom!"

"Yeah?" Bloom tilted her head, curiosity shining in her alert, blue eyes. "Mom!" she snapped in a teasing manner.

Vanessa's mind raced for something to say, so she went with the obvious. "You're up. Early." she frowned at Bloom, worry suddenly clouding over her shock. "Are you well? Don't you want to sleep in? You love sleeping in. I mean I used to have to wrap a chain about your ankles, hook you up to the car, and floor the gas to get you out of bed some days. Now you're here…" Vanessa glanced at the clock on the wall, "…six a.m. bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!"

"Please… Exaggeration not appreciated." Bloom rolled her eyes, "You never had to use the car. Ran the vacuum in my room a couple of times, even had Dad drive by with the fire sirens blaring. But nothing as extreme as a car dragging me out of bed." Bloom just shrugged, then. "I get up about this time on Domino. I guess I'm so used to the handmaids' wake-up calls…" she sniffed and eyed the covered pan sitting on top of the oven. "Are those cinnamon rolls?"

"Yes!" Vanessa smiled, happy Bloom had finally taken notice. "I made them for you special. I figured you missed my cooking."

"You have no idea!" Bloom leaned against the countertop, her head settling on her hand. "All that gourmet they've been stuffing me with on Domino? Bleh. A girl can only handle so much rare lightning fish, filet mignon, Chateaubriand, Foie gras, and a number of other extravagant dishes I can't even pronounce." Bloom made a face. "That pizza last night was heaven, I tell you!"

"Gourmet, huh?" Vanessa turned from Bloom and finally took down the mug, fingering the cool porcelain. She cast a slightly humiliated glance toward the pan on the oven. "Well it's no gourmet, but it's made with love…"

"Makes it better…" Bloom assured Vanessa. She then abandoned her perch and threw her arms around Vanessa. "Thanks, Mom. I think I'll go shower before breakfast." she turned to leave the room just as Miriam was walking in. "Morning, Mother…"

"Good morning, Bloom." Miriam answered and she stared after Bloom as she bound up the stairs. She then turned toward Vanessa and greeted her. "Good morning, Vanessa."

"How are you feeling? I hope the guest room was comfortable for you and Oritel." Vanessa measured out some coffee grounds in the coffee maker, poured in some water, and turned it on. "It's not palace worthy, but I did what I could…"

"Oh Vanessa, it was lovely. You don't have to take any extra measures for either me or Oritel. And if Oritel complains just tell him he's acting infantile and his complaints are meaningless, berated cries that would make his mother turn in her grave. That'll shut him up…"

"Oh!" Vanessa tried containing her look of horror. "You'd really comment like that about his mother?" she asked, appalled by Miriam's bold statement.

Miriam looked amused by Vanessa's disconcertion. She walked over and confidently took a seat where Bloom had sat. "Oh Oritel knows his mother raised him better than to complain about trivial things. Especially in a guest's home. I'm sure she'd laud me for confronting him in that manner. The only reason she ever agreed to my being his wife was because I wasn't afraid to tell him the truth." She let out a soft chuckle that was contagious enough to make Vanessa get over her uneasiness and smile. But then Miriam's bright, laughing eyes caught sight of the pan on the oven and her smirk vanished. "Homemade?"

"Yes." Vanessa nodded. "Bloom's favorite. Cinnamon rolls."

"I heard." Miriam said quietly, "Though I hadn't meant to eavesdrop." She smoothed out the non-existent wrinkles in the blouse Vanessa had borrowed her. "She likes your cooking far better than the cuisines made by the professional chefs at Palace Domino."

"So she says." Vanessa murmured softly. She carefully removed the towel, deciding the dough had risen quite enough, and smoothly transferred the pan from the stove-top into the oven. "So she says…" Vanessa repeated. She gingerly picked up the towel and commenced folding it. As she did so, silence made its awkward presence known in the small kitchen. She and Miriam avoided meeting one another's gaze, quietly fiddling with whatever was in their reach. Finally, after a few minutes of the torture, Vanessa spoke up. "I don't really believe it's the taste or culinary excellence that she's fond of. I think she likes the effort that's put in, to be honest."

"What?" Miriam looked at her funny. "Effort?"

"The fact I took the time to make it because I knew it was her favorite. To her I guess its like my way of contributing to the mother-daughter relationship." Vanessa set down the towel and leaned her elbows on the counter, facing the seated Miriam. "I personally don't believe I'm a great cook. But I'm actually putting an effort into making her happy, into exchanging niceties, and into being her mother. Above all I'm putting an effort into showing her I love and care about her. Cooking things homemade…" Vanessa motioned toward the oven, "…giving her hugs and kisses, offering her advice, supporting her decisions: it's all my effort for making my relationship with Bloom work." She thought about her idea about bonus points as she spoke. "Well I suppose to a certain extent my contributions may be intended for bribery…"

Miriam nodded slowly. "I see." She glanced at the oven then back at Vanessa. "Do you suppose…" her voice trailed off and her cheeks flushed, "…could you maybe teach me how to cook?"

