Hello, everyone I'm fan-fiction obsessed with Arya and Gendry and all things Game of Thrones related. I wrote a short story (ten chapters, 14,959 words) based in a modern A/U (alternative universe) in which Arya and Gendry are best friends until things get complicated. I hope you enjoy. I did when I wrote it. ;)
Please review. It is greatly appreciated.
Chapter 1
Honestly, Arya was so consumed by the ticking of the classroom clock- which solemnly overlooked the clean blackboard in Mrs. Hunter's physics class- that she could not hear the final farewell. However, she did not miss much, for Mrs. Hunter was not one for sentimentalities. It was simple: a brief explanation of how good it was to have such gifted students and of her hopes that they would all succeed in their future endeavors. It was rather expected and Arya knowing this ignored the whole display.
Arya's mind was absorbed in having as much fun as she could before going to university in the fall. She was not one to plan, but in the back of her mind she had visions of sneaking out of the house and pursuing fun, which mostly ended up in getting into trouble. This summer was supposed to be special. She was graduating and wanted every possible good and great thing to happen before going to Braavos University to study Criminal Law. She had three months and now it seemed to be so much time, but she knew just as soon graduating came so would the end of summer's freedom.
At sixteen (going on to seventeen in just three weeks) and top of her class, Arya was currently the subject at home and the infrequent nods of approval from her mother. She was graduating Valedictorian and had been accepted to the most leading university with full scholarship. Robb constantly teased her about this, because not even she knew she had it in her. Two years ago, she was nothing what she was now. At fourteen she was always in the Superintendent's office and sentenced to the four-walled confines of her bedroom at home. Even her father, who held her as the apple of his eye and a little bit above his sons, had many frowns and talks with her. Back then he was alive, and she did not mind being chastened by him, for these talks always ended with a hug and a kiss.
Now, she was graduating a year before the average age, something none of her siblings had ever done. She had overcome the grief of her father's sudden death, survived her mother's depression and increased estrangement, and moved to her Uncle Edmure Tully's home for almost two years. In those years and through these mishap circumstances, Arya's childhood was left far behind, though one could still catch a childish gleam in her eye when the idea of getting into trouble was waking.
The classroom bell tolled, and with the announcement that the school year was at end, students rushed to every exit that seemed to cross them over into a world free and careless. Arya followed just as excited and expecting.
She waited in the parking-lot, for Jon had promised to drive her home. Home, she thought. It was a different place, somewhere hidden in the happy memories of her father swinging her upon his shoulders and that of staring in disbelief at his still and cold form in the coffin. Two years, she asked herself. Time had certaibly gone by fast. Knowing it was her choice comforted her.
Her mother had a part; perhaps, the majority. Her depression was too much to handle; moreover, her distancing was causing her to neglect certain motherly duties that Sansa, her elder sister, was still too young to undertake. Robb had his own problems at home with his wife, Jeyne, Sansa had her own issues which mainly consumed her infatuation with Joffrey, and Jon, the outcast, was currently running The Wall, a part of the family's historical company. Younger brothers, Bran and Rickon, were too young to understand and help. Thus, Arya was caught in the middle and soon thought it best to get away and find herself on her own.
Arya's thinking was caught short when a black sedan maneuvered into the lot and stopped in front. The heavily tinted window lowered and Gendry Waters was at the wheel.
Surprised, Arya squealed. "What are you doing here?"
Gendry lowered his shades as to see her better, "I can always leave you here and let you walk over one hundred miles back home."
"You know I can do it… but what would Robb say?"
Gendry shrugged. "He won't say anything; his fists will talk."
"Exactly," Arya exclaimed and shifted her bookbag from one shoulder to the other.
"So, are you just going to stand there like a funkin' idiot, or hop in?"
"Uhhhh," Arya tossed her bookbag onto the back seat and scooted onto the front seat.
Gendry pointed to the buckle, wordlessly.
"I know. Why do you always remind me of things that are-"
"Obvious," he interrupted, "because it bugs you."
Arya buckled her seatbelt and gave Gendry a face- her classic one, the sticking out her tongue and wrinkling her nose.
"Gosh, that makes you look so ugly," he contended… But I miss it, he thought.
Arya shrugged, "Don't care. You kinda deserve it."
Silence followed. It was awkward for she hadn't seen Gendry for months. They called and texted, but that was like every other week. At once they were close. They had been best friends, but that time had long passed and her leaving Winterfell somehow meant leaving him behind.
He broke it with a causal, "How are you doing?"
Arya didn't have much to say, "Fine… I guess." She was not fine. She was going home for the first time since spring break and last spring break she spent most of her time at Jon's home.
However, Gendry knew her all too well. The time apart had not let him forget his best friend, for that she was. She was there when he too ran from home, from the troubles that still haunted him. His mother had died and his father was just as disinterested about that as he was about having a bastard son. Gendry couldn't take it anymore and left, moving as far away as he could and soon found a place on his own.
He met her at the Forge, actually at a bachelor's party. He was seventeen. She was thirteen, dressed in boy clothes and her hair cut just as short. He was drunk stupid and had found his way to the men's stalls. She was standing there, in the middle of the empty room, wandering whether to threaten him with the knife in her hand or give a blow to his chest, for that was how far she could reach him. She looked both scared and brave, which only made him laugh. Soon enough she decided it was best to punch him. He was too drunk to dodge it and it took the breath out of him. It seemed funny to him that a girl had suckered punched him. Bewildered, she kicked his shins and sent him bellowing. Angered now, he grabbed her by the midsection and carried her out of the Forge. She shouted and cursed, calling him fowl names that a girl her age should never know. He knew she was a girl. Her body still betrayed her under that black Call of Duty t-shirt and khaki cargo pants. He put her down and told her little girls should not go into parties and let alone the boy stalls. She spat at him and said that little boys should not act like little girls. At that very moment, he knew they would become best of friends.
"Perhaps... I'm scared." Arya admitted almost in a whisper.
"You? Scared?" Gendry tried to make her laugh or say something rude, but it did not work. Arya sighed and stared out of the window. "It's okay to be scared… and it's okay if you don't want to admit it to me."
"I don't know what I feel… maybe it's nothing." More assured, her voice raised, "I feel nothing. I'm not scared, or mad, or… or nervous. I just want to get home and have fun. You know, I only have three months and I want them to be the very best days of my life."
"You were never one to plan… I hope living away from home did not change you." Gendry sounded serious.
"No," she sounded insulted, "I just deserve it-"
"I know… I know… you do. But squeeze in sometime to patch things up. Your mom's changed a lot. I think she's done mourning your father. She's moved on. Maybe the time is now."
Arya wore a quizzical expression, "And how do you know all of this?"
"I've got that position at the Wall, so Jon and I have become good friends; even Robb has taken a liking to me."
"Friends?" Arya chuckled.
"Yes, it is possible… why don't you congratulate me? I've worked hard."
She clapped her hands, mocking him. "Good job. Good job."
"Fuck off!" Gendry feigned offend.
"Get me home, little shit. This ride is too long." Arya smiled though.
Gendry nodded, "As you wish, m' lady." He knew that annoyed her.
But Arya ignored it this time for she was far away thinking of how Gendry dared to have other friends besides her.