So the long awaited sequel to 'The Apprentice' is here, you don't necessarily need to have read that story to be able to read this one. I want to dedicate this chapter/story to stephandhhh123, levesque fan forever and AdeebaLovesHHH because those girls have been pestering me practically every day for weeks to get this story out.

Staring at herself in the mirror Stephanie sighed heavily as she pulled at the blouse, it felt like it fitted wrong and she just wasn't happy. Running her fingers through her hair she shook her head as she adjusted the blouse again but she was brought out of her thoughts by a voice behind her, "you look beautiful, stop fretting."

Turning around she shook her head, "you have to say that."

Walking closer to her he frowned, "I don't really, I mean I could tell you it doesn't fit or you look ugly but then if I did I would be lying."

Reaching out she took the little girl from his arms ignoring his comments, "you look pretty today, you can tell your Daddy didn't pick out your clothes."

Paul laughed softly, "is that so? I think you'll find I bought that dress thank you very much."

Stephanie shrugged, "yeah but I'm still the one that put together the entire outfit so there." For effect she poked her tongue out at him.

He couldn't help but shake his head at his girlfriend, he could see how nervous she was about the day and was reacting by simply making jokes and distracting herself anyway she could.

Watching and waiting as she fussed over Lucy he decided to just bite the bullet, "today will be okay you know."

Lifting her head she pressed her lips together before she responded, "I don't know about that. I want to look like a respectable businesswoman and not some cheap, you know, but . . . I don't know, nothing seems to look right."

Taking a step closer to her he wrapped his arm around her and kissed the side of her head, "you look beautiful, you look respectable and it will be okay. The bigger question is how do I look?"

Laughing softly she shook her head, "you look like you could do with finishing getting dressed. I think the suit could do with a tie and maybe a jacket too. Where is Alex?"

Playfully shrugged he pretended not to know, "I don't know, last time I saw him was about ten minutes ago when he was outside playing."

Stephanie was about to start panicking when she saw the gleam in Paul's eyes and realised that he was only joking with her, "I could smack you for saying that, my heart rate just shot through the roof."

Smirking he did feel a little bad, "I'm sorry baby, you're just so tense I wanted to distract you."

"By saying my son could be playing in the road? Smart move Paul."

Frowning he took a step away from her, "I'm sorry."

Walking closer to him she used her free arm to take hold of his hand, "no I am, I'm sorry. I am just worried about everything today, the only thing I am confident of is that Alex and Lucy will be safe and happy but beyond that it all petrifies me. I have been told by the Police to expect some press outside of the court and the idea of this." Motioning to the two of them and the entire room before continuing she just wanted him to know everything, "my relationship with you and our kids are so important to me that I just don't want anything to ruin it and I am panicking thinking the defence will bring you and the kids into the situation and I hate it, I don't want to lose you."

Pulling her closer he wrapped his arm around her waist, "you won't lose me over this. If you want me to I will walk through any press holding your hand tightly, I will forever be by your side and no matter what the defence say they won't break this, we are stronger than that."

Closing her eyes and leaning into his embrace she took a deep breath inhaling the smell of his cologne, "I want to go in there with my head held high and with you by my side, we have done nothing wrong and we have nothing to be ashamed of."

Smiling softly he was really pleased to hear her say she wasn't ashamed of him, "okay good, I will be there by your side. I should go and check on Alex to make sure he has put the toys he is desperate to take to your parents in his bag and finish getting dressed. Lucy is all ready to go so are you happy to keep an eye on her for the time being?"

Nodding her head before she pressed a kiss to his cheek she smiled softly, "always. You go on, we girls will be fine won't we Lucy?"

Lucy just babbled in response patting her hand on Stephanie's face.

Paul laughed softly, "well I do believe that is our baby girl's way of saying she agrees with you so I will not argue with the most important ladies in my life and I will be back."

Stephanie smiled brightly as he walked out of the room and she then turned her attention to Lucy to focus on something other than how she was going to be spending her day.

As he walked into the little boy's room Paul noticed how Alex was so focussed on his bag, "what's on your mind little man?"

Lifting his head Alex looked at the man he called 'Dad' and frowned a little, "Mommy's not happy."

Raising his eyebrow at the statement from the little boy he wasn't entirely sure how to answer it as it wasn't that she wasn't happy but she was stressed and nervous, "don't you worry about your Mommy, I'm taking good care of her and I'm sure she'll be happier soon."

Alex liked Paul, he normally made his Mommy happy and that's what he liked, "I knows."

Laughing softly Paul walked over and knelt beside him, "so let's finish getting you ready for Grandma and Grandpa's."

