Disclaimer: I don't own 'Merlin' or 'Supernatural'. I just thought I'd update.

The walk for Camelot is filled with short lived perils. The first of which involved getting ambushed by Saxons.

With Cas and Dean fighting them off easily without the use of magic as Mordred hung back to finish healing and Merlin looking on ready to assess their skills.

Having stopped by a house on the road and taken a pile of washed clothes from the hanger line nearby.

Dean not sure how much it's cost and not really wanting to steal from the long dead left a bag of gold he's gotten from Mordred.

Getting dressed quickly and heading in to a surprisingly welcoming tavern.

Dean wondered if it was due to the fact that the war or battle had just ended and Camelot had come out victorious.

Having left them to find an outhouse if there was any to be found in this time period.

He would find out while Cas went up to the establishment's host to order some food.

Leaving the warlock and Knight alone. With Merlin staring daggers at him until he spoke up.

"Emry. Merlin, I'm sorry about killing him. He gave me no choice but I do regret it, he was a good man."

"Arthur believed in me when no one else would. It just had to be. Still, I will forever carry the thought with me as well as my guilt." Mordred backs up, wincing in pain when he feels the utensil in his hand start to burn him.

Merlin eyes the wonderful blue they have have always been all the while. The Druid manages to hold on to it tightly as he tries again, keeping his voice level and his magic calm.

"I will be better in the future. I will try to be like him, to install the principles of what it means to be a part of something bigger than yourself. To be as I once was..a righteous Knight of Camelot."

He lets go of the fork now. Letting out a low whimper of pain as he looks down at his hand.

Breathing out knowing that he's made his peace officially and that he will be ready to go whenever his new companions are ready.

Not bothering to use magic to heal himself. Thinking that he will bear this mark with honor.

That Emrys gifted it to him, ill intended as it was.

Moving to place his hand under the table and away from sight until Merlin reaches for it quickly.

Harsh until his breathing stutters as he looks at the pain in Mordred's eye that show way beyond the mere physical.

"I cannot find it in my heart to forgive you, not sure if I ever will."

Using his own magic to heal him with relatively a simple spell. Holding back a noise of surprise as a spark of what feels like lightning runs down his spine at their intermingling magic.

"But if these men out of time are right when they say that you are someone worth all of this trouble then I will help you." Content with his work he lets go of Mordred's hand.

Watching from afar as the angel and hunter begin to approach them. Arms carrying ale and food back with them as they try to avoid tables and other people.

Merlin voice lowered, leaning closer to him as Mordred ran a hand over his own. Looking outright disappointed until he hears Merlin's next words.

"I will be beside you until I breathe my last breath. I don't see how it will be easy for you are my complete opposite, Pendragon. However I have made up my mind. You are my new, self proclaimed destiny. Whether you like it or not Mordred."

And at those words Mordred cannot stop looking at him as if dumbfounded until Dean and Cas are telling him to eat up. That they will leave once they finished eating.

Stopping by a stream to get water for the horses they came up on at the tavern.

After Merlin used his magic to cheat some travellers of them in a game of dice. They decide to set up camp for the night.

The weather being almost unbearable with the freezing rain as they work quickly to set up camp.

Cas tells them that even though they are just a couple of hours away from the Queendom of Camelot since by now everyone should be aware of Arthur's death.

That they should rest until it lets up and no one really complains with the decision because they are exhausted.

Mordred using his magic to start up a fire. Taking a seat when Dean decided to join him, giving him a stick as he reaches into his satchel.

"This is something I used to love doing with Sammy when we were younger, sure sometimes we had a microwave but it is something that I've tried with Jack and Kevin in the traditional way."

He smiled at him and he returns it instantly. Not sure about what it could be but finding that he trusts the hunter.

Dean and his angel raised him from the dark and loneliness, empty of death after all.

"Since you are part of the Winchester family, my fast friend now. I wanted to let you try it for yourself. We have a fire and a box of large graham crackers enough chocolate bars, and marshmallows. I promise. You'll love it."

By the time they are done roasting in the first batch of marshmallows in the fire and placing them on a cracker, getting them ready for chocolate Merlin is heading towards them.

Having heard Mordred's delighted praises as he blows on the small, odd looking sandwich before taking a bite and his eyes go huge as he looks at Dean as if he is a God amongst men.

As he always has looked at him and Merlin finds it greatly difficult to shake off the jealousy that courses through him.

Taking a seat beside the Druid yet still far away from him enough to give off the impression that he doesn't like him.

