Survivor: Xing

(A/N: Please vote in my profile poll for your favorite characters!)

"Welcome here to the land of Xing," a bald man with a big beard and sunglasses announces from a helicopter. "I'm your host, Jet Black, from Cowboy Bebop. I have hosted two previous Survivor seasons before, Survivor: Feudal Japan, won by Sango from InuYasha, and Survivor: Seireitei Forest, won by Meilin Rae from Cardcaptor Sakura. In tonight's special preview, we will look at the 18 players coming to Xing to compete in this Survivor season, as well as what to expect from this season."

The helicopter flies over a vast desert area, with Jet Black holding on to the side of the vehicle.

"This is the desert area on the border of Xing," Jet states. "Very few people have ever survived making the trip from Xing to Amestris through this desert area. Yet it will be this very desert area where these contestants will be forced to survive through the elements, at the same time hoping to survive each other, as they hope to win the grand prize at the end of the game."

The helicopter lands, and Jet gets off it.

"Speaking of that grand prize, let's talk money," Jet says. "Many of you have wondered what the players receive for their time in this game. Here is the pay scale for the competitors in this game. The prizes are shown in American dollars in the year 2013; however, the money will be converted to whatever currency is used in that particular character's country and time."

1st place - $1,000,000

2nd place - $100,000

3rd place - $90,000

4th place - $80,000

5th place - $75,000

6th place - $70,000

7th place - $65,000

8th place - $60,000

9th place - $55,000

10th place - $50,000

11th place - $45,000

12th place - $40,000

13th place - $35,000

14th place - $30,000

15th place - $25,000

16th place - $20,000

17th place - $15,000

18th place - $10,000

"It's now time to look at who will be competing this season," Jet states. "This season will be an all-female season; every one of our 18 contestants is a girl. The players have recorded interviews prior to the game, of which you will see short clips. The tribes have been split up into shy characters and outgoing characters. The shy characters are on the Yao tribe, and that's where we will begin. Our first player is Anri Sonohara, from Durarara!"

"My goal is to show people that I can love and be loved," Anri says. "In the past, I have not been capable of doing either of those things, and I hope to change that. I will open myself up to the world."

"Anri is certainly an interesting contestant because she has a lot of potential," Jet explains. "While all the characters on the Yao tribe are introverted, Anri is more so than almost all of the others. It will be fascinating to see if she opens up to others, or if she stays inside her shell."

"I'm not just a pretty face, no matter what Masaomi may think," Anri says. "I want to change others' expectations of myself."

"Next up is Ryoko Asakura, from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya," Jet states.

"I've been pigeonholed as the AA+ girl who looks amazing but disappears in important situations," Asakura says. "I am not a murderer, I am not a psycho killer. I am a data entity looking to experience the thrill of victory."

"Since Asakura is a data entity, she has no use for the money given to the winners," Jet explains. "But she is looking for something more than just cash – she wants an experience."

"It would be interesting to find out how Kyon would react if I won this game," Asakura says. "That would make my voyage here successful."

"Our next contestant is Princess Ayeka Jurai, from Tenchi Muyo!" Jet announces.

"I have come out here for one reason: to show that I am once again better than that awful Ryoko," Ayeka says. "She only came in second place, how pathetic! I will win this game with ease and beat her once more!"

"Ayeka is an interesting case," Jet states. "She may be shy most of the time, but you bring up a certain Ryoko Hakubi, she turns into an entire different person."

"Tenchi will have no choice but to marry me after I win this game," Ayeka says. "It will be so glorious!"

"Next up is Honoka Sakurai from Suzuka," Jet remarks.

"I am easily forgotten," Honoka says. "In order to prove my love to Yamato, I am going to try my hardest, and hopefully he will see my true potential."

"Many feel that Honoka has received a bad deal in life," Jet states. "Whether that is true or not, I'm not sure. But in this game, you make your own luck. She is going to have to prove herself as a worthy competitor from the start, or else she will be gone quickly."

"I am going to give it my all," Honoka says. "I hope that will be good enough."

"Our next player is Kikyo from InuYasha," Jet states.

"I am InuYasha's true love, yet he has chosen Kagome over me," Kikyo says. "Must I win this game to prove that I deserve him over her? I will do as I must. Kagome came up short in her attempt to win this game; I won't lose in such a fashion."

"Kikyo looks like she will be very formidable in challenges," Jet comments. "The question is, how can she get along with her fellow tribe members? That will determine how far she can go in this game."

"I know I can win this game, I just must make sure not to fall into a trap," Kikyo says. "I must be wise about with whom I align myself."

"Coming up next is Mamimi Samejima of FLCL," Jet remarks.

"Takkun, where are you?" Mamimi wonders. "Have you moved out here to the desert? Is this where you have hidden yourself from me?"

"Mamimi is a strange one," Jet states. "Her odd personality might really cost her out here, where so many are focused on winning. I don't know if she can succeed in this game unless she adapts her style."

"Will Takkun come save me if I get too bored?" Mamimi asks. "I hope so."

