3 Years Later

A/N: This is just a short epilogue of sorts of the story. After I wrote it I had a lot of thoughts about Chloe's life and what would happen afterwards. I just wanted to write a little something to add a little bit more closure to her story. Hopefully you'll enjoy it; it's a lot fluffier than the main story.

"Emily, Em, come here sweetie," Chloe called, chasing after her three year old.

The red head scooped the little one up, lifting her high in the air before bringing her back down for a kiss. She adjusted the hat nestled on top of her light brown locks, protecting her from the harsh rays of the sun. Chloe stared into her tiny steel blue eyes as they glistened in that same summer sun, just watching momentarily before tickling her little chin and eliciting a sweet laugh. She walked back towards the colourful towels that were laid out in the sand. It was a beautiful day, and Chloe was taking full advantage of her summer vacation. Today meant a trip to the beach, tomorrow perhaps a picnic in the park, or maybe just a lazy day in the backyard.

She laid her daughter gently down on the beach's soft surface and smiled as she began playing with the warm sand.

"You want a shovel Emmy?" a voice called from ahead.

Chloe took the little plastic toy from the man's hand and offered it her daughter who immediately dug into the ground.

"Thanks," Chloe said, crawling towards the source of the voice, leaning in for a kiss. It was a quick peck on the lips, but it was enough to leave a smile on the red head's face.

"Did you see the awesome castle that Meg and Jonas built?" he asked, causing Chloe to turn her head to the left.

Sure enough her now nine year old daughter Megan and five year old Jonas were in the process of building a large castle out of damp sand, complete with a moat. It was impressive considering how few building toys they had actually brought with them. She watched as Megan decorated their creation with the sea shells she had collected, and Jonas continued to work on one of the towers.

"Wow guys, that's awesome, good job," she said, grinning at the children.

"What do you say we get these guys cleaned up and dressed in a few more minutes, and then head to dinner?" the man asked, drawing Chloe's attention back to him.

"Sounds good," she started, smiling wide before pressing another kiss to his waiting lips.

Chloe had been with her boyfriend officially for just over a year, having met him almost three years ago at a grief counseling group. It was a group specifically for people with young children who had lost their spouse. Aubrey had suggested it given everything Chloe was going through after Beca's death, but Chloe was reluctant at first. She didn't want to sit around a room and talk about Beca or her feelings with strangers. When she finally gave it a chance though, she found it helped. Asher who joined the group a few weeks after Chloe having lost his wife in a car accident also helped. They found out they had more than a few similar interests and started talking after group, and occasionally outside the confines of their sessions. They would meet for coffee and just chat, Chloe liked what he offered. Hanging out with Asher meant an environment where her feelings and her situation was understood, but also one where she didn't have to talk about it. She could talk about the weather, or television shows or more often than not music, with someone who also just needed an escape. Asher offered her the comfort and serenity she was so desperate for after the loss of Beca.

She was taken by complete surprise one afternoon after coffee when Asher kissed her. It had only been a little over a year after Beca's death and Chloe wasn't ready for it. She found herself pushing him off roughly but regretting it seconds later when she saw the hurt in his eyes. She apologized and explained that she wasn't yet ready to date, or to be kissing anyone who wasn't her wife. His expression softened at her admission, and she was surprised when he agreed. He liked her, he did but he found his feelings so conflicting because he had loved his wife so much. He kissed her because it felt right in that moment, but said he wouldn't do it again unless she told him it was okay. They agreed to continue seeing each other, as friends, just for the time being.

It was another year later before she found herself on his door step in the wee hours of the morning, willing herself to just knock. She had let him take her out on their first official date earlier that evening, but had run away instead of kissing him goodnight. She cried in her car for an hour afterwards, feeling all the emotion of missing Beca, but also of having missed an opportunity. She still loved Beca, she always would, but she found herself excited by the prospect of a new relationship, another chance to be happy. She never thought she'd find love again after Beca, but Asher cared about her and she was upset because she cared about him too and she wasn't sure if she had messed things up. She drove around in circles before finally driving back there, back to his house. There she stood on his doorstep; her heart skipped a beat when the tall blonde man opened the door, his green eyes shining with wonder. She didn't even let herself think before she launched forward, catching his lips in a kiss. It was short, but sweet and passionate, like everything a first kiss should be. She was glad to see that he was smiling at her when they finally broke apart. You came back, she remembered him saying, and she had, she had come back for her second chance at love.

She skipped all the way back to her car after assuring him that they could see each other again tomorrow. Instead of going straight home though she found herself at a familiar place. It was a place she visited frequently, when she was sad, when she was lonely, when she just needed some space; a place to catch her breath. Beca's grave was her safe place; a place she could be in touch with the person who always understood and loved her no matter what. Chloe loved to talk to Beca in life, and she still found herself doing it, even in death.

On this particular night she found herself telling Beca all about Asher. She told Beca how funny he is, how handsome, how sweet and how safe and cared for he makes her feel; she felt the need to reassure the woman that he was good for her. Most importantly she told Beca that she would never stop loving her, but that being with Asher makes her realize she doesn't have to be alone, and that allowing herself to love again would only serve to enrich her life. Loving Beca had made her the happiest she had ever been, losing her had made her the saddest but letting herself love again, even if it only gave her a portion of the happiest she once had made her feel whole again. Being with Asher helped reassemble the pieces of her broken heart, even if they weren't in the arrangement they once had been. She knew Beca would understand that she never wanted to replace her, she just wanted to give herself the chance to be with someone who understood and loved her again, and Asher did. He knew what it was like to lose your soul mate, and he too just wanted the chance to experience love and happiness again.

Chloe loved being with a person who understood what it was like to be shattered and broken, and to have to rebuild your life. She loved that Asher understood that she was a different person, and she understood that he was too. You were never the same after such a traumatic event, but as long as you let yourself, you could keep going. If you did keep going, you'd find your heart could restart itself, and learn to love again. Beca would always be Chloe's first love and the most important love of her life, the love that brought her beautiful children into the world. Letting Asher in though meant she'd have another love, someone who'd be there for her always and make the rest of her life as happy and as full of love and joy as he possibly could.

"Excellent," he smiled, winking at her with those bright green eyes and wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"I love you," she whispered, laying her head on his chest.

"I love you too."

They watched for a few more minutes as their children played in the sun and the sand together, smiles and laughter abound. Emily had toddled over towards her older sister and Asher's son Jonas. They were trying to stop her from destroying their castle as she insisted on pulling off the sea shells. It was an adorable sight, and Chloe just laughed. The combination of the warm summer air, the beautiful landscape and the excellent company put this day high on Chloe's list of favourites. There was a comfortable air of love surrounding her; she was content. Love was all Chloe had ever needed in her life, and she found herself surrounded by it; the love of her children, her boyfriend, her family, her best friend and even still the lost love she carried around in her heart. Love was Chloe's salvation.