The men were walking down a hallway and at the end there was an old, rusted door. The man in the front, pale skin with sunglasses while wearing a business suit, turned the door-knob and pushed it open. The three men entered a very small room.

There was a man in the back with a bowler hat on who's face couldn't be seen due to the fact it was in the shadows and under the hat. He was sitting in a chair with a long rectangular meeting table in front of him. The room was darkened, the only light that was on was flickering in the back right near the door. The tallest man, a large, rather muscular African American in a black jacket with a walked up to the table. He cleared his throat and started to speak.

"We got you what you wanted." He reached into his front pocket on his jacket and pulled out a small envelope. He put is on the table and slid it over to the man in the background with his hand. The man in the back brought the envelope and opened it slowly. He pulled out a piece of paper and started to read it. The man in the business suit who was closest to the door shifted uncomfortably for a small amount of time until the person behind the table slowly laid the paper down.

"This has provided me much use gentlemen." he said in a soft voice. "But it obviously does not answer the question that I need to know." He slid the office chair back and walked forwards until his face was in view. The man had a pair of glasses, dark brunette hair, and a green suit with a purple tie. The hat he wore turned out to be green. He then proceeded to speak.

"Who Is The Batman?"

Note: This is just me showing what I think the third Nolan Batman Movie should have been like. It has nothing to do with "The Dark Knight Rises" at all (well, except for cast of characters and know, all of the basics.) I just would really want the third Batman movie to have the Riddler.

And just to state what was in my head while I wrote this, I think that the perfect Riddler would be David Tennant.

I Do Not Own Batman, Riddler, Or Any Related Characters.