"Next up is Ritsuko Akagi from Evangelion," Jet says.

"This is certainly a different challenge for me," Ritsuko says. "I'm not really a people person, that's more Misato's thing. I have to attempt to overcome my difficulties with social life and use my smarts to succeed in this game."

"Ritsuko is certainly an interesting case," Jet remarks. "She is very smart – so smart that she could slip under the radar and go a very long way. However, she does not seem to be the social type. Can she overcome that problem? Only time will tell."

"I'm going to give it my best shot, no matter what the odds are," Ritsuko says.

"Okay, our final new player who will be participating as part of the Yao tribe is Teletha Testarossa from Full Metal Panic! She is better known as 'Tessa,'" Jet declares.

"I have been allowed to take a break from my missions to try my luck at this game," Tessa says. "Perhaps doing well will give me a chance to impress Sousuke."

"Tessa is really brilliant and that could be a huge advantage to her," Jet states. "But like her tribemates, she is shy, and that could cost her in the end."

"I must stay on mission," Tessa says. "Winning this game is the ultimate objective."

"There will also be one returning player added to the Yao tribe, to be revealed later," Jet remarks. "But we will get to her later. For now, let's get to the Chang tribe, full of very outgoing characters! We'll start out with someone I know very well, Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop!"

"These girls don't know who they're messing with," Faye says. "I will do whatever it takes to win – and I don't care about making relationships with any of these players, so I can get rid of them as I see fit. It's all about looking out for number one."

"What can I say? Faye's going to be fun to watch," Jet states. "Winning? Not so sure about that, but she's sure going to be a character."

"No one knows my game, and that's going to really help me," Faye says. "They better watch out for me!"

"Next we have Kaname Chidori from Full Metal Panic!" Jet comments.

"Finally, some time away from Sousuke!" Kaname exclaims. "Not that I miss him or anything. No, not at all! I won't miss him or think about him one bit while I'm away!"

"If Kaname can get Sousuke Sagara off her mind for a minute, she might have a chance at winning this game," Jet remarks.

"Let me tell you, there's no way Sousuke would play this game!" Kaname says. "Nope, no way!"

"So, next we have Kei from Akira," Jet states.

"I've been through a lot, fighting against the government and struggling with Tetsuo," Kei says. "This game will be refreshment for me. I hope to enjoy myself out here, and fight to go far at the same time."

"Kei is a real wild-card," Jet remarks. "She's a real fighter; she won't go down without a big struggle. She will not be an easy out."

"I am going to do whatever it takes to go far in this game," Kei says. "People don't know what to expect from me, and I like that."

"Next up is Loly Aivirrne from Bleach," Jet comments.

"Winning is everything to me," Loly says. "I want to win this game more than anything… well, anything besides ruining Orihime's life. I will slit any throat, stab any back, poison any well it takes to win this game."

"Loly is clearly setting herself up to be the villain of this season," Jet states. "If past seasons are any indication, villains often go far but come up short at the end. Can she do one better and win it all? Time will tell."

"Just remember: I am the queen of poison," Loly says. "I will turn on anyone who I feel like during the game."

"Next is the adorable May Chang from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood," Jet remarks.

"I live here in Xing, but my home is in the palaces, not this desert area," May says. "Nevertheless, I will fight through whatever it takes to win!"

"You can't help but like May," Jet states. "She may be a fan favorite, but can she win this game on her home turf?"

"I'm ready for anything!" May says. "And just in case of emergency, I have my alkahestry to help me out!"

"Next we have Olivier Mira Armstrong, also from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood," Jet remarks.

"There's no one as tough as a Briggs soldier, and no one else in this game is from Briggs," Olivier says. "None of these women will be able to stand up to me."

"Olivier will be a real threat in all physical challenges, and I doubt anyone will be able to win an argument with her," Jet states. "But will she be able to get along with everyone else, with that tough attitude?"

"I'm ready for anything," Olivier says. "Nothing is going to throw me off in this game."

"Now here's Suzuka Asahina from Suzuka," Jet announces.

"I've put a whole lot of training into this," Suzuka says. "I hope I will excel in all physical challenges."

"Suzuka may win every single physical challenge we have," Jet states. "She's just that talented. But does she have the social game to win it all? Time will tell."

"This is my big chance at success," Suzuka says. "I've got to make it all pay off."

"Finally, our last brand-new contestant is Yukino Miyazawa from His and Her Circumstances," Jet states.

"My goal is to be the best at everything!" Yukino says. "So I won't be satisfied unless I am the champion of this game!"

"Yukino is used to winning," Jet comments. "Will she be able to use that past success to propel her to victory?"

"If I don't win, then I can't consider my time out here a success," Yukino says. "I have to win!"

"In addition, there will be two players returning from previous seasons that I have hosted," Jet adds. "Those players will remain a mystery until the first episode of the season. This season will have all sorts of twists! Hidden immunity plushies, the Medallion of Power, and other things yet to be revealed! 39 days, 18 girls, one Survivor!"