Vanessa stared at the intelligent, well-spoken queen seated before her. "You don't know how to cook?" she asked, trying hard to hold back the incredulity in her tone.

Miriam looked embarrassed and rushed to rectify herself. "Well, I can make simpler things of course. I'm not as bad as Oritel. That man couldn't make toast if it was pre-done for him. He's an honest-to-goodness disaster in the kitchen." Miriam sighed submissively and shook her head. "But I don't know how to make cookies or bread or…" she motioned toward the oven, "cinnamon rolls. I can cast the most complicated of spells, mix the vilest of potions, fight the most evil of beings: but I don't know how to cook!"

With a reassuring smile, Vanessa took Miriam's hand into hers. "Well, being able to mix potions is a start. It's not all that different from potion making at all. Just the ingredients are different and edible, and we hope the results won't be vile. And this isn't quiet as strenuous as complicated spell-casting or fighting evil." Vanessa patted Miriam's hand. "I'd love to show you how to whip up a few things. Anyone can cook!"

"Not Oritel…" Miriam muttered with a chuckle. "Don't even bother with him…"

"Eh, Mike is just as hopeless. He can't do laundry either, unless I want my whites turned pink. At least he can fix the garbage disposal and clean the garage.." Vanessa admitted with a knowing grin. "One of these days, you, Bloom, and I can make a cake or something." she promised. "I'm sure Bloom would love that."

Miriam gave Vanessa a genuine smile. "Thank-you, Vanessa. Perhaps Oritel's and my little experiment will work out after all. I don't know how we could've done it without you and Mike…"

"Oh you haven't quite done anything, yet." Vanessa wagged her finger at Miriam. "Don't count your chickens before they've hatched! It's only day one of the experiment. Just because there was some success last night doesn't mean things will fall into place quite as easily today."

"You're right, of course." Miriam nodded. "What should Oritel and I do today though? I haven't the slightest idea what Bloom likes to do…"

Vanessa tried to suppress a smile. "Well, I'm sure Bloom's got an idea for you three."

"What should I do with my parents? I don't even know what they like that doesn't involve war meetings, royal galas, or tea sessions!" Bloom looked hopefully at her computer screen. Each of the Winx girls looked back at her with looks of sympathy or amusement. "Please tell me one of you have an idea! What can I do with my birth parents here in Gardenia?"

"Gosh, I don't know, B." Musa scratched her head and gave a nonplussed shrug. "My dad's a bit easier to figure cuz I've known him all my life. Whenever we spend time though, it's music related. It's what we can share. We like to go and see the latest bands, play instruments together, write music, sing… can Oritel even play an instrument or sing?"

"I think Miriam can play piano. And possibly sing. But Oritel? I don't think so… I can't either, so a musical outing is more than likely out of the question. Unless…" Bloom perked up, snapping her fingers in an attempt to help generate the idea. "…we can go see a couple of bands perform at the Fruitti Music bar! Smoothies and tunes! Now there's an idea for a night out! Flora, what do you got?"

"Well, my parents and I like to work in the gardens sometimes." Flora said quietly. "I help my mother plant flowers. Miele and I will dig up vegetables and pick fruits. And my father will do some tilling and hoeing. Perhaps you, Oritel, and Miriam should try that out? Maybe you all could help Vanessa in the shop."

"Awesome idea!" Bloom exclaimed, snatching up a pen and paper to start writing the ideas down. "That's two…"

"What about going to the local pool or the beach?" Aisha mentioned. "My parents and I love walking along the beach. We collect shells, we ride the royal yacht, we do some fishing… sometimes my parents will even drop the whole sense of propriety thing to go swimming and build honest-to-God sandcastles with me! My mother certainly rocks a swimsuit." Aisha winked at Bloom, her teal eyes sparkling with mirth. "Wish I could be around to see Oritel shirtless! Ow-owww!"

"Ugh, Aisha! He's my father!" Bloom chastised. "Cut it out…"

"Oooh! I wanna be there!" Musa let out a loud, obnoxious whoop and threw up her arms. "And you can't blame us Bloom. You've probably got the hottest dad outta all of us."

"Seriously I can blame you! He's old enough to be your guys' father…" Bloom made a face. "Tecna let's change the subject!"

