Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho in any way. EVER.

A/N: Yo. Real short greeting there. :p Well anyways, I AM NOW BACK IN THAILAND! YES! I CAN FINALLY HAVE FAST INTERNET AND FAST UPDATES! YIPPEE! But anyways, Rin's fight is coming right after Hiei's so be prepared! Hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm getting the hang of fighting scenes now…I think. Sorry for the long wait again!

Official Announcement-Rin's fight will be starting the NEXT NEXT chapter. Don't know if it'll go on for two chapters though.

I'm very sorry for the last two week hiatus and how short this chapter is. :( Promise that Next chapter will be here MUCH faster...I can swear that the next chapter will be uploaded quickly because it's just Hiei's battle. And then, Rin's battle will take a while because I need to brainstorm some ideas.


Chapter 25: Kurama's Fall

I watched the scene in front of my eyes unfold as I couldn't help but grin. That vampire-freak was going to be eaten by some plants that look like Venus Fly Trappers. The plants launched themselves at Karasu as he had no choice but to dodge them all. The plants pursued him as he ran away, jumping into the air, flipping around the stadium like a drunken rat.

Okay, that was an example of a bad comparison.

Let's just say that Karasu won't be able to hold out much longer, unless he can destroy those blood-thirsty plants, which is probably NOT an easy thing to do.

"YES! He's plant food!" yelled Kuwabara.

"KICK HIS ASS, KURAMA!" cheered Yusuke from the sidelines with a wide grin as he pumped his fists into the air.

As Karasu ran away from another horde of plants, other plants shot out from the ground, blocking his way of escape. His eye's narrowed as he retreated and peered around the arena, trying to find a different route.

Unfortunately, he did find one but it didn't change the fact that Yoko Kurama was still in the lead.

As the plants charged at Karasu, he created a...grenade and threw it at one of them. That one plant exploded and withered as blood shot out of it. And just like that, the other plants became angry...or atleast I think they were because now, they were shooting out red beams as fast as a gatling gun.

Another bad example there.

The battle went on like that for a while...beams shooting here and there and Karasu's lousy attempts at dodging. Although, he did manage to explode up a few plants...but they were too fast for him.

"This type of plant not only responds to movement but aggression as well. You're going to have to come with a smart way to kill it or...bang," said Yoko with a motion of his finger and smirk.

I swear I can hear fan-girls squealing from the audience.

At that moment, the plants surrounded Karasu as one caught him by surprise. He couldn't escape in time. The plant crushed Karasu in it's mouth and the other's followed suit. His mask eventually fell off onto the ground with a thud as blood spurted out of his mouth.

Soon enough, all of the surviving plants gathered around Karasu and wrapped him in a ball.

Yep. Impregnable ball.

"Kurama sure showed the whole stadium how awesome we are and he closed that in five minutes! Take that, Toguro!" cheered Kuwabara.

"Yes! Two more and we'll win this match!" yelled Yusuke with a huge grin.

"...Holy Tomato, I didn't know Kurama could do that. Remind me never to make that guy mad," I heard Koenma mutter.

I stared at Karasu's mask on the floor. Everyone seemed to think that Kurama had already won but...it looks too easy to be true. "Excluding me," rang a voice in my head. Okay fine, excluding Hiei, everyone thought that it was over.

Yoko Kurama seemed to have not noticed this and thought that he had won as he walked back towards us.

"...It's the first time I've seen the team with my own eyes," said Yoko as his eyes analyzed each and every one of us. His eyes landed on mine.

"Shuichi speaks highly of you," said Yoko as I raised an eyebrow.

"...really? I don't think I've ever heard that before," I said.

"He's a shy boy, I guess, unlike me," said Yoko as his eyes gleamed dangerously as he smirked. I gulped.

"Uh...I have no idea what to say that..." I muttered.

"Shuichi is too much of a human to go on forward but I won't hesitate..." said Yoko as his eyes seemed to observed me from top to bottom. I blinked innocently, not understand what he was trying to say.

I swear I heard a low Hiei-like growl. Who knows why? He's a mystery man from the core.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I started. He blinked, waiting for me to continue. "But you may want to take a look behind you," I finished as I pointed behind him.

The plants bursted open as a huge cloud of ashes surrounded the arena. Yoko whirled back to see that a lone figure was standing in the center of the ring.

Yep. Karasu wasn't dead. Oh joy.

"You seem surprised, Yoko. Did you think that was the last time you'd see me?" asked Karasu as blood trickled out of his mouth.

Then, Karasu opened his mouth and was looking like he was sucking in some...air? And yeah, his hair turned blonde.

