
Jet is on stage along with the 18 contestants, who are on risers, with Mamimi (voted out first) in the top left, and Kaname on the bottom right. The camera pans through the crowd, which includes people like Kaname's friends Sousuke and Kyoko, Temari's brothers Kankuro and Gaara, and even Boston Rob and Rudy Boesch.

"Welcome here to our live reunion show!" Jet exclaims. "After 39 days in the Xingese desert, we had lots of ups and downs and exciting moments, and most importantly, we have a winner… Kaname Chidori, who is the Sole Survivor! Congratulations!"

The crowd cheers again for Kaname, who can't stop smiling.

"Kaname, you proved that loyalty can be very rewarding in this game, as you remained loyal to all your alliances, and all six people who you aligned with ended up giving you their vote on the jury."

"I'm glad it paid off," Kaname replies. "I really wasn't planning on trying to get jury votes when I was being loyal – I was simply being loyal because that's who I am. Sousuke has taught me a lot of that."

The camera focuses in on Sousuke in the front row of the crowd.

"Let's go out here to Sousuke, actually," Jet says, walking down to him with the microphone. "Sousuke, you helped Kaname win a challenge while you were out here, and then she went on to win the game. How proud are you of her?"

"I am very satisfied with her performance," Sousuke responds. "She proved herself to be a great soldier out there for all that time, and I was impressed by her bravery."

"Now, something I've got to ask, are you two in love?"

Sousuke looks shocked, sweating. Jet then goes back to Kaname.

"Well, Kaname?"

"Oh, no, no, no, not at all!" Kaname exclaims. "No, we're just… friends, that's all, just friends!"

Tessa rolls her eyes.

"I see Tessa rolling her eyes over here," Jet says. "Why is that, Tessa?"

"It's obvious that those two have it for each other," Tessa replies. "Just admit it, Kaname."

"No, no!" Kaname exclaims.

"Now, Kaname, you made this alliance called SMOKY, and you're the only one who survived to the end of those five."

"That was mainly May's doing," Kaname replies. "May wanted to make that alliance, and I wanted to keep it strong for her sake. As it turns out, we didn't do very well as an alliance, but I was willing to stick it out to the very end with SMOKY."

"Well, you did very well for yourself, even if SMOKY didn't do so well. We'll get to SMOKY in a moment. But did you ever imagine that you'd win this game after SMOKY fell apart?"

"No, not at all. But I got the Soul Gem, I won immunity and I found the plushie. But I wouldn't have made it so far without SMOKY."

"May, what was the biggest part of SMOKY?"

"It was making new friends!" May exclaims. "And I made four new friends through SMOKY!"

"You sure did," Jet says. "Olivier, you seemed pretty close to May out here, and you knew her going into the game."

"May was a joy to play with," Olivier states. "Unfortunately, I know someone who wasn't a joy."

"I think we all know who you're talking about," Jet states. "Loly, you certainly made your presence known out here."

The screen then shows some of Loly's "greatest" moments, including her arguing with Haruhi, her fight with Olivier, and her urination in the rice.

"We all needed to see that again, didn't we?" Jet says with a laugh.

"Hey, they asked for it!" Loly exclaims.

"Loly, you were perhaps the most unlikable person in eight seasons of Survivor, and that includes some real unlikable people like Asuka Langley Soryu and Johanna Mason. I'm pleased to tell everyone that you did not get a single vote for the 'Sprint Player of the Season' award that will double someone's money at the end of this show."

Everyone laughs at Loly's expense.

"So what? I wasn't playing this game to make friends. I just wanted to beat Haruhi, and I did just that."

"But what was your goal coming in? You didn't know Haruhi at the time."

"Of course I wanted to win, and guess what? I beat 15 of you. I came up short in the end, but I never got voted out. I played a great game, and you can't deny that."

"You played an interesting game, I'll say that. Temari, you wanted to drag both Loly and Haruhi to the end with yourself so you could have an easy win."

"And I would have won had Haruhi been in the Final Three instead of Kaname," Temari says.

"Let's take a poll here, including you, Kaname: who would have voted for Temari if she was up against Haruhi and Loly?"

All eight jury members raise their hands. Kaname also reluctantly raises her hand.

"So, that means that Temari was in reality one Loly-Haruhi feud away from winning this game."

"I can't do anything about it now," Temari states. "I deserved to win anyway, even up against Kaname. But the jury didn't see it that way."

"Let's take a poll. Why didn't you vote for Temari, Tessa?"

