Woo Hoo! This is my second story! It has nothing to do with my first one, in fact, it's completely different! :D It's also very juicy and it has a lot of drama. This story is rated M for mature because of possible foul language and some kissing and stuff. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! ~ MusicMaker87 :3

Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater!

Chapter 1: Party's over

Normal POV_

The gang was at chupa cabra because Blaire invited them to the party. It was chupa cabra's tenth year of being in business in Death City, and Blaire and the other workers invited their friends to celebrate. Soon enough, the beer was out and it turned into a club. The lights flashed and the music was loud. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Crona and Patty were hanging out in the corner; she was trying to teach Crona how to play poker with a few other random people that the other workers had invited. Kid was in the bathroom, checking his symmetricality. Black*star was eating and drinking while Tsubaki was dancing. She was still near him so he wouldn't go over board with the drinking, but he didn't really get drunk that easily... even if he was assumed as just a kid. Liz, Soul, and Maka were sitting, drinking, and talking. Everyone else was dancing and drinking to their heart's content.

Suddenly, Maka's dad somehow made his way into chupa cabra. His first thoughts were to come to see Maka, and they were good intentions, but when he saw all the pretty girls dancing around, he completely forgot about her and went straight for them. Once Maka noticed her dad, she told Soul and Liz she'd be right back. She headed for the bathroom and looked at herself. I can't believe I'm even related to that pervert, she thought to herself. Hey, now that were at a party, maybe... maybe I could tell Soul how I feel... about him... hmm

She walked out of the bathroom and back to Soul and Liz, but before she could even speak, her heart had broken. Soul was making out with Liz. It felt like her heart shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. There was no way she could ever fix it, not on her own.

"You jerk!" were the only words she managed to say before running away, but they couldn't hear her over the music. She ran away, and accidentally, she bumped into Black*star.

"Huh?" Black*star said, looking down at Maka, "Maka what's wrong?"

She looked up, tears filling her eyes, "Soul."

"What? What did that jerk do to you!" Black*star shouted.

"He... he.." She couldn't say it without confessing her feelings about him, so she cried into Black*star's shirt. He patted her head and noticed how soft her hair was. Maka looked up at him, her emerald eyes flashing as the colorful lights changed. The music's rhythm went along with their hearts.

"Maka?" Black*star looked confused. She pulled herself up to his face, and she kissed him. When Soul caught a glimpse of Maka and Black*star kissing, he pulled away.

"What the hell!" Soul shouted, pushing Liz off of him. She grabbed him before he could even come close to Maka and Black*star. "Liz what're you doing?"

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"What do you think?! Black*star's kissing MY meister!" Soul shouted.

"Really? You don't say. And HER weapon was kissing me. Did you see her come over here and break us up? I don't think so! And it sounds like you're a little jealous if you ask me..." she said.

"It's not like that! I don't love Maka, I just don't want this idiot to ruin her life!" Soul looked at her.

"Soul you don't know that for sure! For all we know, Black*star and Maka could be drunk!" Liz shouted.

"But Black*star takes forever to get drunk, and Maka... well... Maka is Maka!" Soul shouted back.

"Well, you got a point," Liz replied, "but just give him a chance at least. Besides, you don't own Maka, she's not yours, I am. Aren't I?"

"Yeah," Soul said. Liz pulled him back into a kiss.

Maka pulled away.

"Wow Maka, I know I'm a god and all, but I didn't think you liked me that way," Black*star looked at her confused. All of a sudden, they heard a cry from behind them. Maka turned around.

It was Tsubaki. She secretly had feelings for Black*star, but wasn't sure how to tell him. When she came back from the bathroom, she saw this, and she felt just like Maka. She ran off and bumped into Kid, who had just checked his symmetry.

"What? AHH MY SYMMETRY! HOW COULD YOU TSUBAKI- Tsubaki? Are you ok?" Kid looked at her tears. She looked up and shook her head. All of a sudden, his obsession for symmetry disappeared for a second as he noticed how beautiful Tsubaki was. She smiled. He pulled her close to him.

What's he doing? Tsubaki thought to herself.

He pulled her in and kissed her. Black*star didn't exactly know what to say, but at this point he was kind of in shock. A girl that he wasn't really interested in and thought she hated him came up to him and kissed him, and his weapon partner is making out with the grim reaper's son. Damn he thought to himself. Without him noticing it, Maka had already escaped. She ran outside, tears filled her eyes.

"I'm so stupid," she said to herself, "why did I kiss Black*star? He doesn't even like me! And Soul? I should've known! He wouldn't fall for a flat-chested bookworm like me!" She covered her face in her hands. "And poor Tsubaki!"

"Maka?" she heard a voice from behind her, "What're you doin' out here?"

She turned around. It was Black*star.

"Black*star I'm so sorry!" she cried.

"It's okay," he replied, trying to comfort her. He walked closer to her.

"I didn't mean to ruin you and Tsubaki!" she turned around and covered her face again. The cold wind whipped at her pig tails, making them fly all over the place.

"Me and Tsubaki?" Black*star was confused, "I didn't even know she liked me until now, but now she's with Kid..."

"I didn't mean to hurt her," she said, wiping away her tears.

"I know... Maka?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said.

"Why did you kiss me?" he asked. Maka froze. Why did I kiss him again?

"I don't know," she answered.

"Oh," he said. He sounded kind of disappointed.

"I need to apologize to Tsubaki," she said with a firm voice.

"Yeah, you probably should," Black*star replied.

Maka nodded and headed back inside.

