Merry Christmas Eve-Eve #Gladiators.
Finally, yes a new chapter for this story. I hope this early Christmas present was well worth the wait. This update took me a bit to work out. Kept getting stuck and had to make sure it was what I wanted to post.
I hope you enjoy and have the happiest of Christmas' days this week. I hope "Santa" and "Mrs. Claus" make all your Christmas dreams come true.
I'll definitely be looking for your #GingerbreadCrumbs to drop on the flipside. Thank you for reading.
Chapter 24: "Standing & Living In Your Truth…"
Rumpelstiltskin Returns …
Tom and the secret service come running guns out of holsters into Olivia's office. "Miss Pope," Tom rushes in front of her while the other agents face Christopher's father. "Are you all right Ma'am?" She is eerily silent unable to respond. Her eyes are locked on her unannounced visitor.
"Miss Pope," Tom utters again. He touches her hands. "You're bleeding. You must have a cut from the shattered glass."
She still has not responded.
Her visitor, eyes her injury. "Does she need his ambulance? If so please inform The President. I'd love to see him."
"You will do no such thing," Olivia sneers. Her eyes meet Tom's. "Tom I'm fine." She glances down. The glass has been swept up by the agents. "Stay here so I can clean myself up." She begins to walk by his father.
"Yes it would be a shame to ruin your pant suit," Chris's father snips. "You in white, now that is funny. You are far from pure – unless it's evil."
Olivia whips to face him. Tom hastily strolls towards her visitor ready to pounce. "Tom don't…," she pleads placing her hand on his chest.
He pushes against her aching to escort him out of her office. The other agents are at his sides, reminding him not to do anything he'll regret. Tom is kept back until Olivia returns with her hand cleaned and with a square bandage.
"Tom stand down." Olivia beseeches.
"The President will not mind. This SOB has it coming," he hisses staring at the man before his eyes. "He's vile and disgusting."
"You do know who I am," Rumpelstiltskin snips.
Tom steps back. "I have a fantastic memory."
Olivia's unwanted guest approaches Tom. He smirks. "Of course you do, but I am also Christopher's father." Tom mouth drops open. This he did not know, which mean Olivia still has not told The President Christopher's true identity,
Tom's opens his mouth to speak but his father stops him. "Emmalynn's Grandfather."
"Do you dare utter my daughter's name," Olivia lashes out. Before Tom can come between them she's in his face. "You lost that right after you disowned your only grandchild." Her hand is raised ready to slap him. Tom is directly behind her. She lowers her hand.
"Tom you can go. I got this...HIM," she clips. "I stopped being afraid of his sorry lonely pathetic white ass a long time ago." Rumpelstiltskin eyes narrow. It's unheard of for Olivia to toss race into any conversation. Tom whispers into Olivia's ear needing to inform Fitz. Her head whips to face him. She mouths. "Don't you dare. He cannot know –not yet. Now go," she orders Tom and the agents out of her office.
Tom whispers in a tone only she can hear. "You cannot keep this from him," he urges. "Not any longer."
"I know," she realizes with tears tickling the corners of her eyes. "Go please. I'll be fine. I swear."
Tom only nods.
She's grateful they signed a non-disclosure agreement and will honor it. He stands outside her closed door refusing to be out of earshot. Olivia walks to her desk. She stands in front of it with her hands folded across her chest. "If you think you came here to see my daughter, you are sadly mistaken. You will never get near her."
"Oh I know," he growls. "Your boy toy assigned you both Secret Service protection the moment you left the hospital." She's does not respond. He's egging her into a fight. "I knew eventually you've move on from my son. Imagine my surprise when I learned who took Christopher's place."
"Fitz did not take Chris's place. No man could," she answers gritting her teeth.
"Really. He's keeping you warm at night isn't he? Or are you keeping his bed warm in the White House." Her jaw clenches. "However, I watched your coming out. It was quite moving and grossly romantic. I had to vomit shortly their after."
Olivia hands grip her desk unwilling to fall into his trap.
"Why are you here," she questions not wanting to prolong his visit. She has a business to run and with him here anything can happen. Her heart races fearing Fitz could arrive unannounced. Tom will warn her if he does.
"Oh come now," he hisses. "I came catch up." She scoffs. "Now that I see you moved on from my Son, I figured it was time."
"Chris would not want me to mourn his death. He made me promise when I was ready I'd move on I'd allow a man to love me and our child." Her mind races back to the moment she met Fitz. Her car died on the side of the road. He pulled up behind her and literally saved her. Her heart fluttered the moment she meet Fitz's gaze.
She fell head over heels for him on the side of road. She wishes she listened to her heart sooner. But they are together now. That is all that matters.
