GG49: Once again, long time to update. You guys make me feel so guilty yeah...

Rima: No they don't

GG49: No, No they don't yeah -_-l|l

Ran: Well GO! GO! STORY-CHAN! :D

Miki: GG49 does not-

Su: Own Shugo Chara~Desu-

Dia: Or she would make Amu apart of Easter just to make it more interesting! *sweat drops*

GG49: It would be interesting no yeah?


I ran through the streets in excitement, all my life I've always wanted to go to Tokyo and now I was finally there at last (Huzzah. -_-), I might be stuck here with a perverted neko but I guess it's okay. I mean I've put up with him for THIS long so I can deal with him just a little bit longer right, it's not like he'll try to rape me or something like that... Now that would be concerning if he even TRIED to attempt that...

Okay back to topic.

We ran (more like Ikuto was dragged yeah) through the streets excitedly, our Charas flying in front of us happily (more like Yoru and Miki were being dragged yeah) while they played around with like rays of glee coming off of them. It was really beautiful out, we were at a hill with trees all around us and the sky was so clear, just a couple fluffy clouds drifting in the sky as the wind flowed softly and the sound of birds echoed through our ears. "Ahh.. It's really pretty out.." I said in wonder, you don't see allot of days that are this perfect so it was somewhat special to me in a really weird way. Now just sitting in the grass together I watched as Ran and Su made Miki and Yoru play, Dia just sitting next to me with a smile as she watched her sisters and friend mess around like little kids while they played tag.

I drifted off for a while, a soft smile still on my face as I listened to the birds and their laughter flow into my ears.

Then I was woken up by a certain little floating person with pink hair and eyes jumping on my cheek, a big smile on her face as she yelled my name.

"NANI!?" I yelled irritated, it isn't a nice experience when you feel somebody jump on your cheek. It's annoying and it somewhat hurts in a way so I wouldn't really recommend that you try it anytime soon, well just don't try it at all, it isn't enjoyable...

She just huffed and pointed to where Ikuto and the Charas now are "We found something Amu-Chan!" I smiled at her squealing, she's such a kid all the time that it just gets funny or annoying when you see it happen so often. Well for me I guess it's in between those two ._.l|l...

I yawned but followed anyways, if Ikuto got up to actually see it then it must be worth at least seeing. I got over to where they were sluggishly, still a little tired from my nap and my jaw slacked a little as my mouth opened and my eyes widened i shock.

It looked like a cute little castle cafe!


"Just get back to work!" Ryou yelled, obviously irritated that I was trying to find a legit excuse to argue that he could possibly be a Mew Mew due to his behavior and looks that obviously pointed to cat like traits. It just infuriated me that Ryou would just not listen to me!

I mean he thinks he's SO smart that he doesn't even need to listen to me, but hey I'm smart too so he SHOULD listen for once. I grunted in irritation as I felt my temper flare dangerously and didn't move my feet to go to get back to work, I'm not gonna listen to him if he doen't listen to me so YEAH! He just sighed "Just go." My eye twitched "RYOU-TEME I WILL-" "I-Ichigo-San.." A soft voice said nervously, making me turn around to see who it was. Lettuce was at the doorway with a nervous look on her face as she smiled softly and stared at me quietly. My eyes softened slightly. "What?!" I accidentally snapped, still pissed at Ryou for not even trying to listen to me, even if he seemed legit with what he's saying.

"We need you to h-help Ichigo-San.." she trailed off, still nervous for some reason and I looked at where she was staring Right at Ryou...

OHHHH, I get it now.

I blushed embarrassed and I walked to the doorway and sighed "Okay Lettuce.." but I looked back at Ryou and glared "I WILL be back though, Ryou." And I stomped outside with a huff, and he says I'm annoying HMPH! He should look in a mirror whenever he says that, he doesn't listen to anybody but himself and it makes me sick sometimes. But I can't help but to like him a lit- NO I like Kis- I mean Masaya! Yeah! Masaya!

I Stormed into the kitchen with an angry aura around me, shaking it off quickly as I went back out to serve customers with a 'cheerful' smile and a new happy aura around me, you could tell they were obviously fake though, I am still somewhat pissed off at that Ryou-Teme boss.


We ran into the cafe excitedly, well I did but Ikuto just followed with a chuckle at my 'childish' behavior, HAH coming from the guy who acts like a cat if you have catnip, now that's hilarious and childish rolled into one awesome combo that was also cute at the same time!

I walked with Ikuto as we were seated at our table by a guy who looked older then us with long brown heir that was put in a loose ponytail that flowed down his back, he was really nice from what I could tell and by his voice. We sat down and Ikuto started the teasing again, of course.

"So Ichigo, what do you want?" he asked at first, "Do you want... me?" my face flushed allot, is it just me or did that sound really perverted but then he continued " pay for the food" I scowled and punched his arm hard, he's such a
"teasing Neko-Meme! God Ikuto!"


I wen to get one of the tables order with a fake cheerful smile that was highly believable to anybody that didn't pay allot of attention, like that pervert Kisshu, I shiver at the thought of that stupid green haired, perverted, vute, basta- WAIT HE'S NOT CUTE! BAD BRAIN!

I sighed in annoyance with my thoughts, why do I think all of these stupid things all of the time, I mean is it too much to ask just to have a crust on Masaya or is that just pushing it too much for my luck, but suddenly I heard my name being said.

"So Ichigo, what do you want?" a familiar deep voice said in a teasing manner, my head snapped over to the direction of the sound with curiosity of who was walking to me, "teasing Neko-Meme! God Ikuto!" another familiar voice said in an embarrassed tone and I saw a girl who was older then me with pink hair punch a boy who was also older then me in the arm hard. Ouch.

Wait... Haven't I... Seen them before somewhere?

GG49: Cut yeah

Ichigo: Why do I sound so clueless at the end? :T

Amu: Why do I sound so violent with Ikuto?

Rima: Because you both are -_-

GG49: Well, just rate and review yeah. :P