Thank you to the two faithful reviewers I've had so far. I am kinda slow at writing stories, but I'll try my best to update quickly!

"What is going on, Jack?" Willow whispered into the rough interior of the sack

"I'll tell you as soon as you stop elbowing my nose!" cam Jack's sarcastic reply.

Willow scowled at her new best friend, and began pushing at the tough material that surrounded them. She was rewarded when a chink of light appeared. Moments later, the two ice spirits bursts out into the open, to be greeted by a strange sight. Well, for Willow, It was a strange sight but apparently Jack was used to it.

"Whoa…" Willow muttered as she stared around. The room was huge and bright; the walls were mainly red and gold, with the occasional plank of wood, in the centre of the room stood a huge globe that was covered with tiny yellow lights. She was too busy admiring her surroundings to notice that everyone was staring at her. "And who is this?" Willow could hear a strong Russian accent and looked up to see a huge, bearded man with eyebrows as thick as caterpillars smiling at her.

Willow stood up shakily and replied: "I could say the same for you."

"AH! Good one. My name Nickolas St. North but you call me North, or Santa. "The Russian guy- no, sorry- Santa held out a hand as thick as small tree trunks and Willow shook it, casting a rather doubtful look at Jack. "My name is Willow. Willow Snow" she said proudly. Willow was just about to introduce herself to the others, (a large hummingbird, a squat man who seemed to be made out of golden sand, and a tall, gruff-looking kangaroo) when she realised something.

"My staff! Where's my staff?" She cried as she frantically jumped about looking for it. The kangaroo pointed at the corner and said slowly "Hey, mate, it's-" But he got cut off as Willow snatched up her staff and hugged it. Immediately, she felt energised and sighed happily.

"Anyway… this is Tooth" North pointed at the giant hummingbird who waved and grinned at Willow "This is Sandy" He waved a hand towards the golden-man who was snoring his head off "And this… this is Bunny" he gestured at the kangaroo.

"Hmm… strange name for a kangaroo" Willow muttered, stroking her chin thoughtfully.

"Hey! Did she? Really? She did! Mate, I am NOT a kangaroo!" Yelled Bunny as he turned a brilliant shade of red.

"Really? Well, you sure do look like one!" Willow giggled and leapt out of the danger zone, hovering in mid-air as the 'bunny' angrily brandished a boomerang. Willow floated gently around the room, twiddling her staff. Occasionally, she caught a snippet of conversation coming from the others, such as "Canine, lateral and central incisor! Ouch!" from Tooth and "On naughty list? You hold record!" from North.

As she was floating over the globe, Willow felt a sudden blast of icy wind and heard someone yelling. She looked over to where the others were grouped and noticed that everyone had a rather disgruntled look on them. Willow landed and wandered over to the group. When she got closer to Jack she winced slightly at the tone of his voice. "What makes you think I want to be a guardian?" he asked, leaning on his staff.

This wasn't the slightest bit funny, but North seemed to find it hilarious, clutching at his stomach and roaring with laughter. Suddenly, his face changed and he said, in an extremely serious voice, "of course you do! Music!" with this last word, North waved his hands at the elves that hadn't been frozen by jack, and they started up the 'orchestra'

"NO MUSIC!" yelled Jack. At this point, Willow started to get bored of the conversation, so she drifted off to sit on the globe and watch as north practically dragged Jack away from the others. After a few minutes, Willow heard a startled gasp and looked down to see Tooth zooming out of the window, and Bunny hopping off in the opposite direction with. Willow flew after them, and skidded to a halt just outside of what she assumed was North's 'office'

"Hey, HEY! What's going on?" She asked, only to be ignored and the others floated, hopped and ran towards some double doors. Willow sped after them, yelling "HEY! Am I invisible here?" she ran through the doors and saw the 'guys' sitting in a huge sleigh (which had rockets and everything) "hop in, willow" said North, happily. Willow sighed, but obeyed. She had barely enough time to sit down before North yelled "HYAH!" and cracked the reigns.

Anyway… I hope you like the chapter, and sorry for being such a slow updater .

To Serena: That's a great idea, but I don't think I would be up to that at the mo'. I'll probably do that when I become a more confident writer!