Hibari was bent over his desk, scouring every document Dino handled on Daemon's case. He'd been hunched over for hours, and he was still completely soaked from discovering the body earlier with Dino in the downpour, despite having been inside for the duration of his scrutiny. Hours were spent scrutinizing paperwork, and so far, the raven detective had nothing to show for his time wasted.

Hours wasted, and still nothing. Hibari was minutes away from throwing all the paperwork haphazardly back into the over-stuffed filing cabinet. He needed to find something soon. He had no idea when Dino was going to get back to the precinct nor who would be with him. It was pure luck that he'd managed to slip away from Dino while on the way to the park to pick up Daemon without the blond noticing (idiot was always acutely aware of him for some reason). Well, when you're working around the law as a law enforcer, it was probably paranoia toward your partner rather than creepy acute awareness.

Ah, here we go. Carefully edited documents were hidden amongst the files. Dino had apparently verified an alibi for Daemon that didn't exist. Hibari narrowed his eyes. Why would Dino do that for a murderer? Unless… No, that was impossible – where would Dino meet such a person? Maybe that information would be on Dino's computer.

Before long, Hibari found what he'd been looking for. A finished, unedited, unpublished manuscript was on Dino's computer, waiting to be found. The dedication page was a shock to find.

Dedicated to Dino Cavallone, the man I owe my life to. He kept me light when all was dark.

That explained far too much – far more tan Hibari felt comfortable knowing. He sighed and closed his eyes, turning off Dino's computer. Another sigh and he was returning all the files back to their proper places. He still had a few minutes at the very least before Dino would come barging in – probably with Tsuna and Daemon in tow. Or so he hoped, given what he'd read. He had a suspicion that all was not well.

It was hours later before Dino sulked into the precinct, soaked, and with a bruise forming on his face. Tsuna, Chrome, and Mukuro were all behind him. Everyone looked worse for wear, but there was a certain exuberance hanging on the trio behind Dino. Dino, however, looked like death was on his doorstep. Yet another sigh left Hibari's lips. Involuntarily, his gaze slid to Chrome, to see how she was handling things. She caught his gaze and smiled, and he looked away stubbornly. It was his saving grace that she didn't laugh.

"I shot Daemon Spade." The silence shattered. Dino's voice was broken, cracked, hollow. Hibari inwardly winced. Well. Case closed, then. The raven caught Mukuro mutter something, coughing into his hand. They locked gazes and Hibari just shook his head.

"Case closed, Cavallone." Hibari stood. "Best get on that paperwork."


It's been over a month since the death of the serial killer Daemon Spade. Most have moved on and many feel the streets are safe again. Mukuro himself felt that a substantial weight had been lifted from his shoulders. And indeed it had, as his head was no longer on the chopping block and he was no longer at risk for taking the blame. Tsuna, too, felt waves of relief – he always knew Mukuro would make it through this, and he was glad to be proven right.

The day was stunning, bright and warm. Just warm enough, not too hot, not too cold. It was a surprise, given the chill of the days and nights before. Even the day must have been celebrating the end of the long reign of terror.

Tsuna and Mukuro are in a lightly furnished apartment, sitting on a simplistic and rather small couch. The size puts them sitting almost awkwardly close to each other. Their knees brushed against each other, but neither seemed to mind or even notice. Really, they seemed to enjoy the closeness, if anything.

"Are you sure, Mukuro?" Tsuna broached, voice barely above a whisper.

"Hm?" The addressed tilted his head, with a curiously amused smile. "Sure about what?"

"You don't want to stay?" The brunet was almost nervous, as if afraid of being shot down. "With us, I mean."

"Yeah." Mukuro nodded, leaning slightly toward Tsuna. Tsuna leaned the rest of the way, shoulder to shoulder.

"… Is it because of me?"

"No, Tsuna." Mukuro chuckled softly ruffling Tsuna's hair. "It's not because of you."

"…Then why don't you want to stay?"

"I've been locked in that house for months," Mukuro dropped his arm, letting it fall over Tsuna's shoulders lazily. "I'd like to get out."

"…Oh, yeah." Pout. "That is a good reason. Sorry I couldn't get you out sooner. …And I'm sorry I wasn't much help."

Mukuro swatted Tsuna upside the head. "You did plenty. You kept me out of an overcrowded, unsanitary holding cell. And it wasn't all… Unpleasant." Mukuro didn't bring up the nights when Tsuna wiped sweat off his brow and sick from his chin. He felt it didn't need saying.

Tsuna smiled at that, unable to really say anything because it was true. He'd managed at least that much.

"You're always welcome to come home, though." Tsuna offered, hesitant about using the word home. To make his decision to let Mukuro come back whenever he wanted solid and permanent, Tsuna took Mukuro's hand and pressed a house key into it. "Whenever you like. Visit me, visit Chrome. Any of us."

Visit me.