Half an hour later and the kids were safely strapped in the car with Paul in the driver's seat and now he was just waiting on Stephanie. He was just about to call her phone to find out where she was when he saw her walking out of the front door, shutting and locking it behind her. When she climbed in the car he frowned a little, "you okay?"

Turning her head to look at him she nodded her head, "I will be. Come on and let's get these kids to my parents so we can go to you know where."

Paul chuckled as she pulled on her seatbelt and he started the car, for some reason he found it amusing that she refused to talk about court in front of Alex when he wouldn't know what it was anyway.

As they pulled up outside of her parent's Stephanie noticed that the front door immediately opened, "well I guess someone was waiting for us."

Paul laughed softly, "they're just excited to get to spend a couple of days with the kids."

Rolling her eyes she shook her head at him, "oh please, they're only keeping them overnight and we're picking them up tomorrow after work."

Playfully he stuck his tongue out at her, "well somebody is clearly a spoilsport this morning."

Raising her eyebrows she put her hands on her hips as she looked at him, "puh-lease, you'll be the one who is ringing ten times just to check up on the kids even though you know my parents can be trusted and you know what else is happening."

Before he had chance to answer the back door of the car opened and Linda was unstrapping Alex, "it's so good to see you."

Turning her head to look at her Mom Stephanie shook her head, "could you not have waited for us to walk to the front door?"

Linda smiled at her daughter, "yes I could if it looked like you were going to get out of the car any time soon."

Rolling her eyes Stephanie pushed her car door open and climbed out, "I'm sorry I didn't work at the speed you wanted me to go."

Once Alex was freed Linda put him on the floor, "why don't you go and see your Grandpa, I think he has a surprise for you."

Alex didn't need to be told twice and soon he was running off screaming into the house calling for his Grandpa.

Once Alex was gone Linda turned to her daughter, "are you okay about today?"

Sighing heavily Stephanie shook her head, "not really but I've got to do this for the sake of my family."

Hugging her daughter Linda kissed her cheek, "you'll be fine."

Pulling back Linda turned her attention to Paul, "and you will take care of her whilst we take care of the kids right?"

Paul laughed as Linda immediately took the carrier from him, "I won't leave her side all day, well you know as much as I can possibly do."

Lifting the carrier Linda kissed Lucy on the top of the head, "I'm happy to hear that, that makes me feel better about not being there. Don't worry about the kids, we will have lots of fun and Paul's parents are coming by tomorrow so the kids will be in heaven."

"My parents did mention that they were coming by tomorrow. If there are any problems tonight though you can call us, we're just having dinner and maybe going to a movie or just staying at home."

Shaking her head at the young man Linda realised in that moment why he and Stephanie were so perfect for each other, "you sound exactly like my daughter right there. Funnily enough my husband and I have both brought up two kids so I think we can manage two more for the night but if there are any problems I will call you."

Smiling shyly Paul blushed a little, "I'm sorry, it's just her first sleepover with you so I'm a little jumpy."

"I know Paul and don't worry about it as I understand. I realise that as often as we've had Lucy for the day it's still new and a little scary for you for her to spend the night here so even if you ring a hundred times we won't get mad at you as long as you are not ringing in the middle of the night and waking us up as it's all about your comfort levels with your daughter."

Looking at her watch Stephanie realised they really need to go, "well we really need to get going so Paul if you run the bags into the house we will get going."

Without needing to be asked twice he immediately popped the trunk and pulled out the bags and struggled inside with them all.

As soon as Paul was walking to the house Linda looked at her daughter, "you promise me you'll be okay and if you need me and your Dad call us and we will come to the court okay?"

"You can't bring the kids to the court."

Smiling softly Linda nodded, "I know, but Paul's parents said if you need us then we can drop the kids at theirs and they'll watch them."

Squeezing her eyes closed tightly Stephanie felt overwhelmed, she had never dreamed she would have such amazing support from her own family and from her boyfriend and his family, "I'll be okay, I can do this. Don't worry about me."

Realising her daughter was feeling really emotional Linda just reached across and rubbed her arm gently, "I know you can do it, you are stronger than even you realise."

At that moment Paul reappeared, "all of the bags are in the house so is m'lady ready?"

Nodding her had Stephanie reached across and took his hand and squeezed it gently, "as ready as I will ever be, let's get this over with." Turning to her Mom she smiled softly, "thank you for this and if there are any problems call us."

Letting go of Paul's hand Stephanie hugged her Mom carefully before she bent down and kissed Lucy on the top of the head before standing back up, "tell Alex that Mommy loves him please."

Linda nodded, "always."

With that said Paul and Stephanie went and climbed back in the car and drove off heading towards the court.