This is my first fan fiction, so bear with me! Yes, this is yaoi, boyxboy, etc. There will be SasuNaru, hints of KakaIru, and maybe more.

This is set in modern-day, as to make it easier on me. Everyone will probably be a bit...OOC. Also, this first chapter is such a drag.

Spoiler Alert! - If you are not far into the manga or anime, you probably do not want to read this. There is not a terrible amount of spoilers, at least in my opinion.

Disclaimer: I do not own "Naruto" or any of mentioned characters within this story. They all belong to the Masahi Kishimoto, the creator, as well as the studios that have brought us the anime and movies.

The annoying sunlight was getting into Naruto's eyes. Normally, he didn't mind it, but when he was trying to get some much-needed rest, he minded the dang thing a lot. He rolled over and buried his face into the pillows. Just as he was about to fall back into a light sleep, loud knocking echoed through his apartment. He chose to ignore it, finding the bed to be much more welcoming than whoever was banging on the door.

"Hurry your big butt out here, Naruto, or I'm going to break down this door!"

Sakura. Why was she being so insistent this early in the morning? His landlady would have a cow about all the noise. Groaning and swearing underneath his breath, Naruto rolled out of bed and stumbled to the door. "Whatcha' want, Sakura?" He ran a hand through his messy blond hair. The pink haired girl was glaring menacingly at him and looked about ready to throttle him.

"What's wrong? What's wrong, you ask? Sasuke is back and you didn't even think about telling me?" She spat out, her fists clenching.

Naruto's eyes widened, the sleep leaving him. "Sakura, we did not get back till one thirty this morning. I figured I could tell you after I got some sleep." He watched as the girl relaxed slightly and opened her mouth to reply, but then opted to study him instead. Her reddening cheeks, however, were something that he was not ready for. "Wha-"

He found himself falling to the ground with a thud, his cheek stinging madly. "Naruto! You...You practically naked! H-How could you answer the door like that!"

He hadn't even thought of the fact that he always slept in only his boxers. He had been so tired that it had never occurred to him to slip on some pants before answering the door. "Oh, oops, sorry, Sakura-chan!" He smiled sheepishly and then stood up, gently rubbing his cheek.

Sakura rolled her eyes at his words and then entered the room, slamming the door shut. "Go get some clothes on before I punch you again."

"You don't like what ya' see? Aw, come on! That hurts, Sa-ku-ra-chan!" Naruto made a pouty face and barely managed to dodge a punch as he scampered off to his bedroom. He chuckled to himself while putting on a pair of baggy cargo pants and an orange t-shirt. There had been a time when they were younger that he had been head over heels in love with Sakura, but that was no longer true. He was not interested in the girl; she was more of an older sister or motherly figure to him than anything else. In fact, Naruto had found that he wasn't interested in many girls, at least not that way. The last few years had been devoted to finding Sasuke and bringing him back.

The happy glimmer in his eyes faded slightly at the memories. Sasuke had left Konoha on his own free will three years ago. Apparently some sicko named Orochimaru had promised him with wealth, power, and strength to defeat Itachi, Sasuke's older brother. Naruto's jaw tightened and he growled to himself. He had been too weak to stop his friend from leaving. He had tried everything; the two of them had fought to the point where Naruto was left almost unconscious. "Sasuke..." He whispered, dragging another hand through his messy hair.

Clanging coming from the kitchen brought Naruto back to the present and he easily slipped a happy smile onto his face as he left his room. Sakura was digging through his fridge, presumably looking for something to drink, as she kept on looking at random bottles of liquid. "I've got beer in the back, middle shelf." He heard an exclamation of, "Ah-ha", and then found a beer bottle being thrust into his face. He glanced up at Sakura's face and took the alcohol wordlessly. Her green eyes watched as he opened it and took a refreshing sip. He settled down at his table and stared back at her. "What?"

Sakura settled in a chair beside him and sighed, "I just wish that you would have told me you were going to get him. He is my friend too, you know?"
"You just wanted to hang all over him first before any one else from Konoha could." Naruto raised one eyebrow accusingly and smirked, something that he had gotten into the habit of ever since Sasuke left.

Sakura blushed lightly, "That isn't true. I haven't seen him in three years and you have seen him at least twice during that time. Naruto, we were a team and we were close, so why didn't you tell me he was coming home?"

"Not as close as we thought, apparently." He muttered, staring at the beer bottle in his hand. "This was something between the two of us, Sakura. I would have told you, but Sasuke asked me not to. Alright?" His cerulean eyes raced to meet green eyes.

"Something between the two of you always ends in a fight and hospitalization." Sakura replied in a confused tone.