Chris's father utters nothing. His eyes glance around her office. He notices pictures behind her desk. His eyes locate the photos of Christopher. They is one of him with his unit in Afghanistan in uniform.
Another in his Marine Dress Uniform, the night he proposed to Olivia. Then wearing the same uniform the day of her Baptism. Olivia in a light pink dress, Chris dressed as a decorated war hero, Emmalynn in the baptism gown passed down in his family. It just the three of them as the water is poured on her head.
Christopher was so in love with Olivia and newborn daughter. His mother loved Olivia from the very beginning. Chris's father, he grew to accept one day Olivia would be a part of their family. He learned of her pregnancy and wanted a healthy baby but deep down he wanted it to be a boy. A grandson to pass on the family name.
On Emmalynn's birth certificate, Christopher insisted Emmalynn carry the "Pope" last name until they got married after his final tour in the middle-east. Olivia thought it was silly, but he promised they'd have a new birth certificate drawn up after the wedding. Wedding plans were set when he left. Date picked along with her gown.
Little did anyone anticipate when Chris's tour was almost over- due home in a little over a week, he was sent one final mission to save a life, he'd died an in IED explosion. The medical staff on site did their best to stabilize him before transporting him to the nearest hospital. However it was too late. Just before he was due to be placed onto a helicopter, he crashed unable to be revived.
Christopher died.
The Base's commanding officer, The Unit's Priest, and his best friend showed up at Olivia's parent's door in their dress uniforms. Olivia was notified first. It was how Chris wanted it because Emmalynn was his next of kin. Olivia answered the door and knew. She saw them all and knew.
She screamed NO NOT CHRIS so loud the neighbors came outside. They watched her drop to the ground in agony. Her guttural cries echoed through her parent's neighborhood. Miss Alice and Louis were there instantly to comfort their daughter. The Marines at her door were given his parents location and by that night they knew.
His body was flown home, landing at Andrews Air Force Base. Because of Chris's rank in the Marine Corp his entire unit from the base and deployment was there when he was lowered off the plane. They carried him to the waiting hearse. Olivia, Miss Alice holding Emmalynn, and his parents were there. Olivia collapsed onto the casket in tears.
Chris stated in his will, if he was killed in action, the flag over his coffin was to be given to Emmalynn. Yes she was a baby, but she is his daughter. Olivia was not his wife, it technically couldn't go to her. But she's Emmalynn's mother so the flag was presented to her at the cemetery for Emmalynn.
His mother understood but his father was furious. Another thing Olivia took from their family.
Chris's father sees other photos of Emmalynn as she grown into a bright three year old little girl. The tears threatened to form in his eyes realizing she looks so much like Chris. She has Olivia's light mocha skin, cheeks, and ears. But her hair, bright blue eyes and nose, she's the spitting image of his son.
"She looks like her father," he utters to himself glancing across the stream of photos. Anger fills his veins seeing photos of Fitz, herself, Emmalynn, Karen and Jerry from various parties, and holidays they've spent together, including one from Ella's Beene's baptism. He had no idea they met that day.
The photo includes Olivia and Fitz holding baby Ella with Karen, Jerry, Cyrus holding Emmalynn and James. Even in this one picture, he can see it in Fitz's eyes. He's already in love with Olivia and Emmalynn. Other candid shots of Olivia and Fitz are displayed in her office including a special one of their trip to New York City and the Rainbow Room. She's not hiding their relationship and neither is Fitz.
Olivia realizes he sees Emmalynn and she turns them the other direction.
"You don't have the right to look at those," Olivia snips. "My life now is none of your damn business. Yes I finally gave my heart to a man. It took time but I moved on. Fitz loves Emmalynn and I with his whole heart. There is nothing you or anyone else can do to challenge or change that. Both parties are beginning to accept I am in his life to stay."
Like Her Father…
Chris's father utters nothing. "I'm not here Olivia to break you and The President apart."
"Oh really…,"
"No. But I am curious are you going to attempt to trap President Grant with a child," her eyes enlarge. "Oh come on, I'm sure you two are screwing by now. I've seen it more times I can count. You come from almost nothing. Your family is not rich but is able to pay their bills."
"You know shit about my Mother and Father," she growls. "They worked their asses off to be twice as good most of their lives. There is no credit card debt. Everything they have, they gotten because they earned it along with the respect of their friends, neighbors, and colleagues including those in the political arena because of me."
His visitor is quiet. Olivia steps closer. "My parents raised me to be a smart human being using my college education to get ahead in the world. You looked into me right when I first met Chris. Do you really think I had no idea? Of course I did. Chris did not tell me who his parents were right away because he was terrified you'd scare me off."
