Hello everyone! I know I've got a couple of other stories that haven't been worked on for a while, but I recently watched Jurassic Park and I couldn't help myself. I've had a crush on the man since I was five. And I was astounded by the lack of well written Ian Malcolm/OC fic out there! It's quite an injustice really. And so I thrust this upon you. If you've read any of my other stories, you know what to expect. There will be far more than strong sexual notations. We get right into the nitty gritty here my friends! So read if you dare. Any comments are always welcome. There's always room for suggestions. :]

Name: Abigail Byrne

Age: 24

Height: 5'10"

Hair: Dark brown Mohawk, side-swept bangs; typically work pulled back

Eyes: Blue-green

Body type: Average per height

I'd never been terribly close to my grandfather. As a matter of fact, I hardly knew the man. I was the daughter of his oldest daughter though, so when he invited me to see what he was working on, I felt obligated to accept. Why not take advantage of a chance like this? It was out of the country, for one, something I probably wouldn't achieve on my own for years to come. And quite frankly, who knew how much longer he'd be around? I may as well get to know a little something about the man. It was the summer after all so I wouldn't have to worry about schoolwork and I'd built up enough vacation time at work to do so. It seemed like all the cards were just falling into place. If I had known then what I know now… I probably still would have gone.

"Mommy will be back soon," I told my cat Pudge as I dropped him off at my mom's house. "Be good, you fat little bastard. I love you."

I kissed him on top of his head despite him squirming out of my grip. He ran as far away from me as possible in search of my mom's cats. I just smiled and glanced at my watch. I was about to be running late if I didn't leave now.

"You be careful out there, do you understand?" my mom told me as she gave me a hug and a kiss and ushered me out the door. "You know your grandpa is a little… eccentric. Just be on your best behavior and tell him I said hello."

"Will do," I replied in a rush. "I gotta go! I love you! I'll see you when I get back!"

I hurried back to my Jeep Cherokee and sped off down the road. I pulled a small hair tie off my wrist while I sat at a red light and pulled my Mohawk back into a stubby ponytail on the back of my head. I brushed my long bangs to the left, pinning them back with a bobby pin. I hoped I was dressed okay for the occasion. I was wearing an old pair of light denim shorts, colorful patches of fabric covering up a few of the holes, a white racer back tank top, and a scarlet off the shoulder dolman sweater. It was a light material, so I shouldn't get too warm in it. I made it there just in time. The helicopter was already started. I saw the small frame of my grandfather as he took a seat inside. I made sure my converse were laced tight before making my way down. Someone took my bag from me and I thanked him before ducking and running up to the open door. Everyone looked up in surprise. My grandfather smiled and laughed, getting to his feet.

"Welcome! Welcome!" he said brightly, giving me an awkwardly angled hug as we both stood hunched over. "So glad you could make it! This is my second eldest granddaughter, Abigail."

I blushed a little, hoping my sunglasses would make it less noticeable. "Call me Abby, please," I said with a smile.

"Yes of course, of course. Take a seat now. We're about to take off."

I nodded and situated myself in an empty seat by the window. I fastened my seatbelt and the helicopter took off in relative silence. I was looking out the window at the ocean rushing past below us when my grandpa spoke up once more.

"Introductions!" he said brightly. "Abigail, this is Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler. They'll be inspecting the park."

I flinched at his continued use of my full name but smiled at the two just the same. "Hello! Nice to meet you!"

They nodded and made their greetings and he continued. "This is Gennaro, my lawyer for all intents and purposes, and this is Dr. Ian Malcolm."

He reached around the lawyer between us to shake my hand, which surprised me for some reason. He flashed me a charming smile, chewing incessantly on a piece of gum. "Pleasure to meet you… Abby is it?"

I shook his hand, hoping my palms weren't sweating. "Yes, please. I'd prefer it."

He sat back in his seat smiling still. I blushed again and turned to look back out the window. Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler looked like they were ready to go hiking – khakis, boots, rolled back sleeves. Even the lawyer was wearing shorts. Malcolm, on the other hand was dressed all in black – shirt, leather jacket, and jeans - the top two buttons of his shirt undone. I averted my eyes so I wouldn't stare at his chest. He was wearing glasses and what looked like a considerable amount of hair gel. My God the man was gorgeous though! I did my best to stop glancing at him out of the corner of my eye as he spoke with my grandfather, but I couldn't help it. He was intriguing. I secretly hoped I'd get the chance to get to know him.

He looked at Grant and Sattler and asked, "So you two, um, dig up dinosaurs?"

Sattler laughed and said, "Well-"

"We try to," Grant finished with a smile.

Malcolm sat back, chuckling in amusement. My grandfather threw him an annoyed look.

"You'll have to get used to Dr. Malcolm," he explained, shaking his head. "He suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially for a mathematician."

"Chaotician, actually," he corrected. "John doesn't subscribe to chaos, particularly what it has to say about his science project."

I raised an eyebrow and looked away from the window to my grandfather. What exactly was that supposed to mean? What was he up to on this island?

"Codswallop, Ian," he replied. "You've never been able to sufficiently explain your concerns about the island."

"Oh, John, John. Because of the behavior of the system in phase space?"

"A load, if I may say so, of fashionable number crunching."

"Is not."

Malcolm reached out to teasingly squeeze my grandfather's leg. He swatted his hand away in annoyance.

"I do wish you wouldn't do that," he snapped.