"Uh, can someone explain to me what's going on?" asked Kuwabara.

"It's an explicit sign that he's internalizing with his own power and that the bombs are now inside of him, eventually making him one giant explosive," explained Hiei as my eyes widened.


"Are you serious?" asked Yusuke with disbelief. I quickly without anyone noticing ran back towards the huge door and jumped up onto the ledge where the audience were sitting.

"Of course I am. If my assumptions are correct, he's about to detonate. It would be wise to take cover now like the women there has been doing," said Hiei as he pointed towards me. All eyes turned towards me.


I leaped behind the ledge and crouched down low, ready to face any explosions.

Suddenly, maniac Karasu started to laugh like an evil mastermind.

What's with me and comparisons today?!

Anyways, Karasu was a laughing madness bomb. Green light sparkled out of his hands as lightning shot out and lit up the whole stadium. Energy spiked as he leaped up into the air, floating like a flying bomb (another stupid comparison) and then, he dove down towards Yoko, who was standing there all cool and stuff.

Then he exploded. Our side of the stadium exploded as rocks flew our way. We all were sent flying into the air. Except me, of course who was hiding behind the ledge. I thought I was safe but eventually, the ledge broke and I scrambled away as a rock bursted the ledge open.

A beam of green light shot towards me as I whirled in surprise. I couldn't dodge because it was coming at me so fast.

I felt myself being pulled up off the ground by a pair of strong arms as the other one wrapped around my waist and we both leaped.

My savior and me both landed safely on another ledge. I turned towards the person who helped me as I was met with the sight of two crimson red eyes...and our faces real close too.

Hiei then lets go of my arm and waist as I felt a small blush creeping up.

"...Thank you."


"Is everyone all right?" asked Yusuke as he emerged out of a huge boulder.

"Yeah...I should have him arrested," said Koenma as he coughed.

"I'm fine, Urameshi!" came Kuwabara's voice. Then all heads turned to us. Hiei jumped down as I followed suit.

"Where's Kurama?!" asked Yusuke as we all tried to find him. A small pile of rocks moved on the other side as Karasu, who was standing on the ring growled. Kurama emerged from the pile of rocks...but he was back in his Human form.

Damn it.

"Darn, the potion wore off. Now he will really needs to wing it," said Yusuke.

"But I don't understand...he said it'd last for fifteen minutes! That's it, the next time I see Suzuka, I'm mopping his face!" yelled Kuwabara in anger.

Kurama stood up with a confused face, obviously wondering about the potion. Karasu slowly walked up to him. Kurama immediately took out his rose, trying to transform it into his signature weapon, the whip. He failed as his rose exploded. He just didn't have enough energy anymore.

"Kurama!" yelled Yusuke.

Suddenly, Kurama jumped up onto the arena and started attacking Karasu restlessly with his fists and legs. Karasu dodged as Kurama attacked. I don't know how Karasu was doing it, but he managed to dodge every single one of those well-planned attacks. Yusuke and Kuwabara gaped.

"What is he doing?! What is that freak explodes himself again or something?!" yelled Kuwabara.

"It's his only choice," all heads turned towards me. "He can't use his energy and the only thing he can do now is attack using close-combat."

"Well, even if that's true, I say he escape," said Kuwabara.

"He's not a fool like you," chorused Hiei and I.

"Okay, fine! No need for the vocal ensemble," said Kuwabara as he lifted his hands up to show a sign that didn't say 'I was innocent' but more like a 'Hell, back off' sign.

"Hn. He has a plan. It's obvious in the way he moves," said Hiei. I nodded in agreement.

Then, Kurama managed to injure Karasu and push him back with his bare hands covered in a small amount of energy as Karasu laughed maniacally...again. Karasu picked something out of his chest as he showed it to Kurama. I see...the same trick he used during our first match. The death plant, huh?

"Arg...this jerk is really ticking me off," scowled Kuwabara.

"He knows what Kurama's going to do before he even does it!" exclaimed Yusuke.

"Somehow, I don't think he's going to make it," said Koenma.

"Don't say that yet. It's still early in the fight. Kurama won't go down easily," I said as I stared at Kurama.

Just then, Kurama took a step back...and that meant the end of his leg. A metal clasp shot out of the ground and held his left leg to the ground, still. He was caught by surprise as a purple ball-ish demon popped out of the ground. It had scary yellow huge eyes, an annoying high pitched voice and...a lit bomb fuse on top.

Oh triple damn.

