Hey since I'm an idiot I started ANOTHER story *facewall* well it can't be helped... anyway I hope you all enjoy :)
P.S. this takes place during time skip with complete disregard of season 2
Disclaimer~ Young Justice and its characters are not mine -_-
Kid Flash's POV
"Almost done." Robin's voice says through the mind link as me and the rest of the Team guard the entrance. This mission had been surprisingly quite, either our stealth was improving or something was wrong. I look over at my buddy who was staring at the computer he was hacking in shock. "Guy's it's a set-up we got..."Suddenly there's an explosion to my left, throwing me to the ground and a loud alarm beings to ring.
"Guys we got to get out of here!" Robin yells over the alarm, standing up shakily from where he was thrown to the side. Miss. M was down, unconscious and was now being carried, bridal style by Superboy who was faltering slightly. I look around frantically for the rest of my team and let out a breath in relief as I see Zatanna, who was now sporting a huge gash on the side of her head, help up Artemis from the rubble. I stumble over to them, wincing; I must have twisted my ankle.
"You girls okay?" I shout over the noise as Kaldur pushes off a large piece of rubble from himself and Rocket.
"Fine" Zatanna mutters putting a hand to her head.
"I'm fine babe" Artemis says trying to step forward but tripping. Luckily I catch her before she hits the floor.
"Yeah sure ya are babe" I mutter scooping her up in my arms, I can now see her leg was twisted at an unnatural angle. I wince in sympathy; broken legs were a speedster's worst nightmare. "Damn it Arty you broke you're leg" I mutter.
"Thanks Baywatch I didn't notice" she remarks sarcastically throwing her arms arm my neck for a grip.
"Guy's let's go! That bomb was a distraction we need to get out now!" Robin yells typing away at his wrist computer.I run over as fast my hurt ankle permitted. Robin quickly looks us over, making sure everyone was there and leads the way out. Nobody questions the bird and we race after him. We turn a corner when I hear a scream from Zatanna.
"Ahhhhh!" she yells. We all turn to see humanoid black and orange robots grab the girl, whose head wound was bleeding worse. I look in front of us the see a huge clear glass door descending from the ceiling, didn't see that before. Robin notices it to, his eyes narrowing.
"Team go, get out of here!" he yells pulling out his eskrima sticks and charges the robots. I look to Kaldur who nods and we all run forward. I drop Artemis to the ground and Superboy does the same with his girlfriend as Robin attacks the robots. Kaldur and Superboy get under the door and strain to keep it off the ground.
"Kid Flash, Rocket go get Robin and Zatanna, we can't hold this open forever" Kaldur orders, sweat already starting to pour down his face. We both nod and zip back to our friends as Robin protected a semi-conscious Zatanna. I jump into battle beside my bud as Rocket grabs Zatanna and flies her back to the others.
"Come on guys!" Artemis yells. I glance back and see Superboy and Aqualad were faltering as Rocket bandages Zatanna's head. The magician didn't look so good, her head lolled too the side in unconsciousness.
"Rob let's go" I say grabbing his arm. He looks to me and nods, slamming another robot with his eskrima stick.
"Go I'll cover you" he orders. I nod and dash off Robin, covering my back. We're almost there, Robin now at my side, when a robot shoots me in my hurt leg. I fall forward with a yell of pain. "KF!" Robin yells turning around and running back. He jumps over me and kicks one of the advancing robot in the head, knocking it back into the others, sending them all to the floor. He then turns and helps me up, slinging my arm around his neck, and dragging me towards the others.
"Dude we aren't going to make it, not with all those robots behind us" I mutter as he flings batarangs over his other shoulder to stop the advancing robots.
"I know" Robin replies. He suddenly stops and throws me forward, sending my flying into Aqualad knocking him back. Superboy's arms give way and he's knocked back as the clear wall slams to the ground cutting us off from Robin.
"No Robin!" I yell pulling myself to my feet. I stumble over to the glass and slam my fists against it, Superboy joining me at my side. Robin is thrown into the glass by a robot, one of his eskrima sticks flying from his hand.
"Guys get out of here, this glass is unbreakable! Even Superman wouldn't be able to get through" He yells stumbling to his feet and throwing a handful of batarangs at the robots.
"No Robin we are not leaving without you!" I yell slamming my fists uselessly
"Go Arty, M'gann, and Zatanna need you, I'll find another way out" he says determinedly. I look over to the girls, Meg and Zee were still out and Artemis was clenching her teeth in pain as she tried to stand. I nod, seeing reason, and limp over to Arty picking her up again.
"Babe you're hurt I'll manage" Artemis protests.
"Not a chance Arty" I tell her turning back to Conner who wasn't letting up up on the wall. "Conner, M'gann needs you!" I yell at him. He stops rage in his features, but nods and gently picks his girlfriend. I look back to Robin who catches my gaze and smirks.
"Don't worry Walls I'll be fine!" he yells as Kaldur picks up Zatanna and Rocket hovers nervously nearby.
"You better be!" I yell back before he turns away, flipping over the robots heads and dashing the other way. I turn away to as he and the robots disappear in the direction we had come, guilt pricking my stomach. "Let's go guys" I say going as fast as I could with my hurt leg. Rocket flies ahead of us all being the least hurt.
"Come on guys we're almost there!" she yells. Suddenly I feel a tremor in the building and pour on the speed. Just a bit farther.We step outside just as the building explodes sending us all fly forward. I lose my grip on Artemis and hit the ground hard, losing touch with the world on contact.
Okay I think it's pretty obvious I have an obsession with cliffhangers... sorry bout that... Anyway please tell me what'cha think so far