Chapter 5 - The Unraveling Plan

Chapter 5

Snarlhook looked at the Wizards assembled before him after hearing why it was necessary, "How many of you want this ritual performed?"

Arthur states, "As Bill has explained I need to have it done to prove my wife has been untrue and that children she is trying to pass off as mine are not.

Harry states, "I'd like to have it done so that I can see what is mine to claim and to learn some of my family's history. With my parent's dying and me just a baby I know next to nothing about my family and others it's connected to."

Maeve adds, "Myself as well. My reasons are the same as Harry's except he has his Godfather to learn some from, I have no one."

"Very well, Arthur please step forward," He pushes a large silver bowl across the desk towards him and a silver dagger, "Place 8 drops of blood into the bowl, I will add the potion and then apply it to the parchment."

Arthur picks up the dagger and jabs his forefinger then carefully drops the required 8 drops into the bowl then watches as Snarlhook pours in a milky potion that quickly starts turning colors as the blood is mixed in with a silver stirring rod, when it reached the desired status Snarlhook places a large thick piece of parchment on the desk and turns and pours the liquid from the bowl over it...

Words appear starting with Arthur Tallen Weasley son of Septimus Weasley and Celesta Black

Then it showed his marriage to Molly Ann Prewitt and under his name connected by solid green and red lines intertwined the children's names started to appear

William Arthur bonded to Harry James Leonis Potter;

Charles Fabien bonded to Maeve Keighan DeWynter;

George Fabian;

Frederick Gideon

Then surprising them it showed connected to Arthur but with a broken red line which Snarlhook explained meant that he was claiming them although there was no blood relationship present:

Percy Weasley son of Amos Maddox and Molly Ann Prewitt bonded Penelope Clearwater

Ronald Bilius Weasley son of Clement O'Riely and Molly Ann Prewitt bonded Hermione Jean Granger

Ginevra Molly Weasley daughter of Albus Dumbledore and Molly Ann Prewitt

It also showed two jagged black lines underneath Ginny's name that Snarlhook explained as being aborted pregnancies - he went on to explain that she could have miscarried naturally or had them terminated, it would show the same either way.

Arthur pulled his wand as he stepped away from the table and with Snarlhook as his witness he disavowed the three children she'd tried to pass off as his and then voided their marriage on the ground of the broken vows and infidelity. With the dissolution of this bond I claim 3/4 of all accounts held in our names."

"Snarlhook, can you please send a Goblin team to remove any Weasley property from the house known as The Burrow? I've decided to let them keep living there as it goes against my honor and code to leave children homeless. They do not however have the right to sell it or the land which remains mine and if pushed I will have them summarily evicted. Please have her removed from all my accounts."

Checking the files Snarlhook asks, "Before I remove her are you aware that she has an account she's been transferring funds into over the last 17 years? Because it's her breach of contract that allowed the bond dissolution you are entitled to 3/4 of its contents as well."

"How much has she squirreled away?" Bill asked seriously.

"Its balance as of this moment is 78,237 gallons, 47 sickles, 21 knuts."

Charlie growls out, "We scrimped and saved, worked side jobs in town to just have a knut or two to buys sweets and she's sitting on a fortune; That Bitch! Take as much of it as you can Dad she had no right to keep it from you."

Bill adds, "Charlie is right Dad. She keep us in hand me downs, and used robes all the while sitting on enough money to put us all through Hogwarts easily with new things. She's had you working all kinds of over time just to steal your hard-earned money and keep it from you."

Arthur nods at his boys giving them each a hug, "While life wasn't so bad for us, it wasn't easy either. Please do as my sons have asked. Take as much of it as legally possible. What she did and insisted I had to do kept me from being there during my children's growing years and allowed her plenty of time to cheat on her vows."

Snarlhook hands reaches out, "If you would give me your vault keys please. Your vault and you family artifact vault have been rekeyed to prevent her gaining access again."

Arthur swallows hard, "Thank you Snarlhook for all your assistance this night."