"Well obviously that didn't work," he snips. The hatred in his voice is evident. "My son, could have been great. Hell he could have been President." Christopher told Olivia of his Father's plan for him. He considered it but he wanted more for himself, Olivia and Emmy. He graduated top of his class in Medical School. He used his knowledge in the military to heal injured soldiers on the battle field.
"Chris didn't want to be President. Once his final tour was over, he was not going to re-enlist. He had a job lined up at James Madison, as an Emergency Room doctor. He'd go there during his leave to help – unpaid." His father gulps. This he did not know. "Chris excelled at healing people. He planned on telling you but you never gave him the chance."
"Because you got in the way – our way" he grouses. He moves closer. "My son had dreams. He didn't plan on a wife, child until the time was right. Then he met you," he snips. "Women like you put out." Olivia's fists clench as his father glances her over. "Then you got knocked up. Christopher was on the path for greatness until he came under your spell. You did it to my son. It proves my point you like to sleep you way to the top for power which is why you are now sleeping with Fitzgerald Grant."
She's in front him before he can react. Her hand comes across his face. The crack echo's causing Tom to rush inside. He sees her standing and his father on the couch. He heard the comment outside. His father stands. Tom is in front of Olivia with his hand on his gun.
"Take a step closer, I'll have you on the ground. You touch her, you'll be in jail. You insulted Miss Pope and The President. Her smack across your face was warranted. You provoked her. Stand down," Tom warns.
"Are you screwing his lead agent as well Miss Pope? Such a poor example for your daughter. Is she really that good of a lay," his comment sends Tom's across the room. His hands on his shirt.
"TOM," Olivia screeches. The other agents come into the room.
"STAND DOWN SIR," his second in command yells. "The President would not condone this behavior."
"YES he would. The President despises this man," Tom hisses. "He has it coming."
"Maybe so but it's President Grant's call not yours. Stand down," the agent is next to Tom with another on the other side. "Release him."
Their eyes meet Olivia's. "Tom please. I've got this."
"Miss Pope, President Grant would not approve. He loves you…,"
"I know more than life itself – as do I," her voice softens meeting Tom's eyes. "I can handle myself. Let go and wait just outside. Keep the door ajar. All right."
"Fine," he relents. "But if this man insults you again, I'll drag his ass out of here myself. Are we clear?"
"Crystal," Olivia replies knowing Chris's father is far from finished. This encounter is long overdue.
Tom steps outside her office door leaving it open.
Olivia is less than a foot from her visitor. "Whether you believe me or not, I loved your son with my whole heart. He was my life until I delivered our daughter. A piece of me died with Chris. But I had to live for our daughter. Every day she grew and I saw more and more of Chris in her. Her smile, laugh, walk, how she hates peaches but loves Brussel sprouts drenched in brown sugar butter."
His father cracks a small smile. "If you listen to her, she even sounds like him. Chris. I look at her, and I see so much of YOUR SON. At times I found myself unable to meet her eyes because all I saw was Chris. He's alive in Emmalynn. He never really left us all because he lives on in Emmy. It's awful because you'd see it if you had given yourself the chance to get to know her."
His father is silent.
"I learned to live for Emmalynn these last three years. I worked hard to be a good mother, raise her in a way he'd be proud of. I worked, cared for our daughter. She was all that mattered until I met Fitz," she whimpers on the verge of tears. Her heart pounds within her chest. "Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III changed our lives forever."
His father eyes narrow.
"Fitz is an incredible man. Worthy of my heart and Emmy's. She loves Fitz so much. He loves her as if he's her father. They bounded from day one. She never wanted any strangers until she met Fitz. She loves him so much. He's my person and most of all the perfect man to lead this Great Nation," she challenges with pride in her voice.
Chris's father anger rises. She hit a nerve – a massive one. The veins on his forehead bulge.
"He's ten times the man and Father you are and hundred times the leader." She has no idea why his mother still tolerates his bull shit.
He steps towards her but stops seeing Tom face the door his hand on his revolver. She smirks. She's playing dirty to protect her little girl and the man she loves. She'll do anything including taking on this vile evil man before her eyes.
"I know Chris's mother stopped in to see you,' he coyly challenges deflecting her comments. "I'm very astute. If I am out of town she visits you both."
Olivia utters nothing.
"Tell me Olivia, does my Grandchild know who this Gi-Gi is? Is she aware she's Chris's mother and her grandmother?" Olivia swallows hard. "My dearest wife has been eager for Chris's little girl to know who she really is."
"I can assure you," she stops before crossing a line. "I want nothing more for Emmy to truly get to know her other Grandmother. It's going to happen whether you approve of it or not." She steps closer. "It would be wise for you to stay out of my way."
His ONLY Son…
Chris's father is not intimidated. "Oh Olivia I wouldn't dream of it. I wanted them to get to know each other. You should let them meet before your lie comes out to The President and you lose everything."