Kurama tried to escape but he couldn't because his legs were binded. The purple bomb exploded as Kurama screamed in pain. Blood poured out of his leg as he flew a few feet before hitting the ground, cold.

"NO, KURAMA!" yelled Yusuke as he shook at the sight of his dear friend, lying on the ground, hurt and full of scars. Kurama started to get up on his feet, ready to attack again. I noticed a few floating green orbs surrounding him as my eyes widened.

"Kurama, don't move! There are bombs all around you!" I yelled as he immediately looked at his surroundings, seeing that indeed, several floating bombs were flying around him. If he moved a single inch...or if Karasu commanded the bombs to explode...I don't know what will become of him other than the obvious of course.

Becoming burnt fox soup.

Karasu slowly walked closer to Kurama with a wry smile. He muttered something to Kurama before commanding the bombs to explode. At once, the bombs around him exploded, starting with his waist and then heading towards his shoulder, arms, thighs, and legs. He could do nothing but howl and scream in pain. And a horrifying amount of pain.

I couldn't do anything to help my dear teammate because that would immediately disqualify him. I just stood there, eyes wavering and in pain as I watched him wither and fall. I unconsciously clenched my fists. Hiei seemed to have noticed my fists but decided to ignore it.

Blood trickled down his hands...creating a small puddle of red blood on the ground.

He wouldn't give up. He stood up again, glaring at Karasu. I really wanted to faint at the sight of the blood gushing out of him. And then, the finale. Kurama made contact with the rest of the bombs as it exploded his back and front. This scream was the most painful to hear and I wanted to cry out just imagining how much it hurts.

His whole attire was drenched in red deep crimson blood...flowing non-stop like a waterfall. His body was limp and he looked weak and tired. His eyes started to shut as his mouth hang a little open, breathing for air. His body fell forward, hitting the ground with a small thud as everyone went silent.

I gasped at the horrible sight and clasped a hand over my mouth in shock and fear. Yusuke was shaking all over in fear...fear that Kurama had died. Even Hiei was shocked. I stared down into the ground in anger at myself as darkness clouded my vision. I closed my eyes. My hands left my mouth and lay limp on my sides.

I will not see my own comrade fall in front of my own eyes.

"N-n-no...this can't be!" yelled Yusuke as he dropped down onto his knees.

"But...that's not possible!" added Kuwabara in shock.

The crowd roared in happiness at Kurama's fall.

I wanted to kill every single one of them...freeze them...burn them...whatever it takes, just to make them shut the hell up. Juri then walked over towards Kurama as she started counting from one to ten. Kurama slowly got up onto his knees. By the time he was on his knees, ten seconds had already passed. I knew that he had lost this match...but I know, just by the look in his eyes, that he will not allow Karasu to live, even if it costs him his life.

Karasu laughed (hell again?) as he prepared to end this battle once and for all. He summoned his bombs and threw it at Kurama. At the same time, Kurama's energy flared as red and pink energy filled the stadium. He used his last bit of energy to summon his plants as a ton of them shot out of him, heading towards Karasu. His body fell limp onto the ground as the plants met Karasu's wound, sucking blood out of him at an incredibly fast rate.

"But...how? His energy...can't...shouldn't have..." muttered Karasu before he fell onto the ground lifelessly. The plants grew by feeding on his dirty blood as they covered the bat's body whole.

So in the end...the vampire gets his own blood taken, huh?

"His life is fading away!" yelled Yusuke and Kuwabara as they looked at Kurama.

Everyone was quiet as they waited for Kurama to move. MOVE damn it, move!

And at that moment...his fingers twitched as his eyes fluttered open. He blinked in shock, seeing that he wasn't dead. He slowly stood up on both feet as the girls in the stand cheered. I wonder how he managed to live after using his life energy? But then again, that's a mystery to solve another day, because now, he's alive.

Toguro's team didn't look at all fazed by this...highly likely because they knew that he had passed over the time limit.

"And that's how we win this thing!" cheered Yusuke.

"YEAH! He's a little jacked up though, but he survived!" screamed Kuwabara.

"Hey, how are you champ?" said Yusuke with a grin as he ran towards Kurama. Kurama apologized.

"I'm sorry...if I only lifted myself a fraction faster," said Kurama with a solemn look on his face.

"What are you talking about? Who cares?" said Yusuke with a confused faced.

"AND THE WINNER IS KARASU!" yelled Juri as Yusuke was shocked. Yusuke was shocked. He growled in anger as he stomped towards Juri and almost punched her in the face.

"What the...but that's not fair!" yelled Kuwabara.