"My pleasure Mr. Weasley! Honor is important to us; we Goblins do not take kindly to oath and bond breakers. Looking over now who wishes to go next?"

Harry seeing how upset Maeve was by the information that had been shown on the paper steps up, "It may show things I have no wish to know and it may show me things I need to know; it is better to be informed than misinformed I will go next!

He followed the same steps that Mr. Weasley had and then watched as his own tree formed

Harry James Leonis Potter, son of James Charlus Potter and Lily Marie Evans. He smiled at seeing proof of his bond to Bill then noted that his Grandfather's name was Charlus and his grandmother was Dorea Black. He snorted at seeing his Great Grand Father's name which was Fleamont Potter and hoped it wasn't a family name that needed to be reused it even showed Sirius in Gold writing to mark it as a Godparent's connection. It went back and back and back... and in its earliest parts showing his direct connection to Gryffindor and the Peverell families.

"I guess I can see why Dumbledore is trying to maintain control of me. Power is his driving force after all." Looking over at Snarlhook he adds, "Please rekey all my vaults, any vault I should have and make it so only Bill and I can get in them. Require entry be in person, perhaps even require blood to get in for now; that way he can't use polyjuice or any else to pretend to be me or Bill. We'll come back in a few days to get the full accounting and do the inheritance ritual to see if there's anything else I may be able to claim. You know Arthur you should do it too. I wouldn't put it past Dumbledore to keep inheritances from you to keep them in his control."

Looking back over at Snarlhook, "Please note that I have never authorized any withdrawals other than for my school supplies, so anything above and beyond that 150 or so gallon a year requires serious investigation. Also I didn't even know I had a trust or any account until I turned 11 and was brought in by Hagrid so anything before that was also unauthorized unless otherwise stated in my parents will. My parents will needs to be found as well. The Ministry may have frozen their copy but I know Gringotts has the original it needs to be found and implemented."

Charlie looked down at his tiny little mate feeling her nervousness through the hand that was holding tightly to his own, "You don't have to do this now Luv? It's your choice."

Looking up at him in surprise at his soft words, "I'm sure it won't show anything too terrible. I had my parents until just before I started Hogwarts that's when they died under mysterious circumstances and no Godparents too. That's when Dumbledore decided to make himself my magical guardian. So I know some of my family history but not very much. I'd really like to know more I'm just a little afraid of any surprises that may crop up."

When the bowl was placed in front of her she followed the same instructions the others had and then watched as names began to appear on the parchment starting with her own.

Maeve Keighan (DeWynter) Weasley bonded to Charles Fabien Weasley daughter of Kiernan Alaric DeWynter and Esmerelda Ava Selborne (blood adoption) daughter of "Hidden by Ultima Rite"...

It went and gave the full history back some 780 years on the names by adoption including such notables as Taliesin and Rowena Ravenclaw, while she stared on in shock till it was finished. Charlie asked Snarlhook to rekey her vaults to protect her assets and stated they'd come back at a later date to go over details.

When everyone was done for the evening they gathered up the trees and headed to Grimmauld place via the family portkey that Sirius had.

Kreature appeared moments after their arrival in the entry way, "How may Kreature help Master and his guests?"

Sirius asks, "Did you prepare the rooms like I asked you to Kreature?"

"Yes Kreature did Master. Kreature prepared suites for Master Harry and his bonded and Miss Maeve and her mate. Kreature also made rooms ready for twin miscreants and their Father. Kreature also made elf rooms ready for new elves too. Can Kreature get yous some tea? or anything?"

Sirius smiles, "Good Kreature you did good. Please bring tea and maybe hot chocolate and an assortment of biscuits. We've had a rather eventful evening."

Settling back into the sofa she pulled her legs up curling into a tight little ball she finally asks the one question that was circling around repeatedly in her head, "Does anyone know what the Ulma Rite is?"

Surprisingly it was Remus who answered, "It's a secrecy rite done to protect the identity of someone when their lives are in extreme jeopardy. In recorded history, the last time it was used was for the magical children of the royal family. Their parents would put them up for adoption using the rite to hide that they were royal heirs because magical heirs in muggle lines especially back then was usually frowned upon."