"She betrayed me, plain and simple," Tessa responds. "Had I been voted out by other people, I would have thrown my vote to Temari, since we became very close out here. But it turns out that the Incubator hurt her as much as it hurt me."

"So you're saying that the Incubator actually stopped Temari from winning?"

"Exactly. Now it did end up saving Kaname at the same time, so it can't be all bad."

"Well, one thing's for sure about the Incubator: it was a huge advantage for those who used it, as all three players who used the Incubator ended up in the Final Three. But as for that Incubator…"

Kyubey runs out on the stage, and Jet takes out two handguns and fires a million holes into him. Everyone cheers as they watch it happen.

"… the Incubator is no more."

"But I liked the Incubator!" Loly complains.

"Sorry, it's gone for good," Jet states. "Now there were those who voted for Temari. Asakura, why did you vote for her?"

"I know that Temari used me throughout the game as simply a robot who gave her information," Asakura says. "However, an analysis that I ran of her gameplay as opposed to Kaname's gameplay and Loly's gameplay told me that she deserved to win."

"So that's got to make you feel a little better, Temari, that Asakura feels you should have won."

"I don't feel she should have won, I know she should have won," Asakura states.

"Interesting," Jet states. "But it doesn't help you any now."

"Not unless Asakura can write me a check for a million dollars," Temari complains.

"Now among the jury we ended up with a couple of close friendships. Let's start with Suzuka and Yukino. You two became pretty close out there."

"We developed a good friendship, one that will last," Yukino states. "Suzuka is a great friend."

"And so is Yukino," Suzuka adds. "She really is someone I get along with, and I'm glad we could get along so well."

"As for you, Anri and Honoka, you also formed a friendship, and that's more difficult for you two, because you are shy by nature."

"Yes," Honoka replies. "Anri is a very good person, and I'm glad to have met her."

"I was incapable of loving before I came out here, and now Honoka has proved to me that I can love, with a sisterly love," Anri states. "So that is more important to me than anything else out here."

Everyone cheers for Anri.

"That's great to hear. Now there was a big rivalry out here, and it was between Haruhi and Loly. It ended with this:"

The screen shows the dramatic finish with the fire-making tiebreaker challenge between Haruhi and Loly, with Loly winning.

"Now Loly, you had a trick up your sleeve to win that challenge."

"I didn't think it would work," Loly says. "I just tried something, hoping it would work, and indeed it did."

"As for you, Haruhi, you come up one vote short of the Final Three for the second straight time, and yet again you ended up losing in a tiebreaker."

"It's not fair!" Haruhi exclaims. "Loly cheated!"

"Loly did not cheat, according to my rules, and those are the rules that matter. Still, you have my sympathy, Haruhi."

"Yeah, like that helps!" Haruhi complains.

"Now we had three smokers out here. One of them ended up having a heart attack."

"And I'll never smoke again," Ritsuko states.

"May saved your life with her alkahestry," Jet says.

"I am forever grateful to you, May," Ritsuko tells her.

"You're welcome, Ritsuko!" May replies.

"As for our other smokers: still smoking?"

Mamimi and Faye both pull out cigarettes and take a puff.

"Hey, no smoking up here!" Jet shouts. "Ritsuko almost died because of smoking, and you're willing to keep on doing it?"

"Yep," Faye states.

"Why not?" Mamimi says.

"Wow, I'm shocked. Ayeka, you didn't beat Ryoko out here, not even Ryoko Asakura."

"But I'll beat her for Tenchi!" Ayeka exclaims. "And that's all that matters!"

"How was your time out here, Kikyo?"

"It was very disappointing," Kikyo replies. "I had hoped to go farther."

"How about you, Kei?"

"Also disappointing," Kei states. "I couldn't make it past Loly, and that really was a failure for me."

"All right, it's now time to name the Sprint Player of the Season! The winner gets their winnings doubled! Our final four contenders are: Faye, Haruhi, Kikyo, and Olivier!"

The crowd cheers loudly.

"Kikyo, it is not you. Faye, you are out. And the winner is, Olivier!"

Olivier does not make a response as everyone cheers for her.

"How do you feel about winning, Olivier?"

"I'm satisfied, but I would have preferred to have won," Olivier states.

"As would have everyone, I'm sure," Jet states. "Well, that's it for Survivor: Xing! Make sure to join me for Survivor: Tropical Jungle coming up soon! I'm Jet Black, saying so long! Hope you enjoyed the season!"

The Survivor: Xing theme plays quietly as the camera focuses in on Kaname, who smiles in celebration.