Hey guys! This is another story that I had in mind of how it would be like if the Akatsuki became a Day Care center. Haha don't be fooled though, it's not really what it sounds like ;D.

Anyways, enjoy the loli fluffness!

Disclaimer: Naruto doesn't belong to me.

How It Happened

'I have to hurry!'

Sakura could feel her heart pounding harder and harder inside her chest. She sprinted faster and faster, away from Konoha.

She cursed as the jade, leathered bag that Tsunade had pre-packed for her kept sliding down her slender shoulder and hitting against her ribs, pouncing even harder the faster she went.

She didn't dare to stop though.

Sakura felt more nervous at each small breath of air that she took. She was terrified of this mission. Not because of the mission itself, but of the role that she played in it.

Sakura had met inside Tsunade's office yesterday to discuss the approaching mission, but never thought that it would be something like THIS.

Sakura's mission was actually pretty meek. Tsunade explained to her that a couple Akatsuki members had been spotted, in the past few days, rather close to Konoha, and that she had to stop them.


All by herself.


Sakura sighed. 'Defeating my former sensei after training with Tsunade was barely enough, so how could I possibly kill one of the most wanted, S-criminals in the world?' Sakura thought. 'Hahhh.. And not just one, there's more of them too...'

Sakura frowned. Tsunade couldn't send Naruto with her neither because he was on a secret mission with Sai and Kakashi.

Then, Sakura remembered something very important that was hanging down her chest, lightly tapping her collar bone as she went. She stared at it, still dodging the tall hollow trees and jade colored leaves that crossed her way.

It was a light blue liquid inside a small glass container that was the size of her pinky. Then Sakura remembered the talk she had with Tsunade yesterday, after her hospital shift.

'Tsunade shishou, what is this?' Sakura asked, looking at the red liquid inside a small container that was clutched in her hand.

Apparently Tsunade had spent a couple hours of her time, each day, going to and from her own private room, (Which unfortunately piled up even more paperwork, but luckily Shizune helped), to work on a secret remedy for this mission.

Tsunade rubbed her temples. 'It's the remedy, for the mission.' Tsunade said, barely glancing at the pinket, and glaring hard core at the paper work in front of her. Sakura blinked. She had to admit, she felt bad for her shishou.

'Tsunade shishou, have you gotten enough sleep?' Sakura said. She stared at her shishou's dark circles.

Tsunade furrowed her brow.

'Ha?' Tsunade huffed coldly.

She obviously hadn't.

'Tsunade Sama, it's better for you to stop now and get some rest. Overworking yourself is bad for your health.'

Both the young kunoichi and the hokage turned to see Shizune slowly closing the door behind her back. A stern look lay upon her face.

Tsunade glared. 'Shizune, both you and me know all this is due in the upcoming week.' Tsunade complained, pointing irritably at the heaps of paper work stacked on her desk, and sadly, floor too.

'Tsunade Sama, maybe if you weren't procrastinating and gulping loads of sake last week, this wouldn't have happened.' Shizune accused.

Sakura nodded, but stopped hoping Tsunade hadn't caught her agreeing. But Shizune had a point.

Un expectantly, Tsunade's expression softened. 'Tchd, I guess you're right Shizune.' Tsunade sighed. 'I won't get anything.. done… if I'm in… a bad mood…Ill rest tonight, then… get back up in…. the morning and…. start agai….' Tsunade's eyelids closed, and her head fell straight down on her desk with a light thud.

Sakura's sweat dropped and scratched her head. 'Ehe, Tsunade shisou can be pretty clumsy sometimes ne.' Shizune nodded. 'Well, I have to go back home now, I just came here to check up on Tsunade Sama.'

Then Shizune turned to Sakura and smiled. 'Good night Sakura san.'

Sakura nodded a good bye.

Sakura was about to leave when she glanced at Tsunade. Her neck was bent in an awkward angle, which made Sakura uncomfortable. As a medic nin, Sakura couldn't forgive herself if she just left, only to find her precious shishou with a neck fracture the next morning. Haaahhh….

Sakura decided to put a small purple pillow, that Tsunade had under her desk, under her neck to support her and give her a better sleep.

'Tsunade shishou!' Sakura whispered.

Tsunade groaned. 'Na..ni?'

'Please lift up your head just a bit!' Sakura begged, as politely as she could. She didn't want to get on Tsunade's bad side.

Tsunade, luckily, did as she was told. Sakura then swiftly adjusted the pillow under Tsunade's neck, making Tsunade give a pleasurable sigh.

Sakura smiled to herself. She always felt good after helping someone in need. As Sakura turned around, Tsunade grabbed her hand, which startled Sakura.

'Is something the matter Tsunade shish-'



'The remedy..'

'Ah, but I have it right here.' Sakura took out the red liquid from her pocket and showed it to Tsunade. Tsunade didn't even glance at her though.

'That's the wrong one. We… we're using that fo.. For another remedy..' Tsunade murmured. Tsunade handed Sakura a template full of a light blue liquid.

'I see..' Sakura wasn't sure to trust this. It was obvious that Tsunade was half asleep, and it was completely dark in that room, only for the small lit of moonlight coming from the window. So she wasn't sure…

'It's all right…. Sakura, I know …what I'm saying…' Tsunade fell victim to sleep again, leaving the bottle to cuddle in her hand.

Sakura sighed, and took the bottle from her shishou's hand. 'Guess it won't hurt to ask her tomorrow.' Sakura thought.

She put the red liquid in between her shishou's unmoving hand and a stack of paper work. Sakura lightly smiled and headed out the door to go home and prepare for the next mission. She will be ready.

But she sure wasn't ready for what would be coming next.

Thanks for reading!

Now here's a cheesy pick up line!

''Hey baby, you must be a light switch, cuz every time I see you, you turn me on!''