"But that doesn't make sense now, why would someone use it now; Or rather 16 years ago when I was a baby? Why would they give me away?"

Remus suggests gently, "Considering the time and what was happening, they probably gave you up to protect you from being hunted by the Dark Lord and his dork brigade."

She wraps her hands around a mug of hot chocolate taking in its scent as she answers softly, "I just can't imagine ever being willing to give up a child of mine. I'd rather go on the run leave everything I've known and settle somewhere far away and obscure to keep my children with me."

Charlie leans in settling and arm across her shoulders leans in and states softly, "It'll be ok Maeve, you'll see. Somehow some way we'll find out why but until then remember you had parents that loved you with all they were. They took you in, they gave you their blood, and made you a part of them, a large part. You may not know who you were born to but you know who wanted you and who wants you now."

"You're an optimist, aren't you?"

He smiles and whispers, "A closet romantic too... be prepared!"

Harry/Bill - Smut scene start - end

Charlie/Maeve - Smut scene start - end

Morning came late for the residents of Grimmauld Place who had all had a late night for a wide variety of reasons.


Molly Weasley woke up and knew something was not right immediately. It wasn't the fact that she was in bed, no, it was that she was in bed and the sun was high in the sky. It had to be noon and she was just waking up. She'd never slept so late in her life. Even as a child she was waking up the sun much to her parent's chagrin.

Jumping out of bed she grabbed her robe and headed to check the children. No one was in Bill's or Charlie's rooms. Ginny was still sleeping which wasn't unusual; she was a beast to wake up before noon when not in school, but there was no sign of Hermione. She hoped that girl had the common sense to not sleep with Ron right in front of Harry.

Moving up the stairs she opening all the doors as she went making note, that that brat Maeve wasn't in her room either but that wasn't odd. That girl was late to bed but still early to rise and she liked to spend her time in the garden reading.

Opening the door to Ron's room she notices right away that they are in bed together, not being careful at all and that Harry is missing. He's an early riser but seldom leaves the safety of the house till everyone else is up. Then she sees it... or rather doesn't see it. His trunk is gone from the foot of the cot. She rushes over and lifts the cot up to see if somehow, some way or another it had gotten under the cot but NO it wasn't there at all.

Screeching she reaches out and grabs Ron's foot shaking it and yelling, "Ronald Weas.. Ronald Wea… WAKE Up this minutes." The horror sinks in quickly, somehow Arthur had found out that Ronald wasn't his child and had disavowed him, that would be the only reason she couldn't call out his name.

Ronald jumps at his mother's screams sitting up he fumbles the covers, "Mom wha… what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?! How about I can't call you Weasley, How about where's that brat Potter, How about where's the little slut Maeve… and let's not forget, Why the HELL is Hermione in your bed naked?"

Moving downstairs Molly notices several things missing; the portraits of the older boys but not Percy's were gone, the Twin's picture was gone too but not Ron's or Ginny's. This wasn't looking good. Somehow he'd found out which children were his. Moving into the kitchen she looks for the main item, the illustrious Weasley Family Clock, and it was gone the only thing remaining in its spot of honor were the hands for herself, Ron, Ginny and Percy.

Ron and Hermione stumble into the kitchen behind her, thumps from upstairs telling her that Ginny was moving around as well.

Hermione spots it before anyone else and pointing her finger, "Molly… Molly a notice…"

Molly moves to the head of the table and sits down heavily before reaching out and pulling the parchment – the official parchment from Gringotts over. It had the heavy seals on it and was imbued with layers and layers of magic. Whatever this was, and it couldn't be good, it was completely official. Opening it she reads

