Note: The last chapter! Yay, now the story is complete! As requested by a friend, I ended this with a bang. You'll see a little biasness there, but that's just me and trust me, I can be worse. Well, let's move on with the story.

Day 14…

"Alright, today is the last damn day. So, to test how much stronger you've become; we are going to have a one-on-one battle with each of you. I've already randomly selected the pairs. To be successful you will have to win at least 4 out of the 6 battles. You win by knocking your opponent to the ground. As long as they fall or touch the ground, you win. You had damn well better got that." Romano said, addressing the Vongola Family. He continued by announcing the six groupings in the order of their battles: Ryohei against Ludwig (Germany), Gokudera against Matthew (Canada), Yamamoto against Antonio (Spain), Chrome/Mukuro against Ivan (Russia), Hibari against Francis (France) and Tsuna against Feliciano (Italy).

"Now, those going first had damned well batter get ready soon, we're going to start as soon as possible." Romano said. When Ryohei and Germany were both ready, the first battle started.

Battle 1: Ryohei vs. Germany

"So, you've been training with Alfred is that right?" Germany asked, taking the time to size up Ryohei.

"Yeah. We've been training to the EXTREME!" Ryohei shouted, as was his custom.

"In that case, I'll think twice about holding back." Germany said and with that, they started their battle. It seemed like a boxing match; each time Ryohei threw a punch, Germany would block against it while throwing a punching of his own and vice versa. However, over a period of time, they were starting to feel a little fatigue.

"This isn't getting us anywhere…" Germany muttered, taking out his whip.

"That weapon is like…" Ryohei started.

"What Dino-san always uses…" Tsuna finished. He looked over only to see Hibari smirking. "Did you know about Ludwig-san using the whip Hibari-san?" He asked a little timidly.

"He isn't as good as that person." Hibari commented, referring to Dino.

"Oh… Okay…" Tsuna said, confused at Hibari's comment. Now, with the whip, the battle seemed so much more one-sided. Now, even before Ryohei can execute the punch, Germany would use his whip to stop the attack, reading the movement. Germany would then use his free hand to attack Ryohei.

"Hibari's right." Reborn commented, smiling.

"Huh? What are you talking about Reborn?" Tsuna asked, not getting what Reborn was talking about.

"Dino uses his whip for attacks and defence and usually, he doesn't use anything else." Reborn started.

"Oh yeah… He has Enzio but he doesn't usually use that…"Tsuna said, thinking back.

"However, Ludwig only uses his whip for defence, relying on his fists to attack. That's why Hibari said that he wasn't as good as Dino." Reborn finished his explanation.

"Oh…" Tsuna said as realisation hit him.

"Of course, you didn't even notice this, Tsuna." Reborn continued, turning away.

"How was I supposed to know?!" Tsuna protested.

"Shut up and watch the match already, Tsuna." Reborn replied as he watched the battle unfold.

Remembering that the battle was still going on, Tsuna turned back and reverted his attention to the battle. By that time, Germany and Ryohei were both panting slightly and looking even more tired than they did before.

"Hey Ryohei! Use that attack!" America suddenly shouted out.

"Alright! MAXIMUM INGRAM!" Ryohei yelled, executing the attack.

"Too slow!" Germany shouted, dodging the punch seemingly with ease. He followed with a well placed punch, effectively knocking Ryohei to the ground, winning the battle.

"That battle's over and the damn potato freak won. The next battle is going to start in about five minutes." Romano said.

Battle 2: Gokudera vs. Canada

"Mattie? Where did you get that sword?" America asked in surprised when he saw his brother walk to them with a sword in his hand.

"Oh. Kiku lent it to me since he won't be fighting." Canada replied.

"Since when did you learn how to use swords?" England asked curiously.

"You and Francis used to teach me and Alfred in the past, remember? But Alfred was always more into guns so he gave up after some time." Canada explained.

"Oh yeah…" England said as he remembered.

"Can we start this damn battle already?" Romano asked, obviously annoyed.

