AN: I am so sorry this took so long. This chapter was hell to write. It just wasn't working. I hope it's worth the wait.

Dick's POV

I know running away means you aren't supposed to be found, but this is ridiculous. It's getting late, and we still haven't found Ben. I'm getting really worried. Where would he go? Is there anyone he's close enough to that he would go round to their place in a 'family' crisis? What am I thinking; according to Cass, he's barely left his room, let alone the house. Where the hell would a nine year old boy go in Gotham at this time of night? Usually everyone's gone home by now. When I find the little demon, I'm going to kill him. And if he's already dead, I'll bring him back so I can kill him myself.

It's been eight freaking hours. How the bloody hell can a nine year old boy who's barely been out of his room hide out in Gotham for this long?! I haven't known him 24 hours and the kid's already driving me insane!

"Black Bat. You got anything?"

'Nothing, Sparrow. Call it a night?'

I jumped onto the next roof, feet thumping as I landed. Should I call it a night? I can't just leave him out here, it is Gotham after all. But…he's been out here the whole time. Unless he's already dead…No. He's too smart to get caught. Unlike me back then, even though I got smart to how the city worked. I had places I went if it got a bit hard to fight back; I even marked them on the map in my room.

My room…right across from Ben's.

"You head back. There's somewhere I need to check.

Honestly, I wasn't sure I wanted him to be there. If he had found it; which was highly likely, then he'd probably found the Zeta Tube. Bruce had set it up for me so I could visit the rest of the Team if I wanted to. I'd been grateful; they lived so far away. The Tube was in the middle of Gotham, making it easy to access from anywhere in the city. Making it easier to get out of town if I needed to.

The co-ordinates had been changed. Only two had been in use lately, too recently for me to have been the one to use them. Two names glowed on the screen; Central City and Metropolis. That's it, he is so grounded when I get my hands on him.

The Zeta whirred as it shut down behind me. I glanced around as the glow dimmed, and I realised there was someone standing down the end of the alley. He turned, vanishing around the corner as I started to walk towards him. I caught up a few minutes away from the Tube.

"Wally, have you-"

"He's at my place."

Honestly, I didn't have an actual 'you're grounded' speech planned. I just wanted to make sure he was ok.

When we walked into the dining room, I saw Artemis putting food on the table, which was immediately almost grabbed by blurred hands. I say almost, because I didn't see Arty's hand move but I definitely heard the smack.


"Bart Allen, hands off the food! You know to wait 'till everyone's here."

I could see Wally trying to hide a grin as he ruffled Bart's already messy brown hair. The younger speedster swatted it away, before turning to me, grinning even though he was still rubbing his red hand.

"Hi! Ben's upstairs with Thad, if you want him."

Who the hell was Thad?

"Who in their right mind would want to clone Bart?"

"I know, right?"

"Better yet," I frowned at my best friend. "Why didn't you tell me?"

His crooked smile dropped away as his eyes focused to my shoulder.

"He's…been getting some flak for being what he is. It's not that I don't trust you not to do that!" He added, flailing his arms in front of himself as I opened my mouth. "It's just that…I wasn't really broadcasting it, you know? I thought everyone would be overitafterConnor, but then they turned'roundandstarted treating him likehewasgonnakill someone and I-"

"Wally, I don't care. But why would anyone think he was going to kill someone?"

"And…that's a bit more complicated…"

"I've got all night," I said, crossing my arms.

I gently pushed the bedroom door open to find Ben, facing the other wall, and a teen who I guessed was Thad. He was watching me warily, like he thought I was gonna shoot him or something.

"Go away."

"Ben, I just want to talk."

He didn't turn to face me and I sighed. I glanced at Bart's clone, or whatever. He does look like him, I guess, but the blond hair and gold eyes make it kind of hard to get them mixed up.

"Thad, would you mind giving us a minute?"

His eyes slid to mine in shock, probably because I used his name and not an insult. He reminds me a bit of Conner when he first showed up. But without the violent tendencies. But, if he's anything like what Wally said, he's a good kid underneath it all.

I guess all clones need someone to look after them and not judge them for being what they are.

I turned back to the little demon as the door slid shut behind Thad.

"I came back to stay, not just for the funeral."

He jerked around like he's been stung, staring at me with wide blue eyes. I sighed, running a hand through my messy hair.

"We noticed a rise in crime rates in Jump City, so I was sent to find someone to take care of it before returning home. Unfortunately, I couldn't. I was there for almost three weeks and I was starting to think there just wasn't anyone. I was taking care of the criminals while I looked and I only found the other Titans when the alien invasion happened. I contacted Bruce and told him, but he said they weren't prepared, they couldn't work as a team. I thought they'd work it out eventually, but he wanted to do the job properly."

"So you stayed."

"Yeah…I kept in contact with your dad; I told him how the team worked and who would make a good leader. I was pushing everyone into position, so when I left it wouldn't be so hard. It took a lot longer to get them used to not working with me as much, but they were doing well."

I glanced over to Ben, to see he was staring at the floor. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his head.

He glanced up at me, "What happened next?"

I felt myself tense and I turned my head away. "I got an email from Alfred, saying that the funeral was in three days."


Ben's POV

OK, so that's why he never returned, but there was something I'd always wondered about…"Why did you call yourself Sparrow?"

He blinked, glancing down and tugging on the baggy jersey he was wearing. It looked ridiculous on him.

"I had planned on Robin."

"Why a bird, though?" I insisted.

He laughed, "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not a bat. I just don't have it in me, to be like your dad. Birds are definitely more my thing."