"Dr. Sattler, Dr. Grant," Malcolm cut in, "you've heard of chaos theory?"

At this point I decided to check out of the conversation. Watching the ocean race past was making my stomach do flips. I put in my headphones to drown out the rhythmic thrum of the blades swirling overhead. I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly. Hopefully we would be there soon. I felt a tap on my knee and jerked in surprise, sitting up straight. I must have dozed off. My grandfather was retracting his walking stick. I pulled out my headphones and tucked them away, stretching as best as I could.

"Sorry," I muttered through a yawn. "Had a late night."

"We're here!" he said with excitement.

I twisted in my seat to try to see it out the window. Moments later we were flying over the greenest jungle I could have ever imagined. It was beautiful. I smiled and watched the trees rise up to meet us as we descended toward the helicopter pad.

"Bad wind shears," my grandpa continued. "We have to drop pretty fast, so hold on, 'cause it can be just a little thrilling."

The helicopter jerked hard. My eyes widened and I gripped the edge of my seat. Everyone laughed nervously and fastened their seatbelts. Dr. Grant picked up his seat belt, but the two ends were the same. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. How the hell was he going to pull that off?

"No, no, you need that piece over here, and that piece-" my grandpa was trying to explain. "Look, we'll have landed by the time you get it right."

I tried not to smile, but I couldn't help it. Dr. Grant finally just knotted the two incompatible pieces together. He looked up and smiled triumphantly. We were coming down next to a waterfall. Once we landed, someone ran up to open the door. My grandpa climbed out first, followed by Genarro, Dr. Sattler, and Dr. Grant. I tightened the strap of my camera bag and stood hunched over, waiting for Dr. Malcolm.

With a sweep of his arm, he grinned and said, "Ladies first."

I smiled and thanked him, ducking out the door and out of the way of the blades to one of the nearby jeeps. There was a T-Rex skeleton on the doors, accompanied by the words Jurassic Park. I climbed into the back seat with my grandfather and we took off. I looked over my shoulder, the helicopter lifting back into the air. We approached a set of massive gates. Someone was there to open the doors for us. I looked at the high voltage sign, wondering why it was necessary.

Gennaro turned around in his seat, eying me cautiously before he spoke. "The full 50 miles of perimeter fence are in place?"

My grandpa nodded. "And the concrete moats, and the motion sensor tracking systems. Donald, dear boy, relax. Try and enjoy yourself."

He laughed dryly. "Let's get something straight, John. This is not a weekend excursion. This is a serious investigation of the stability of the island. Your investors, whom I represent, are deeply concerned. Forty-eight hours from now, if they're not convinced, I'm not convinced. I'll shut you down, John."

He just chuckled. "In forty-eight hours, I'll be accepting your apologies."

I smiled to myself and my grandpa turned to me. "How's your mother? Everything going well?"

I nodded. "She's doing pretty good. She says hello and she's sorry she couldn't make it. Emily is doing an internship in California, so she couldn't come, but she sends her love."

"Good, good. And you? How have you been?"

"I'm doing well. I'll have my Bachelor's degree by the end of next spring. Things got a little hectic for a while and I had to take some time off. I'm majoring in photography with a minor in film editing. I'm working at a photo studio now, so I'm getting some hands on experience."

I braced myself on the seat in front of me. We had left the path and were racing across grassy hills. My grandpa said something else to me, but I couldn't hear what he said. Something unbelievable had caught my eye. I felt my jaw hanging open, but couldn't force it to stay closed. I looked over at my grandpa sharply. He was watching me, gauging my reaction. He smiled broadly and tapped the driver on the shoulder.

"All right, slow down. Stop, stop, stop!"

As soon as the car had come to a complete halt, I scrambled out onto the grass. I stared up in awe, stumbling forward. Right before my very eyes, there was a dinosaur! A moving, breathing dinosaur! And it was so close. God it was huge. This was impossible. I had to be imagining things. I spun around to look back at my grandpa with a smile. It had to be real. Dr. Grant stood up in his seat and ripped off his hat and sunglasses. He looked like he was about two seconds away from having a heart attack. I looked back at the brachiosaurus on the hill beside us, lazily chewing on leaves high up in the trees. It bellowed loudly and took a few steps toward another tree. The ground quivered beneath my feet with each thundering footstep. I heard Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler scrambling out of the jeep they were in. They walked in my direction wearing similar expressions to what I must be wearing.

"Look at that," Dr. Sattler said breathlessly.

"Um, it's—it's a dinosaur," Dr. Grant said quietly as he pointed.


I watched their exchange briefly before tilting my head back to get a good look at it. I'd never seen anything so amazing in all my life. It brought tears to my eyes. I laughed and glanced back at my grandpa. He was heading toward us, chuckling lightly. He put his hand on my shoulder and I looked back to the treetops. I covered my mouth, trying to stay calm.

"Grandpa," I whispered with another laugh. "This… This is the most beautiful thing… I can't even-"

He smiled and patted me on the back. "No need for words, my dear."

He headed up the hill with Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler. I stayed put, running my hand across my hair. My head was spinning from all the excitement. I saw movement by the lake. Parasaurolophus too? And in a decent sized herd. There were two more brachiosaurs as well wading toward the shoreline. I took a deep breath and shook my hands, trying to calm down.

"This is insane!" I laughed to myself, pulling off my sunglasses. "This has to be dangerous. My God, is it glorious though…"