Mukuro held the key tightly in his grasp, knuckles almost going white. For a moment, Tsuna was afraid he'd made Mukuro angry. He was worried, tense, for a long while until Mukuro removed his arm from Tsuna's shoulders and put the key on his keychain. Without a word, Mukuro handed over a key to the lightly furnished apartment he and Tsuna were sitting in.

The gesture was not lost on Tsuna. His eyes lit up and he took the key, immediately mimicking Mukuro and adding the new key to his collection.

"So…" Tsuna drifted, trying to fill the suddenly awkward lull in conversation.

"Hm?" Mukuro titled his head, mildly amused at Tsuna's sudden bout of shyness.

"What will you do now…?"

"I'm not sure. Will people hire me, if they knew my involvement in the Daemon case?"

"You had no involvement, Mukuro." Tsuna pursed his lips, not liking the thought very much. But, Mukuro was right. He might not get employment opportunities simply because he looked like Daemon, even though it had been released to the press that the killer was dead. "… You can work for me. I could always use an extra set of hands. And I'm sure Chrome would be happy to have you around more often."

He paused, thoughtful. "I should be able to get us a real office again soon. It wasn't the ideal situation, but Daemon's novels are selling like hotcakes. Apparently people want to know what went on the mind of a killer…"

Mukuro nodded. A job was a job. And he got to be around his sister, and Tsuna, while he worked. He accepted the offer with the barest hint of a smile. Tsuna lit up again, smiling brightly.

Tsuna leaned forward, brushing his lips against Mukuro's in a hesitantly bold kiss. Without pulling back, he whispered against Mukuro's lips, "I'll see you tomorrow, Mukuro."

And so he would. He would see Mukuro tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. That was the thought running through Tsuna's mind as he left Mukuro's meager apartment to let him get settled in.


Elsewhere in town, Hibari and Chrome were sitting across from each other at a quaint little diner. It was cozy, fairly small, but not entirely crowded. The menu was traditional, and Hibari had briefly complained that there was no Japanese to be had here. Chrome had giggled and waved him off, saying something about eating Italian while in Italy. And besides, she had said, the ravioli alfredo here was to die for.

So, Hibari ceased his complaints and (begrudgingly) ordered Chrome's recommendation. He had learned, it seemed, that if he wanted to have Chrome's attention, he had to swallow his pride and step up. He also learned, belatedly, that Tsuna's seemingly innocent assistant had a devious side – she'd baited him into courting her without actually having to take the lead, and she'd succeeded. All those times where he'd startled her months ago during Daemon's killing spree, she'd let him. She'd known he was there but still acted startled. To save Hibari some face? He almost scoffed, if not for the fact that she'd snagged him hook, line, and sinker.

And really? At this point, he couldn't care less. He found himself rather enjoying how she was so subtly in control – so much so that sometimes Hibari forgot that she did so – that he didn't mind it so much. In fact, it was, in a way, rather liberating. He didn't have to worry if she'd leave or become clingy. He didn't have to worry about her being unable to pull her own weight. If anything, she was way more capable than both himself and her own boss combined, and Hibari found that rather exhilarating. Here was this dainty woman sitting across from him, trim and composed, and yet so content, but underneath that was a fierce lioness that managed a household of men that worked themselves to the bone.

"So?" Chrome prodded him gently, her voice as soft and airy as ever. "How is the ravioli alfredo?"

Hibari blinked, sitting up a little straighter. He'd been so distracted with his thoughts that he hadn't realized he'd started eating. Chrome seemed to have noticed, but she just smiled – no tinkling laughter, for which Hibari was grateful.

"…It needs meat."

That had Chrome giggling. "Beef ravioli next time, then?"

Next time? She wanted a 'next time'? Strangely, Hibari found himself looking forward to it. He inclined his head in a brief nod, assenting to her invitation.


Not everyone had moved on and recovered from the months of Daemon's reign of terror. Of course, families were still mourning the losses of daughters, sisters, mothers, wives. They would continue to mourn. It was something that could never be forgotten.

Dino would mourn, too. He'd tried everything he could to save the love of his life from his own mind, but he had failed. He had failed and it cost him Daemon's life. And the lives of several women. The only saving grace was that one woman survived and Daemon would hopefully be forgiven in the afterlife – if there was one.

What really tore into Dino's heart, though, was not only Daemon's death. What cut into him was the permanent reminder on his desk. His superiors thought it best to give him a promotion for "outstanding work." Yeah, work that got his best friend and lover killed. Work that rendered him incomplete and broken.

He killed his butterfly, all for a goddamned shiny new promotion on his desk.

Hibari never uttered a word, though. And strangely, enough, neither did Mukuro. One thought Dino had gotten his due punishment for his transgressions. The other was saving Tsuna heartache over discovering the truth about Dino.


Well, this is the official final chapter. I may or may not write a little epilogue or something to go separately at a later date. I haven't decided yet. I'm still reeling from the feels I caused myself while writing the last couple of chapters.

I hope you've enjoyed the ride! Thank you for staying with me this long.

As always, mistakes are my own.