((I sense an angry mob is ready to form anytime now. I will admit to having severe writer's block for RABKA, which isn't alleviated any by my English assignment being to read the Scarlet Letter (which may be the most boring book to ever exist upon the face of the earth) and deadlines in Physical Science. Not to mention I lost my binder which had the beginning of the next chapter...this has not been a good few months for me. But I shall be working on it, and you can expect a new chapter within the year at least. If not, I might put it on indefinite hiatus until the plot bunny returns.

The bunny bit me for this one, and hard. It was inspired by AnimationNut's 'Phineas and Ferb: Take Two' and Mrs. Ferb-Fletcher-Inator's 'Cut!'. I do not intend to rip either of them off with this. It's a humor/parody blooper reel for the series, and I'll be taking requests as to what chapter you want me to do.

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers. Or the OOC-ness that follows.



"Optimus, you're not going to believe this," Ratchet called to the Autobot leader from his position at the computer. "I've just pinpointed the location of the Decepticon warship."

"How did you penetrate their cloaking technology?" Optimus asked, coming over.

Before Ratchet could respond, Miko chimed in in a sing-song voice from offstage, "Mag-ic!" Bulkhead let out a little snort at this.

"What?" he asked when everyone looked at him. "I thought it was funny."

"Primus," the director muttered. "And we've only just started. Alright, people, keep it together! And Miko, so help me…"

"Aw, I love you too, pal!" said hellion shouted back, which resulted in Bulkhead laughing more.

"Don't touch ANYTHING!" Ratchet warned Optimus, while on the plague ship. "The virus could still be active."

Right on cue, the ship shook, and the Autobot corpse above Optimus shuddered and rocked. Instead of a few drops of Energon falling, though, the cords holding it in place snapped, and the entire body dropped from above to land on top of Optimus.

Ratchet simply stared. "…That wasn't in the script."

"No," the director sighed, "no it wasn't. I blame our prop crew."

"Hey!" Megatron shouted from off-screen. "Don't blame me! It was your shoddy supplies!"

"Autobot down," Ratchet said into his comlink. "I repeat, Autobot down." He sighed. "I'm getting too old for this slag."

Arcee stared through the door, gawking. "It's Megatron," she relayed over the comlink. "He's alive."

"What?" Nearly everyone was shocked by this.

"That's not possible," Ratchet denied.

"Well I'm staring right at him," Arcee reported as she entered the room, gun drawn. "Good news is, he's not staring back."

At that very moment, Megatron shot upright. "BOO!" he shouted, arms raised. Bumblebee chose to scream like a little girl and Arcee jumped back, a laser blast hitting the nearby wall. Megatron roared with laughter, clutching his stomach.

"You should've-you should've seen your faces!" he told them through chuckles.

*Not cool, man,* Bumblebee shook his head. *NOT cool.*

Meanwhile, on the bridge, Starscream was griping (as usual)

"Why has the electromagnetic shielding not been repaired?" he snapped at several Vehicon.

"The crews are working as fast as they can, Lord…" The Vehicon was cut off by Starscream slapping him hard. "Ah, ow, ow!" the drone complained, clutching his face.

"Cut," the director said. "Alright, what is it?"

The Vehicon touched a hand to his faceplate gingerly. "He cut my optic," he pouted, pulling back a finger with Energon coating it.

"Pimp-slap for the win!" Miko crowed off-stage.

"Shut up Miko!"

Megatron gazed at the ruined image of Kaon around him. "If this is my subconscious," he mused aloud, before he thrust his face into Bumblebee's, baring his teeth and snarling, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING INSIDE MY HEAD?"

Bumblebee didn't respond, but his wings dropped to their lowest point. Megatron noticed a moment later that the floor had gotten very wet and very warm.

"Oh c'mon, 'Bee, really?" the director shouted.

*He scares me,* the youngling whimpered.

"That's it, I'm taking a break!" Megatron stomped off-stage, leaving shallow, foot-step shaped puddles behind him. "Will someone PLEASE help me disinfect my foot? Anyone?"

Arcee, having just been discovered by Starscream, allowed Bumblebee to run through the Ground Bridge.

"Intruders!" Starscream yelled, blaster brought out.

"Allow me," Arcee smirked, firing her blaster. However, Starscream couldn't dodge quick enough, and the blast struck his left wing. Arcee stopped, putting ah and to her mouth to contain the laugh. "O-oops. Sorry about that."

"Ow!" Starscream stumbled back. "You did that on purpose!"

"Uh, no I didn't," Arcee said with a giggle. "Bye now."

The director pinched the bridge of his nose as Arcee retreated through the Ground Bridge, laughing, while Starscream spat out Cybertronian and human curses at her. "Can we get a medic in here?"

Two bright, glowing red optics appeared in the darkness of Bumblebee's mind. "I'm out," a voice hissed with glee. That was when Megatron pushed his head forward a bit too far, slamming it into the camera.

"Ow!" he griped. "Alright, who put the fragging camera so close to my head? I can't see anything in this darkness."

"You better not have cracked the lens or it's coming out of your paycheck!" the director shouted at him.

Extra: Coffee Break-

Ratchet sighed, dropping into a seat in the break room with a cup of coffee in hand. "Is it just me, or does it seem like the episodes are getting harder and harder to film without accidents?"

"Well, seeing that Megatron, Steve, Starscream, and Optimus are all in the medbay with various work-related injuries," Arcee pointed out while sipping her coffee, "yes, yes it does."

*I blame the director,* Bumblebee muttered. *I mean, he won't even give us a raise, and I'd kill for a stunt double sometimes. But nooo, we've got to make it more 'real'. It doesn't help that the guy rents out the studio part time to some other group, just to raise the money needed. What other group works here anyway?*

Right as he said that, the wall exploded. A group of Movie-verse Decepticons ran through, followed by Movie-verse Autobots. Inexplicably, the wall across from them exploded and they kept running through, various other walls exploding.

"Bayverse?" Ratchet asked.

"Bayverse," Arcee affirmed.

((It might not be that funny, but you decide. R & R.))