The Flames of Need

Disclaimer: Shigeru Miyamoto must be proud of me for proclaiming that I don't own his Nintendo characters. Shame on me if I ever did, right?

Chapter One: It begins

Bowser entered the room, seeing that Peach was shackled to the wall, her long thin arms looking ready to collapse from being held up for a period of time. He shut the door behind him and Peach blinked as she raised her head to look at him, her composure cold and of apathy.

"So my dear princess, what will it be?" The King of Koopas leered into her blue eyes. "Are you going to submit to my will? Or no?"
"Never! I will never throw down my loyalty to Mario to grovel in your presence!" Peach growled, her tone taking on a fierce connotation.

"It's always about Mario...isn't it," Bowser snarled and stomped over to her. The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom tried to stand, but couldn't and he smirked at her attempt, mocking her.

"Perhaps simple persuasion won't help change your mind," the King of Koopas said, almost to himself.

" you mean?" Peach asked, looking bemused, but still holding her flippant attitude.

"Tomorrow morning I will have my servants undo your shackles and allow you to freely move around this chamber. However," the Koopa paused, eyes hardening. "you will sleep in my bed during the nights."

"What!? Never!" Peach gasped, her eyes glimmering with horror. "I'd rather be chained here for all of eternity than sleep in your bed!"

"I can see that your arms are ready to break off from being held up by the shackles, and I bet your mind, if you even have one, is screaming for you to accept my decision. I will not offer you any more reprieve or another option." Bowser arched a red eyebrow and Peach's hands clenched.

"You dare insult my intellect!"

"I do. Considering you never learn your lesson after Mario saves your behind every time." Bowser turned around, as if ready to leave the prison chamber. "So what will it be, princess. And make your answer snappy.

He felt a growing desire in the princess's expression explode as her eyes blazed holes into his shelled back. How he wished that the princess was more willing to accept his ideals. He wanted her, needed her even, and his arousal would soon become evident if he didn't leave the chamber soon. He had wanted her since the first day he saw her tending to her garden, his intent to kidnap her to start the downfall of the Mushroom Kingdom. However he hadn't expected feelings of sexual lust to overcome his sense at times.

"Pick, bitch," he snarled after a moment and finally Peach said, "No. I told you once and I will not tell you again. Leave me, you brute!"

"Fine, your choice." Bowser glared at her, which she reciprocated just as fiercely. Gods above! How I wish I could take her now...

He stalked out to prevent doing as the lusty whisper in his mind was telling him, slamming the door behind him and roared, his frustration peaking.

"Stupid wench!" he muttered as he made his way up the stairs, tail twitching. I won't let her have her way!

Peach felt her resolve crumple that night as her arms screamed in agony. She felt a small moan whistle out of her teeth in pain and shivered. The princess was miserable and being stuck in Bowser's castle for four days made her worry for Mario. He has to be on his way soon...he must!

"Get up," growled Bowser's voice as he entered the chamber, the door left ajar behind him. He had a set of keys in his hands and Peach felt sudden horror. No! I told him my decision!

"Get away from me." Peach attempted to sound intimidating, but the king of koopas didn't pause and unlocked her shackles, not looking at her. She felt her arms hang limp at her sides once the manacles at her feet were unlocked as well and she rubbed her chafe marks despite her inner voice telling her not to show any sort of emotion or weakness.

"See? I was right, princess. You certainly wanted your arms to be unshackled. Doesn't that feel better? Now come with me." He glared at her, and she turned her blonde-haired head, a scowl on her plump lips.

"Refuse me one more time and I will go find your plumber boyfriend and flame him until his blood hisses," Bowser threatened and the princess gasped mutely.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"I would dare, bitch. Now stand up or I won't hesitate in forcing you up like a miserable ignorant child." He gripped her arm and she huffed, then did as he asked. A strange look off pleasure came into his eyes and his grip lingered on her arm, then drew away.

"Follow me, and remember you now have no choice in the matter. I cannot trust you to roam my castle freely without my consent or watch."

"You are still a brute," Peach hissed and Bowser let loose a guffaw.

"Harlot, your words mean nothing to me. Try as you'd like to degrade me and I'll defame you harder."

She was silent then, following behind the koopa king as they walked up the stairs out of the chamber. Scores of Bowser's minions looked at her and sneered; Peach glared back at them, wrinkling her nose and holding her head high in defiance.

The walls were littered with torches to allow light and if this was a different situation Peach would have been fascinated to wonder how they were all kept alight in the night. She subsided her inquisitive side and huffed under her breath. They climbed up a multitude of steps before a door came into their sights with Bowser's insignia painted on it.

"In here." Bowser opened the door and let her in first, then followed behind her, closing the door and locking it resolutely.

Peach looked about the room as if observing it, but in reality she was looking for a possible escape route. The room was spacious with a closed off balcony and a wide master bed. Horns embroidered very corner in the room and the tops of the bedpost. He probably needed a large sized bed so the brute can lay all his layers of body on it...

A fireplace roared against the wall, flickerings of red, orange and yellow mingling like old friends in the flames and paintings of other koopas like Bowser were hung on the walls. Some had grins, others snarls, and even others that were breathing fire as the paintings were drawn.

It made her shudder and then Bowser growled, "Since you are staying in this room with me for the remainder of the night I'd suggest you undress and get comfortable."

"You want me to...undress?" Peach's voice rose an octave and the king of koopas grinned, his gaze hungry.

