I joined minecraft survival games. And that is where all these awesome true stories come from, .com. Please comment.


I joined the server. It was okay. It looked cool and it was pretty straight forwards about what the server was. Hardcore and survival games. I walked around and saw a beacon. It said survival games. I decided I liked survival games better than hardcore and stepped into the beacon. I was teleported to a pretty cool server. This was their okay storyline, of how survival games came to be: Evil dragon, blabla, people fighting it,blabla, people training against each other for fun in survival games. That sums it up.

I then went into a water portal. Cool, I thought. I reappeared in a fifteen by fifteen by thirty hallway. At the end there were different signs saying click to join arena 1,2,3,4,5,6. I clicked two and it began.