Hello everyone. i want to apologize for spamming you, or making you think that this was a new chapter. due to the new regulations on what you can and cannot write here on (aka no violence, smexy times, or (rumored) use of other peoples characters, like the characters of naruto) i have transferred all of my works to deviantart and from this point on, am updating and putting new chapters and stories onto there, instead of here. Since I will no longer be using this account, within a week's time, I will be deleting my fanfiction account. If you don't have a deviantart account, I have tried to make sure that you will still be able to read the chapters. For those who have followed and commented on this story, I want to thank you for all of your support and comments. I honestly had to idea that so many people would like it, and I find it both humbling and flattering. thank,you for your unwavering support and i hope that you will continue reading. My deviantart account is Lilyofthevalley1995, for those who do not know it. thank you, once again my friends for reading.