"What lie?"
"Oh Olivia," he stands before her. "You have not told The President anything about my son, have you?"
"Fitz is aware…,"
"Is that so," he challenges.
"Absolutely. Chris is Emmy's father. I have not hidden it from him. He knows how much I loved him. Still love him even now. There is very little I keep from Fitz," she replies leaving out the rather large detail that THIS MAN is his father.
"Is that all," he counters in a sinister tone.
"No. Fitz understands Chris and I were engaged to be married when I got pregnant with Emmy. He chose the love for his country and unit instead of staying home with me and his newborn daughter. He was honored when he unit got the call to go back to Afghanistan. He loved us both so much, this country, he chose to lead his unit one final time."
"My only son left because the choice to return to combat was taken away. I arranged for him to stay home. I pulled strings to keep him here with our family," he disputes with coldness in his voice. "With you!"
"You know that is not what he wanted. It was crucial to him to be with this Unit, his men that served underneath his command. Love of your country before family, friends. Until…,"
"You came along," he points out seething with anger. "You wiggled your way into his heart. YOU RUINED MY SON."
"I did no such thing," she spits keeps her voice even. "Christopher told me I made him a better man. He never thought he'd be a good father until I got pregnant with our daughter. He had the love of his country, men, Emmalynn and I. He had it all until…,"
"He went back to the war and got killed," he utters on the verge of tears. "AND THAT IS YOUR FAULT!"
"NO IT'S NOT," Tom hears her scream and enters the doorway. Her hands fly up stopping him from going any further. He returns to his post. "Christopher dying was horrible. I'll never be over it or him. Your son was my life."
"HE WAS MY SON," his Father counters. "I LOVED HIM TOO."
His father is quiet.
"You didn't realize it did you." Silence. "For all the shit you put Chris though, he still loved you because you were his father. All he wanted was for you to be a part of my life, Emmy's if something happened. He longed for you to accept us. You and Joan are the only link left. If you were in Emmy's life then he never really left because he's inside both of us. YOU are TOO STUPID AND STUBBORN TO REALIZE IT."
"I loved my son Olivia," he father finally utters.
"As do I. With all my heart and soul. I'll never stop," she whimpers as tears sneak out of the corners of her eyes.
"And the President of the United States," he pries. She hears the hatred in his voice.
"Fitz is the love my life," she speaks with no reservations. "Christopher's love, leaving me, prepared me for Fitz. It's painful, difficult, extraordinary, and life-changing. A piece of me died with Chris the day the IED hit and took his life. It will remain with him always. I get it now. He is with me now. But…," she pauses.
"Now that you're opening your legs for the President it doesn't matter," his father clips.
Olivia is across the room to him standing in front of his face. She grabs his tie dragging his face eye level with hers. "If you ever insult my relationship with Fitz again, I'll personally see that I ruin you." His father's eyes widen. "I know all your dirty little secrets Governor. ALL. OF. THEM. Including the one that cost you the thing in this world you wanted most."
"Let go," he warns.
Tom is inside the office. Her hand is up stopping him from moving forward. "You forget I have eyes and ears everywhere. I may have come from nothing in your eyes, but I can assure you I AM NOT the same woman your son fell in love with. I've grown, changed, gotten stronger all because of the love of not one man but TWO."
"Are you finished? Release me," his hand attempts to pull his tie free but she grips it tighter. Soon their nose to nose.
His father makes no attempts to leave.
"GET OUT OF MY OFFICE," she hisses as Huck arrives back first. He sees WHO is there.
He's in her office in seconds. "I believed Olivia asked you to leave," Huck announces with a baseball bat in his hands. He steps in front of Tom. "Or do I have to take your knees out and drag your ass out of here."
Rumpelstiltskin is seething.
"This is not over," he clips finally leaving her office and OPA.
"Oh yes it is," Olivia breathes a sigh of relief flopping down on her sofa. As soon as she gets a moment to breath, Stephen, and Abby rush into her office. They passed Chris's father as he stepped onto the elevator. They bombard her with questions which she fills them in after a hot cup of tea.
She assures them all she's fine, and prefers they drop it for the rest of the day. Stephen, Huck and Abby do but only if she promises to let them come by her apartment later to talk. She reluctantly agrees and she goes on with the rest of her day.
Don't Want to be done…
That evening Olivia was not surprised to have visitors. Abby and Stephen arrived at her apartment with red wine, beer, dinner, and pastries in hand. Emmalynn was put to bed and she disclosed to them her conversation with Chris's father. She didn't want to keep it from her closest friends.
