Frankie walked alone with Hawkins' death replaying over and over in her head. Billy watched the jungle for the camouflaged figure but kept getting distracted by Frankie. He started noticing little things about her, like the way she walked and the way her eyes shined when the sun hit them. Dutch stopped everyone, allowing them to have a quick break. "Blaine, check the area." Dutch said; Blaine nodded then left the group. Billy went over to a nearby tree and leaned against it. Frankie walked over to where Poncho was standing. He had his water bottle; he was pouring the water into his hand then rubbing it on the back of his neck. "Hi Poncho." She said, her voice shaking a little. He looked at her, acknowledging her presence. "I'm really really sorry for hitting you. I was just a little...freaked out about what happened with Hawkins." She looked down at her hands then back at Poncho. Her eyes were red and puffy. Poncho shook his head in shame for being upset with her for hitting him. "Don't worry about it Frankie." He placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort the fallen soldier.

Frankie put on a small, fake smile then walked away from Poncho. She saw Billy leaning against the tree and decided to go and talk to him but there was a big flash then a cry. Everyone turned towards the noise. Mac was already running into the jungle. There was silence for a moment then a yell and gun shots. Dutch, Dillon and Poncho ran after Mac. Frankie stood still, fearing what was hiding in the jungle. Billy ran up behind Frankie, grabbed her hand and dragged her along with him. They came to a small clearing where everyone was shooting at once. Billy pushed Frankie into a small ditch then began shooting as well. Frankie searched for the figure in the jungle and when she saw nothing she relaxed a little bit. The jungle fell silent as the team suddenly stopped shooting. They all looked for any movements, but they saw nothing. There was only the sounds of the jungle, which scared Frankie. She looked over at Mac; he was glaring at the ruins of the jungle that they shot down.

Dutch signaled Billy and Poncho to do a check of the area. Frankie stepped out of the little ditch and walked up to the edge of the ruined jungle. She searched the jungle one more time then turned to walk away but gasped when she saw Blaine's body. It was lying dead on the ground with a huge hole through his torso. She covered her mouth with a shaking hand and walked away from Blaine. Mac, Dillon and Dutch were talking to each, gathered around Blaine's body. Poncho and Billy returned from their check, "Nothing." Poncho said surprised and disappointed. Dutch pulled a face. "Nothing, no blood, no bodies. We hit nothing!" Poncho said looking over at Billy then back to Dutch. "Dillon, better call in. Billy, Poncho set up some traps; we'll set up camp here. Mac, take care of Blaine. We'll take him with us." They nodded and did as they were told. Frankie watched Dutch walk towards her. "Frankie. What did you see?" Dutch said to her without blinking. Frankie shuddered a little and looked away. "There was this...figure. It had on camouflage that blended in ridiculously well with the jungle. It saw Hawkins pull out his gun then it plunged a blade through his chest." She paused looking over at Dutch, who was still looking at her. "There was a flash. A pair of yellow eyes appeared out of nowhere, then just disappeared."

Frankie bit her lip while Dutch nodded slowly. "Find yourself somewhere to sleep, Frankie. You've had a long day." Frankie nodded and went to leave. "But stay close." Dutch said strongly. Frankie looked up at him for a moment then left to find somewhere to sleep.