AN: I AM SO FECKING SORRY! Life just got so out of control. Then my muse buggered off.

First Scan

Carrie couldn't believe how nervous she was. Her and Peter were sat in the waiting room of her OBGYN, waiting for their first appointment. Today would be the first time they saw their baby.

She picked up a pregnancy magazine from the table next to her and began to flick through it, not really taking anything in. It was more a rather desperate attempt to distract her from the nerves she was feeling.

She didn't know how Peter could be so calm all the time. So far, he'd been the perfect partner. He held her hair back and stroked her back as she succumbed to morning sickness. He never mentioned how irrational she was being when her emotions took over and made her angry/sad at the slightest thing. He took her mood swings in his stride, and for that, she was eternally grateful.

"Carrie Mathison?" A voice called out.

She grabbed her partner's hand and followed the midwife down the corridor to the treatment room.

They went through a barrage of questions, some of which Carrie felt, we are bit too personal but answered them anyway. Finally, the time had come to see their child for the first time.

She was surprised when the gel was placed on her stomach, as she had expected it to be cold, like in the movies, not warm. She watched as the midwife moved the transducer wand over the gel, trying to find the perfect angle.

All of a sudden, a thudding noise filled the room; their baby's heartbeat.

She blinked the tears away and noticed that her other half also had tears in his eyes. Something which she had never seen before.

Eventually, the midwife turned the screen so that they could see their baby.

"You are about 13 weeks pregnant." The midwife said, "Still to early to know the sex but other than that, your baby looks perfect."

"Just like her mommy." Quinn mumbled and squeezed Carrie's hand gently.

She couldn't believe how lucky she was. It was in that moment, she swore that she would do everything in her power to look after, protect, and love their baby. Always.