Tom and the agents on her detail swore they would speak to Fitz. Even without the agreement they signed they assured her. Fitz is their boss, but they are loyal to her. The only way they'd break her confidence is if her life was in danger from the man. It was not the case. He'd never hurt her physically.
She cried on Abby and Stephen's shoulder terrified of losing Fitz once he learned it all. "You have to tell him before he hears it from someone else. You've been together for over four months Liv. You can't keep this from him any longer," Abby warned her.
"I've tried to tell him. We keep getting interrupted or the kids needs us, or he assures me he just doesn't care," she sniffles in tears.
"But THIS – who Chris really is – is huge Liv," Stephen wraps an arm around her protectively. "Who Emmalynn's other family is."
"You think I don't know that," she huffs. "Of course I do. But the moment I tell Fitz, it becomes real. What if he walks away from Emmy and I? It's not just me here. It's her. She loves him so much. As do I. He's the love of my life."
"Then go to him and tell him the truth," she cries into her hands.
"What if he tells me we're done? I don't want to be done – ever," she quietly sobs into her hands. "This is why I didn't want us to go public until I told him. After my car accident I was out of options. The press was all there. I was tired of hiding US from the World."
"And The President loves you for what you did," Stephen squeezes her tighter. "He'll be upset but there's no way he'll break up with you."
"And if he does?"
"Then Huck will break his knee-caps," Abby quips earning a chuckle for Olivia and Stephen. "Do you parents know?"
"Yes. I called my Mom and Dad before I picked up Emmy." Abby and Stephen's eyes widen. "Let's just say my Momma says he shows his ugly face again, she'll show up with the biggest switch and knock him on his ass. She's been dying for years to put that wretched man in his place."
Abby and Stephen giggle.
"And your Father," Stephen questions. If he recalls, Louis Pope never cared for Chris's father. "He always hated how he spoke to Chris's Mother."
"He wants to run him over with his truck," Olivia admits with a smile. "I told him no because he hasn't even made the first payment yet."
"Liv his Mother," Abby wonders out-loud.
"I'm planning on having her over next week. Emmy knows she's a friend of Mommy's but has no idea she's her Grandmother. Chris's Dad should be out of town. Some business meeting somewhere," she explains sipping more wine.
"Promise us you'll tell Fitz after that," Stephen questions. She agrees.
That evening she didn't speak to Fitz because she was exhausted from the day. She only wanted to crawl into bed. Stephen and Abby tucked her in. Her head hit the pillow and she was asleep. Stephen then carried Emmy and tucked her in bed with her Mother knowing Olivia would find comfort if her daughter was with her.
Olivia's phone lights up as Stephen readies to leave her room. It's Fitz.
"Mr. President," he answers formally.
"Stephen," he voice is slightly harsh. "Where's Liv?"
"She's already asleep with Emmalynn Sir."
"Is she all right," he stands becoming worried. "If there's something wrong I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Is Emmy sick? Olivia?" His mind wanders to her hospital scare right after they met. She was hospitalized due to a high fever.
"No Sir. The girls just had a long day. OPA was fairly busy and Liv didn't have a chance to catch her breath before she got Miss Emmalynn. I can assure you she's fine," Abby stares at him with wide eyes. "I'll have her call you in the morning. There will be a note by her phone so she sees it when she wakes up."
He sighs. This will be the first night they haven't spoken to each other. "Place the phone by her ear please. I have to tell her goodnight and I love her."
Abby melts into the wall. Stephen complies.
"Livy I know you're sleeping but I just wanted to wish you goodnight. I miss you and wish you were here with me at the White House in my arms. You know how much I hate sleeping without you. I love you both so very much," he utters clinging to the phone wishing it was her. "Sweet dream Sweetheart."
Stephen places the phone back to his ear. He thanks Stephen then calls Tom into the Oval. "Sir?"
"Is Livy all right Tom?" Tom nods. He stands to walk to him. "Tom?"
"Yes Mr. President."
"I'm going to ask again. Is my girlfriend all right?" Tom keeps his poker face but his heart stammers in his chest. His boss does not screw around when it comes to Olivia, Emmalynn and their safety.
"Absolutely. She had a busy day at OPA. And I'm sure Miss Emmalynn wore her out after she picked her up at school. She was full of energy after Miss Pope got home." Tom explains to Fitz leaving out what he must. "I'm thinking she had too much sugar during the day. You know how Miss Emmy gets Sir."
"Tom," he steps closer. Fitz is not buying this explanation. "The agents assigned to Olivia are acting a tad bit odd as well. Are you certain there's nothing going on with her? I have not gone an evening without speaking to her. Even when she's exhausted…"
"Mr. President she's fine," Tom interrupts. "The agents outside her door assured me Miss Whelan and Mr. Finch just left for the evening. All is secure. I'll be there by 7 AM but if want me to go check on her and the Little Miss before I head home I will," he offers as a suggestion. "You and I have keys."