"Movie." Tecna said simply, looking up at them from the PDA that was practically glued to her hand. "It's a classic family outing. Simple and well received by all who attend. You can't go wrong… unless the movie is absolutely terrible or your tastes are all vastly different. Which I doubt… an action flick with a bit of romance would probably cover all your tastes."

"Thank-you…" Bloom muttered. "At least someone has the sense to be rational and not check out my father."

"Though I too would love to see your father. He does have an appeal about him…" Tecna added with a sly smile. The other girls clamored with agreement and let out a couple of wolf-whistles and other noises of approval. Bloom only groaned.

Then Stella started freaking out, hopping up and down in her seat and clapping excitedly like an eager two-year-old. "Oooh! You could also go shopping! With your mom though. She's got some serious taste when it comes to fashion. Don't go with Oritel. It's really awkward shopping with a father. If they had their way we'd all be dressed in the most heinous, unflattering dress ensembles imaginable. They just don't have a sense of style!" Stella let out an exasperated sigh. "One time, my mother was away and it was up to Daddy to decide what gown I ought to wear to the ball…"

"And then there's the zoo! Dad always took me to the zoo on boring days. Or horseback riding!" Roxy added quickly, cutting off Stella's anecdote. Stella harrumphed and started to pout. But Roxy leaned forward in her screen, eyebrow raised inquisitively. "Bloom I don't understand why you're having so much trouble coming up with ideas. Here we've come up with a whole ton in under five minutes!"

"Good insight Rox." Flora commented crossing her arms over her chest and eyeing Bloom. "Sweetie, Roxy has a point. You're capable of coming up with fun outing ideas… you've always got ideas whenever we hang out together. Or whenever we have some fun with the guys. What's gotten you so timid to go with your own instincts?"

Caught off-guard by Roxy and Flora's sudden perspicacity, Bloom stopped writing down ideas and looked up at the computer screen. Six curious sets of eyes were locked on her. "Well… well I…" Bloom stammered. She closed her mouth and stared hard at the ideas on the notebook paper lying on the desk before her. "I'm not sure…"

"Are you scared of screwing things up?" Flora asked gently, a knowing expression shining in her green eyes. "Are you afraid your parents won't like you if you make a mistake?"

Bloom looked up at the image of Flora on the screen. "Well yeah! They're my parents. Parents I've been apart from for eighteen years. I know nothing about them. And they don't know anything about me. How am I supposed to know what to do?" She leaned back in her desk chair and looked at the ceiling, her buried sense of disquiet finally catching up with her. "I just want things to work out. I want them to feel like I'm their daughter. I want to feel like they're my parents. I'm tired of the awkwardness and distance between us."

Stella abandoned her pout and settled on a look of empathy. "Dahling, they're your birth parents. The parent-child part of the relationship will always exist between you. They brought you into this world! But part of the distance you're experiencing is from you all pretending to be what you're not…"

Bloom turned her gaze from the ceiling and looked at Stella in surprise. Stella sighed again, this one actually sounding genuine. "The charade is all part of the royal job description, Bloom. Acting sophisticated with expensive and acquired tastes has always been the definition of an aristocrat and those of the upper class. What you and your parents will have for the next two weeks is a rare opportunity to drop the act and show your true selves. But your true self isn't going to shine through if you depend on us for ideas. Bloom, you can use all our ideas all you want. But our ideas won't exactly help your parents get to know you. I mean, all our ideas are focused on what we like and what we can do with our parents. Put in some of your own effort, Bloom! Your parents aren't going to get to know you through us!"

"Stella's right for a change." Musa interjected. "Your parents wanted to get to know you. Not us. We can offer the ideas, but it will be up to you to make them your own so your parents can truly experience the Bloom we all know and love."

Flora gave Bloom a reassuring smile. "Don't be scared to try something. Don't be afraid of disappointing your parents. I'm sure they'll love you no matter what. Just be yourself."

Bloom nodded, her eyes watering slightly. She blinked her tears away before she spoke. "I understand. And you're all right. The whole purpose of this sabbatical was to get away from palace life and create a stronger bond with my parents so we can be a family. I need to focus more and learning about them and giving them clues about me. These outings should express me and what I like, not you girls' hobbies and passions. Thanks girls… I love you all."

"And we love you! As your parents will when they discover what a beautiful person you turned out to be!" Stella answered, blowing a kiss toward the screen. "Go show 'em what your made of!"

"Sayonara, B-girl!" Musa waved. "Have fun!"

"Call if you need anything." Tecna said.

"I will." Bloom promised. Then she turned off the screen of her computer and looked down at the ideas on the page. She smiled as she picked up her pencil and started writing again. "I will."