The Night Rose Of The Leaf

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, I only own the ooc characters in this story.

Chapter 17

[Gaara's P.O.V]

I leaned against a tree catching my breath. Beside me were Darina and Rock Lee. I slid down the tree as a pain shot through me. Looking up at the graying sky I frowned more fighting back the pain that came with my chakra being too low.

Suddenly a twig snapped somewhere behind us. I turned and quickly got into a defensive position. Kimimaro smirked at me before he started running through hand signs. I cursed inside my head at my own stupidity for thinking him dead.

Giant bones started shooting up from the ground at rapid speeds. I quickly gathered sand underneath Darina, Lee and myself, lifting us out of harm's way. Kimimaro only smirked further. I glared at him and sent my sand to attack him.

"Ha! You're too late Gaara of the Sand! The damage has already been done!" As the words left his mouth a pained gasp sounded from behind me. My eyes widened as I turned and saw something that made my blood boil and my heart lurch painfully. Darina lay on her back, her eyes unfocused with pain and blood trailed out of her agape mouth. My sand was not able to block the bone that had shot up and into Darina's stomach.

I clenched my eyes closed in rage. My sand lashed out at the source of my anger. Kimimaro dodged just in time but couldn't keep it up long as my sand only got faster and more ruthless. Soon he slipped up and my sand plunged into his chest striking his heart. Kimimaro coughed up blood before his eyes dimmed and his body became limp and lifeless. The bones around us turned to dust and blew away with the growing wind.

"G-Gaara…" I turned sharply as Darina tried to speak, but only made herself cough up blood. I lowered us all back to the ground and carefully picked up the blood soaked blood. Inside me Shukaku was in raged that she was bleeding out, but I only felt a pain in my chest.

"Don't speak, Darina."

The girl in my arms nodded ever so slightly looking tired and worn out. I would of demanded that she heal herself but I knew she had no chakra left to spare. I knew nothing about healing so I could do nothing but watch as she started to fade away from me.

I felt something hot and wet run down my cheek and reached up to touch it. Pulling back my hand I saw only water. I was crying, but why I had seen death many of times. I had been the cause of so many deaths that I couldn't even count.

Tears poured from my eyes and started dripping onto Darina's face. I held her closer to me as I cried.

"Idiot….Can't kill me…that easily…" My eyes snapped open and I looked at the girl in my arms. She smiled faintly up at me as she reached up and dried my tears. I just stared at her afraid she would faint again and never wake up again.

She never did loss consciousness again though. Darina explained that Kyuubi had started to heal her wounds. She wouldn't be able to move for an hour or so, but she was alive and that's all that matter to me.

[Kakashi's P.O.V]

I raced towards the direction Pakkun was currently headed in. The sounds of battle only making me push onward even faster. I glared at nothing as thoughts raced through my mind.

"What if Naruto can't stop Sasuke?"

"What if I don't make it time?"

"Please let me make in time!"

The sounds of battle quieted down to nothing. My eyes widened and I pushed myself even faster than before. I hoped and prayed that I could make it in time. Ahead of me Pakkun was breaking through the forest and into a clearing that was named The Final Valley.


Pakkun's voice reached me over the sound of the waterfall. I jumped off the cliff and came to stand next to my Ninken. I looked down at the scene before me and sighed in relief before worry took over again. Naruto was lying on his back motionless. Beside him, to my surprise, was Sasuke. The Uchiha was also on his back but there was a barely visible rise and fall to his chest.

I quickly made a shadow clone and picked up Naruto. Placing him on my back I glanced over at my clone to see Sasuke on its back. I was about to take off again I noticed the very slight rise and fall of Naruto's chest. I smiled in relief and took off heading back towards the village.

[Darina's P.O.V]

I woke up to the sound of the door being slammed open. I shot up and without thinking flung a kunai towards the door. As soon as the weapon left my grasp I realized my mistake. I smiled sheepishly over at the enraged Hokage.