Canada and Gokudera both nod and stepped forward.

"As the Tenth's right-hand man, I won't lose to you." Gokudera announced.

"Wow… Vongola Decimo sure has some devoted Guardians." Canada said his voice barely a whisper. Not being able to hear him clearly, Gokudera simply took out his dynamites and threw them at Canada. Canada raised the sword instinctively, slicing the dynamites apart.

"How is that possible…?" Gokudera wondered aloud.

"When you have Alfred as you brother, you get used to things coming your way at high speeds." Canada said.

"Wahoo! Go Mattie!" America yelled out.

"His reflexes have improved." England noted.

"Wait, he's, like, fading out…" Hong Kong pointed out.

"You're right aru… That'll put Gokudera in a tight spot." China said.

"No. He'll be fine." Hong Kong said. China looked at him in confusion but Hong Kong's face stayed expressionless.

"Come on. No one can see Matthew when he fades out…" Germany retorted.

"Who said he had to see Matthew?" Hong Kong replied. The rest of the nations suddenly had a bad feeling after hearing that. Their fears were confirmed when Gokudera suddenly took out a large number of dynamites.

"If I can't see you, I'll just aim at all directions in one go." Gokudera reasoned.

"Why don't we all, like, take a step back?" Hong Kong advised.

"Aiyah! Why did you teach him such a dangerous technique aru?" China complained. However, in view of their current situation, they all took a large step back.

Gokudera launched all his dynamites, in all directions around him. As they exploded, black powder rained down on everyone, along with some sort of white powder.

"He brought those along…" Hong Kong said to himself.

"Dude, what are you talking about?" America questioned.

"We, like, created new types of explosives after that food fight the other day. We added flour to one of them. It's, like, supposed to reveal an invisible object due to the flour." Hong Kong explained.

"That means that he will be able to see Matthew!" England exclaimed. Sure enough, when the gunpowder cleared, they could all see a white figure that was Canada.

"Now I've got you." Gokudera said.

"That was a really good idea!" Spain exclaimed.

"Not really… He brought along too few dynamites. He, like, really needs more places to hide his explosives somehow." Hong Kong commented.

"What do you mean?" Tsuna asked.

"He ran out of dynamites." Reborn answered.

"But that means…" Yamamoto said, trailing off.

"He'll have to rely on his close combat skills aru. Kiku, you have your camera with you don't you? Could you take a video of this aru?" China asked.

"Okay… But why?" Japan asked, taking out his camera.

"This could be amusing aru."

Realising that he did not have any more dynamites with him, Gokudera ran forward and attacked Canada repeatedly. However, the attacks did not seem to have any effect. Watching them, China laughed silently.

"Why doesn't this work?! I've been practising!" Gokudera exclaimed, frustrated at his failed attempts.

"Oh, I'm… wearing ice hockey gear…" Canada said, face reddening slightly in embarrassment.

"What?!" Gokudera exclaimed, not believing what he was just told.

"Mathew… Just what are you doing wearing ice hockey gear at a time like this?" France asked cautiously, unsure if he wanted to know the answer.

"Well… When you have Alfred as you brother…" Canada said, shrugging in defeat. Everyone stared at America who blatantly ignores the stares. "Shall we continue?" Canada asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, right." Gokudera said, snapping out of his surprise.

"Alright, here I go." Canada said, suddenly moving away. He appears again behind Gokudera. "Sorry about this. I know you want to win, but I can't give any chances. Lovino's orders, I'm sorry." Canada apologised, knocking Gokudera to the ground with the handle of the sword, winning the battle.

Gokudera walked back to the rest of the Guardians and Tsuna. "I've failed as your right-hand man, Tenth!" he exclaimed, looking as if he would cry.

"No. Its fine, you were great there!" Tsuna said, trying to comfort Gokudera.

"I'll work harder from now on Tenth!" Gokudera promised.

"Vongola, you need to win the rest of these bloody battles to pass. The next one starts soon." Romano informed them.

