"Where are Mommy and Daddy, Gramma?" Addie asked Sarah, as they stood in front of the two coffins. Sarah had Addie's hand tightly in her own. Anna was on her other side, but she understood. She didn't need it explained to her again. Her father held her other hand.

"They're in there, sweetie," Sarah said, looking at the coffins sadly.

"Why are Mommy and Daddy in the boxes, Gramma?" She asked. Sarah had explained it twice already, and Will had also explained it twice before. Addie couldn't seem to understand. Sarah knelt down in front of the her granddaughter stared intently into her eyes.

"I've explained this before, Addie. They passed away. They aren't in this world anymore. They're gone. We're going to use those boxes to bury them in the ground, so they can sleep forever," Sarah said.

"But why?" she asked. Her innocence was heart-breaking.

"I don't know, sweetie," Sarah said.

"Why can't I see them?" Adelaide asked, turning her head to one side.

"We didn't want you to see them...they don't look the same, Addie," Sarah explained.

"I wanna see them," Addie said, her tone final. Sarah's eyebrow furrowed, and she looked uncertainly at Will. He shrugged uncertainly.

"Al-alright, Addie," she said, and stood up. She wasn't sure this was a good idea-neither Ironhide nor Ramona had had a will. They hadn't left instructions on how to dispose of their bodies, so it was left to Sarah and Will. But the night before they had had an open-casket for all their friends. Now, they were just sparing Adelaide. But she wanted to see them...Sarah was unsure. But she opened Ramona's casket, anyway, and Adelaide looked down on her mother with an undiscernible expression on her face.

"She looks like she's sleeping," said Addie.

"I know, sweetheart," Sarah said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Can I touch her?" Addie asked.

"She'll be cold," Sarah warned, "But yes."

Addie put her hand over her mother's crossed fingers, and then looked up at her face.

"Mommy is so pretty," Addie said.

"I know, baby," Sarah said, "Why don't you say a prayer and tell her good-bye?"

"Okay," Addie said. Then she clasped her fingers together and closed her eyes. Her prayer was the farthest thing from silent. The whole room heard her speaking. Some smiled sadly at her words, and others cried harder.

"Mommy, I don't know why you won't wake up, but I love you. Gramma and Grampa love you, and Anna loves you. I'll miss you lots. I wonder if you'll miss me, too. But everyone will miss you. You're the prettiest person ever, Mommy. I love you. Make sure you take care of Daddy. Don't worry, I'll be okay. I have bunches of people here to watch over me, and I'll watch over them, too. And Primus is watching over all of us. Primus knows what she's doing. I trust her. Good-bye, Mommy. I love you. I know I'll see you again," and she opened her eyes and turned to Sarah.

"Mommy is gone now. Let's say good-bye to Daddy now," she said. The two of them moved over to the other casket that sat nearby. Sarah carefully lifted the lid of Ironhide's coffin next. Adelaide looked carefully at her father before placing her hand over his much as she had with Ramona. Then the retracted her hand and clapped them together, before praying to her father as well, "Daddy, I don't know why you won't wake up, either. Please don't worry about anyone here-everyone is strong. We'll all take care of each-other, just like I promised Mommy. You're the bravest person I ever knew. But, I'll be brave like you, one day. I know you didn't want to leave, Daddy. It's okay. I took care of Mommy for you when you were gone. But it's okay, right? You two'll be together forever now. Go be with her. She needs you more than I do. I'll be okay," she paused, and everyone was left to wonder what she had meant, wonder at the mind of this young child-far too young to lose both parents so tragically, "I love you, too, Daddy. Good-bye." And she dropped her hands and opened her eyes. There were tears on her cheeks, but she wore a little smile, "I'm done, Gramma," Addie said, "They're both gone, now." then she turned and walked toward Anna.

"Come on, Anna. Let's go play outside!" she said, and Anna took her hand and they went off together. Optimus, Bumblebee, and a few others were outside. They would be okay. Sarah looked so lost. Will went up beside her and shut the lid to Ironhide's casket. Will rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. Ratchet joined them in looking down at his old friend's coffin.

"Sometimes, young ones can see things adults no longer can," he said, wisely, "I think they had waited for her to say good-bye. It was only by the will of Primus that they were slain, and we must trust the judgement of our God. Though it is a shame that two people as good as they had to die so very soon."

"She was our daughter," Will said, "Our oldest child. I don't know what we'll do without her."

"Life is fleeting," Ratchet said, "Only death is certain. Live as though she's alive. We'll see them again, some day." and he left them.

"I'll miss her, Will. I loved her," Sarah said, tears welling up once more in her eyes.

"I will, too, Sarah. We all will."

Well, that's all. I've considered rewriting, but I'm not ready for that quite yet. My writing hasn't inproved all that much since I wrote this. I've also considered doing a sequel in a similar style, but I don't have enough of a story formed for that, yet. Maybe some time in the distant future. But for now, this is good-bye. Thank you for sticking with me, even though I'm a freakin' flake.