I have done it! Another chapter for RWWL! This story is not dead!

This may be a bit of a filler, but this chapter holds meaning! I hope you like this chapter! Review replies are at the bottom of the chapter.

6 – Reunions – 6

"Hold still! I can't get the streaks right if you keep moving!"

"Sorry, Sunstreaker. It has been vorns since you've done this, you know," Notestryder apologised.

They used to do this back before the war. Whenever Notestryder had scratched her paint or needed it touched up, Sunstreaker would always bring out his paint set. That eventually stopped once the war started, and Notestryder had to resort to doing it herself. Now that she was with her brothers again, though, Sunstreaker insisted that he should be the one to fix her paintjob, and he was doing so at that moment.

"Oh! Oh! Sunstreaker!" she exclaimed a few kliks later. "Once you're done the streaks, and you've moved on to my Autobot symbol, can you paint it turquoise and make it look like its wearing a pair of helmphones? That'd be so cool!"

"And so you," Sideswipe chuckled from where he was sitting on was a Cybertronian sized chair.

The femme snorted. "Yeah, because I was a DJ," she said.

"I can remember when we went to the club you played at. Your music booth always had a neon sign over it spelling 'DJ Notestryder' in bright turquoise neon," Sunstreaker stated.

"Those were good times," Sideswipe sighed, reclining. "Before the war was all we knew, before femmes and sparklings were constantly in danger, before a genocide was something you expected…yeah."

There was a small silence as the three went over what the red individual had just said. They did miss what it was like to just relax and deal with orbit to orbit life. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had explained to her that many humans (that's what the fleshlings were called) experienced life in a way similar to the calm they experienced before the war. They just didn't experience a caste system. They were free to choose what way they wanted to earn their credits.

The golden frontliner finished the streaks and moved on to her Autobot symbol, which was located on her chest. His strokes were quick but efficient as he quickly laid on the turquoise paint. He outlined the Autobot symbol with thin black lines before using the same black paint to give the symbol helmphones. As soon as he was finished, he made her sit still as the paint dried. As it slowly did, she gazed at her brothers, her spark elated that they were finally together again. Life just didn't seem so dreary anymore.

"I hope this paint dries soon—I need to teach the young sparks their next lesson," she told the twins.

Sunstreaker grunted. "Arcee and Elita are going to take care of the sparklings and the youngling while Ironhide examines your skills and what position you'll have in the war," he said.

"Ugh," Notestryder moaned.

Once Notestryder's paint was dry, she left her brothers' quarters and made her way to the main hanger. Once she was there, she leaned up against the wall near the main computer and crossed her arms. The only other Autobots in the room were the femme known as Arcee and her sister Chromia, one of the medics known as Jolt, the mech she recognised as the Security Director Red Alert, and one of the Aerialbots, Silverbolt, who had Skybeat on his right shoulder.

The white femme couldn't help but smile at the sight Silverbolt and Skybeat made. Skybeat was smiling, and Notestryder could only guess it was because she was with another winged Autobot.

The large leader of the Aerialbots walked over to her when Skybeat pointed in her direction. Once he was standing before her, Notestryder straightened and pointed a smile in the mech's direction. "I see that Skybeat has taken a liking to you, it seems," she said.

"Yeah…are you her caretaker?" he asked.

She nodded. "I'm her—"

"Auntie 'Stryder!" Skybeat cut in.

She chuckled. "Yes, I'm her Auntie 'Stryder, but my real designation is Notestryder. I'm the young sparks' teacher as well as their protector. Why do you ask?" she looked at him with mock suspicion. "If you get on my bad side, I might just have to prank you," she joked.

The mech laughed. "So you are the Lambo Twins' sister, then!" he exclaimed. "Are you as good as they are at pranks?"

"Oh yeah," she smirked. "Just as good." Her eyebrows rose. "How do you think I was able to fend off the Decepticons when I was on my own? Had to pull pranks in order to slow them down!"

Arcee rolled over to them with a smile on her faceplates. "Alright, Skybeat needs to do her lessons, along with Wrangler, Clutch, and Code Red," she said, taking the purple seekerlet from the flyer's shoulder. The little femme whined as she was quickly swept out of the room, but Notestryder was unable to watch the two femmes go because a certain SD nearly barreled into her.