Battle 3: Yamamoto vs. Spain

"Looks like I'm going." Yamamoto said.

"You had better not lose you baseball nut!" Gokudera warned.

"I got it." Yamamoto answered good-naturedly, carrying a bag with him.

"Wait, what is that you're carrying?" Tsuna asked.

"Just some equipment I may need later." Yamamoto replied, walking up to face Spain who was carrying a giant axe.

"It's been some time since this thing saw action!" Spain said, laughing happily.

"Shut up tomato freak! Just get started already dammit!" Romano scolded.

"Lovi~ Don't be so cold…" Spain complained.

"Shut up idiota!" Romano shouted, face turning red.

"Alright Lovi… Don't need to get so worked up…" Spain said.

They start their battle. As time passed, Spain was gaining the upper hand, even though Yamamoto was fighting back with everything he had.

"This match up isn't a good one against Yamamoto-kun." Japan commented.

"But he sure is putting up an awesome fight!" Prussia said.

"Yes, he is. But a sword is still no match for an axe, especially when it's wielded by someone like Antonio-san." Japan pointed out.

"You have a point…" Germany said.

"But didn't you train him to fight like that Kiku?" China asked.

"Yes, but I always used my sword. We never trained to fight against any other weapon; I didn't think that this situation would happen…" Japan said, regretting not having taught Yamamoto more. As they looked on, Yamamoto suddenly started backing away from Spain, towards the bag that he had set down earlier.

"What is he doing?! Why is he backing away?!" Gokudera demanded.

Yamamoto unzipped the bag that was on the ground and took out his baseball and baseball bat.

"Huh? Oh! I get it! You want to play ball! Oh, but we are in a battle right now…" Spain said, sounding disappointed.

"We could play later." Yamamoto suggested.

"Really?! That's great!" Spain exclaimed happily and they both burst out laughing. Everyone else just stared at them. Then, Yamamoto threw the ball upwards and used the baseball bat to whack the ball at Spain, who was too busy laughing to notice. The ball hit Spain, knocking him down, earning Yamamoto the victory.

Sitting up, Spain started laughing. "That was an interesting attack! I like it!" Spain praised.

"Thanks!" Yamamoto replied, laughing as well.

"Antonio you jerk! Why did you lose that damn battle?!" Romano demanded to know.

"Well, it shows how much they improved. That last move really surprised me." Spain confessed.

"Fine dammit! But don't you dare lose again!" Romano warned.

"I got it Lovi~" Spain said.

"Argh! Stop calling me that! Anyway, the next match will start soon so get you asses down here!" Romano replied.

Battle 4: Chrome/Mukuro vs. Russia

"It's been awhile da." Russia said while Chrome nodded in reply.

"Somehow, this doesn't seem like a good idea…" Tsuna said to himself.

"I know what you mean. But if Mukuro comes and takes her place, then they may stand a chance." England said.

"Mukuro… That is a possibility considering… Wait! We need to get Hibari-san away first! Huh…? Where is he?" Tsuna wondered looking around for Hibari.

"On the roof." Reborn answered.

"Why would he be there?" Tsuna asked.

"I told him that he would be able to see the fight and their movements more clearly from the roof top. So, he left awhile ago." Reborn said.

"That's good…" Tsuna said, breathing a sigh of relief.

As Chrome and Russia fight, Chrome started to falter under Russia's attacks. Although Russia seemed to be slightly affected by Chrome's illusions, his attacks did not falter in the slightest. Suddenly, Chrome stopped. Surprised by this, Russia stopped his attacks as well, waiting to see what would happen, if it would give him a seemingly better fight.

"Mukuro-sama?" Chrome said.

"It's happening…" England said.

As with the last time, mist surrounded Chrome and when the mist cleared, Mukuro stood in her place. "Now, what are you doing to my Chrome?" Mukuro asked, dangerously polite.

"We were having a battle da." Russia replied.

"Oh? Well, your battle is with me now. By the way, Acrobolleno, Hibari Kyoya doesn't seem to be here…" Mukuro said, turning to Reborn.

