A/N: Stiles doesn't have a crush on Lydia in this.

Three years ago

Thirteen year old Stiles was writhing on top of a concrete mausoleum, trying not to scream in agony, at the burning sensation. It was at night, the full moon peeking out between the clouds. He heard howling in the distance, werewolves, somewhere in the forest.

He knew one way to end it all. He knew it was one way to kill it.

"My knife." Stiles gasped out, and his eyes turned pitch black. He choked it down and lashed out, almost knocking the eleven year old boy, Jason, off the mausoleum.

Jason kicked Stiles back down and continued making the salt circle. Fifteen year old Alice was lighting the five candles that was in the points of a star, and fourteen year old, Mary, was reading a book in Latin. The leaves of the tree were swaying in the wind. Their light was the light of the full moon and the candles was the only source of light for them. The candlelight was flickering in their jars.

"What about your knife?" Jason asked, trying not to let fear show.

"Do it." Stiles said and the demon took over. His voice turned deep and dark. His eyes turned pitch black again as he looked at Jason, Alice, and Mary. "You'll never win, you stupid obnoxious brats." Stiles let out a really dark, gravelly laugh, which made the hairs on their arms stand on end.

Stiles snarled at Jason when he reached for Stiles' knife, but Stiles grabbed it before Jason did. He changed his mind; he didn't want to mentally scar Jason for life, with what he was going to do. Stiles fought the demon that was trying to take over; he knew that the demon was scared.

"Do what?" Mary asked in between the chanting. Only Mary could manage to talk and chant at the same time.

Stiles shook his head; he was going to do this. He wanted to take the easy way out if he wanted to die. You're one real fucking ugly, tough son of a bitch. Stiles snarled out at the demon and raised the knife. The knife caught the moonlight and the light seemed to glint off. The knife was a six inch bronze knife and the handle was leather.

He plunged the knife right in the middle of his stomach. He gasped as the pain elevated throughout his body and his shirt immediately started to soak up the blood.

Alice and Mary screamed in horror at the sight and Jason just sat there on both knees, staring at Stiles' body in shock at what he had done. It felt like their hearts stopped beating and they stopped breathing.

A black mist rose from Stiles' stomach and disappeared right into the ground in front of the wooden door of the mausoleum.

Mary moved a lock of her red hair from her face, with shaking fingers and she slowly touched Stiles' arm, but pulled back when his arm felt cold as ice.

Alice and Jason pulled their shirts off at the same times when Mary pulled the knife out of Stiles' stomach. Alice grabbed Jason's shirt started applying pressure to Stiles' wound on his stomach, hoping to slow the bleeding down. Blood started seeping down, staining their pants with Stiles' blood.

Alice didn't care if Jason is a boy and he could see her green bra. They all saw each other half naked when they followed a shape shifter into a sewer and all four of them fell in. They cleaned up and washed their clothes in a river that happened to be nearby the town they visited.

Mary flipped through the pages of her big black leather bound book, and started a new chant in Gaelic. The wind picked up and the candles flickered momentarily. Mary's blue eyes flickered over the words as she read the spell. Alice kept applying pressure, pleased to see Stiles' chest slowly rising and falling.

"Come on Stiles. Fight it. You're the strongest hunter in our group. That's why the demon chose you, to leave the weakest ones behind, so we'll be easier to be killed." Alice pleaded. She kept pressing down, trying to ignore the blood seeping through the shirts and the strange feeling that she was getting from applying pressure.

Mary repeated the chant again; the trees leaves swayed in the wind again and the candles flickered.

Alice and Jason shivered in the cold of the fall and wind, goose bumps forming on their arms. Jason knew he should've brought a hoodie with him, and he could tell that Alice was thinking the same. He moved towards Stiles head and head to his chest. He started slapping at Stiles' cheeks.

"Come on Stiles. Our group will fall apart without you." Jason pleaded, keeping an eye on Stiles' chest that stopped. He listened to Stiles' breathing, not finding it and felt for a pulse. He didn't find one either and he looked up at the girls shock and despair written on his face and green-blue eyes.

Mary stopped her chanting and Alice removed her hands from Stiles' stomach. Both of their eyes wide in horror and shock as they stared at the body of the deadly pale and lifeless Stiles, and realized what happened to him.

Mary turned and kicked the concrete angel off of the mausoleum in anger.

They'll never forget the date November 7, as it was the day that Stiles died, at the blade of his knife.

A/N: Good, right? Something new I hope. I want you to read, review, follow, or favorite this story. I'll keep my other fanfic Leadership up, for you guys to read.

Sorry if Stiles seems OOC, and would never give up on battling the demon. But I made him do it for the plot of this story.