"How else will you get comfortable and ready for bed? Do you royals sleep with your clothes on and never change them?" he asked and Peach shuddered in disgust. Please Mario! You must come rescue me soon!

"Start now," he growled, his gaze not leaving hers, or rather, her body's. His red eyes flickered and his lower body tensed, as if he was holding something back.

"With you watching?" Peach growled now and Bowser chuckled.

"Just imagine I am your lover...awaiting you to undress first."

Peach trembled with rage. He wasn't giving her any incentive about his true intentions for wanting her in his room, nor was he expressing any sort of leniency. However...she knew that it was mostly her fault because she betrayed him in order to buy out her escape the last time she had been kidnapped. A goomba came into her chamber on the sly and made a bargain with her. He explained that if she wanted to escape then he would have to pay her. Readily she had agreed, even if the lump sum of money desired was seven hundred Mushroom Coins.

As soon as she was able to escape the goomba backstabbed her, running back into the castle to alert the koopa king of her escape. At first she thought he was trying not to have his cover blown and the princess called out a thank you to the goomba, then made a break for it. However just moments later Bowser flew out out the castle in his atrocious invention: the Koopa Clown Car and spotted her dashing off into the unknown. Suffice to say she was captured, kicking and screaming, dragged back to the castle in his one armed grip.

He had been keeping a closer eye on her now since that incident happened and this recent capturing.

Peach could see Bowser's muscles twitch, as if in anticipation of being used and she had the sudden image of the koopa on top of her, his hands dragging down her sides in a sensual caress, heavy body weight pressing down on her in an erotic way. Peach flinched, trying to shake the image out of her mind. It had been such a long time since she was pleasured and now her body was yearning for it.

"Well Princess? Get comfortable. I see that you still refuse my demands. Fine, I shall get comfortable in bed and you can get undressed," Boswer snarled.

"You will still be watching me, regardless. I shall not like to have your hungry eyes all over me as if I am some wench."

"You are a wench, Peach. Now get undressed while my back is turned, or I will strip that nauseating pink dress right off you." The king of koopas turned around and walked slowly, deliberately, over to the bed.

He means to listen to my undressing! This realization made Peach hurry to shimmy out of her dress, so as not to give him a pleasure for his ears. The princess stood in her long shift and stays, arms and legs up to her knees bare. She shivered at the sudden cold as she held her dress to her bosom just as Bowser turned around, sitting on the bed, fluffing out his pillow and waited for her as he took off his spiked bicep cuffs. He snorted at her and indicated for her to put her dress down on the chair.

She obeyed.

"Climb in bed, princess," Bowser said as he finally turned over, not looking at her. Peach blinked, cold disgust flaring on her face. She knew she had no choice. Slowly she made her way over to the bed and climbed in it, her movements tense as she went under the covers.

"Closer," he growled as he heard her shuffling with the blanket on the edge of the bed, then he turned over and looked at her. She flinched at the intense gaze in his blood-red irises. Then Peach reluctantly moved over more to the middle of the bed.

"Good. Now sweet dreams, Peach. It is time to retire to rest." The king of koopas turned back over onto his side, his spiky shelled back facing her. She looked at the sharp points, imagining her body becoming impaled on one of them in her sleep. Peach drew the blankets around her body securely, turning her back as well. She didn't want to look at what she was inhabiting the bed with. What creature forced her against her will to grovel in his bed.

This is pure and utter mutiny! He intends to try and tame my will this way? the princess rubbed her arms and tried to inch her way out of the bed, thinking he was asleep. A warning growl rumbled from Bowser's throat and Peach stiffened in alarm; he was still listening to her, even if his back was turned.

By God...what an arrogant calculating beast, the Mushroom Kingdom princess thought, then she drew her legs closer to her body, trying to find some solace or comfort.

Bowser had been listening to the princess since she had climbed into his bed, the warmth of her succulent body taunting him just mere inches away. He went on the alert as he heard her inching to try and escape the bed. So...she is trying to be sly in taking advantage of my lowered guard while I sleep?

He grinned to himself as a plan came to his mind, a plan that set a heat in his body. He craved the princess even more now that the frumpy dress was off her. Now Bowser could see the smooth lines and curves of the princess, which made his organ ache with a pulsing need. He turned over and looked out of the corner of his eye, seeing her back and body curled up into a half ball.

The position made him scowl in contempt, his mouth curling. She gives me hell with her attitude and defiance during the day, but at night she is a craven wretch... He knew that he sounded brutal but he disregarded it. He only was trying to downgrade her so she would be subdued, something he wanted...desired.

Bowser looked at the wall now, one arm under his pillow and the other resting on the top near his face. He felt guilty suddenly about treating Peach like a political prisoner: a person who was as valuable as a goomba or a koopa. However, since her defiance during the last kidnapping showed her true side Bowser knew he had to be harsher to her now and he wouldn't show his vulnerable side to her...even if it was screaming it him now to act on his lust and desire.

Her hair cascaded down the pillow like a weeping golden river, and the king of koopas felt his arousal come again, his groin straining to be released from the small flap that covered it. He held himself back for the moment, knowing that all he had to do was follow his plan. He saw the desolate look in her eyes as she had looked at him and Bowser knew exactly what she wanted. He grinned in a feral expression and closed his eyes, waiting for the right time.

A/N: My first fanfic. I don't know about you but I feel that this is pretty good for starters. Why don'tcha let me know with a review? It will make me happy. Next chapter will be more "interesting" so be on your guard! I will be changing the rating then so don't become all stir-fry about it. Okay sweeties? Till next time.