To Molly Ann Prewitt

The marriage contract between yourself and Arthur Septimius Weasley has been terminated for breach of contract on your part specifically noting broken vows of honor, partnership, and fidelity. Proof of infidelity being the 3 children on the tapestry fathered by 3 different men. Percy Weasley son of Amos Maddox and Molly Ann Prewitt bonded to Penelope Clearwater; Ronald Bilius Weasley son of Clement O'Riely and Molly Ann Prewitt bonded to Hermione Jean Granger; Ginevra Molly Weasley daughter of Albus Dumbledore and Molly Ann Prewitt

These children not of his blood have been disavowed and can no longer use the name, status, and reputation of the Weasley family. All vaults have been returned to their former owners, all moneys split 75 - 25 in favor of Arthur Weasley. You have been allowed residence but not ownership of the property known as the Burrow, all Weasley artifacts have been collected and returned to their rightful owner.

Ron being the impatient, immature brat he is reaches out and jerks it from his mother's hand when she paled drastically and stopped moving. He read it through once, then twice and was on the third read threw when Hermione's impatience manifested itself and she started demanding to know what was going on loudly.

"Ronald, what does it say? Ronald! Ronald, oh for heaven's sake give me that." Snatching it away from Ron she started reading then hisses out, "What does this mean you aren't the son of Arthur Weasley but some bloke by the name of O' Riely? Ronald…"

Ginny breezes into the kitchen wearing short shorts and a blouse that may have properly fit one of her dolls but was about 4 sizes too small for her and worse than skin tight; dolled up in makeup that may have been proper for a club night but not for breakfast. Seeing everyone standing around and not smelling breakfast she blithely asks, "What's for breakfast?"

Molly stares at her daughter in disgust for a second before answering, "Crow!"

Ginny looking totally confused glances over to her brother for clarification, "Ron… what's she mean Crow?"

Hermione is the one who answers though by reading out loud the paper in her hand, "To Molly Ann Prewitt … … …

Crow Ginny, meaning all the little dirty secrets have been found out. You've been disavowed by Mr. Weasley you can't claim that name any more, neither can Ronald." Something occurs to her, "Molly does this mean the contracts between Harry and Ginny and Ronald and Maeve are invalidated?"

Molly looks over at Hermione question, "The contracts are no longer valid. With them being disavowed their official names have been changed to that of their birth fathers – so long as they also do not disavow them. The contracts were written under Weasley and are only official under Weasley. I do not think that Albus can rewrite them and back date them to make them official with the current changes."

Molly seeing the children working to get things back on track now that their previous plan had fallen through made her proud. "We need to get to the bank to see how much Arthur left us. I hope he didn't discover my rainy-day account, if he didn't we're sitting pretty. You'll even be able to have new things for the start of term, clothing and books."

Ginny drops into a chair after changing into proper robes asks before they enter the floo, "Does that mean I'm not going to be Lady Potter? I must be Lady Potter. You promised, you promised me since I was 3 that I'd be the wife of the boy who lived. I'd get to be Lady Potter and have all that wonderful jewelry and expensive clothing. I'll be invited to all the parties and balls."

Ron slaps his hand down on the table yelling, "Shut up Ginny. This is bigger than your delusions. In case you didn't notice we're bastards now and can be disavowed by the men who fathered us and if that happens we won't be able to make any kind of decent marriage. You'll be lucky if you can get a consortia bond to some second-rate bloke. And I've… I've already consummated the bond with Mione so I won't lose her but all the money and power from being bonded to DeWynter is gone. Who else is out there that I can trick into a marriage bond?"

Molly interjects, "No one, somehow your antics with Hermione have resulted in your being bonded to each other or did you miss that part on the notice? You're both off the market."

Ginny looks over a sneer on her face, "Well, Looney is available, and she's off enough you may be able to trick her into a consortia bond. Last I knew she was mooning over some creature in Sweden and hasn't discovered boys yet. They are well off. He runs the Quibbler but it makes them a good living and they take long trips every summer. Rumors have it they are a distaff not recognized branch of the Malfoy's. Her Dad is half cracked so he may not even notice till it's too late if you attempt to live off her wealth so long as you don't make her cry. He always notices that."

