A/N: Chapter 28! And you'll get some La Push POVs including Jacob and Bella! ~(0o0)~ There's going to be some sexual intrigue! Duh DUH Duh...

Jacob POV

It's absolutely boring since Seth and Embry decided to go on an open ended vacation with Harry to see Leah and that Leech friend of her's. The only other people who I hang out with are the members of the 'La Push Pack/Protectors', a group of muscled out fellow wolf guys on the La Push Rez who follow Sam Uley. Sam was the first to 'phase', as he calls the change between man and wolf, as well as the eldest, so he's taken control of the group. Even with them, I still get board because all they want to do is follow Sam around and follow his orders like real dogs. The one good thing is that Bella still comes to visit often, even though her leech, mind reading Cullen boyfriend is against it. I'm pulled out of my musings by the wheezing rumble of Bella's red truck that was a welcome back gift from dad and I, pulling close.

Turning, I wave as Bella swings the truck into the parking lot and coasts it into an open parking spot. The grumbling engine dies after a second, followed by the driver's side door opening, allowing Bella to descend from the cab. I blush slightly at the sight of Bella, my feelings for her rising up inside of me. "Hey, Jake," Bella greets as she power walks up to me wearing a pair of shorts that delightfully show off her pale legs, sneakers, a tee-shirt and light jacket to block the wind that was passing by the parking lot we're in.

"Hey, Bells," I greet with a smile and a hug.

"Wow," Bella arches an eyebrow, "You got big. You know anabolic steroids are illegal?"

"Ha," I chuckle, "You just missed out on a growth spurt, Bells," I add, though I know the real reason behind my sudden and mysterious growth spurt; my genes revolting against the leech family named the Cullens. "You'd not be as surprised if you and I hung out more." Bella and I frown mutually thinking of Purd-ward and his sissy, possessive attitude about Bella.

"But now I'm here, lets get going," Bella playfully punches my shoulder.

"Yeah," I nod, sling a casual arm over Bella's shoulder and walk with her to the Bonfire that is getting under way.

Bella POV

As I sit down on a log-seat in front of the bonfire, I make a mental note that I should do this more often, and that I much rather be doing this today rather than be subjected to 'Bella Barbie' with Alice. Alice clearly doesn't know the concept of 'No' and always insists, like Edward, knows what's best for me. I grunt in discontent, wrinkling my nose, Jake giving me a questioning look, I turn to him and shrug, "Edward's sister, Alice, wanted me to play dress up with her."

"Eh," Jake's reaction is similar to mine, a 'that's stupid' look, but he's a guy, so I expect that from him.

"It's fine," I smile, "I much rather be here than with her being subjected to Bella torture." Jake beams triumphantly that I much rather spend time with him rather than the Cullens, and I can't help but be happy for him, for our friendship. I'm glad that Edward can't read my mind, for he would read my feelings for Jake that are a little more than friendship like, which seems to reciprocated. I feel slightly conflicted about my feelings for both Edward and Jacob. While I know I am attracted to some parts of Edward, I definitely have a strong attraction and long time connection with Jacob. I find that I feel saver and much more myself with Jacob than with Edward, who constantly told me what I can and cannot do or who I can or can't do them with. Jacob, on the other hand, much rather do something with me, than dictate from across the room. Jake disappears for a second, promising he'll be back 'in a jiff', and returns with a pair of plates, one of which is piled high with all sorts of meat and campfire fare. "Planning on joining a hunger strike sometime soon," I joke, jabbing him with my fingers in his side.

Jake chuckles a little, taking a large bite of his burger, "I'm just a growing boy, Bells."

I can defiantly see that, I think but don't say aloud, instead I take a bite of my food and take in some of the other bonfire goers. I notice that Jacob's usual friends, Seth and Embry, as well as Seth's sister Leah aren't here. I know Leah isn't around anymore, she's off living with Jasper; Edward's less than straight brother, much to Edward's disgruntlement. Last I heard, she hooked up with Jasper. Nudging Jake to get his attention, I ask, "Where's Seth and Embry?"

Jake shrugged a little, "They went with Seth's dad to go visit Leah. Harry'll be back later in the week, but I'm not sure about Seth and Embry."

I bite my lip, taking in the information. I know that Rosalie and Emmett, Edward's other brother and sister, when out and just came back after a week and a half of vacation with Jasper, "How do they like it?"

Jake pulls out his phone, flips it open and scrolls through it, "They seem to like it out with Leah, if the pictures are anything to go by." Jake leans closer to me, showing me a picture of Harry in between Seth and Embry, at what seems to be a booth in a restaurant, all three are holding drinks above a platter of seafood, mostly crab legs and shrimp, with Leah to the right of the picture, making a mustache with two shrimps.

I smile a little, "They look happy together."

"Yeah," Jake shrugged, pressing the button to go back a picture, revealing a person I know to be Jasper and Leah with a pair of 12 year old looking, dark skinned boys.

"Wait," I hold up my hand as Jake moves to put his phone away, making him bring the picture back up to me, "Who are these," I point to the two boys.

Jake shrugged, "Not too sure, Bells." I open my mouth to comment but we are called to Billy Black, Jake's father, who begins talking and going into the legends and stories of the Quileutes. I instantly become ensnared by the stories of the Third Wife and the Wolf formed Warriors against the 'Cold Ones' which I know might be Vampires like Edward.

