Hi! Alex here! I had a random drabble that, really, I think is lame but maybe you guys may like it?

Maybe. Read on and find out! Yay for Random Oneshots! \o/



"…Erm, yeah Hattori?"

Shinichi Kudou was staring at this book, his eyes slightly unfocused, making him look cross-eyed. Not that he noticed, of course.

Heiji Hattori had to bite his lip to keep from laughing out loud at his friend. "Err, you look strange," he supplies, unable to stop staring at Shinichi's strange, unfocused blue eyes. He quietly grabs his phone to take a picture.

Shinichi finally locked eyes with him. "What?"

Heiji scratched his chin. "Erm, you are just perfect for photos, you know that Kudo?"

Sighing, he picked up The Sign of Four and began to read it for the nth time. This, of course, caused his eyes to go unfocused again.

Heiji started laughing, and couldn't stop. "Y-Y-Y-ou look s-s-so hilarious right now," he said, the words so eloquently flying out of his smiling mouth, hearty chortles coming out in waves.

Shinichi blinked owlishly at him. "What? I'm just reading."

Heiji manages to calm down and wordlessly shows him the picture he took.

Shinichi blanches. "W-What am I doing?" he asked incredulously, staring at his picture.

Heiji snickers at his best friend's obvious distress. "It's obvious. You're cross-eyed."

Shinichi blinked, then muttered to Heiji, saying, "You probably sent this to Ran, didn't you?"

Leering at Shinichi, he nods, as he then grabs his old Conan glasses and sticks them on his face.

"Ever considered wearing glasses, Kudo?"