"Yeah, that's not right! HELL WHY? TELL ME!" screamed Yusuke in Juri's face. Juri winced.

"...He went over the time limit," I said as all eyes turned towards me, including the ones from the other team. Of course, I ignored them.

"What are you talking about?" asked Yusuke with a glare. I shrugged.

"It's the truth. According the stupid rules, if you stay down for more then ten seconds, you lose. And our pal Kurama here, stayed down just a fraction more than ten. Automatically, he loses," I explained.

"But that's impossible!" yelled Yusuke.

"What can I say? Shit happens," I said bluntly. Yusuke growled.

"Kurama! You know what Rin's talking about?" asked Yusuke.

"Yes...I'm sorry...it is true," said Kurama with a solemn look.

After that, a replay was demanded.

We watched the scene with Kurama screaming in pain and blood pouring out. I wanted to puke at that but of course, I couldn't. I have my decency to protect. The time said that he stayed down for over ten seconds. Yusuke was about to rampage but he managed to calm himself down...afterall, it wasn't going to be wise to pour his anger on the committee because then, they could easily just disqualify us for hurting them. The crowd started chanting 'two more to go' for Team Toguro.

The younger of the Toguro brothers then said that he'd wish for our deaths if they won this tournament. Yusuke ignored him and carried Kurama off the stadium onto the grounds, safe and sound.

"I'm tired of this moronic chant!" yelled Kuwabara as he threw his fists up into the air in annoyance.

"Want to know what I'll wish for when we win?" all eyes turned towards Hiei. "The bloody death of every corrupt member of the committee so that I'll never be pulled into one of their carnivals again."

This man...can be creepy sometimes.

Team Toguro just laughed. Then, the huge guy with the stupid looking armor stepped up.

I think he's actually fat in the inside...not.

"Look at these big guns I've got here! Let me go at this guy," said Kuwbara with a proud smirk as he showed his...not-so-huge muscles.

"So you want to be buried in that or something decent?" said Koenma.

"More like be crushed to death," I commented as Kuwabara snapped.

"HEY! If you want to say something, why not say it to my face!" yelled Kuwabara.

"Yusuke, I plan on taking that thug with the sunglasses for myself but after what he did to Genkai, I believe vengence belongs to you," said Hiei.

"...Thank you," said Yusuke with a nod.

"But why this opponent?" I asked.

"The detective will want the sunglasses. The vampire is dead and Kurama has already fought his share. You will obviously fight your you-know-what and that leaves the armor thug and the sloth. Of course, I'll take the armor thug because he just seems more decent," said Hiei with a smirk as he jumped up onto the stadium and walked towards the center.

"But I thought I was fighting him!" yelled Kuwabara.

"What about burial flowers? Do you like roses?" asked Koenma as Kuwabara started to choke him. I sweat dropped.

"Do they know that we're not supposed to be playing around?" I asked.

"Right...like you haven't fooled around during an important match before," said Yusuke with a grin as I frowned.

"I think you're mis-using the word important. The really important match is THIS one, not the others," I said.

"But if we didn't win the other matches, THIS one wouldn't occur!" said Yusuke. I glared as he grinned in victory.


"...Woah, hell, I think you spend too much time with Hiei. He's rubbing off on ya."

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, Hiei has the hn and now, you have the hmph!"

"...I don't understand what you're trying to say."

"Oh, just admit it, you lost!"

I scowled as I attempted to punch him but he moved away before I could hit him square in the jaw. I kicked and stuff but he dodged all of them with a wide grin on his face. Kuwabara was still choking a laughing machine Koenma as Kurama sweatdropped and laughed lightly at the scene. Hiei growled.

Sometimes, he wondered why he even bothered to be in this fight and team.

"Measuring at four foot ten without his hair, Hiei," Juri started. I almost choked and laughed at that as I saw Yusuke do the same, obviously forgetting about our small fight. "At nine feet, Bui."

"Wow, nine feet! That's tall and more than enough mans to go around, ladies! Then again, Hiei has proved in numerous occasions that kick-ass things come in short packages too," yelled Koto.

I couldn't help but laugh a little at that. Hiei glared at me from the corner of his eyes. I made a sign with my hands that I was sorry as he rolled his eyes and turned around towards Bui again. The match was about to start.

"Bui versus Hiei. Commence...START!"

End of chapter! The next chapter may still be boring but I wish that you'd stay with me for a bit! :( I promise that Rin's fight will be the BANG...I think. Anyways, thank you for reading and wait for a few days because Miss Skyla is back in tip-top shape!

Read and Review folks! It motivates me to write more!