Because he doesn't. He watches the hunter and Mordred as they eat. Dean offering him one of the odd pastries now and Merlin takes it with a low 'thanks' in gratitude.

Because judging by the way that Mordred has his eyes closed in pleasure. This food is sinful. It must be delicious.

"Alright, I'm gonna call it a night." He thinks he can rest for a little then keep a look out for bandits but that as of the moment they have nothing much worth stealing.

"I'll keep a lookout for danger. Don't worry Dean." Cas tells him as he walks towards them from his tent. Clearly not interested in sleeping tonight.

"Mmm, thanks dude. I'll see you in the morning." He pats him on the back and heads to get his four hours at least.

Waiving the magicians as he bids them a good night.

Knowing that by the morning they will have started working on getting what they came for.

Cas gives them a look before walking away after saying that he has to ward the area off in case other angels it demons are after on their trail.

"It's good, right." Mordred takes one last bite from his pastry. Wrapping it up in a cloth to snack on later when he gets hungry or bored.

Watching the rain as it surrounds them. A small smile gracing his face as he shuts his eyes now.

Listens, attentive to the sounds. "I have always loved the rain. It's cold and dreary sure but it is peaceful, giving. Brings with it life and a new beginning."

"When we leave at dawn I will seek out Gaius. You will stay out of sight as much as possible. Lay low with our guests at the tavern. I will find you." Merlin adds the sticks they had used for the marshmallows in the fire.

Using his magic to make it grow and heat them up a little better.

"Thank you, Merlin." For what Mordred doesn't say. He just gets up and walks to his tent. Wanting to get warm and to not think about the week's events.

Mordred. Merlin calls out to him with his mind.

To either ensure for himself that their connection is still in place even after death or because he wants to say something that he cannot out loud, he doesn't know.

Yes, Emrys? Mordred asks but he does not turn back to face him. He body going still and rigid as he waits for an answer.

"Nothing, forget it." Merlin leans closer to the fire as if he can't feel it's warmth before he extinguishes it and gets up.

Done. Mordred continues walking and doesn't stop until has his shirt and boots off. Until he is warm and safe under a pile of comfortably soft blankets that the angel got for him.

When he closes his eyes he thinks of Kara, the courageous girl who'd held a welcomed place in his heart since he was a boy. How she had stood up and fought for what she believed in no matter the actions or sacrifices that had to be made for her cause.

Of Morgana who used to be so kind then her feelings became unrecognizable and twisted. How out of absolutely anyone he wished she could have been saved, spared of all the heartbreak and misery that had poisoned her soul.

His treacherous mind chosing to linger on thoughts of Arthur and his Knights. How he betrayed them all and letting him know that one day he would burn for it.

Merlin had been about to go to sleep. Having already made himself comfortable when he heard low noises of distress coming from Mordred's tent.

Thinking that it really wasn't his business and that he would not meddle until he felt the Druid's magic crying out for help and in despair as if it were suffocating itself and it's host all at once.

He got up. Rushing out of his tent and without his shoes as he hoped that the angel and hunter we're not in his way already.

Coming to a halt when he sees Mordred drenched in sweat with his hands in fists as they grip the blankets. It makes his mouth go dry and his face feel warm as he tries to blink the aroused look from his eyes.

Merlin's thoughts on waking up the man from whatever nightmare is plaguing him as his own magic works to try and soothe him.

Bending down to kneel beside him he shakes his arm. Calling out to him a little louder as he tries not to pay attention to what Mordred's saying.

Uttering a spell in his sleep then he eyes are flashing gold just as Merlin's palm collides with his face. Effective in waking him up and stopping the spell altogether.

"Merlin? What are you doing here?" Mordred gives himself a once-over. His body shaking slightly and his hands ache from clutching onto the blankets in his hands. He lets them go and runs a hand through his sweaty hair and grimacing at the feel of it so he waits for a response.

"You were having a nightmare, your magic was calling out for me." Merlin presses a cold hand to his face. Both of them drawing in a breath at the contact. Moving it away when he is sure that it is not the beginnings of a fever.

"Oh, I'm sure it was just a bad dream. I'll go back to sleep. Thanks." He offers a small smile the fades away too quickly. He does not look at him either.

"Yeah, right. I'll see you in a few hours then." Merlin watches him turn to his side and take a deep breath as he closes his eyes. Trying again.

Without another word the warlock exits his tent. Coming face-to-face with the angel and hunter.