Ch. 10- Happily Ever After

One Piece © Oda

Blizzard and Tangerine © Me

In the castle medical ward, Nami worriedly sat next to a bed…where Luffy lay. His forehead, chest and legs were wrapped up in bandages and his arm was in a cast.

It had been 3 days now since his battle with Akainu. Apparently, the injuries were so severe, he had slipped into a coma…and only time will tell if he'll ever wake up again. Per Genzo's request, the Straw Hat Gang had brought their friend to the castle medical ward in order for Luffy to be properly taken care of…and Nami has never left his side, since, silently praying for Luffy to wake up…and it appeared that her prayers were about to be answered.


Nami gasped as she looked at Luffy, whose eyes fluttered opened before he craned his head and looked at her.

"Luffy!" Nami exclaimed before she happily embraced him….which, of course, caused him to cry out in pain.

"Nami! Nami, ow!" Luffy yelled. "Still hurts!"

"Oh! Sorry!" Nami said as she let go, and Luffy smiled at her. "…How do you feel?"

"Well…aside from being hungry as hell and still pretty sore," Luffy began, "feeling pretty good."

"Glad to hear it, boy."

Luffy and Nami looked up to see Genzo entering.

"Gen!" Nami exclaimed.

"Nami told me what you did," Genzo said. "Thank you for saving my daughter…as well as killing that beast."

"Well…it was about time someone did something about Akainu," Luffy answered. "Besides, he was gonna eat Nami."

"Oh, Luffy," Nami said. "…Listen…I'm sorry about not telling you the truth before. I mean…yeah, I have all the money I could ever want, but when people start making decisions for you: what you should or shouldn't do, where you can and can't go, and…even trying to force you to marry somebody you don't even know…there's just-"

"No freedom?" Luffy asked.

"Exactly!" Nami said. "And I was afraid that…if I told you, you'd make me come back here. Plus…I enjoyed my time with you so much, I don't think I ever wanted to leave! I'd miss you…and Ace, and Garp, and Blizzard, and all of our friends!"

"…We'd miss you, too, Nami," Luffy said. "Especially me."

Nami smiled at this…but then she sighed.

"I just wish…there was a way for us to be together forever," the princess said, "but that stupid law…!"

"What law, Nami?" Genzo asked with a grin.

"What do you mean 'what law', Gen?" Nami asked, confused. "You ought to know! You're the one who made it!"

"True," Genzo answered. "However, as emperor, I have the power to abolish those laws, as well."

"…What are you saying?" Nami asked, eyes going wide.

"From this day forth," Genzo began, "the princesses shall marry whomever they deem worthy!"

Nami gasped silently before she looked at Luffy who smiled happily at her.

"Him!" Nami exclaimed as she and Luffy joyfully embraced. "I want to marry…you, Monkey D. Luffy! I love you!"

"I love you, too, Nami," Luffy said…before he captured her lips with his own. Genzo smiled at the newly formed couple, but then he cleared his throat.

"Your friends are waiting for you, you know," Genzo said. "Also…I've had the cooks prepare a grand feast in your honor."

"No way!" Luffy exclaimed as he got out of bed and grabbed Nami's hand. "Come on, Nami! What are we waiting for?!"

With that, the eager village boy pulled the laughing princess out of the room. Not long after, they are soon greeted by Ace, Garp, Zoro and the rest. Even Vivi and Kaya were there.

"Lu!" Ace cried as he hugged his little brother, who cried out in slight pain, but then laughed and hugged him back with his good arm.

"BWAHAHAHA!" Garp laughed as he slapped Luffy on the back, knocking the wind out of him. "That's my grandson! Tough as nails, he is!"

"Grandpa!" Luffy cried. "For god's sake, I'm still hurt!"

Then, Blizzard jumped up and licked Luffy all over his face, causing him to laugh.

"Okay! Okay, buddy!" Luffy cried. "I'm happy to see you, too! Ahahahaha!"

"Good to have you back, Luffy," Zoro said.

"Yeah…I wasn't worried about you, at all!" Franky added, sniffling.

"Of course, I knew you'd pull through," Usopp smirked.

"Yeah, right!" Sanji snapped. "You were bawling your eyes out, screaming 'OH GOD LUFFY'S DEAD' for a day!"

"Yeah, but that was before I found out he was in a coma!" Usopp countered, and Chopper bleated in agreement.

"I'm so glad you're going to be all right, Luffy," Robin said.

"Yes! We already have one dead person in this group, thank you!" Brook agreed. "Yohohohohoho!"

"So…you really did it?" Vivi asked.

"Did you really kill Akainu?" Kaya asked. "I know Usopp said so, but…we just want to be sure."

"…Yeah…he's dead," Luffy answered. "No one has to worry about that monster anymore."

Hearing this made Vivi and Kaya sigh in relief.

"Finally…it's over!" Vivi whispered.

"Thank you, Luffy," Kaya said, smiling.

"Don't thank me," Luffy said. "He was going after Nami. I couldn't let him kill her!"

"What do you say we all celebrate in the royal dining hall?" Nojiko asked.

"Yeah!" Luffy agreed. "Let's go! I'm starving!"

With that, the gang headed to the dining hall to eat…but as they did, Nojiko walked up to Ace and tapped his shoulder.

"What's up?" Ace asked.

"You heard what Gen said, right?" Nojiko asked. "About me and Nami being able to marry whomever we want?"

"Yeah, I did," Ace answered. "So?"

"…So…" Nojiko muttered as she went and held his hand, and almost instantly, the elder D. Brother seemed to realize what she meant, for he smiled.