"First you disregard direct orders for me! Second you nearly get yourselves killed! Then to top it off you attack me!" I shrank back and pulled the hospital blankets over my face. In the bed next to mine Naruto merely laughed nervously and looked towards the third bed placed in the room. It had been decided that Sasuke would share a room with Naruto and I so it would be easier to watch us all.

"Well at least our mission was a success…"

"It would of failed if Naruto and I hadn't of come…" I mumbled to myself. Tsunade walked over to me and picked me up by the collar of my shirt.

"What'd you say, you little brat?!" I glared back at her and smirked.

"You heard me." Before I knew it I was sent flying out the door and into the wall outside the room. I winced inwardly as rubble from the wall fell on me. I smirked as I noticed Tsunade had almost put me clear through the wall.

I got up and brushed off my black sweat pants and black tank top. Tsunade came out of the room sending me a glare that meant a painful death. I smirked at her before waving and vanishing. I laughed as I appeared on the roof top of the hospital.

"You two just can't stay out of trouble can you?" I turned as Gaara stepped out of the shadows. I smiled innocently at him and he just shook his head. I decided to change topics before this became a lecture.

"So when do you leave for Suna?" Gaara looked down.

"As soon as you three woke up." I looked away from Gaara and merely stared at the village. It was early morning and most everyone was still asleep.

"Oh…So why haven't you left yet?" Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Gaara turn and look out over the village as well.

"I wanted to make sure you two were going to be alright…" I nodded not knowing what to say. Suddenly Naruto appeared on the roof top.

"Hey Gaara, Granny Tsunade and your siblings are lookin for ya." I turned and faced Gaara as Naruto spoke. He merely nodded before he turned and started walking away. His sand gathered around him and started to teleport him, but stopped mid way. He turned towards us and looked me in the eyes.

"Goodbye." With that he disappeared from the roof top. Naruto and I walked over to the railing and just looked out over our home. A slight breeze played with my hair and ruffled my clothing.

"Pervy-sage wants me to go train with him outside of the village." I looked over at Naruto and smiled softly.

"That's great Naruto!" He merely nodded still watching the village wake up.

"He says I'll be gone for two years, maybe more depending." My eyes widened before I looked back towards the village. I frowned suddenly feeling very alone.

"I see. So we won't be able to see each other until you get back then…" I always knew this day would come. When Naruto or I would leave this village, but I never thought I would come so soon.


"When do you guys leave?"

"In an hour…" I nodded already wondering what I was going to do while my twin was away.

"I have to go get ready. I'll see you at the gates?"

"Of course." With that Naruto vanished. I made no move to leave my spot though. I simply watched over my village.

An hour came and went and soon I was standing at the gates along with the rest of team 7. Jiraiya stood by Naruto as he said his goodbyes. I smiled as Naruto hugged me before he turned and walked away with Jiraiya. I stood there and watched him walk away until I could no longer see him.

I turned and walked away from the gates. I paid no attention to where I was going as I walked through the village. Children laughed and played while mothers did their shopping. Store owners greeted their customers and no one paid any attention to me as I walked down the busy streets.

I sighed and looked up at the stone face of the Fourth Hokage. I already knew what I was going to do while Naruto was away. I was going to train with Tsunade and Kakashi, and get even stronger. The only problem was getting Tsunade to agree to train me.

I sighed realizing just how long these next two years where going to be, but it didn't matter to me really. I was going to get stronger and be here to defend my home from any threat. I stopped walking when I reached the memorial stone. I traced the two names that meant so much to Naruto and I, and I made a vow to those names. I vowed to always protect this village and my twin brother, Naruto Uzumaki.

Sorry for the short chapter, but this is it. The end of this Fanfic, but dont worry there will be a sequel! Please review and tell me what you thought of my story. I would love to hear from you!

Well I'll be going now, gotta work on that sequel!

Peace 3
