Opposites Attract

It was one month into the new school year at Konoha high and class 2-C was in an uproar, because they heard that two new transfer students were coming to their school and one was going to be in their class. Everyone was anxious about the transfer student's arrival, everyone except the antisocial and mysterious, Uchiha Sasuke, who was too busy sketching in his notebook to worry about the transfer student's arrival, but he had to admit that he was a little curious to see what he/she looked like.

"I wonder if it's a boy or a girl!" Some random girl wondered aloud.

"I hope it's a tall and handsome boy with amazing eyes and a hot body!" another random girl shouted.

"No! It should be a girl with long hair, a slamming body and a huge rack!" a random boy shouted gaining some whoops from some of the other boys in the class. Soon the class erupted into a battle of whether it would be a boy or a girl. The boys shouting, 'GIRL!' and the girls shouting, 'BOY!'

"Settle down class," a silver haired man, who was about twenty-seven, said as he walked into the classroom and leaned against his desk at the front.

"Wow! Kakashi-sensei is early for once," exclaimed a pink haired girl by the name of Sakura, and with that statement the class erupted in laughter, even the Uchiha couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"That's only because of the transfer student," a blonde named Ino laughed out.

"Yeah, yeah, just settle down," Kakashi said as he then turned to the door and said, "Come in."

Everyone's eyes snapped to the door as it opened, even the Uchiha's. Gasps were heard throughout the room as all eyes were glued to the blonde haired, blue eyed boy standing before them.

"This is the transfer student," Kakashi said motioning his right hand towards the blonde, "Please introduce yourself," he finished, facing the blonde.

"Well, my name's Uzumaki Naruto but you can just call me Naruto. I'm seventeen years old. Me and my brother, Deidara, just moved here from Tokyo because of our dad's business. I LOVE RAMEN! and playing video games. My birthday's on October 10th… Oh and I'm gay," the class was eerily silence for what seemed like hours, processing what the blonde now known as Naruto had just said.

"WHAT!?" the class, mostly the girls, shouted in unison.

"I said. I'm. Gay. But don't worry, I don't see anyone in here that's my type," he said as he eyed the whole room, his eyes drifting from face to face before landing on the Uchiha's where it lingered for a few seconds before averting. 'Ok, maybe one,' Naruto thought to himself. Most of the boys relaxed upon hearing that they weren't Naruto's type while some (the closet gays) were a little disappointed but didn't show it. The girls were disappointed as well because they thought Naruto was hot but they didn't mind him being gay.

"Umm, you can have a seat now, Naruto. There's an open one next to Sasuke," Kakashi said pointing towards Sasuke, who was in the last row next to the window, so that Naruto knew where he should go. 'Hmmn, so his name's Sasuke…I like,' Naruto thought to himself as he went and sat down, a grin plastered on his face.

"Talk amongst yourselves and get to know each other," Kakashi said before he sat behind his desk and started to read a book he pulled out of his pocket. The class wasted no time and surrounded Naruto, asking random question.

"Are you really gay?

"How long have you been gay?

"How old is your brother?"

"Is your brother the other transfer student? If so, what class is he in?"

"Is your brother gay as well?"

"What's your type?"

"What type of business does your father do?"

"Would you consider turning straight for me?"

"Yes, I'm really gay. I've known I was gay for six years now, my father thinks I'm gay because I spend too much time with my mother. My brother is eighteen. Yes, he's the other transfer student, I think he's in class 3-B and he is bisexual but I think he's into boys more than girls though. I'm into the dark haired, mysterious, silent type. My father runs a weapons making company but don't worry he's very nice. Sorry, I'm not interested in girls," Naruto answered, chuckling at some of the questions. Sasuke couldn't help but listen in on the questions Naruto was asked, blushing when he said what his type was.

The class spent two hours interrogating Naruto, since Kakashi was their homeroom teacher as well as their first period English teacher. Soon the bell rang, indicating that class was over, and the students started to exit the classroom going to their respective classes.

"What class do you have next Naruto?" Sakura asked as she stood up from her seat beside Naruto.

"Gym," he answered.

