Yay! An update! You guys are probably caught between deep hatred for my extreme lateness and jumping for joy that I have finally posted another chapter. My apologies for your conflicting emotions, I take all blame J Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: yeah, yeah, I've said it a thousand times. I don't own PJO, okay?

Six: Reyna PoV

Camp Half-Blood was an interesting place, full of very interesting people. So of course, I wanted to take a look around.

I spotted Jason and the black haired Latino boy from the quest talking as they walked away from the sword arena. My heart skidded in my chest at the sight of Jason Grace, my fellow praetor and former love interest, but I stomped it out. He wasn't mine to take. He was Piper McLean's.

Even though I'd tried very hard, I couldn't bring myself to hate her. She'd never done anything personally, and was really nice for a Venus girl. Plus, at the end of last summer, she'd cornered me and apologized for everything. We weren't exactly friends, but we weren't enemies either.

They broke off, Jason heading towards the showers and the Latino boy (I think his name is Leo) headed towards the pavilion, where wood nymphs were bringing food around to the tables and getting ready for dinner.

What the hell, right? I figured, and hurried to catch up to him.

"Hi, it's Leo right?" I asked. I wasn't exactly the warmest, friendliest person in the world, but the look Leo gave me was reminiscent of a deer caught in headlights. He looked scared, like I might rip his head off. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, it's Leo," he said hesitantly, looking wary. I resisted the urge to laugh as I studied him. He was kind of cute, if you liked super tan Mexicans with muscled arms and eyes that had a permanently mischievous look to them. His hair was curling around his ears, and he was about an inch taller than me now.

"Well, don't look so scared. I'm not going to kill you because you got possessed and destroyed the Field of Mars last summer, idiot. Now be a gentleman and walk with the to the pavilion, and act like you're actually capable of socializing," I said sarcastically. He cracked a brief smile before his face got that serious look again and I followed him to the pavilion.

"No offense, but wouldn't you rather be talking to Annabeth or Piper or something? I mean, I'm not exactly the favorite around her. Although, I can't blame you for thinking that," he said cheerfully.

I rolled my eyes. This guy clearly had an ego.

"Well, let's see, Repair Boy. Annabeth is probably finalizing blueprints, training, or making out with Percy, and Piper is probably trying not to suffocate in that pink cabin of hers, putting Drew in her place or hanging out with Jason. So you seemed like the best option to me. Why, you don't like my company?" I explained, cocking an eyebrow in interest.

"No, no it's not that. It's just, you didn't seem to be chummy with me last summer. But then again, the way you explained thingsā€¦ I would hang out with me too. Not that I wouldn't hang out with myself anyways, seeing as to the fact that this is Leo Valdez we are talking about here, but you get my point," he agreed, taking a seat at the head of the Hephaestus table. "You can sit here, if you want. I don't think Chiron cares."

I nodded, sliding into the seat beside him with practiced ease. "For the sake of your ego, I never hated you. I just wasn't pleased about the unfortunate accident that was caused. I don't blame you, it's not like you're prepared to battle possessive spirits sent by Terra in your daily training. It could've been anyone."

He paused for a moment. "I'm not sure if that was a compliment, but to be safe, thanks," he told me sincerely.

"Don't let it go to your head, Valdez," I reminded him, giving him a pointed look for good measure. He frowned, and I laughed. For some reason, this boy helped me forget. Forget the past, the pressure of being perfect, the loss of Jason, the burdens of praetor. I felt more at ease, and less like my mom was breathing down my neck twenty four seven.

Okay, I'll admit it, it was nice.

"So what's going on this summer?" I asked curiously as I took a bite of my hamburger. Leo raised his eyebrows and swallowed.

"Well, Drew's decided to be a real charmer and require all the head counselors to participate in this competition she calls the Love Games. It's a competition to see who can refrain from falling in love, hooking-up, or getting their heart broken the longest. It's kind of sadistic, but then again, this is Drew, we're talking about here. Piper was pissed. We had to play a hardcore game of Truth or Dare earlier this week, and let's just say that it included a lot of inappropriate dancing, making out and swearing under our breath," he began, grimacing.

"What a bitch," I muttered. "I bet Piper was pissed. Talk about Drew taking payback to the next level. Don't you think it's a little extreme? I mean, seriously, Love Games?"

Leo shrugged. "I'm just trying to avoid Drew and come out of this alive. I mean, battling in monsters and stuff is all nice and good, but dealing with people's emotions for a whole summer as a game? Not so great."

I nodded in agreement before a terrible thought occurred to me.

"Oh my gods, she can't make me play, right?" I said, panic rising inside of me.

"No, she can't. You're not a head counselor at this camp, so you're all clear. Lucky," he added. "Maybe you can help me try not to get killed while you're here."

"Well, Valdez, I don't know if I'll be much of a help," I remarked, standing up to clear my plate. In a split second decision, I leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. His skin was soft. I turned on my heels and walked towards the dirty dish bin. "And I'll be expecting a tour tomorrow!" I called over my shoulder.

Leo Valdez was right. Even if I wasn't in the Games, it would be hard not to get killed. But maybe it would be easier to just get Drew killed.

I mean, I'm sure Piper and Annabeth would join my cause. And Lou Ellen and Katie would probably agree.

Yeah, Drew Tananka is going down in flames.

You know what they say. Burn, baby burn.

Short, and a little sassy for Reyna, but I was experimenting. I'm sorry that I'm not being as attentive with my stories, I'm reading a lot right now, I finished Beautiful Redemption (Caster Chronicles, #4) last night, and it was amazing, and now I'm trying to read about three other books, with others waiting for me. So, bear with me. Bookworms can understand the feeling, right? Anyways, please review, constructive criticism is ALWAYS appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!
