Into The World Of Gintama

Chapter 1: Anime Characters Look Just Like Regular People, Just With Weird Clothes And Hairstyles, So Don't Get Your Hopes Up

My name is Jalen Brown, and the first thing I want to say is, I love Gintama. To me, Gintama is the best Anime in the world. Everytime someone bad mouths Gintama, I always just tell them off. They are just idiots that only watch the first and second episode then call it lame. It just really pisses me off, ya know!

Even if Gintama is getting on and off of reruns, I'll still love it with all my heart. And for the Gintama Movie English Dub haters, I'm really sick of you guys. I really hate comments like, "People who are just watching this for the first time, don't give up on Gintama. It's the dub that's awful, not the actual show." That just really pisses me off for 2 reasons.

1. If you were a true Gintama fan you wouldn't call ANYTHING about Gintama bad. You would appreciate the work that's being done on the show, and try to support it.

2. The freaking dub wasn't even that bad! I actually loved it, and the humor was still there! Why do people hate how their own language is, it's just so dumb!

And I understand people have their own opinions, but ranting about how bad the dub is just ruins it for the people who actually wants a Gintama dub. Just continue watching the sub if you don't like the dub, gosh!

So, I guess you can call me a Gintama freak... Right? Well, I don't really care if you call me that, since it's true. Although, I just wish I could be put in the Gintama World for at least a little bit. I don't want to leave my family and all, but... You know.

Well, I'm looking at TV right now. Yep, good old SpongeBob always makes me laugh. Not harder than when I'm laughing at Gintama, though. Suddenly, the TV turns black for a moment... Then words start appearing on the screen.

"If you need an Odd Job done, just come down to Yorozuya." I read aloud. I gasped. Was Gintama coming to North America quicker than I thought?! More words appeared, and I read them. "We do simple Odd Jobs for a fee, of course. Although, a lot of times free."

I was smiling now, this was too good to be true! "Well, you have been selected to take part in this... Test?" Suddenly, the TV started to static, and the screen turned white.

Well, the first thing I wanted to do was run away... Because the TV is acting paranormal. I'm terrified of ghosts. I turned around and started to run, but... I guess fate had other plans, cause I tripped on a Banana.


The TV started to pull me inside, and I frantically grabbed for whatever I could hold on to... Which was another banana. Yeah... What the fuck.

I did one final scream, before I was eaten by my TV... Everything was white, and I couldn't feel my body. All I could do was stare at the white space, and that was irritating my eyes, so I closed them.

Hopefully this is a dream, so when I wake up I'll be back in my bed. I hope and pray this is a dream, so I fell asleep.



"Oi... "

"... Oi... Wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes, and stared at the world I was in. It... Looked weird.

First, the buildings looked nothing like in my neighborhood. They looked Japanese Style, from my knowledge. And... As I looked around... People were wearing Yukata and things like that. Oh yeah, and they looked Japanese.

"AHHHHH! AM I IN JAPAN?! YES! I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE HERE, I WAS JUST SCARED OF FLYING!" I suddenly stopped cheering. "But... What if this is all a dream... No, this has to be a dream. I don't remember flying here..."

"Um... Are you Ok?" I looked up to see 3 people standing above me.

One boy, he looks about 16, is wearing a light blue keikogi with blue linings and a blue hakama. He has black hair and brown eyes, although... I can't explain it, but his glasses were much more... Interesting? It just seems like his whole body doesn't matter, but his glasses are what makes you pay attention to him.

Although, that's all that's interesting about him. He looks quite boring.

The girl has vermillion red hair and blue eyes. She looks about 14. She has on a red cheongsam with yellow piping. Her hair is tied in 2 knots at the side of her head and in covered with ornaments. Is she making fun of China? I hope I'm not in China.. She is also holding a purple umbrella... For some odd reason...

I looked to the other person, and was suprised to see a man. Although... He looks about 20. He has wavy and silver hair and red half lidded eyes. Is he tired, or is he just bored... I can't tell. He's wearing a black shirt and pants with red linings, and a white Yukata with light blue patterns worn sloppily, draped over his left shoulder.