Great, now I kinda like Maka Black*star thought to himself, Damnit...

Maka found Tsubaki in Kid's arms.

"Tsubaki," Maka said.

"Maka?" she looked at her.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me back there! Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe... maybe it was Soul..." Soul could slightly hear Maka say to Tsubaki.

"Maka, it doesn't matter. I still wanna be friends," she smiled.

"Good," Maka smirked.

"Yeah, and if it wasn't for you," Kid jumped into the conversation, "I wouldn't have realized my feelings for Tsubaki." He hugged her closer to him. I always thought those to would go together Maka thought to herself, Kid is such a gentleman and Tsubaki is so kind and sweet. They're almost perfect for each other.

Soul broke the kiss again and looked at Liz. "What does she mean by maybe it was me?"

"I don't know," Liz said, "Maybe she liked you, who cares."

Soul didn't wanna tell her, but he kind of had small feelings for Maka, even though she was a flat-chested bookworm. Besides that, her boobs were getting bigger, and they wouldn't stay flat forever...

Liz, again, pulled him back into the kiss. The song got louder, and the beat got deeper. Almost everyone was up on their feet dancing, even Blaire. Maka went to the bathroom as Black*star came back inside. He walked over to Tsubaki.

"Hey Tsubaki..." he said.

"Oh, hi Black*star!" she smiled.

"You're not mad?" he asked.

"Of course not! The alcohol might have slightly gotten to my emotions, but you can love who ever you want, I won't stop you." Tsubaki replied.

"What?" Black*star looked confused.

"I said I don't care if you like Maka, I won't stop you." She smiled.

"Huh?" Black*star shook his head, trying to deny his small feelings for Maka, and replied, "I don't like Maka that way, we're just friends. Besides, she said she liked Soul."

"But Soul likes Liz," Tsubaki replied.

"So," he scratched the back of his head.

"So, turn around," she smirked.

Black*star turned around and saw Maka with her hair down. She hadn't taken out her pig tails in a long time, so her hair had gotten longer since the last time she let it down. Wowww...

"Told you so!" Tsubaki laughed with Kid.

"What?!" Black*star turned around.

"You were drooling," Kid said.

"What? No I wasn't!" he shouted.

"Whatever you say," Kid replied.

Maka walked over to Soul, who was finally just sitting there talking to Liz. It's about time they stopped sucking each other's faces off, Maka thought to herself.

"Hey Soul," she got Soul's attention. When he looked at her, his eyes widened. Not even Soul had seen her hair that long. It was five inches past her shoulders.

"H- hey," Soul stuttered. Liz glared at him.

"I'm going home, ok?" she looked at him.

"Ok, but don't you wanna go home together on the bike? It's faster," Soul looked confused.

"Nah, I think I'd rather walk..." She looked down, "It's been a long night."

Soul knew something was wrong, but he figured he would talk to her about it when he got home. "Oh, ok."

Maka smiled and walked out the door. Everyone she knew watched her leave on her own.

"What's with her?" Black*star asked.

"Who knows," Soul replied.

The party lasted all night long... almost everyone was wasted, but no one was sober enough to hear the evil laughter that echoed through the night sky. When Soul got home, there was a slight feeling of emptiness in the house. He wasn't completely drunk, but he wasn't sober. He looked around the house for Maka, and then he knocked on her bedroom door.

"Maka?" He called her name, but there was no answer. "Alright fine, I'm coming in!"

He opened her door and saw no one there. He checked the closets, his room, the small kitchin, even the roof. There was no sign of Maka anywhere!

She was gone.

MusicMaker87: HA! How's that for a cliff hanger? :3

Liz: You make me sound like a whore, I'm not THAT obsessed with Soul.

Soul: I see how it is.

MusicMaker87: Oh sorry! Next chapter, I'll make sure your more into your character. I guess you were really drunk, huh?

Liz: Grr...

Black*star: I liked the surprises though, Maka just randomly coming up to someone and kissing them... It really surprised me...

MusicMaker87: Did you like it? :3

Black*star: *blushes*

Maka: I have nothing to say...

Black*star: Oh come on, you liked it! Just admit it, you like me and my godliness.

Maka: Oh brother... *face palm*

Tsubaki: Maka, he's not that bad...

Maka: ...

Kid: ...

MusicMaker87: Oh hey Kid, didn't see you standing there.

Kid: You're the one who put me here! I don't even know what to say! Put me back into my mansion I need to check the symmetricality again!

MusicMaker87: Umm.. ok... *Puts Kid back into his house*

Crona: I don't know how to deal with this! Why am I here? How did I get here.

Patty: CRONA!

Crona: AHH! Wh- wh- what do you want?

Patty: Giraffe :3

Crona: but I don't have a giraffe...

Patty: Then let's go find one! *Drags Crona off to the zoo*

Crona: but I don't know how to deal with that!

MusicMaker87: Alright then... On to the next chapter!

Excalibur: WAIT! FOOL!

MusicMaker87: Did you just call me a-

Excalibur: FOOL!

MusicMaker87: Who let him in here?

Patty: What? Isn't he cute! He's like a little penguin dude!

MusicMaker87: Shouldn't you be at the zoo with Crona?!

Patty: Right... About that...

MusicMaker87: Just go find him... And take Excalibur with you!

Patty: OKAY! *drags Excalibur away to the zoo*

Excalibur: Ima goin' to Californiaaaa ~~~

MusicMaker87: good, now that that's taken care of, let's move on to Chapter 2! :D Review, Follow, and Favorite!