Being equally snide Ron suggests, "Well since Harry is off the table now you should try for Nott. His family has money but isn't all that well respected in either circle so it shouldn't be too hard to get rid of him after the wedding and bedding."

Hermione interjects, "No Nott won't do Ron that family is as dark as the Malfoy's and probably has numerous clauses and other protections on their fortune and name. No, she needs someone from the Light or Neutral Factions, Potter was perfect because Dumbledore made sure there were few if any protections left on him and his inheritance. Maybe Blaise Zabini, his family is staunch neutral and although he is a Slytherin he doesn't participate in a lot of the bashing. From my observations, he doesn't care a lot for muggles or even muggleborn but you shouldn't have to worry about that. McLeggan maybe, or No, you need to set yourself up as trying to rise above the blood traitor stigma. You're a pureblood from good lines being a Prewitt who were one of the original 28. Dumbledore isn't as old and it has a bit of controversy around it but that may help you in a way since Albus Dumbledore's father was imprisoned for tracking down and hexing the muggle boys who traumatized his daughter so badly her magic broke; you may just want to go by Prewitt and leave the Dumbledore part out of it till the contracts are signed perhaps pretend that you have no idea who your birth father is other than he was a wizard in good standing, according to your mother of course. If asked you have no idea why your father would disavow you and until your mother explained it no idea your father was anyone but Arthur Weasley. That puts you in the position of being the wounded party and can garner you sympathy."

Ron shaking his head, "No I think Zabini'd be suspicious what with being a dark inclined Slytherin and going through step father after step father I think he'd be on the lookout for a gold digger like his mother; and with her example he'd know exactly what to watch out for."

Sighing heavily Hermione acknowledges Ron's opinion, "That's true, she'd have to be a great actress to pull it off because he'd be on her in nothing flat otherwise. It might be best to avoid any of the names with titles attached too even if they aren't British."

Ginny hems and haws for a few before suggesting, "McLeggan is a real ass he's out. I could try Zachariah Smith, he's a dead bore and not well liked in school, but his family is rumored to be descended from Helga Hufflepuff. They don't have a title but they are well off but his father doesn't support Dumbledore. I heard him remark one time that his father had said he wouldn't spit on Dumbledore if he was burning on the ground in front of him.'

Hermione adds slyly, "You can fix a lot of his personality after the bonding contract is signed; a few drops of potions here a special brownie there so I wouldn't worry too much about how unlikeable he is currently. Can you manage to put up with him until you get a contract signed? Otherwise I think maybe Michael Corner might be a good choice. He doesn't have the Founder connection and his parents aren't dark inclined. He was also a good member of the DA and interested in you until you went and broke up with him and started in with Dean. I wish Dean's family had money but they don't so no use going down that road."

Ginny smirks, "I could get Corner back anytime I wanted he only went with Chang to make me jealous. I never considered Smith because he's always such an ass to everyone. Corner isn't as rich as Smith but they're a well-placed light family and would be easier to work with."

Ron looks at Ginny then suggests, "Mom I think you and Ginny should go to the bank. It won't look so suspicious if it's just the two of you. Ginny, you should go change clothes, get rid of the makeup, put on your nicest looking proper robe. You need to start making an impression of being a proper young lady. You'll be escorted and treated like a treasure instead of some street kid. Hermione and I'll wait here make a few back up plans to move forward with.

The trip to Gringotts had been enlightening all their bantering and bickering aside. Arthur and his brats had managed to find her rainy day fund and take 75% of it too. They weren't broke, weren't even as close to destitute as they'd been most of their growing up years as 25,000 gallons was nothing to sneeze at. Doing some quick figuring… 2000g Ron's school fee's, 1200g Ginny's school fee, plus another 200g for books, robes and other supplies still left her over 22,500g. Maybe more if her father reinstated her allowance.

She could still get them new books and clothing for that amount instead of all that used crap she usually made them take. She doesn't need to pay rent (thank his black heart for his moral code) and food never cost that much what with growing and canning many vegetables throughout the year, having their own chickens, and the usual hog.

She'd sent notice to each of the children's true fathers to see if there'd be any sour repercussions coming her way from them.