Red Alert whirled her around and grabbed her by her shoulders. "Did Arcee just say Code Red? Did she?!" he exclaimed.

Notestryder didn't really like how close this mech was to her in terms of personal space, so she unclamped his servos from her shoulders and gently pushed him away. "Yes, she said Code Red. Why, Red Alert?"

She never got an answer, because he was already running in the direction of the tutor room, screaming, "My spaaaaaaaarkliiiiiiiiiiiing!"

"Agh…his protective creator protocols are trying to online," the femme groaned. She dashed after the white and red mech. "Red Alert! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait!"

Silverbolt rolled his optics and could only watch as he was left behind.

Notestryder came to a stop, nearly crashing into the SD's back since he was peering at the sparklings through the large window next to the door of the tutor room. She looked in the direction he was looking through the window and saw that he was staring at Code Red.

"You can't disturb them now, you know," the femme told the mech as she crossed her arms. "They're Autobots in training. They need to learn."

Red Alert stepped away from the window and turned to look her. "It's been a long time," he sighed.

She smiled in compassion. "Don't you worry, the femmes will alert you to when they are done their studies. And besides, you'll be able to watch him through the security cameras."

"If you say so…" he said in a defeated tone before leaving. She watched him go, understanding how he felt. She had felt the same way for a long time when she thought her brothers were gone. But they were not. Space had just cut them off.

::Notestryder, report to the main hanger,:: Ironhide's gruff voice sounded on her comm. ::It is time for your evaluation.::

She sighed before replying. ::Yes sir. On my way.:: she quickly trotted away from the Security Director and headed for the main hanger. Once there, she slowed to a walk and walked respectfully up to the large mech. "I'm here as you requested, sir," she said saluting.

He nodded once. "Good. Follow me," he ordered before lumbering over towards a large door. He pressed a button, and the door rose, disappearing into the ceiling. Once the door was open enough to allow him to walk out, Ironhide strode from the hanger with a sense of purpose. She hesitated for only a second before following.

The struts on her back twitched once as her sensors took in the geographical information of the area around her. They seemed to be in the middle of a plain, and she quickly accessed the humans' World Wide Web in order to learn more about it. She was in the countryside, and according to a global mapping system designated "Google Earth", she was a "state" over from the coast. She sniffed the air, and was unable to derive any traces of the sharp smell that had hung in the air when she had recharged.

"You mechs went a long way to get me, it seems," she stated as they came to a stop by what seemed to be a Cybertronian sized shooting range.

"That's right," he replied in his normal rough-tone. "Now, get your processor off of your surroundings for at least a joor, and listen."

Notestryder crossed her arms and looked him in the optics. "I know you're comparing me with my brothers, sir, but don't. No offence, but I'm vastly different from Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. I listen."

Ironhide merely grunted before plowing ahead. "Alright, then." He turned from her and faced the targets at the far end of the shooting range. "The first thing we need to test is your ability to handle a blaster. The areas that you hit on the target will determine your skill."

She nodded and stepped forward. She took out her right blaster and gripped it firmly. Holding it up, she aimed it at the target and stared down its barrel. She closed her left optic in order to focus and sharpen her sight in her right. She steadied her servo, and then pulled the trigger. The shot blast flashed from her gun and rushed towards the target. She didn't flinch at the recoil, and once the shot hit the target, she zoomed in to see how she did.

She had hit the target head-on.

Ironhide was impressed, but then he had her fire more rapidly, as if she was in a battle, and her aim showed poorly. The Weapons Specialist moved her along to the next test, which had her test how fast she could transform from robot to vehicular form and back again. She was quick, really quick, but since she had just come out of surgery not all that long ago, she was not completely on par.

The tests went on and on, but eventually Ironhide had come to the conclusion that she was an okay warrior, but needed more training. But only a little bit more. Notestryder had a feeling that it was because Ironhide still was comparing her to her brothers.

She had a quick visit to the wash-racks before she sought after the young sparks. She found them about to leave the schooling room. She scooped up Code Red, thinking back to the incident with Red Alert. Code Red was wide awake, but cuddled into her chestplates. The white femme smiled and thanked the pink and red femmes for taking care of them.