"Us too! We should totally go together!" Ino exclaimed as she came up to stand right next to Sakura.

"Sure!" Naruto said and with that they picked up their bags and exited the class heading for the gym, not noticing Sasuke exiting the class quietly behind them, heading to the gym as well.

As they entered the gym they went to their designated locker rooms and changed into their gym uniforms, which the school provides. After changing, they all gathered in the middle of the gym where their teacher stood.

"Good Morning my youthful students!" their sensei, known as Gai, bellowed.

"Morning Gai-sensei," the students mumbled/groaned as a reply.

"Sadly, I have a staff meeting to attend right now, so play amongst your youthful selves until class is over," and with that Gai dashed out of the gym at lightning speed.

"Hey Naruto! Wanna play Basketball with us?" A brown haired boy with red triangle tattoos on his cheeks asked.

"Sure! I'm gonna kick your ass!" Naruto said rushing over to where Kiba, the brown haired boy, was standing with a basketball in his hand. The girls quietly sat in the stands as they watched the boys play.

After about Forty-five minutes of playing, Naruto's team came out victorious beating Kiba's team by four points. The girls cheered loudly.

"You play pretty good for a gay," Kiba said grinning at Naruto.

"Umm… Thanks?" Naruto said not knowing if he should take that as a compliment or not.

Naruto had worked up quite a sweat from playing so he took off his shirt, which was a very bad idea since all the girls seemed ready to rape him then and there. He had the body of a god with his well defined biceps and chiseled abs. Feeling the gazes of multiple people on him, Naruto turns around.

"Why are you guys staring at me like that?" Naruto asked seeing a hungry gleam in the girl's eyes.

"I think you should put your shirt back on," Kiba whispered to Naruto. He obliged putting his shirt back on which earned some groans and protests from the girls. Naruto still felt a gaze on him though, so he looked around and found none other than Uchiha Sasuke staring at him. A grin stretched across Naruto's face and Sasuke quickly looked away, a deep blush on his face.

"Hey Kiba, why is Sasuke over there by himself?" Naruto asked not looking away from the Uchiha.

"Oh, him. I don't know. He's one of those antisocial types that don't talk much," Kiba said with a shrug.

"Hmmn," Naruto started to walk toward where Sasuke was sitting.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Kiba shouted after Naruto but he didn't listen, he continued to walk towards Sasuke who had his head down.

"Hey Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed as he sat down next to him.

"…" Sasuke didn't answer, he was too shocked. He hadn't heard Naruto walking over.

"…Sasuke?" Naruto said as he peered under the Uchiha's bangs to see his face.

'Ok, calm yourself Sasuke, treat Naruto just like you treat the rest of the class,' Sasuke thought to himself before raising his head to reveal an expressionless face. And without a word he lefted, leaving Naruto behind.

"Playing hard to get are we Sasuke? Well, I like a challenge, so bring it on," Naruto said as he got up and walked back over to where Kiba was.

"Why did you go over there next to Sasuke?" Kiba asked as he saw Naruto approaching.

"Oh, nothing. Just trying to make some friends, that's all," Naruto said nonchalantly.

"Well, you're wasting your time since he doesn't have any friends nor does it seem like he plans to make any," Kiba said, eyeing Naruto suspiciously.

"We'll see about that," Naruto muttered to himself.

"What did you say?" Kiba asked.

"Nothing," and without another word they lefted the gym, Kiba shrugging off Naruto's weirdness.

The rest of the day was a blur to Naruto, all that was on his mind was Sasuke, Sasuke and more Sasuke. Not once in the rest of the school day did Sasuke talk to Naruto let alone looked in his direction so Naruto, being… well, Naruto, took it upon himself to make it his mission to get Sasuke to talk to him.

Next chapter: Mission: Get Sasuke to talk to me

A/N: So here's another story for you guys. What do you think? Good or bad? Should I continue? I know starting a new story when I have unfinished ones is stupid but we all can't help but be stupid sometimes and writers block and school work are being bitches… Anyway, review and tell me what you think!

P.S: This is my first NaruSasu story. I'm so excited!