He is right about that; I can't see him as Batman. He would probably make a fool of himself.


"It was the name my mum gave me when I lived in the circus. I wore red, and she said I reminded her of the bird. I would've used it, but Bruce said it would draw too much attention; a circus orphan is just adopted, and then Batman suddenly has a partner who flips around like a lunatic? Someone might have connected the name and me to the circus, especially the red. It was too much of a risk. So, Sparrow."

"You still flip around like a lunatic, so doesn't that defeat the purpose?"

"I never went out when he was training me, which meant that no one would connect the new 'sidekick' to the old news of an adopted circus brat. I wasn't allowed to jump around too much to start with; it would just give it away. I had to start off small anyway, get used to fighting criminals. I slowly started doing more acrobatics though, making it look more like it was something I was learning, not something I already knew when I started. I was, and still am, a bit of a show-off. It actually helped; everyone thought I was just showing off something new I'd learned."

"I assume you are going to continue being Sparrow?"

"Someone needs to do something about the nutjobs, can't have Sparrow without Batman. And I am definitely not taking on Batman."

He looked so worried, and the answer is so obvious. It's a wonder he's survived this long.

"Make a new one then."

If he sighs one more time, I am going to punch him in the throat.

"It takes a while to gain a reputation around Gotham for newbies; taking a new name now is suicide. Not to mention the cops…" he trailed off.

"Then tell them. They might not fear Sparrow, but they toe the line. If they know you have simply taken a new name, their actions will not change."

"I s'pose…but what about you?"

I glared at him; could he be any vaguer? "What about me?"

"Do you want to go with me?"

Maybe I do, but if you lived with Father, you won't let me out. I'm too dangerous, aren't I Grayson?

"You sound like you are asking someone on a date."

He was laughing again. Father never laughed, so how does he do it?

"Ignoring the horrible way I phrased it, would you do it?"

"Of course I would Grayson, who do you take me for?"

I tilted my head back slightly, jutting my chin out as I looked him in the eyes. I felt like ducking my head so I wouldn't have to see the look on his face. Father wouldn't let me go, and he knew me better than this idiot does. I don't even see why he bothered asking.

"Why not then?"

My God, he really is an idiot. I hadn't even realised I was on my feet until I was almost standing right in front of him.

"I am a trained assassin, Grayson! Why put such a risk out in the field?!"

Dick's POV

You really did a number on him, didn't you Bruce?

"So long as you do what I say, don't run off to do your own thing and don't die, I have no problem with it."

The look on his face. He looked kind of shocked, and hopeful. I get the feeling being stuck inside all the time is really getting to him.

"You would let me out on the field?"

"Why not? I'm not used to working on my own, and I definitely need someone to listen to my horrible jokes. I might drive everyone insane if I don't."

He jerks his head to the side, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, before I forget," I reached out, my fingers curling around his chin and tugging on his face. "Central's been explained, but why were you in Metropolis?"

"It's none of your business, Grayson!" he hissed, eyes burning.

"Yeah it is. I need to know, so if you ever go there again, I know who you're with. I just don't want you to get lost."

"I was visiting Kent."


"No," he said slowly, like he was talking to an idiot. "Chris."

I am so lost. "Who?"

"Chris Kent. Ke-Conner's cousin, or something."

Everyone has a cousin these days, I swear… "Ok, then. Try not to blow anything up while you're there, ok?" I grinned, turning to leave.

"You don't have to," I added as I slipped out the door, "but if you want, you could be Robin."

Beast Boy's POV

Kid Flash and Speedy. Of freaking course. Why not run away together, makes perfect sense.

They're all older now, and they look happy. Now I really regret showing the others the news report. These guys are getting the chance that I never did. To go back to their families. I don't hate them for it, I'm just kind of jealous. I mean, how many green people are there on Earth? Except her, of course…

Starfire and Cyborg are trying to convince them to re-join the Titans, but I can see they're all dead set on staying here. I think they should. I miss them, of course but…like Jinx said: "If leaving will make the three of them happy; I would gladly let them go."


I swear, I just had a heart attack. I practically touched the ceiling when I jumped, spinning around to see Sparrow's brother and two kids I didn't know.

"Uh, hi?"

"You're Beast Boy, right? Course you are, who else would you be? How many animals can you turn into? Can you turn into alien animals? That would be so cool!"

I think my jaw is touching the ground. Forget me, how is he keeping up with what he's saying?

"Slow down, moron," Ben hissed, "he can't answer anything if you don't stop and let him."

The brunette turned and poked his tongue out at the glaring boy. They started arguing, while I glanced over at the others. Only Wally and Richard seemed to have noticed the kids were talking to me, but they turned away when I looked at them.

"Uh, who are you?"

The two new boys jerked around as I interrupted them.

"We're Wally's cousins! I'm Bart and this is Thad. You're Garfield Logan, right?"

"How do you know my name?!" I hissed, shooting a wary glance over my shoulder. No one was paying us any attention, so I turned back to the crazy kids. Bart went to reply, but the quiet one behind him slapped his hand over his mouth while Ben replied.

"The female Martian told us about you. She was very upset when she could not locate you."

Female Martian?

"You mean," I swallowed nervously, "you guys know M'gann?"

"Course we do," Bart chirped. "She helps us with training. Why, did you want to talk to her? You can, you know. She's already on her way here with Superboy."

AN: So, I'm evil and this story is messed up. It will make sense later on, if it doesn't now. I will start the next chapter soon, and it should be done sooner than this one. No promises, but I will not abandon this story. Thank you to all the people who are following this story!