Hey all. Since I received so many lovely reviews (thank you!) here is a chapter 2. Im sorry its not my greatest piece of writing but hopefully it is still okay. Also apologies to anyone reading Friday Nights...I've discovered this horrid thing called writers block but I am working on it!

Disclaimer: I do not own the wonderful NCIS LA but I do hope you enjoy.

She should be enjoying a peaceful Sunday morning slumber right now. But she's not. She wishes she was but ever since the wild Friday night and cosy Saturday morning with her partner, sleep's been hard to come by.

Her mind has been spinning ever since she'd left his house yesterday after lunch. Even her five km run early this morning hadn't slowed the cycle. Sitting on the couch, fingers idly playing with the hem of her yoga pants, Kensi finally surrenders, letting her mind take full control.


Friday night had been amazing. Now that she's slept off her hangover and had time to herself, most of her memory has returned. She can recall the desire, pleasure and thrill the night had bought her. Those feelings don't really come as a surprise. It's been a while since she'd had a few drinks and ended up in some guys bed so of course it was going to be a little exhilarating and thrilling. As for the desire and pleasure, well there's no denying her partner is good looking with one fine backside. The fact he was a gentle, giving lover explains the pleasure. There are other emotions however Kensi is finding it much more difficult to explain.

She'd had so much fun Friday night with Deeks. She honestly can't recall a night like it. Sure he's always making her laugh, their banter is always fun, but it was more than that. Friday night she'd let all those little niggling doubts and fears wash away without second thought. Thinking about it now she realises it had little to do with the alcohol consumed and a lot more to do with trust. She trusts him completely with every part of her. Maybe that explains why it had all felt so natural, almost as though it was meant to be?

She'd also felt this odd sense of pride. The humble, caring, gorgeous, tough, funny, shaggy man was hers and no-one else's that night. She had wanted him, and he'd wanted her.

Kensi sighs. She'd wanted him and she still wants him.

'Great.' She mumbles punching a nearby pillow.


'Ouch, Shit.' Deeks pulls back his finger, sucking it in his mouth hoping to ease the pain. He has a new found admiration for all those tailors out there who sew on a regular basis. Who knew fixing a couple of buttons could be so hard. Taking a deep breath he calms himself and tries again.

Deeks has had a busy morning. After an early surf, he'd run all over Los Angeles in search of some needles, thread and buttons, small white buttons to be specific. Now he sits at the kitchen bench watching some wonderful online tutorial which explains just how one sews buttons back onto a shirt.

Unlike Kensi, Deeks has felt rather at peace since his partner left him on Saturday. He knows what Friday night meant to him and he knows what he wants to happen now. He also knows his partner better than anyone else and therefore knows he is going to have to wait. Deeks is a patient man, he's happy to ride the Kensi Blye wave until it reaches the shoreline (he can't afford to think that she might never feel the same way).


The sharp knocking on the door gives Kensi a fright. She'd finally managed to catch a couple of hours of slumber on the couch but now she's awake again and feeling pretty out of it. She stays still hoping whoever is at the door might just leave.

'I know you're in there Kens. I saw the SUV parked at the back.' His surfer drawl wafts under her door.

Her heart starts beating faster after realising its her partner at the door. 'Well maybe I went for a run.'

'Clearly you didn't.' He chuckles rolling his eyes behind the door.

She groans, finally getting up and making her way to the door. Opening it wide their eyes meet and Deeks offers her a shy grin before taking in her appearance. Yoga pants, baggy shirt, and hair everywhere, she looks beautiful of course, but she also looks exhausted.

'Wow. You look...' He stops mid sentence noticing Kensi's eyebrows rise, almost daring him to continue.

'Um I have something for you.' He decides to change topics.

'Ah Okay?' Kensi wasn't expecting any gifts and she's a little worried. What if it's some gift symbolising his love for her, then what does she do?

Pull it together Kens, Deeks doesn't even like you in that way. She scolds herself internally.

'Are you going to let me in?' He questions.

Shaken from her revive Kensi steps aside, letting her partner in. Deeks makes his way into the kitchen placing some fresh powdered donuts on the counter top.

Of course, his gift is donuts. You are an idiot Kensi. She thinks.

'Best gift ever.' She's feeling a little more comfortable now.

'I can practically see you drooling.' Deeks laughs. 'But um Kens...'

'Mmm?' She asks mouth full of food.

'That's kind of not the gift. Here.' He hand her the shirt she'd lost at his place 'that night'.

'Oh, thanks.' Kensi says a little embarrassed as the shirt reminds her of their night together.

'No worries.' Deeks gives her a reassuring smile.

'Um, so where was it?' She can't deny she's been a little curious about what had happened to her shirt Friday night. Particularly considering Deeks couldn't find it Saturday morning.

'Um, yeah about that...'Deeks begins sheepishly, rubbing a hand over his stubble. 'It was in the Monty's bed.'