"Well, this time it was different. I don't want to talk about it." Naruto took another swig from his beer and then chuckled slightly, "We really shouldn't be drinking this early in the morning." This statement seemed to brighten the mood and soon they were both laughing. Sakura insisted on making something to eat and then for them to watch a movie together until they could go visit their newly arrived friend. Watching some random flick together while they ate eggs and sausage was enjoyable. Naruto found it calming to spend time with Sakura in this way. His thoughts often returned to Sasuke, but he managed to keep most of the memories from his mind.

When their movie was finally over and the sun had risen into the sky, Naruto glanced at the clock. 9:34 A.M. Would Sasuke still be asleep after having such a long day? Knowing him, probably not. Last time Naruto checked, early risers were always early risers no matter what.

Naruto was practically pushed out the door by Sakura and was pulled by the arm towards the old Uchiha district. "Sasuke is staying here, right?"
"Yeah, he is. Same old place."
"Say, Naruto, when did Sasuke tell you he was coming home?"

Four Days Prior


Naruto leapt across the room to grab the phone, "Hello, this is Naruto Uzumaki. Speaking?"

"Dobe, I'm coming back."

Naruto almost dropped the phone at the familiar voice, "S-Sasuke?" He stammered out, astonished that the boy would be calling him. He recovered quickly, however, as dobe clicked into his brain. "Hey! Don't call me that, teme!" He paused and spoke in a quieter tone, "Good. When?"

What could only be described as a chuckle came from the other side of the phone, surprising Naruto. "In four days. You will be at the train station to pick me up at twelve p.m. sharp."

"I will? You leave for three years, refuse to talk to me, and then expect me to pick you up in the middle of the night?"


Naruto gritted his teeth and then went to hang up, but stopped, whispering into the phone, "Sasuke..." He ended the call before he heard Sasuke's voice coming through the speaker just as softly as his own voice had. "Naruto..."

"Four days ago." Naruto replied sheepishly, not looking at Sakura. He knew his response was going to incur her wrath.

"FOUR DAYS AGO!" She screamed into his ear, making him wince. "FOUR FREAKIN' DAYS AGO! YOU DIDN'T THINK IT NICE TO TELL ME!"

"Sorry, Sakura-chan, I just didn't think about it." That was the wrong thing to say, he told himself as an impressive punch met his cheek. "OW! Sakura, you hit the same cheek!"

The worry for Naruto's wellbeing cooled Sakura's anger a bit, but she still glared at him. "I won't forgive you for this. You kept Sasuke's arrival a secret from me and probably told every one else in town."

"I didn't tell anyone, Sakura. I was too busy deciding whether or not to pick up the jerk." Naruto replied, feeling a bit hurt that his friend would think he would tell every one except her about Sasuke's returning.

"Why'd he call you anyway? Shouldn't he have called Kakashi-sensei?"

At this, Naruto just shrugged and stopped abruptly. The Uchiha mansion now towered over them. "We're here. Oh, and Sasuke had a long day yesterday, so he was really tired. I doubt he'll be in a good mood today, though I've never seen him in a good mood."

"Sasuke is always in a good mood. Don't be silly, idiot." Sakura skipped up the walk, letting go of Naruto's arm as she did so. Naruto sighed and followed after her, wondering what the visit would bring. Sasuke didn't say much when he went to pick him up. Naruto had helped him bring things to his home and get him situated before he felt the urge to hurry away.

Earlier That Day

Naruto paced inside the train station, grumbling to himself about trains and schedules. "Train 154 has arrived. The train will remain for twenty minutes. All passengers will please leave the train. We will be boarding again in ten minutes." The newest announcement on the loudspeaker halted his pacing and he hurried towards the boarding and departure area.

He stopped in the middle of the small crowd and searched for the duck-butt hairstyle of his friend. He bit his lip nervously when he did not see Sasuke among the people coming off the train. He felt someone tap his shoulder and he jumped. Turning quickly to see who it was, Naruto frowned.

"You haven't changed, dobe."

Sasuke, however, had changed. He was taller and more muscular. His 'princely' charm had definitely increased and the famous 'Uchiha smirk' was worse than ever. Naruto caught himself staring and he recovered by glaring at the man before him. "I have so! I've gotten taller and stronger. Teme!" He stuck his tongue out at him and then took the bags that were so graciously shoved at him.

Naruto would have attempted to tell Sasuke all about what he had missed, but was stopped before he could even utter a word by Sasuke's glare and angry words, "Don't you dare say a word. I have had a long day filled with loud, obnoxious people, so shut your mouth and keep it shut."

That had probably been one of the longer sentences that Naruto had heard Sasuke say to him, so he figured the other man was serious. The rest of the car ride was silent, as was the move into the Uchiha mansion. Naruto made sure that everything of Sasuke's was out of his car and then let himself out, though not before he heard Sasuke say, "Thanks...Naruto."