"It's for the best. Goodbye Roza."
Goodbye Roza.
Those words pound into my head.
Over..and over.
1 month later and I still can't get it out of my head.
I hear knocking at my door, I sense it's Lissa.
I wipe my tears and open the door.
Lissa sighs when she sees me and I turn and walk to my window.
"Rose! I have been looking everywhere for you. Where were you?"
I just stand there, silence swallowing us.
"Were you thinking about Dimitri again-?"
I flinched at the sound of his name but turned around before she was finished her sentence.
"No" I say trying to keep my voice even.
She steps closer.
"Were you crying, Rose?" She asks softly.
I scoffed "Of course not. You know better than anyone,I'm over it"
Good thing she can't get into my head to see that I'm lying.
"I'm fine, Liss" I said as I managed to pull a smile.
She eyed me suspiciously but nodded. She walked to my door and sighed." I have to get going, Promise me you'll be okay?"
I nodded and managed a "Promise" and she left.
I sit down on my bed and sighed
Dimitri. The name of the name I loved so much. Who am I kidding? Still love. I think of his warm brown eyes that seems to always melt me when I stare into them. And oh, the hair. That hair. It never leavesmy mind.
I flash backed to the very day he said those words pounding in my head.
The very day he left me.
- " I can't believe it" I whispered.
I get up and run my hand through my hair.
Pressing my hands down on the counter of the sink, I try to think.
"What am I gonna do?"
I walk out of my bathroom and pace.
Finally deciding what to do, I pick up the tiny stick and leave my room. I practically jog to the other side of Court. Passing everyone. I see a glimpses of Adrian's face. Along with Lissa and Christian. All confused faces of course.
I keep running until I finally get to his room.
Opening the door, I find..
" Dimitri?" I whisper to myself.
I walk around the room and examin his dresser that used to be filled with his pictures of his mother. I walk into his bathroom and find it empty too. The smell of his aftershave hits me, letting me know that he was here recently. I walk out of his bathroom and walk to the window. I see Dimitri.
I run outside. But what I see.. was not what I expected.I see Dimitri stuffing his luggage into a van. I stop in shock.
He turns and sees me standing there.
I walk up to him, panting from running. And panting to find out what was going on.
" Rose... Lissa was suppose to leave you a note." He sighs, avoiding my eyes.
"What note?" My patience running out, I yell "What note!?"
He runs his hand through his hair and breathes.
I walk into his view, to make him look at me but he just turns.
"You weren't suppose to see me leave" He mutters.
My eyes practically pop out. And my hands almost let go of the tiny stick.
"Dimitri, what the hell are you talking about!?—"
He interrupted me "I'm leaving. Far away. It's for the best. Goodbye Roza."
I react quickly. I open my mouth to tell him what ive been trying to tell him since I found out just a minute ago.
"I'm p-"
Before I could let out the hardest news ever, he turned and left to the van. I was too shocked to do anything.
Then everything came crashing down.
I shook my head and watched the van until I couldn't see it anymore.
One tear escaped my cheek as I whisper "I'm pregnant, Comrade" -