"It'll be easier if this fight wasn't interrupted." Reborn said.

"I see…" Mukuro replied thoughtfully.

"Shall we start now?" Russia asked.

"If you wish." Mukuro replied, activating his first eye. Now, the illusions were more powerful than before and everyone could see them clearly. However, they still do not seem to be affecting Russia.

"Such images will not affect me da." Russia said.

"Kufufufu… That's interesting. Let's go one step higher then." Mukuro said, activating the Vongola ring. This time, the illusions seem even more solid.

"Making them more powerful will not work da." Russia said, smiling, his evil aura radiating. Suddenly, Mukuro started walking backwards.

"Mukuro is… backing away?" Tsuna asked, not believing what he was seeing.

"Definitely not, Vongola Decimo." Mukuro replied.

"Are you sure?" Russia asked, raising his water pipe.

"Definitely." Mukuro replied, creating a wall.

"It's just an illusion da." Russia said as he swung his water pipe down. His expression turned into one of shock when the attack bounced off the 'wall'.

"What is this aru? The pipe just bounced off aru!" China exclaimed.

"It's like the wall is real or something…" Hong Kong commented.

"This is Mukuro's real illusions." Reborn said as an explanation.

"Isn't that impossible?" Canada asked.

"An illusion isn't real. How can there be such a thing as a real illusion?" Germany asked.

"Mukuro used the ring flame to strengthen his illusions. They are so powerful that they are as good as real objects. This is Mukuro's signature move, Real Illusions." Reborn explained further.

"That sounds awesome…" Prussia said.

As the fight continued, Russia started to slow down and both of them start showing signs of fatigue.

"My, my, this isn't good… It's time to increase this even more." Mukuro said and two more people suddenly appear next to him.

"That's Ken and Chikusa! What are they doing here?" Tsuna exclaimed.

"They are just illusions da." Russia told himself.

"Oh?" Mukuro questioned, creating more copies of Ken, Chikusa and himself.

"I'll just find the real one da." Russia said, swinging his pipe around wildly. As he did that, he felt spines poking him in his right arm. He notices Chikusa landing on the ground to his right.

"You're a real illusion da." He confirmed. However, when he tried to attack that Chikusa, it just disappeared like an illusion would.

"Confused, Ivan?" all the copies of Mukuro asked at once.

"No." Russia replied, however, he had a small look of confusion on his face.

"I like that resilience." Mukuro said from beside Russia's ear as he disappears into the crowd of illusions.

"He's hiding in the illusions… But it could be him or a real illusion…" Russia thought aloud.

From seemingly nowhere, Mukuro's voice started speaking, "Real… or an illusion? Illusion… or real illusions? Hidden in an illusion is the real illusion. From an illusion will sprout another illusion. Hidden in truth lie lies. Hidden in lies, hides the truth. This is Mist." Mukuro said as the illusions disappeared and Russia found himself open to the attack from the end of Mukuro's trident. The attack knocked Russia down, earning the Vongola Family yet another victory.

"That was a good battle da." Russia said, getting up.

"It's as fun as fighting against Hibari Kyoya…" Mukuro complimented Russia.

"Mukuro, you should go soon. Hibari's fighting next so he's coming down now." Reborn said to Mukuro.

"I see. It would be bad of me to spoil his turn after he agreed not to spoil mine… I'll let Chrome witness it for me." Mukuro decided.

"Alright." Reborn said as Mukuro disappeared and Chrome took his place again.

"It's time for the next battle already dammit!" Romano said getting stressed out at the time the battles were taking. Hibari appeared and walked forward as France did the same, holding his sword.

Battle 5: Hibari vs. France

"Wow, Francis is going to use his sword. Hibari's going down." Spain said smiling.

"Have you already forgotten the fight on the eighth day?" Germany asked incredulously.

"Hibari-san won't lose here…" Tsuna said, confident that Hibari will never lose to anyone.