"No Tom," he eyes him. He sends him out the Oval on his way home. He feels something is off but will talk to her in the morning.
Olivia faced-timed Fitz the next morning so he could talk to both her and Emmalynn. She "appeared" to be fine but she seemed off. Emmalynn talked his ear off allowing Olivia to finish packing her lunch for school. It was on her hand as she placed food in her lunch box did he noticed it was bandaged.
"Liv what happened to your hand," he questioned. The concern in his voice was evident.
"Mommy's tea cup bit her yesterday," Emmy utters without missing a beat.
Olivia eyes close. "Emmy can you let me talk to your Mommy alone please." She hears in in his voice.
"Sure. Love you Fizz," she giggles running into the Living room to watch Paw Patrol.
"Olivia," he hisses ready to leave the White House to come to her. "Is this why I didn't see you last night. Did you need stitches?"
"I'm fine Fitz," she removes the bandage. "See," she shows him her hand. "The tea cup isn't," she sighs. It was one of her favorites. "The agents helped me clean up the mess. I didn't have anything big enough to cover the cut. No glass."
"Olivia…are you sure?" She nods but promises. He senses more but realizes on his own she'll tell him when she's ready. "Come by the White House later. I hated not seeing you last night."
"I'll check my schedule but I have a busy day."
"Livy," he beaches. "Are WE okay?" He asks out of nowhere.
"Of course we are. Unless you have a harem in the White House I don't know about," she quips. Fitz laughs.
"You are more than enough woman for me Sweetheart. Too much sometimes," he admits sheepishly biting his bottom lip. He craves her. "The claw marks in my back are still healing."
She peeks for Emmalynn. "I'll have to make it up to you then."
"Then come to me and tuck me in," he growls becoming aroused.
"If I do that I won't have on any close on – for long. I don't want to do the walk of shame in the morning," she smirks. Her faces is heated.
"Then don't. Come with you hair straight because the next morning it won't be. We can make sure the World knows how I can give it to you and make you scream my name in multiple languages," he suggests urging himself not to send a car for her this very minute.
"FITZGERALD," she scolds.
"You're incorrigible and a bad boy." He gives her a smug and sexy wink. She glances at the time. "I have to go. I love you Fitz. I hope you know that. You're the love of my life." There's a hint of fear in her tone.
"I just wanted to tell you…," her eyes soften. "I'll see if I can come by later."
"I love you too Livy. More than anything," he utters. They end their chat and Olivia heads out the door with Emmalynn and her agents.
Seven days later…
For the remainder of the week, Olivia did not make it to the White House. On Friday nights her and Emmalynn would pack a weekend bag and spend it with Fitz, Karen and Jerry. Fitz had to leave unexpectedly for the weekend on Marine One. Jerry and Karen also ended up both being ill. When he returned Monday morning, he ordered the agents to bring him to her apartment.
"Sir Miss Pope is already gone." Fitz ears perked up.
"Gone where?"
"She traveled to Quantico, Virginia this morning. She brought Emmalynn with her." Fitz squints. "She told you about it remember."
"Oh yes Chris's commanding officer wanted to speak with her. Also some members of his unit asked to see her. Will she return by this evening? I have not seen her in a week," he grumbles in protest entering the Oval. He misses HER.
"It should be late this evening Sir. In time to put Miss Emmy to bed," an agent explains. "Tom is with her."
Fitz nods. Cyrus walks in moments later and he begins his day. "Karen and Jerry went to school this morning Sir. The Residence has been disinfected," he grimaces,
"Good to know," Fitz chuckles rolling his eyes. He went on with his day reading over briefs until lunch time. He called Olivia but it went to voice mail. Minutes later he receives a text from her.
"In a meeting with Chris' Commanding Officer. Will check in with you after I'm done. I love you Mr. President,"
"I love you more," Fitz responds.
By the time Olivia arrived home it was nearly 8 pm. Chris's unit kept her longer than expected. It seemed every person he served with and under wanted to see her and Emmalynn Grace. She even met with their spouses. Olivia had heard Chris speak of his men's wives, girlfriends before his death but she did not have the opportunity to truly speak to them.
Many came to Chris' funeral but she had little free time. Emmalynn was a few months old and she was dealing with his Father's drama. She kept in contact with whom she could but like all aspects of life, people lose touch with each other.
Members of his unit threw her and Emmalynn an impromptu "spouses" dinner. When she left it was rush hour traffic and a tracker trailer flipped in the opposite direction causing more of a delay. She planned on stopping in to see Fitz.