Gathering all the children around the table to discuss how they move forward Molly starts, "Ok children this is the way things are now, Ron I don't know how it happened but your relationship with Hermione has somehow bonded you so you're done. We won't be able to find a rich idiot to bond you to now so you must quit playing around and improve your grades. You aren't good enough at Quidditch to go pro, that doesn't mean you can't play the game but it's just not a career option. Hermione you're going to need to help him along as much as possible. Ron that doesn't mean she's going to do your work for you. All the professors know how she writes and will know if it's her work or yours. Good grades will mean that the two of you can get good positions right out of school. Auror is a good job with a lot of recognition but it's very dangerous too I'd really prefer if you'd look more towards healing which pays better and is less dangerous or maybe warding or even law. Warding means you need to study up on runes but you can drop potions. You'd need to be tutored for potions if you choose healer. Both are highly sought after respectable careers more so than even working inside many of the ministry offices."

"Hermione, I know you were looking to work in the Ministry but the way things are currently you'd be stuck in a lower office position as well simply because you are muggleborn. Look into Healing or Law, both solicitors and healers make great incomes and it's easy to switch to politics or to add politics from either position. I think we should take you to Gringotts and do a heritage potion on you to see if you've got any vaults or magical connections to fall back on. After all, your magic had to come from somewhere. Us magicals may not like to admit it but we do know it doesn't just spring up out of the ether."

"If I play this money right I'll be able to give the two of you a good nest egg so that you've got some little leeway if things go south. It won't be a lot and won't last long but could be used as a down payment on a house when you do choose to move out of here."

"Ginny, you need to straighten up, stop dressing and acting so sluttish that was to capture that dim wit Harry who must be asexual for all the reaction he gave, but he's out of reach now. You also need to get your head out of the clouds, a quidditch player isn't exactly the type of woman the rich boys are looking to catch, although being a fan is something they can relate to. Also loose morals won't get you a husband, remember the old saying why should he buy the cow when he gets the milk for free. Remember too, the healer told you the last time we had to act fast that any more such instances will damage your core and make it near impossible for you to have a magic child so don't indulge again till you get a ring on your finger."

"The boys you need to attract are the ones looking for the perfect girl to take home to impress their Mother's - those won't be the ones who give into their baser urges. That means good grades and no rumors going around about you. You'll have a small dowry probably about 5000g which should help some but being small it won't win over the likes of Malfoy or his ilk. You will need to make yourself irresistible and mysterious so they really start wanting your attention. I've some potions that may help with that basic allure. The black Widow Zabini made this an art form. She is on her 11th husband, all have been very rich and all are now dead except him and if the rumors I've heard about his health are anything near truth she's be free again before too long and many millions richer."

Standing up she pulls Ginny to her feet looking her over carefully, "We'll take you into one of those salons on Gilbreck Way and get you a complete makeover, hair, nails, make up, new clothes from a few of the better boutiques, a few small pieces of jewelry and the potions I've got in mind. It'll cost a good chunk of what we have but it'll be a good investment if you bag a big fish. You'll be a new woman if you work your attitude right they'll be tripping over each other to get you.

The outside of the envelope was quickly addressed and the note sent off before she could change her mind about what it said… The owl caught him just before he left his office for breakfast in the great hall.

To Albus Dumbledore

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Albus, you won't believe what Arthur as done to us! He's... He's disavowed me and the children. Somehow in the disavowing process Ron and Hermione ended up BONDED. Yes, Bonded so we won't be able to use him to further our aims. Ginny is still available though. I think with a bit of a makeover and some acting and deportment lessons we can have her acting like the perfect little pureblood princess and actually get her a well-placed pureblood husband except the disavowing has left me near knutless. Arthur took 75% of our vaults which left me just enough to get the children's school fees paid with enough to get food for a few months after.

We must meet soon to discuss this and our options before something else happens.

Molly Prewitt.