"But Francis is using his sword… Then again, he's up against Hibari who is really really awesome at fighting." Prussia mused.

"This could go either way from my point of view aru." China said.

"Yes, but I get the feeling that Hibari-san is still hiding something from us." Japan said.

"Hey Francis! His tonfas have are in sections! You could slice them apart!" America suddenly yelled. Everyone turned to stare at him.

"You git! You can't destroy their weapons!" England shouted at America, sure that he had taught him more common sense than that.

"Oh yeah…" America said, as if the thought had just struck him.

"Can we just start already?" Romano demanded.

"My pleasure." Hibari said. Hearing this, France got his sword ready.

"Go Roll." Hibari said, releasing his box animal.

"That's Hibari's box animal!" Ryohei shouted out.

"What?!" France yelled as he dodged Roll who had launched out of the box.

"What is Hibari doing?" Germany demanded to know.

"To Hibari, Francis isn't worth fighting personally. So, he's sent out Roll to fight instead." Reborn pointed out and explained. Having been dodged, Roll returned to Hibari's side. Now that it had stopped spinning around, everyone could see that roll was a cute little purple hedgehog.

"Oh my! What a cute little hedgehog!" France exclaimed, unable to help himself.

"Oh? Needle Sphere Form, Roll." Hibari instructed. With that, Roll's spines suddenly expanded and everyone had to move away or risked being skewered by the spines.

"Oi Hibari! Are you trying to kill us all?!" Ryohei shouted at Hibari angrily.

"If you were killed by that, then it just proves how much of an herbivore you are." Hibari answered, stunning everyone with his words. While having not been speared by Roll, France was cornered by the spines that had missed him. He was hitting the spines with his swords, trying to get himself free from his little makeshift prison.

"Don't try. Nothing will happen no matter what you do. Kamikurosu." Hibari said, taking out his tonfas.

"I was hoping that I wouldn't have to use my strongest attack…" France said.

Realising what France was going to do, Tsuna shouted, "Quick! Get Chrome away now!"

Canada gladly guided Chrome, and himself, out of sight from the rest of them. Hibari waited out of curiosity as France threw down his sword and started taking off his clothes.

"You bloody Frog! What are you doing?!" England shouted.

"Showing all of you my brilliance." was his answer.

Soon, France had completely taken off all his clothes. Thankfully, there was a rose covering his…vital regions. "Well, how do you like my radiance? Ow!" France said. This was caused by Hibari who had seen enough. He used his tonfas and whacked France on the head, knocking him out. He then proceeded to walked back to the mansion, with Roll returning to his Vongola box.

"Tch. That was one damn quick battle… Anyway, the last battle starts soon. Vongola Decimo, Feliciano, get ready." Romano said.

"But fratello~" Italy protested, not wanting to fight at all.

"Shut up! Now follow me." Romano instructed.

"Ve~ Okay~" Italy relented. He walked after Romano who had walked off. In the meantime, America was carrying a dressed France to the infirmary, again.

Battle 6: Tsuna vs. Italy

Italy walked back to the group carrying a gun in his hands and a gun in a sling on his waist with an unsure look on his face.

"Feli…ciano… Is that a gun you're carrying?" Germany asked, shocked that Italy would even go near such a thing.

"Ve~ its Lovino's… He lent it to me." Italy replied sounding a little awkward.

"I thought so… It's fine as long as you don't shoot yourself or something like that." Germany said, sighing at the memories of Italy's failures at weaponary.

"Don't forget to, like, not kill the Vongola Decimo. Shoot him in the leg or something if you, like, need to." Hong Kong added.

"It'll be okay~ Fratello showed me how to shoot, so I won't hurt myself like that Ludwig! I hope that I won't need to shoot though…" Italy said, trailing off. He cringed at the thought of having to shoot someone, especially when that someone was not his enemy.

"Of course you will need to shoot dammit! I've loaded it with flames instead of normal bullets, so it'll be fine even if you do shoot. Now just start already dammit!" Romano shouted, getting impatient and worried.