"Looks like this is the start of a beautiful friendship, huh?" Ace asked.

"And even more-so," Nojiko added…before she and Ace kissed.

"Ace! Nojiko!" Usopp called. "C'mon, you guys! If you don't hurry, Luffy's gonna inhale everything!"

"Oh, no he's not!" Ace shouted as he and Nojiko hurried to the dining hall. Not far behind, Genzo and Garp stood beside each other.

"…So, you think your daughters will be okay with my grandsons?" Garp asked. "I'm gonna warn you, they tend to get a little wild."

"…I trust them," Genzo said. "Besides…Nami and Nojiko are two beautiful young women. It's time I stopped making their decisions for them. I'm sure…that's what their mother would want for them both."

"…That sounds like a good idea, my friend," Garp smiled as he and the emperor began to walk to the dining hall. "Why don't we wait until Luffy's injuries fully heal, and then we can talk about the wedding?"

Genzo chuckled at this.

"I agree," he said.

~7 Months Later~

"Come on, Zoro! I don't want to be late!"

"I'm coming! Hang on!"

Today was an exciting day: the day of Luffy and Nami's wedding.

Ever since the news was delivered, everyone was ecstatic. A bit shocked at first, but ecstatic nonetheless.

Right now, Zoro and Robin are getting dressed up in their best robes and preparing to head for the castle. Everyone else was already on their way there as well.

"Hey!" Franky called as he sat in a horse-drawn carriage with Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Vivi, Kaya, and Brook aboard. "Hurry up! The bride and groom are waiting, you know!"

"We're coming!" Zoro shouted as he and Robin came outside. "Keep your loin cloth on!"

"Make room for us!" Robin said as they squeezed their way inside.

"All right, Franky! We're all here!" Usopp called. "Let's move!"

"You SUPER got it!" Franky shouted before he snapped at the reins, causing the horse to gallop to the castle, pulling the carriage along.

"I'm so excited!" Vivi said. "I can't believe the day's finally here!"

"Me either!" Kaya agreed. "I love weddings!"

Both squealed in delight.

"I just hope Luffy's not getting cold feet," Usopp said.

"Yeah," Sanji added. "To be honest, I don't think anything could ever prepare him for this."


At Kazeguruma Castle, the wedding was getting underway…almost.

"Luffy, you okay, in there?" Ace called, knocking on the door.

"I need a bit of help!" Luffy called.

Ace sighed before he opened the door…only to see Luffy, trying to put on some black-and-white robes that looked a little too lose on him.

"Dammit, Gramps," Ace muttered. "Old man needs to get his eyes checked. I told him the robes would be too big!"

"Help me out, huh, Bro?" Luffy asked.

"Hang on," Ace said as he went up to Luffy and then…


"There. That's better."

After tearing off a few shreds of the robes and tying up a sash around the waist, the robes now looked about Luffy's size.

"Thanks, Ace!" Luffy said.

"No problem," Ace replied, ruffling his little brother's hair. "So…you're really going through with this? You're only 17, you know."

"…I've given a lot of thought," Luffy said, "and I decided that even though we're both kinda young…Nami's the girl I wanna spend the rest of my life…just like you and Nojiko, right?"

"Yeah," Ace smiled before he gave his little brother a hug. "I'm proud of you, little bro."

"Thanks," Luffy said before he pulled away from Ace and then turned to Blizzard. "Ready, best man?"

ARF-ARF! Blizzard barked happily.


In Nami's room…the princess is wearing a beautiful white robe and veil over her face.

"Look at you," Nojiko said, smiling. "Bellemere would be so proud."

"You really think so?" Nami asked.

"I know so," Nojiko answered as she gave her sister a hug. "I can't believe my little sister's getting married!"

"Me, either…!" Nami said, sniffling, but then she quickly fought back her tears. "Well…can't keep everyone waiting, can I?"

"Right," Nojiko said. "Let's go."


Outside in the castle courtyard, a large crowd has gathered at the front, waiting for the big moment, among them being Luffy's friends.

Soon…Luffy and Nami came outside and sat beside each other. Not long after, Genzo appeared.

"Proud of you, buddy!" Usopp shouted. "Way to go!"

"Shishishi!" Luffy chuckled.

"Everyone!" Genzo called out. "Today is a proud day…for my daughter is going to marry a young man she has deemed worthy by her own heart! This young man has proven to be loyal, loving, protecting, and strong…and today, I give them my blessing!"

Everyone cheered even more at this.

"…Luffy…Nami," Genzo said, "seal your bond…with a kiss."

Luffy smiled before he turned and faced Nami and removed her veil…revealing her beautiful, smiling face…and then, they both kissed.

"YEAH!" Usopp cheered with Chopper hopping up and down and Kaya tossing flower petals in the air.

"Way to go, Luffy!" Zoro shouted.

"Congratulations!" Robin added.

"Yohohoho!" Brook laughed.


"Me, too…!" Vivi whispered as she stood next to Sanji, holding his hand.

"Good for you, Luffy," Sanji smiled. "You take care of her."

And so, Luffy and Nami were married that very day. The day after, Nami had decided to move out of the castle and live in Fuschia Village with Luffy and his family. She knew the palace was where she was born and where she grew up, but now, she felt as if she couldn't be without her newfound friends. Knowing that denying Nami her wish would only cause problems again, Genzo allowed it…on the condition that Luffy treated her well, which he promised to do.

With that…Luffy and Nami, as well as the Straw Hat Gang…lived happily ever after.


FINALLY, I FINISHED THIS! I know I haven't been consistent with it, but I'm glad I got this out of the way! Thanks to those who have stuck with me this far!

Review, please!