Hermione steps out of the floo in the Leaky Cauldron, thanks Tom for cleaning the ash off her clothing and heads for the entrance to Diagon Alley. She decided to do this alone to keep suspicion about their activities down to a bare minimum. It was a well-known fact that Molly kept her youngest children tied to her apron strings. They would never have been seen around the Alley without her being somewhere nearby so no Ron accompanying her today. She entered Gringotts eyeing the Goblins warily. For some reason, she'd never been comfortable around them and all of Binn's lessons on Goblin wars hadn't eased her discomfort with them. Stepping into line she waited impatiently for a teller. Approaching Gnartooth when he motioned to her she speaks softly, "I'd like to have an ancestry search done please."

He growls, "Wait in chairs, since you haven't made an appointment you'll have to wait for the next available agent."

A half an hour later she was called and led down the tunnels by a goblin named Tinhook, to a rather bare office where a large very scarred goblin was sitting behind the desk, where he announced her, "Gnarltooth, the witch requests an ancestry search."

Gnarltooth waves him away, "Thank you Tinhook, you may return to your duties. Please sit Miss…"

"Hermione Granger. I may or may not have been bonded I'm not sure but that is irrelevant to this search. I'm looking for my ancestors and to see if there is anything I can claim."

He opens a drawer on the bottom of the desk and pulls out a silver dagger a large sheet of parchment and a vial of murky colored potion. Her pushes the dagger and the potion across to her, "Places 7 drops of blood into the vial then shake it until thoroughly mixed, the vial will feel warm then pour it over the parchment.

Reading the chart that's created she asks, "What does the letters in parenthesis after names mean?"

Hermione Jean Granger (W) b. September 19 1979 m/b Ronald Bilius O Riely

Father Wilton Patrick Granger(s) Mother – Victoria Marie Wexbury (s)

Wilton Patrick Granger f- Patrick Declan Granger (s) m- Ava Carline Wroxmore (s)

Patick D Granger – F-Declan Persus Granger (s) M- Eliza Mary Campbell (W)

Going back several more generations…

Glancing down at the paper he answers, "The s refers to them being squibs if it had been an x it would indicate a complete lack of magic or otherwise known as a muggle. The W indicates either a witch or a wizard depending on the beings gender."

"So my father's line were all squibs with my great great grandfather actually being married to a witch and my mother's side being all squibs. How does something like this happen?"

"It's speculated that like is drawn to like. That the magic in one's blood leads you to find someone similar. So a squib not being in magical society would be drawn to other squibs."

Checking the names on the list he pulls a few folders opening the first, "It appears that Eliza Campbell was a well-respected witch of low power. Her will notes that she was nearly declared a squib herself but managed to avoid that fate by being very creative with the magic she did wield. You are entitled to her vaults. They locked when her son was a squib and remained so waiting for a magical female descendent to lay claim. There is no title, as prior to what is known as World War 2 or Grindlewald's war, it was virtually unheard of for females to inherit titles but she did leave you quite the legacy. In vault 279 you have some 3 million gallons, 50,000 sickles, and 2000 knuts, there are two properties that have houses on them both vacant - one was her home left her by her father and the other a vacation home left her by an elderly aunt both come with house elves. A married pair at the main home and two female elves at the vacation home. There are two properties in Diagon that are rented to shops they also contain apartments over top of them which go with the shops. Rents are added to the vaults as they come in monthly. In Vault 287 are a variety of house hold goods, portraits, jewelry, books, and various papers even vintage clothing.

It also appears you are descended from Hector Dagworth-Granger which entitles you to a small endowment of 250,000 gallons and a copy of all the books archived in the main vault."

Clearing her throat from the rather large lump in it, "Please place the books in vault 287 and the gallons in vault 279. What can you tell me about the bond. I never took any vows or signed any contracts but the parchment lists him as m/b which I take to mean married/bonded."

The goblin grinned or at least she took his facial expression as one, "Magic. You both spoke words meaningful to a relationship and followed them up by consummation."

Sighing deeply, "Yes I can see we may have unknowingly done something like that. He is a very immature foolish young man still, how can I protect my inheritance from him?"