She was ready to tell him who Chris' father is. As each day passed her anxiety levels grew to a point where she wasn't sleeping. Fitz was worrying. He voiced his concerns. Stephen, Abby are right. She has to tell him before it was too late. It was eating her from in the inside out like a virus.
After she arrived home it was too late. Emmalynn was tired, cranky and beyond fussy. She gave Olivia a hard time during her bath not wanting her hair washed. Olivia caved just wanting to get her little girl into bed so she could rest and work up the nerve to tell Fitz the truth the following afternoon after she met with Chris's mother in the morning.
She called Fitz after Emmy's bath. His smooth, silky baritone voice washed all her worries away. They spoke about their days and she told him about her day at Quantico. It was good to see everyone again. Emmalynn managed to wrap everyone around her pinky finger. She was so much like her father.
"God I miss you," Fitz uttered once she stopped talking. "Everything Livy. I just don't mean…," he pauses searching for the right words.
"I miss you too," she murmurs. "Your smile. The smell of your cologne, shower gel, and fixing your tie in the mornings before you head down to the Oval. Fitz exhales deeply into the line. "I'll see you tomorrow though. I am not going to work. I am introducing Emmy to Chris' mom tomorrow as her Grandmother." Fitz is quiet. "It's time right?"
"Yes Sweetheart. Bring her with you to the White House. I'd love to meet her." Olivia smiles pondering the idea but she has to be sure. "I'll share you for only a little while then both you girls are mine. I haven't held you in over a week. Understand."
"Yes Mr. President," she answers huskily.
"Tease," he growls.
"You know it," she responds. She's quiet again. "Fitz do you remember you always told me there is nothing you couldn't forgive me for?"
He hears sniffles. "Liv what's wrong." His tone is filled with concern. "There is nothing in your past that would scare me away. I love you too much to ever let go. If you are worried about Chris's family reaction to when they meet me don't. I can handle them." She nods even though he cannot see her.
"I just really have to tell you something," she admits meekly.
"Olivia are you…I mean are we…," Fitz's pulse quickens thinking it could be a baby. She's on the pill but anything could happen.
"No of course not," she smirks.
"Did you cheat on me…is there someone else," he hisses. "Because I'd be hurt, upset, but…,"
"I only want you," she sniffles. "My boyfriend is hot as hell and great in bed Mr. President. If you won't tell him I'd gladly let you jump my bones in the Oval."
Fitz laughs. "Oh I'll do more than that when I see you tomorrow." She smiles. He wished he could see her but if he stopped over, Emmalynn would hear him and be up way after her bedtime. "Promise me I'll see you in less than twenty-four hours."
"I promise," she exhales into the line.
"Bring an overnight bag with a couple of changes of clothes for you and Emmalynn." He keeps speaking before she can object. "The World knows we are together. I want my girls here. All right." She agrees. They end their conversation. Olivia drifts off to bed that evening hoping for the best the following day.
The next morning, Emmalynn wakes Olivia. They eat breakfast and change before "Gi-Gi" arrives. At 10:10 A.M. Chris's mother knocks on Olivia's door. "
"Come in," Olivia ushers her inside. Emmalynn is in her room. "Emmalynn…,"
"Coming Mommy," the little girl rushes in to the room. "Hi Gi-Gi."
"Hey there," she coos sitting on the couch. Emmalynn has seen her often enough and is comfortable with her.
"Emmy," Olivia begins. "Mommy has something to tell you." The little girl stops playing and looks at her mother. "I have a Mommy and Daddy right. They are your grandparents." She nods. "Well your Daddy does too."
"Well yah," Emmalynn answers in a well-duh tone. Both Olivia and Gi-Gi laugh.
"What would you say your Daddy's Mommy would love to meet you and call you her Granddaughter?"
"She wants to meet me Momma," Emmalynn questions.
"Very much Pumpkin," Olivia answers with tears in her eyes.
"What about Fizz…I mean Fitz," Emmalynn inquires. "He's a part of us now."
"He's a good man Emmalynn. I don't have a problem with the President dating your Mom and loving you like a daughter," Gi-Gi answers for Olivia. She has tears streaming down her face. Chris will always be with them, however she's happy Fitz is the man in her life now. It appears he's here to stay.
Emmalynn faces her Grandmother. "You're my Daddy's Mommy"
"I am," Gi-Gi answers with tears streaming down her face. "Your Daddy was my only boy. I loved him very much as he did you and your Momma."
"Can I call you Nana-GiGi," the little girl asks excitedly. "Or Nana-G?"
Chris's mother opens her arms. Emmalynn walks into them and sits in her lap. She kisses her cheeks. "Sweet-pea you can call me anything you want," she utters with tears in her eyes. "Thank you Olivia."