'Oh, wow. Um righteo.'

'He's pretty fond of you.' Deeks gives an awkward chuckle. 'Don't worry though, I washed it so it's nice and clean.'

Kensi lets out an embarrassed laugh herself. 'Um thanks, I guess.' She puts down her half eaten donut, taking a step back towards her bedroom. 'I'm just going to put this away.'

'Wait.' Deeks replies, stopping her movements. Quickly he leans over brushing her cheek with his thumb, causing her to shiver at his touch. 'You had a bit of powder on your cheeks.' He supplies.

'Yep, um bedroom.' Kensi mumbles, temporarily losing her words thanks to Deeks' intimate touch. She quickly turns as she feels herself begin to blush in embarrassment, making her way to the bedroom. Once out of sight, she takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. That's when she notices there is something different about the shirt. Some of the buttons don't match.

'Hey Deeks,' Kensi makes her way back towards the kitchen where her shaggy haired partner is happily munching on a donut 'What happened here?' She asks, nervously awaiting his response as she holds up her shirt pointing to the new buttons.

Deeks quickly swallows his mouthful, looking to the shirt briefly before meeting her eyes.

'You, um, you really don't want to know.'

'Actually I really do.'

Deeks takes a deep breath before he begins to explain.

'When I found your shirt it may have been missing a few buttons. Figured I must have done that, you know when we...anyway I fixed it.'

'I think I, um ripped it off.' Kensi replies quietly, avoiding eye contact.

Deeks is silent for a moment, pondering on her words. 'Oh, strip tease, right. That's awkward.'

'Isn't everything between us now?' Kensi replies in almost a whisper.

'Awkward?' Deeks asks making sure he's heard correctly. That's definitely not what he was hoping to hear.

'Don't pretend like things aren't different between us now that you've seen my breasts.' Kensi sighs, grabbing her donut back up and taking a huge bite, momentarily distracting her from the conversation that's happening right now.

'You know things don't have to be different. They don't have to be awkward.' Deeks offers feebly.

'But they are,' Kensi finally meets his eyes. 'Unless you have some magic cure.'

After a minute of silence, both partners awkwardly munching on their donuts – the perfect excuse not to talk, Deeks finally speaks.

'Maybe we just need to get everything out in the open.' He suggests.

'What?' Kensi has no idea where his going with this but things in the open does not sound good.

'Here I'll start.' Deeks makes his way from the kitchen over to the couch, patting the space next to him, beckoning Kensi to join him. When she finally does he begins.

'I, Marty Deeks confess to having sexual relations with my partner while under the influence of alcohol.' He holds his hand over his heart. The playful tone of his voice and the small lopsided grin cause Kensi to laugh.

'Gosh you don't have make it out to be a sin.' She snorts in laughter. 'I wasn't that bad was I?'

'Shh let me finish.' Deeks grin grows ten folds seeing Kensi laugh.

'Said partner did leave a few hickeys but they can thankfully be hidden under clothes. While my memory is not fully intact I can vouch that it was the best sex I've had in a long time, though I'm sorry I can't remember the strip tease.'

Kensi is still smiling and laughing though a slight blush has reached her cheeks. She seems so full of life unlike she had when he'd first shown up at her door and he just has to say the following words.

'There's no denying she's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. Inside and out.'

The sudden shift to seriousness has Kensi blushing bright red. So many thoughts are rushing through her head, Kensi doesn't know what to say.

'Deeks.' Is her one word response.

'Your turn.' Your turn he replies quietly.

'I dunno if I can.' Kensi admits. She feels so hopeless. She so desperately wants to tell Deeks how she feels but something is holding her back.

'Here. I'll help you get started.' Deeks gives her a genuine smile that increases her heat rate again (she didn't think it was possible for it to beat any faster) as he grabs her hand placing it on her heart. 'I Kensi Blye.'

Deeks stops then waiting for Kensi to take the reins, hoping she'll say something, anything really. Thankfully, she eventually finds her voice.

'Want you.' It's barely a whisper and he has to confirm he's heard correctly.


'Deeks, I want you.' She repeats looking up into his eyes.

'You want to have sex again?' He asks astonished.

'No.' Kensi replies shaking her head. Disappointment and despair laces Deeks' features.

'Wait, yes.' Kensi quickly replies realising he has taken her words the wrong way.

'Now I'm just confused.' He smiles softly at her.

Kensi grabs his hand interlacing their fingers.

'I want you.' She tries again. 'I want us.'

'Us.' He repeats, finally understanding what she's saying. A huge grin appear on his face.

'I would like us. A lot.' He replies. They spend a moment searching each others eyes, both grinning like fools. Silence falls upon them again but this time it's not awkward at all.

'Can I kiss you now?' He asks suddenly, breaking the peace and quiet.


She thought her memory from Friday night had returned but she was oh so very wrong. Nothing she could remember was as gentle, passionate and full of love as this kiss.