He reads back through the paperwork on the Campbell vaults then states, "It specifically states it's left to the female magical offspring, to be in her control and not her fathers, brothers, or husbands: so he can't touch it even should he know about it but to avoid tensions I would advise putting the Dagworth-Granger endowment into a vault of its own, perhaps with the books to avoid suspicion of having another vault."

Nodding she states, "Please do that then perhaps add the house to that so that we won't have to buy or rent one."

Looking further down the papers he adds with a bit of a smirk, "Before we open a new vault you should note that on your mother's side there is an inheritance pending from one Anastasia Montclair that includes a small house, some female jewelry and some 150,000 gallons."

Grinning she states, "In that case put the Dagworth-Granger books into this vault and half the Dagworth -Granger money put the rest into vault 279. 250000 is more than a respectable amount for us to live off of, especially as we are also provided a house to live in. I should be ok no matter how lazy he ends up being. Is there a way to make it known that I am in fact not a muggleborn but a pureblood? Being born from a long line of squibs? That will enable me to achieve a good position no matter what field I go into."

Arriving back at the Burrow she enters smiling and moves to sit down across from Molly who was frowning over some letters, "I've good news! I am in fact a pureblood. Squibs on both sides of my family going back some 5 or more generations and no muggles at all. I even received a vault from one of my female ancestors. Molly I have a house and gallons. 250,000 gallons."

Molly smiles for the first time in days, "That's wonderful news Hermione. We can put the plan for Ginny in motion and it won't strain our finances at all and you and Ronnie already have a house so you won't need to buy one later. We'll go take a look at it after getting the makeover for Ginny. It may be better to move there away from the history and stigma of the Burrow considering what we're trying to achieve."

"Molly I know it's not a super fortune but why don't we take the plan a step further. We've dropped those blood traitor Weasley's, let's all get make overs and improve ourselves. Make the world think they were what was holding everyone back. If you thought 5000 g would have done it for Ginny imagine 5000 to 10,000 for each of us. That will still leave 200,000 in my vault and all of yours. My house also came with a house elf. I wasn't pleased with that at first until the goblin thoroughly explained them too me. They die if not bonded to a family. I don't know what was going on with Dobby but something odd was. My elf's name is Milly."

Molly smiles, "That's a wonderful idea Hermione. I'll floo call and make appointments for us for two days… You go tell the others the good news and pack anything you wish to take. We'll go to the house tomorrow. I've informed Albus that you and Ronnie will require married quarters at school. That entitles you to a small apartment – bedroom, sitting room/ study, bath-room and small snack nook. It will be much better than being in the tower. What did the Goblin's say about the bond?"

"It was all magic and intent based. We'd spoken of our future then consummated. Magic took our words to be a vow solidified by the sexual act. Being magic based it's unbreakable. He can't disavow or divorce me nor me him. I can't claim to be happy about how it happened but if I'm honest just between the two of us I'm glad to have the stuck up twit out of our lives. She'd have been nothing but trouble."

"Speaking of, Dumbledore has informed me that he has lost their guardianships. He isn't sure how but they've both been emancipated and are totally out of his control. The contracts also burned up in his desk and that didn't happen just because Arthur disavowed Ron and Ginny, so he's still investigating."

"Albus and I've talked about it, Ginny is going to go by Prewitt even though he's legitimized her and set up a dowry for her and my Father has accepted it. He's also restarted my allowance and started one for Ginny. Percy's father has also legitimized him and set him as his heir since he was recently found to be incapable of fathering children. I haven't heard back from Ronnie's father yet which is a bit worrisome."

Hermione thinks for a moment, "Well if he disavows Ron and Lord Prewitt won't recognize him, we can go by one of my family names; the inheritance came from the Montclair family with a small additional monetary endowment from the Dagworth-Granger line: So either name would be viable although to distance myself from the troubles I've had thus far in school and the magical world in general, I'd rather we use the Montclair name."

Nodding, "Go celebrate and tell Ronnie the good news."