Olivia covers her mouth to stop herself from crying. Her phone starts to ring. "Go Liv I got here," Nana-G suggests. "I got her," cradling Emmalynn in her arms.
"Thank you," Olivia mouths walking away into the kitchen. "What is it Cyrus?" She hears him out of breath. "You sound like you just ran a marathon."
"You need to come here right now," Cyrus orders clutching his chest.
"I can't Cyrus. Chris's mom is here spending time with Emmalynn," she hisses clearly annoyed he would even suggest she drops everything.
"You don't understand Liv you have to come here right now," Cyrus pushes the issue further.
"Why?" As soon as Cyrus utters the words everything in her world freezes. "Cyrus I'm on the way." She disconnects the call before rushing out of her room. Nana-GiGi notes the look of panic in her eyes. "We have to head to the White House right now. It's…,"
Her eyes meet Chris's mom. "The President?" Olivia nods. She instructs Emmalynn to grab her backpack gather a few toys and books. "Olivia what's wrong?" Olivia whispers into her ear. "Holy hell we have to leave like now," is uttered.
In less than ten minutes they are out the door. She whispers to Tom. His eyes widen. "Orchid on the move. Get us to Eagle now," Tom speaks clearly to the agents and driver. "Time is off the essence."
In the car Emmalynn asks, "Momma is Fitz okay?"
Olivia and Nana-GiGi share a look. "He will be Sweetheart. As soon as your Mommy gets to him."
Their SUV pulls up the White House gets in less than 15 minutes. The gates open and they are brought to the garage. Cyrus meets them downstairs. His eyes widen seeing everyone. "Liv really?"
"They can stay in your office. Get me to Fitz now," Olivia snips as they are rushed into the White House. They make it to Cyrus's office. She turns to Cyrus after they are inside. "It's your job Cyrus to keep them in here. Understand. I don't want…,"
"Go Liv," Cyrus urges her.
She rushes out the door stopping in front of Lauren's desk. "Miss Pope he's not expecting you till this afternoon. This will be a surprise. He'd love to see you. Go right ahead."
She stops at the door to the Oval. As she begins to open she hears…,
"My guys on the hill have been trying to get you to come by so we can talk about this Education Bill. I hope we can come to an agreement," Fitz utters to his guest. "Both parties should come to some kind of an agreement."
"I didn't come by to talk about the Education Bill Mr. President. It's about your next Medal of Honor recipient," the person stops seeing Fitz's photos. He walks to one in particular. "I came to ask you to stay away from them. Let them go..."
"Excuse me," Fitz grouses. "Who would you like me to stay clear of?" His guest points to Olivia and Emmalynn. "You have no right to tell me whom I can date Governor. I love Olivia Pope and her daughter with all my heart," he voices with conviction.
"Oh on the contrary especially when it comes to my Granddaughter and her mother," the Oval Office door flings open. Fitz's guest eyes widen. A devious smile grows on his face. "Wouldn't you agree?"
Fitz spin around. "Liv," he sighs taking her in. Instantly he senses something is wrong. The sleepless nights have caught up with her.
She walks slowly into the Oval only looking at Fitz. "There's something I need to tell you."
"Hello Olivia," Fitz's guest greets her.
Fitz is not surprised she knows his guest. Fitz senses the tension between them. "Liv what's going on," Fitz questions glancing between his guest and Olivia.
"Yes Olivia should you tell The President or should I…," the person eyes Fitz's photo of him with her and Emmalynn. "Because I think it's wise he stays away from you and Emmalynn."
"You have no business Governor…,"
"You don't have any business telling Fitz to stay away from us," Olivia hisses linking her hand with Fitz's. It is time for her to stand and own her truth. "He loves us and we love him. Your son wanted us to be happy."
"Son," Fitz utters as his pulse increases. His palm begins to sweat. "Olivia?"
She exhales. "Fitz, Emmalynn's father full name is Christopher Montrose Reston."
"Reston," Fitz steps back swallowing hard.
"Governor Samuel Reston is Christopher's father…,"
Yes I'm seriously going to drop the "Father" of all bombs and run. This reveal was a long time coming and overdue. Now you know…
GOVERNOR RESTON is Christopher's father. There you have it. You finally learn who he really is. Gi-Gi is Joan, Reston's wife. I have dropped #Breadcrumbs inside this tale for you to pick up on. Reston was never mentioned by name until now. But it was always my plan since chapter one for him to be Chris's father.
I hope this reveal and chapter was worth the wait. How will Fitz take this news? Will Olitz be all right? Will Reston see Emmalynn? I am sure there are other questions. If you have them please drop me a message.
Please don't hate me for leaving Grace this way but I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll be eager to read your thoughts. Thank you for reading…
Merry Fitzmas my darlings and Happy New Year…