Veronica stepped off the plane and inhaled the sweet aroma of home. Neptune California that is, somewhere she hasn't been in almost three years.

Neptune had been put in Veronica's rear view mirror ever since she left Neptune the summer before her sophomore year. She had many reasons for her departure, the main one and most simple answer being that her heart just wasn't there anymore. Many people assumed it was because of the video of her and Piz being leaked but that was just the icing on the cake. Trouble seemed to lurk around every corner and Veronica Mars had had her fair share and now was 100% over it.

She finally found her golden ticket out when she was offered a well compensated job taking photographs for one of New York's top publishing companies. Without hesitation Veronica Mars said goodbye to her dad and friends then booked a one way ticket out of Neptune.

Now almost 3 years later she returns for Wallace's & Mac's graduation. She may hate Neptune but being there to see her 2 best friends walk across the stage for the 2nd time certainly out weighed her hatred. Veronica thought about how good it would be to see old friends and her dad whom she kept in constant contact with.

Veronica grabbed her luggage from baggage claim and walked outside. She scanned her surroundings and smiled when she saw a giddy brunette holding a sign reading "Marshmallow".

Veronica skipped over to the awaiting girl.

"That Veronica Mars she is definitely a marshmallow." Veronica said smiling as she leaned against the brunette's SVU.

"You have no idea. Everyone thinks she's this bad ass blonde but I know truth." Mac said returning the smile.

The best friends embraced one another. Then hopped into Mac's truck and pulled off. The pair had kept in contact since V's departure, constant emailing and Skype chats.

"I can't believe you're here I didn't think you would come back!" Mac told her BFF

"You really thought I was going to miss the most important day of yours and Wallace's life? Dream on sista." Veronica said

"Well you're always so busy I didn't know what to expect. Not to mention that speech you gave about never returning. But whatever your reason I'm glad you're here! We have so much to catch up on." Mac shrieked.

Veronica listened as Mac talked about graduating with honors top of her class of course. Mac also gave V the play by play of who's dating who in Neptune. Wallace had become quite the playboy a respectable one but a playboy nonetheless. Parker and Piz are dating, he was pretty heartbroken after Veronica left but thanks to Parker Lee his broken heart was now mended. According to Mac Dick had changed a lot but she didn't really go into detail how.

And then there was Logan Echolls, Mac deliberately waited to get to him. Apparently Logan was doing very well for himself he left Hearst and Neptune not too long after V. Veronica's leaving hurt him pretty bad, he just couldn't stay in Neptune without her. A year later he returned a slightly changed Logan Echolls those closest to him noticed this change. Once back he opened up a string of nightclubs along the coast. Things took off for Logan which made her even more filthy rich than before.

"We're here!" Mac shouted waking her BFF, Veronica was a little more jet lagged than she thought.

"Wow! Mac is this your place?" Veronica asked astounded by the size and beauty of Macs condo. "If you were able to afford this by tutoring Hearst students then I'm obviously in the wrong line of business." Veronica teased

"I kind of dabble a little bit in the stock market. I've made some pretty good investments over the past year or so and I decided it was time to cash it all in. And this beauty is one of my first purchases." Mac boasted proudly.

"It's very spacious and I would hate to let the extra bedrooms go to waste so..." Mac trailed off eyeing Veronica.

"Are you asking me to move in?" Veronica asked raising an eyebrow.

"Just think of it as your home away from home for when you're here visiting us common folk." Mac teased.

Veronica placed her hand on chin as she pondered the idea. It would be better than crashing at her dads now that him and Alicia had moved in together.

"Did i mention you'd be living here rent free!" Mac explained as they headed to the kitchen.

"Sold!" Veronica shouted.

Mac dropped V off at her dads house after they finished their lunch. The bff's made plans to meet back at the condo later then parted ways.

Veronica walked over to the garage where her Hybrid was parked and kissed the hood. She missed driving it she was so over taking subways and hailing taxi's at all hours of the day.

Her dad and Alicia had gone to pick Darrell up from some Honor Society workshop in San Diego. She scribbled a note for her dad then grabbed her keys to her car and headed over to Wallace's.

Veronica headed over to the Hearst campus, why Wallace was still willingly living in a dorm she had no idea. Memories flooded her head as she made her way across campus. Hearst was actually a good school minus the whole serial rapist epidemics hat occurred during her freshman year.

She finally reached Wallace's dorm, according to the sign on the door him and Piz were still roommates. Veronica knocked and was greeted by a familiar blonde.

"Well if it isn't Veronica Mars." Parker said smiling.

"Parker Lee, it's good to see you." Veronica said returning the smile as she walked inside.

"Little Bro!" Veronica shouted referring to Wallace.

"You know I hate it when you call me that, but since its your first day back I'll let it slide." Wallace said giving his Bestfriend a big hug.

"Hello Veronica." A voice said from behind.

"Stosh, how's it hanging?" Veronica said trying to be as casual as possible. She knew she hurt Piz when she left not to mention she broke up with him the same day Logan and Gory had it out in the cafeteria.

"Pretty good Mars. What brings you to Neptune?" Piz asked

"Yeah I thought you washed your hands clean of Neptune." Parker added.

"Well word is there's this big graduation coming up and I couldn't miss it." Veronica explained

"That's right and in honor of our graduation we're all going out tonight and your coming too." Wallace told V.

"You are joining us right." Parker asked.

"Of course she is. She wouldnt miss out on a chance to party hard with her "Little Bro" and some old friends right Mars." Wallace said flashing his adorable smile.

"Welp I guess I have to now. So how about we all meet up at Mac's say around 9 ish"

9 o'clock rolled around pretty quick and the friends were all dressed and ready to party. Everyone was dressed to impressed, Wallace was already setting up his dates for the night.

They all headed over to The Z Lounge where they were greeted by the bouncers who allowed them to skip ahead. Once inside they were shown to their section which was roped off.

" one us secretly Puff Daddy or something? VIP treatment the while nine yards what's this about? Not that I'm complaining or anything." Veronica spoke.

"It's all about who you know V." Wallace said smirkingly as he Piz and Parker left their section to hit the dance floor.

"Let's dance" V said grabbing Mac and leading her onto the floor.

Veronica was never really the club kind of girl until she moved to NY. Its like whenever she hears music she turned into this wild child.

After an hour of dancing they headed back to their section. Veronica ordered their drinks while Mac went to the ladies room. Veronica felt a tap on her shoulder and heard a voice that sent an electrifying chill throughout her body.

"Alone again" She heard Logan say as she turned to face him.