A/N: I do not own Twilight, if I did, it would have ended up a lot differently. This is a Leah x Jasper fanfic, like you didn't know that before...Anyway. I decided that Leah needs some good love sent her way since she didn't seem to get it often in the books/movies. I feel that Leah and Jasper could be a good pair for each other aside from being two completely different species that pretty much hate each other. The title comes from a 2012 movie of the same name. There's going to be some OC-ness because I'm changing the plot around to fit the story line. There's also not much in way of what happened between Sam and Leah in therms of their break up to Leah phasing and such. Dates on the timeline have altered slightly, you are warned.

Chapter One:
Leah POV
April 2004

I hummed to myself as I pulled a yellow shirt over my head, one of many outfits I stowed away in half a dozen trees around the reservation in case of the need after phasing. Fifteen minutes prior, Seth came up and took over my patrol around the Cullen residence. I jogged into her house and am assaulted with the smell of Emily and Sam, mixing together with the smell of arousal. This can't be good, I growled to herself. I always thought Emily and Sam were a little too close at times, though I always hoped Sam would never cross the line and betray me like that. I crept up the stairs, careful not to alert the pair, in case they try and cover up their activities.

As I approached my room, I gasped in shock as I spy Emily and Sam in a very, very sexual position. The pair, realizing they were caught, instantly covered themselves, with Sam jumping up to grab his discarded shorts, pulling them on quickly. "Lee," He started, "I..uh, what are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that," I spit, feeling my anger drown my sorrow, prickling my insides until it hurt.

"I, uh," Sam stammers, trying to find an excuse that is remotely possible to cover this.

"He says I'm his Imprint," Emily states smugly, covered only by the bed sheets. My heart thunks in my chest, my lungs claw for air as I stop breathing for more than they want.

"Is...Is that true," I manage to squeak out towards Sam, who gravely nods. Sam begins to speak, but I cut him off, "Don't. Don't you dare try and write this off, Samuel Uley. We're over." I managed to make my legs work and make my way downstairs and out the door before I let out a scream. Thinking only that I need to get out of here, I hop into my truck and take off as Sam steps out onto the yard, calling my name. As I pull out, I flash Sam the finger and speed off. I drove with no real plan in mind, too racked by what I just witnessed that I ended up in Seattle.

Pulling over into the closest parking lot, I stop and let my emotions take over me. Gripping the steering wheel, I place my forehead between my hands and start sobbing. Could I be that worthless as a girlfriend that it warranted Sam's cheating and Emily's betrayal? But what of Sam's Imprinting? Could what Emily said be true? Sam agreed with her, plus I know he has enough decency if it wasn't true, he wouldn't just go sleep with Emily. I feel lost and alone now, not knowing what to do next. I have been so in love with Sam, thinking he was the one, it physically hurts me to even think that we are now no more.

After about an hour of feeling sorry for myself, my stomach grumbles, reminding me I haven't eaten in, like, nine or so hours. I sigh, not wanting to go home just yet, so I start feeling around my truck for some money I keep stashed in case of a late night craving after a patrol. "Yes," I smile despite my sadness as I find a $20 bill and a pair of beat up but usable shoes. Slipping on the shoes, I put my car into drive, pulling out of the parking lot, which I realize is for a SUPER 8. After driving around for a few minutes, I find a Chinese Take-Out and pull in. I'm a fan of Chinese food, but rarely get it because of the fact there's very few places that are remotely close to the Rez.

Stepping in, I quietly order two containers of Beef and Broccoli in garlic sauce with sides of white rice and two cans of coke. I smile as I take in the smell as I jump into the back of my truck, aiming to not spill anything on my seats. Curling my knees up to use as a table, I crack open the first container, mulling over what transpired just a little over an hour ago. Now that I got most of the crying out of my system, I can look at the situation with a slightly more level head. 'Sam rather have Emily than me,' I think painfully, part of me wishing it wasn't true. 'But he confirmed her statement she's his Imprint,' I remind myself. Sadness wells up but anger replaces it, 'Why can't I be good enough to Imprint on? What's wrong with me?' Pain and rage hit me in my gut, almost making me gag on my food, which I had been shoveling into my mouth. I put down my food, gripping the side of my truck hard enough to make a slight dent in it out of anger, "Why am I not enough," I growl, looking up to the sky.

The image of Emily and Sam together flashed through my mind once again, but of sadness this time, a sense of anger and hatred to those two flamed up in me with a startling strength.'Who were they to do that to me,' I thought to myself, 'when I did nothing to cause such betrayal.' Running away now seems like a stupid idea now that I have time to think about it, but, at least I got to cry my heart out in peace.

Pulling my knees to my chest I think of all the good times I had with Sam, knowing they're the only ones will have now that he's gone off and pulled a stupid move like this. Each memory, instead of making me happy for the relationship I had, makes me angry at Sam for betraying me. The more I think about it, the more I want to know how long Sam and Emily have been sleeping together behind my back, this one time or longer? Now I look back at all those sideways glances at each other with new light and hate, all the giggles Emily produced out of her smug mouth and Sam's comfort at me leaving with him with just Emily in the house. Bitterness and hate cement themselves as the primary emotions that goes with them. I would be lying to myself if I would say I now just stopped loving Sam, for I don't. It'll be a while before those feelings fully drift away from me, much to my displeasure.

I finish my meal, wishing I brought my cellphone because I have absolutely no idea what time it is, and with no doubt my mom's probably freaking out. My mom's always freaking out on me it seems, especially after I phased. When she's not, she's with Miss Reservation Universe, Emily or Seth. I really don't care that she spends more time with them than me anymore. Before tonight, I would spend my time with Sam or by myself, but now I'm on my own. "You can do it," I think to myself, hopping out of the truck bed and into the front of my truck, "Time to go home." I probably gave everyone a good scare, good.

The engine rumbled as I started it up, pulling it out to the street, reminding me of a wolf's growl. As I make my way back to La Push, scenarios of my return play through my head. None of them have me quietly slip back into town and home without someone demanding an explanation, especially from my mom. Sam will probably be on me the instant he hears I'm back. The Pack, most likely, will be there to see a public humiliation of the only girl wolf because they can't grow up.

Sooner than I want to, I drive past the 'Welcome' Sign for La Push. I pulled down the familiar drive into the reservation, hearing the familiar wolf howls in the distance. I can tell from the length and urgency that they are shifter calls, not those of regular wolves. I grumble to myself as I spy a familiar horse sized wolf race along the side of the road, Sam. I drove to a Scenic park parking lot, ready to face my now ex. Sam lopped into the treeline exiting a few seconds later, dressed only in a pair of shorts. "Leah," He called, his face angry, "We need to talk."

A/N: And so here's my first chapter. I wanted to portray Leah not as the raging harpy she was in the books and movies but a more sympathetic character, hence her actions. She got hurt and scared so she bolted. It might seem a little weird for her, but she's still a hurt and betrayed woman who didn't want a bunch of guys in her head as she tries to get a grip on what just happened to her.