Wait..! Glasses... China Girl... SILVER HAIR AND DEAD FISH EYES?!

"Oi, are you just going to stare at us, or are you going to tell us your name?" Gintoki asked. Yes, Gintoki.

Because I'm in Edo Japan, in front of Yorozuya, which means...

I'm in the world of Gintama...

But, it's not what I thought it would be like. It doesn't look like I'm in an Anime, it just seems like I'm in the real world...


"Oi! You can't just stop the chapter this quickly!" Kagura yelled. She's speaking English... They all are... "You need to tell us who you are, and why you were just knocked out in front of our house!"

"Now now, Kagura-Chan." Honorifics in English! I'm going to love it here, I really am! "What's wrong, can you tell us your name?"

"My name is..." Crap, my name is too western! Think, Think, THINK! "L-Len... I can't remember my last name. I think I have amnesia."

"Oh, well... Let's take you in our place. Maybe we can help some more in there." I doubt it, Shinpachi-Kun. "It's right here, you were sleeping right in front of it." That's actually pretty convenient. Imagine me, walking through Edo Japan, not even knowing I'm in an Anime.

Since we're now walking, I get a good chance to look at what I'm wearing. Hm... Red Sweat Jacket with a Hood... Green Jeans... Blue Sandals... I wonder if my face has changed...

We headed inside and I sat on the couch (very uncomfortable by the way) while they sat on the couch in front of me.

We talked and talked, and after about 30 minutes Gintoki sighed. "So, you're trying to tell us that you don't remember how you ended up in front of this place, and all you remember is that you're in Edo Japan, your name is Len, you're 12 years old, your favorite food is fried rice, and you really love Jump Manga." Well, I actually love Anime, but I'm too scared to say that to you 3.

"Wait, what about your parents?!" Damn, Kagura! Why did you ask that?!

"Um, all I can remember is my mom abandoned me when I was little. I don't remember my dad at all." I lied. That seems reasonable. They shouldn't want to investigate me further. But, I need to know where they are in the Anime! Hopefully not too far in. "So how did you 3 meet? Have you all known each other that long?"

Kagura snorted. "These idiots ran me over and got in the way while I was running from a stupid perm gang, so since I have no money I'm working here until I can pay for a ride home." She started picking her nose. "And it just happened a few days ago."

Perfect, Episode 5...

Shinpachi stood up and pointed a finger at her. "FIRST OF ALL, I WAS HELPING YOU! SECOND, WE WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED IF IT WASN'T FOR GIN-SAN!" Ah, another honorific. Shinpachi sat down and gave a warm smile. "I'm sorry, so... Do you need a place to stay? I'm sure Gin-San wouldn't mind you staying here."

"No." Gintoki stood up and walked over to his desk. "We don't have enough food for ourselves, much less you."

"Gin-San!" ...Am I ever going to get tired of that? "This boy needs a place to stay, it would be awful if you just ignored him!" That would be awful... Where would I go then? That would ruin everything for me, I would probably go hungry out there alone! Although, I'm probably going to go hungry here too...

"Please... I have no where to go..." I sniffed and wiped a fake tear away. "Please, Gin-San... What if I work for you?" I turned around and smirked evilly. This should work! "Doesn't Yorozuya mean, House of 1000 Jobs? If I can help you 3, I should be able to stay here, right?!"

Gin seemed to think for a moment, and sighed. "Well, fine. As long as you work, you can sleep on the couch."

"I would like a mattress to sleep on, please." I said as I folded my arms. I know I'm not supposed to be acting bratty yet, but this couch is uncomfortable to sit on. I'll never get any sleep on that.

"Maybe I have a few extra mattresses at my place." Shinpachi replied. I was hoping you did, Shinpachi-Kun.

"Well, we're going to have a talk tonight... So we can all get to know you better." Gin said. I nodded, and walked over to the window. I looked outside, and smiled. I hope... I think I'm going to like it here...