Notestryder held the sparkling close as she strode toward the monitor room where the SD probably was. The sparkling vibrated as he purred loudly, and she couldn't help but smile. The feeling made her spark warm, and for some reason, she suddenly yearned to have a sparkling of her own. She quickly shoved thoughts away as she stepped into the monitor room. She didn't have a mate, and she didn't know any of the mechs (other than her brothers) enough to make any of them her mate. She focused at the task at hand, and stopped walking.

"Hey, Red Alert?" she called.

"Wh-who's there?" Red Alert's suddenly piped up, tone filled with paranoia.

She bit the inside of her cheekplate before replying. "It's me, Notestryder. I come bearing a gift!"

The white femme heard him approach as he mumbled, "Seriously, if those two have sent another prank my way I'll…" He abruptly stopped when he came into view and saw what she was holding. She watched as his frame tensed with excitement. The look in his optics was confusing to decifer but her best bet was that it was a searching gaze.

Notestryder looked down at the bundle of sparkling in her arms and gently turned the little mechling towards the Security Director. Code Red blinked a couple of times before he locked optics with Red Alert. She felt something physically click a few times from within her charge before tears welled up in his little blue optics and he began to whimper. She looked up at the mech before her and saw that there were tears running down his cheekplates.

Slowly, she lifted up the little one and held him out to his opiluk. Slowly, with shaky servos, Red Alert reached out to Code Red and carefully grasped him under the arms. Code Red was lifted from Notestryder's servos and cradled against the elder mech's chestplates.

All was silent for several minutes.

Then she heard it. Red Alert emitted a low rumbling purr from his engine that was slowly sending Code Red into recharge.

Her spark fluttered at the beautiful scene. Finally, those two were united after being so far apart for so long. She was happy that she had been able to bring those two back together. Maybe the spazzy Security Director wouldn't be so spazzy anymore…

~Something's got you very pleased, little sis',~ Sideswipe suddenly remarked over their bond.

She smirked. ~You have no idea.~

~Sideswipe will want you to tell, Note',~ Sunstreaker pointed out.

Notestryder turned from the endearing scene, allowing Red Alert to gaze lovingly down at his son in privacy. She quietly left the monitor room and started to make her way back to the quarters her brothers shared, since they were split-spark twins. ~Alright, I'll spill. I'll tell you when I get to your quarters—I don't want this to spread.~

SJSGirl: Dude, someone had to put him in his place! I've always wanted to have someone slap Sunstreaker...mission accomplished!

KeepingThemAtBay: Don't mess with bonds, I guess. Questions will be answered eventually. Trying to keep myself from generating more stories and focus on stories I have already started.

TheGhost129: Sunny's not a sociopath to everyone. He's got a soft spot in there somewhere.

zrexheartz: LOL.

KayleeChiara: Glad you liked it. I guess it was horrible that I dumped this story for 5 months eh? Well, I'm trying to create my own headcannon, if you could put it that way. I'm trying to flesh out the Bayverse a little bit since Bay really only focused on the humans, making the 'Bots more of secondary characters. Your review fit the bill, I enjoyed it very much!

Golden Eagle 603: HUG! *returns hug*

alex: I dunno. Should Notestryder be paired with someone? She was a frontliner for Prowl's small band of Autobots. She probably won't be one, again, for a while.

panthergirl: Well, a well-rounded out person has a lot to their personality. They can be nice, grumpy, excitably, etc. I wasn't planning on making her vain like her golden brother. She'll probably mess up Sunny's work in the next chapter or so.

Autobotsrawesome: Why, thank you! I'm glad you think it's awesome. I simply took an idea that I thought was never done before and ran with it.

I-am-Uniquely-Myself: Really? 0.0 I have good grammar? Well, that's one of the best compliments I have ever gotten since I joined this website. I honestly question my grammar sometimes, and I'm glad you love this story so much that you decided to read it. I honestly now have to reread this story so I can continue to write it like I have. Thank you for the compliment and I hope you continue to enjoy this story.

Autobotgirl2234: Glad you are liking the story! Thanks for the reviews!