Tsuna, already waiting to start, activated the Vongola gloves and got ready for Italy's attack. Italy raised the gun he was holding and pulled the trigger, shooting out a stream of continuous Sky flames. Tsuna activated 'Zero Point Breakthrough- First Edition' in defence. However, it not only froze the flames being shot out, the ice travelled all the way to Italy and froze him too!

"Feli! Lovi, we need to help him!" Spain yelled frantically.

"He's fine dammit! He might not like fighting but he's still a Vargus. If pushed to it, he can and damn well will fight dammit!" Romano shouted back at Spain.

"But Lovi…" Spain started to protest.

"Shut up dammit!" Romano interrupted.

Hearing this, Spain was taken aback by Romano's reply. Didn't he care for his brother at all? He was about to chide Romano when he realised the fear and worry he had for Italy mirrored and magnified in Romano's eyes. Seeing this, Spain turned back to watch the fight again. By that time, the ice that was acting as a cage was slowly being broken by Italy from the inside out.

"Feliciano-kun is going to fight." Japan commented.

"Looks like it. He has been pushed to this extent…" Germany said.

Having gotten out of the ice, Italy said, "I'm sorry, Vongola Decimo. But I have to fight for my Famiglia. I can't just give up for a fight like this…" He raised his gun again, firmer this time and aimed it straight at Tsuna. He quickly pulled the trigger, firing out another stream of orange flames at Tsuna. Not having time to use 'Zero Point Breakthrough' again, Tsuna dodges the stream, only to immediately be met with another stream coming at him. Barely dodging that one, Tsuna suddenly found himself surrounded by multiple short streams of Sky flames. To dodge all of them, Tsuna shot himself upwards, only to be met by Italy who used the gun to shoot him back to the ground, eyes full of regret and remorse.

"Tenth!" Gokudera shouted, ready t assist Tsuna if needed. However, Tsuna almost immediately propels himself back into the sky to continue the battle.

From the ground, all those watching could see were orange streaks in the sky as the two collided.

"They are really going at it aren't they?" England said, looking at Italy and Tsuna as they fought.

"It's hard to imagine that Feliciano is actually fighting like this." Germany commented.

"Hey… Not to put a wet blanket or anything, but how would we see if one of them wins? I mean… we can't just wait for one of them to fall out of the sky; that would be too dangerous for them aru!" China pointed out.

When they realised that China was right, all of them shot themselves into the sky using their respective flames. Both of them were fighting hard, even though they were visibly tiring. Finally, Tsuna decided that it was time for him to use his new move that he just created, 'X-Burner Air'. Seeing this, Italy pulled out his own gun that was hanging at his hip in its holster the entire fight. Loading it with flames, he aimed at Tsuna. Both charged up their attacks, releasing them at the same time. The resulting collision of flames caused a bright explosion. Their onlookers all shielded their eyes against the bright glare. When they could see again, Italy and Tsuna were racing each other back to the ground, both propelled by their flames. They reached the ground at the same time, both breathing heavily. The rest of them approached the pair apprehensively, unsure if they had finished their fight. Then, Italy sat onto the ground, closely followed by Tsuna.

"Tenth!" Gokudera yelled, running forward.

"Tsuna!" Yamamoto shouted at the same time, running up with Gokudera.

'Feliciano!" Germany shouted, running forward to help Italy, closely followed by Japan, Spain and Romano.

"I'm fine really, don't worry about it…" Tsuna said, trying to reassure those who were surrounding him.

"Ve~ Ludwig, Fratello, that was kind of scary… but it was still okay!" Italy said, smiling like usual. Seeing this, everyone sighed in relief that both were alright.

"We both fell, so what is the outcome?" Tsuna asked anxiously.

"Feliciano fell first. You pass, Vongola." Romano said, smiling slightly.

"We…we passed!" Tsuna said in a disbelieving tone.

"Ve~ Congratulations Tsuna!" Italy said, going up to hug him.

