It was so dark the Impala's headlights barely cut through the night and Dean drove as fast as he dared on the twisty road. Sam's low moans told him the kid hadn't passed out yet which wasn't exactly a relief because Dean kept throwing side glances, checking on him. The road wasn't meant for side glances. The lack of light prevented Dean from seeing the sickly greenish gray pallor of Sam's skin, which was a blessing. His original intent was to make it to Bobby's, but now he'd settle for the closest motel. Sam didn't get sick often, but when he did, there were no half measures. His little brother made "The Exorcist" look like a kiddie movie. There was no way he was going to let his baby take that kind of abuse.

"Dean, gotta pull over, man," Sam moaned.

Sam's voice startled him, all he could say was, "What?"

"Gonna be sick, man. Pull! Over!"

His baby didn't fail him. He pulled to the side of the road, slammed on the brakes, threw it in parked, jumped out the door, rounded the front and had Sam's door open in under forty-five seconds. It was a good thing too because sixty-seconds would've meant cleaning up the contents of Sam's stomach from the footwell. Dean awkwardly patted Sam's shoulder as the younger man continued to puke on the side of the road.

Sam was too busy losing everything he'd eaten for the last week and Dean was to busy trying not to join his brother in the puke feast to hear the thrum of an engine coming up the road. They were also too preoccupied to pay attention to the amazing Victory motorcycle pulling up behind their car, the cutting of its engine, or the rider getting off the bike.

"Well, well look who we have here. Dean Winchester is that you?"

Dean whipped around so fast he had to grab the car roof to keep from tipping over. He couldn't believe his eyes. She was definitely the hottest babe he'd ever met and he hadn't seen her in two years. Her appearance was identical to the last time, full biking leathers, long flowing brown hair pulled back in an untidy braid and a full face helmet with impressive angel wing decals on each side tucked under her arm. Looking around, he saw no means of transportation for her, but for some reason, he wasn't concerned about it.

"Michelle, what the hell. It's really good to see you! What, how did you get here?" Forgetting about Sam for a second, Dean moved to embrace the woman in a huge bear hug. He truly couldn't believe she was here.

"My bike broke down about a mile back and I've been thumbin' and walkin' trying to get to town."

Dean looked towards where she'd gestured, the same way he and Sam had been coming from. He didn't remember seeing anyone on the side of the road, but then again his concentration had been somewhere else. Just as he was about to give Michelle another hug, Sam's groans brought him back around to the side of the car.

"How ya doin,' Sammy?"

"Not so good. Can we stop for the night, please?"

"Sure, Sammy. There's a little place just a couple miles ahead. I saw a road sign for a motel. Can you make it that far?"

Sam grunted, nodding his head. Dean had forgotten about Michelle until she asked,"What's wrong with your brother?"

"Got a good case of the stomach flu, I think. We're headed to the closest motel. Can give you a lift if you want one?"

"I'd appreciate it, but maybe you should go further. I've been through this little town before and it's quite a dump."

"Probably've stayed in worse. I really need to get Sam into a bed."

Together they manage to get Sam into the backseat of the Impala. Michelle crawled in beside him, putting his head in her lap. She gently rubbed his forehead. Giving her his puppy dog look, Sam muttered "Nice pillow," then drifted to sleep.

Dean took in the scene and shook his head. "Man, even sick that kid can get the women to fall for that look. Climbing in the driver's seat, he did a quick review look to make sure his passengers were settled before getting the car back on the road.

The little town they pulled into was just that, little. Main street was four blocks long with a gas station/grocery store/restaurant on one end and a two bit flea bag motel on the other. The multipurpose business boasted a sign saying it was open twenty-four hours, 365 days a year. The side streets seemed to give way to residential only and even though it wasn't terribly late, most of the houses were dark. The motel sign flashed vac_ncy with the "y" joining the absent "a" as Dean pulled up next to the office.

"Hang tight and I'll get us some rooms." Dean threw the words over his shoulder, already moving to get out and head for the door. The motel lounge looked like an ode to the 70's, a very dirty 70's, but since he'd seen worse, Dean walked straight to the desk. Not seeing anyone, he gave the handbell a quick swat. A withered old man poked his head around the doorframe, squinting his eyes at the young man standing in his lobby.

"What can I do ya for?" he questioned in a voice that had Dean wondering how many packs the guy smoked in an hour.

"Just need a couple of rooms for a night or two."

"All's I got left if one with two queens in it," gravel voice responded just a little too gleefully for Dean.

Too tired and too worried to care, Dean booked the room, paying for it under the name of Robert Plant. Coming out of the lobby, Dean could see Michelle attempting to get a noncooperative Sam out of the backseat. He rushed to help and explained they were bunkmates or the evening. Michelle responded with a grimace as they deposited Sam on the bed farthest from the door. She again suggested they just pack up and go to the next town over, but Dean was adamant about not moving Sam any more. As Dean's tone indicated he was done with the subject, Michelle let the matter drop.

She was about to help get Sam more comfortable when she saw the look on Dean's face. Instead she offered to grab their gear from the car. Dean tossed the keys to her, "Knock yourself out," he said as she grabbed the room key and let herself out. Busy undressing Sam, Dean didn't notice Michelle stop just outside the door and Sam's sudden coughing fit prevented him from hearing the low murmur of words being spoken outside the closed door.

Michelle came back with everything before Dean finished getting Sam settled. "Do you always move so fast?" he questioned as he pulled the last blanket up over his sleeping brother.

"You should see me move when it's raining out," she replied. Her strange answer didn't bother him at all.

In fact, none of Michelle's unusual behavior had ever bothered him. He had always taken her at face value. The exotic beauty just had that effect on him.