Jacob POV

After the bonfire, Bella and I hung out for a little while around the dying logs, catching up. Bella talks about school and life in between leaving Forks and coming back. While Bella told me about her time in the sunny state of Arizona, I told her of all the times Charlie and Billy hung out, what my sisters are up to and my plans for the future, "I think I'm going to go to college and get into construction or something."

"That's good to do," Bella beams, "I think I'm going to teach, like Renee, but High School English instead of Kindergarten."

"I can see you doing that," I agree imagining a slightly older version of Bella in a nice dress standing in front of a blackboard, teaching about her favorite books. Though in this daydream, her name's Mrs. Black, not Cullen, not even Miss Swan. I shake my head a little, I seriously need to stop thinking about Bella like that, at least in front of her.

Bella blushes a little, her cheeks flame into a cute pink shade. I go to speak again when Charlie approaches, "Hey, Kids. Getting along I see." Bella and I nod in unison, both of us knowing that if it weren't for that the Cullen boy, our dad's would be vying for us to hook up and start dating. I can sort of see where' they're coming from; we're good friends and children of good friends, so why not get together and try it out? But there's a major problem, the Leech. I can tell from our conversation earlier this evening and ones in the past month or so, that the Leech and his psycho sister trying to control everything about Bella, including whether or not she could come hang out with me. I growl inwardly at this, not wanting to frighten off Bells, at the fact that the the Cullen would try and squash the perfect girl that I know Bella is.

"I'm definitely enjoying myself Ch-, Dad," Bella beams, "Jake and I were just talking about my time in Phoenix and California as well as what he was getting up to here."

"Cool," Charlie approves, "Listen, kid, I got called into the station."

"Something wrong, dad," Bella asks, nervous. She knows as well as I do the dangers that are out there.

"A pair of campers were found in the woods about 50 miles north of Forks," Charlie shivers a little, "Dead. The bodies were mutilated and drained of blood." Bella gasps a little and I growl a little. Charlie turned to me, "I warned your dad and the council, now I'm letting you know, Jake, stay out of the woods for a while. We don't know what caused their death, so we're thinking it could happen again."

"Understood," I nod, not wanting to come face to face with other, human killing, vampires, the Cullens are enough leech for me. Bella agrees with me, stating 'Will do, dad.'

"Good," Charlie smiles, leaning forward to give Bella a hug, Charlie left us with, "I'll be back tomorrow around noon or so. Stay safe."

"He's a good dad," Bella states, turning to me, "Never really appreciated him till I moved back here."

"Maybe it was because you never really seen him before, so he wasn't as 'real' to you," I suggest.

"That' could be," Bella nods, "I'm glad I decided to come back, because I really missed hanging out with you."

"I'm glad too, Bells," I beam. We talk over the next 45 minutes about nothing mostly as the fire dies and the fellow bonfire goers disperse before heading back to Bella's car.

"I had a really good time," Bella sighs contently as she leans against the driver side door of her truck, fumbling with her keys idly.

"Anytime, Bells," I shrug, "I'm happy to have you over." Bella looks up at me with a full, warm and loving smile, and I couldn't resist leaning in and pressing my lips to them. To my surprise, Bella didn't shove me away, rather, she leaned into me, her hands reach up to my shoulders. Placing my arms on either side of her shoulders, I moved closer, intent on enjoying this as much as possible, not knowing if it'll happen again. Bella moans a little, her hands moving up my neck and into my hair.

After a few minutes, we pull back, Bella looks breathless and happy; her hair tousled a little and her eyes half hooded. "Whoa," She half whispers, smiling up at me.

"Whoo-wooo," The two of us hear one of the bonfire goers hoots at us as they pass by; Paul Lahote. "Don't let Cullen know you're shacking up with Jake," Paul jeers as he passes by, heading to who knows where. I turn to Bella who's ducking her head and blushing, her cheeks the color of a firetruck.

"You think he'll find out," Bella whispers nervously. I get her meaning, she doesn't necessarily want Cullen to know that she was kissing another person.

I shrug, "Do you want him to?" Bella shakes her head 'no', "Then don't tell him." A silence fills the gap between us for a couple seconds, "Want to go home now?"

"Yeah," Bella nods, returning to her normal shade of pale, "Paul kind of killed the mood," She joked, making me laugh a little.

"That he did," I chuckle. "I guess I'll see you later," I ask as I palm the back of my neck.

Bella perks up a little, "Of course, how about later this upcoming week, like Thursday? I get off from Newton's at 3."

"Sounds good to me," I agree, knowing I'd be out of school and could get away from Sam and his pack of merry wolves for a couple hours. Bella ascends into her cab, promising to text me later and I step back as she rolls out of the parking lot, waving as Bella drove into the night.

A/N: And so, you got some shenanigans going on. Wanted to portray Bella and Jake at a crossroad of their friendship, where it could develop into a romance. I figure, if Bella realizes her feelings for Jacob earlier, there's a greater chance of her being with him. Besides, Edward ditched a still human Bella when things got too tough in New Moon despite knowing that an angry human drinking vampire bent on death causing vengeance was probably running around in the woods nearby, as well as causing Bella severe, comatose like depression. That's a shit move for a 'One and Only Soul Mate', if you ask me.