"Erm… Thanks…" Tsuna said, embarrassed by how Italy was suddenly so informal and friendly.

"Hey! Why are you still so formal? You passed so we are no longer your trainers! We should celebrate! The awesome me would like to continue the party till late at night, but you guys are all leaving before dinner. Even so, let's go get some awesome drinks!" Prussia said excitedly.

"Brother, they are still not of age yet you know?" Germany asked, rolling his eyes at Prussia.

"What's a few drinks?! Come on Ludwig, don't be so uptight!" Prussia said.

"Definitely not aru! We are not supposed to teach them to drink aru!" China vehemently said, shaking his head. In the meantime, Yamamoto and Spain were playing catch with each other.

'This is fun! I should do this with Lovi more, except we shall use tomatoes instead!" Spain declared.

"That sounds fun! Yamamoto agreed. Both of them started laughing as they discussed more about playing baseball with tomatoes. Meanwhile, Gokudera and Hong Kong were having a short discussion about the battles.

"That was a good idea, bringing those flour dynamites." Hong Kong said, his voice expressionless as per usual, however, a small smile had formed on his face.

"You think so?!" Gokudera asked in surprise.

Hong Kong nodded in response.

"Hey Ryohei! Wanna say that together again?" America asked, giving everyone a bad feeling. This feeling grew worse when Ryohei nodded in response.

"ESTREME HERO!" Both of them yelled out at the top of their lungs, even louder than before. Everyone jumped at the sudden yell, causing both of them to laugh loudly.

"Stop that you git!" England scolded.

"That was too loud aru…" China complained, getting nods of agreement from the others. Russia walked up to Chrome in the midst of the chaos.

"Chrome, keep working on your illusions. You have a natural gift da." Russia said.

"Ivan's right Chrome. Even though Mukuro hold most of the power regarding being the Mist Guardian, you are a good illusionist yourself." England said, complimenting Chrome. Hearing their praise, Chrome nodded shyly.

"Tsuna, you've improved your attack skills, good job on that new move." Canada said softly.

'Thanks!" Tsuna said, accepting the compliment.

'Don't get too happy dammit! Our families may be allies, but many other families are you enemies and they can be really strong. Make damn sure that you watch out when facing such people." Romano warned.

"Ve~ Fratello's right. There are some scary people out there… Don't get hurt okay?" Italy said.

"…I'll try my best…" Tsuna replied, knowing that what they were saying would help him in the future.

Walking over to Tsuna, Germany said, "Ah… Will you tell Hibari Kyoya that we'll all hone our skills and face him again someday? Tell him that we look forward to it."

"Huh? Alright…" Tsuna replied, not really getting why Hibari would want to know that.

As they continued to congratulate each other, Hong Kong dropped the firecrackers and fireworks he had brought along. He lit them all, giving them a ten seconds fuse.

"Whoops…" Hong Kong said under his breath, smirking as he jumped onto the rooftop, using the window sills as leverage. There, he sees Hibari who was watching the matches from the rooftop.

"You may want to, like, cover your ears or something." Hong Kong said, covering his ears.

"Oh?" Hibari said, looking uninterested. In the meantime, England just realised that Hong Kong was missing.

"Jia Long…? Where did you… BLOODY HELL! No way he…" England said just as the fuse ran out. The explosion threw everyone into the lake behind them.

Being the first ones to recover, England and China swim to the surface where they shouted together, "Jia Long!"

On the rooftop, both Hong Kong and Hibari heard and saw the entire thing unfold. Hibari raised his eyebrow. Shrugging, Hong Kong said, "Those were, like, really nice fireworks." He then ran down, his camera in his hands.

After that, they all washed up and had lunch, before returning home to Namimori.


Note: So ... How was it? Good? Bad? Any improvements or mistakes I made? Opinions? I'm having another crossover using these two anime again and I have the brief story idea but nothing will be out till I have something more concrete. Question, any other ideas that you think I can write about? If I don't think for too long, my mind goes blank. Please review to tell me! Thanks and bye!