"Alfred! What do you think you're doing?"
A month had passed, and the moon was full and bright. Due to many of the villagers protesting the wall, hardly any work was done to it. This made it easier for anyone who was interested about the so-called werewolf to go into the woods and search for it. Out of all the believers, Alfred was the most interested. He had attempted to sneak out, climb the wall and look for traces of said wolf. However, the man wasn't stealthy enough, and his brother, Matthew, had caught him.
Matthew tugged on the back of Alfred's shirt as he tried to scale the wall. "Get down here!" Although he thought he was yelling, in reality Matthew was quiet.
Alfred laughed as he allowed Matthew to pull him back down. "Why are you so concerned?" he asked Matthew. "You don't even believe in the wolf."
Matthew glared at his brother. "I know I don't, but you know Arthur's rule. We're not allowed to leave during night, regardless of the moon!"
"Since when did Arthur become the all-time leader?" Alfred crossed his arms. "And I can take care of myself." He turned his back to attempt to scale the wall once again. Matthew grabbed him by the leg this time.
"Don't you ever listen to anyone?"
"If you're so concerned for my safety, then come with me! I bet you'll have a fun time. It's trying something new, right?"
Matthew's body froze. The only thing that could move was his lips. "What makes you think I'll put myself in danger just so you can have fun?"
"If you don't think there's a werewolf, there's nothing to be afraid of. Come on, Matthew. I'll still go no matter how many times you pull me down."
Matthew took a deep breath and regained movement in his body. He hated how persistent Alfred was at times. "Alright, fine," he mumbled as he climbed the wall alongside Alfred. "But we come back after ten minutes."
The wooded land was eerily quiet, except for the shifting of tall grass when Alfred and Matthew would take a step. Both caught onto this right away. Both were hunters, and whenever they'd be hunting during the day, the woods were full of life. In the evening, they'd hear the fluttering of bat wings, or maybe even an owl calling. Alfred kept a smug look on his face as they continued on. They only had a lantern for light, and it was almost out.
"It's been well more than ten minutes," Matthew complained. "We agreed on ten minutes!"
"We haven't found anything, yet!" Alfred replied. "I just want to see something that could hint a werewolf. Maybe some gashes in trees, or another eaten bear."
"You're insane!" Matthew shouted, though it was as loud as a stage whisper. "There isn't even a werewolf! There isn't such thing!"
"Then we have nothing to worry about!"
Matthew had enough of Alfred's over-confidence. He didn't want to admit to Alfred, but he was afraid, and he had some slight suspicion of something dangerous was out there. He wouldn't speak up any longer about his foolish actions, however. He didn't want to be seen as a coward.
"Then go on and do something stupid!" Matthew told him. "I'm going home."
Alfred turned to face his brother. "What? You can't leave! I mean, we have to stick together! What if the wolf shows up?"
"There isn't a werewolf. They're just myths. I would like to go back home, and I don't need you to guide me." With that, Matthew turned his back and walked off. Alfred, however, followed him.
The lantern that gave the two the only light support, aside from the bright full moon, had run out, much to their disliking. Alfred made a wrong turn, and he lost track of Matthew, and his way home. Matthew figured his brother gave up trying to get him to continue searching, and went off on his own. He was relieved that Alfred was gone, because it meant things were quiet again. Or perhaps it was too quiet. Matthew kept trekking on with the thought of returning home his top priority.
He saw the light coming from the village from a distance, and the satisfaction in Matthew rose to its peak. He followed the light only for a short time, as he was interrupted by the sound of leaves crunching and grass shifting. He hadn't heard that after Alfred left.
"Alfred?" Matthew spun around to look in every direction, yet he didn't see anything. He could now hear the sound of growling. "Alfred, this isn't funny!" The growls became snarls. "I already told you I don't believe in werewolves!"
Everything happened so quickly then. The noise didn't stop, regardless of Matthew's protests, so he ran as close as he could to the village for safety. He cried out Alfred's name as loud as he could, which unfortunately was still soft. Once he had enough light, Matthew made the mistake of looking back. He only had three seconds to look at the brown-furred wolf that was as tall as him before it lunged at him.
Finally, Matthew let out an earth-shattering scream.
More than half the villagers scattered to the plaza that night after not just waking up to Matthew's scream, but Alfred's constant cries for help after he carried his unconscious and bloodied brother through the main gates. The most damage done to Matthew was on his legs. His pants were almost entirely ripped up, and it was hard to tell if the same had been done to his skin, as they were drenched in his own blood. His right leg looked broken to the point where it was beyond recovery. Sure, there were other places on his body that were covered in blood, but it was nothing compared to his legs. There wern't any attacks to his vital spots. Anyone who was able to take their eyes off Matthew noticed something different about Alfred. Aside from the blood on his arms covered in blood and his shirt torn, he was crying.
"I convinced him to come with me," he sobbed. "He didn't want to go but I kept insisting. When he wanted to go back, I didn't think of it at first, but when he turned away, I knew it wouldn't be right if we stayed." Alfred was having trouble standing up. "I lost track of him and it seemed immediately after, I heard him scream."
Everyone who was present then looked around the area. There were a few people were noticeably absent. Children weren't allowed to come out, but Arthur, Feliciano and Lovino weren't there.
"I doubt Feliciano and Lovino would want to see such a sight," Ludwig said in defense of the brothers. "Especially Feliciano. He always hated gruesome images, remember?"
"When I heard something happened to Matthew, I ran right to their house," Antonio said. "Lovino refused to leave the house. That, and Feliciano wouldn't wake up."
"So where's Arthur?" someone asked from the crowd.
As if it were planned, Arthur stormed his way through the crowd. "I'm here, you idiots!" He stopped in front of Alfred and Matthew. He looked disgusted by the sight, and Alfred's actions. "I made rules for a reason, and that reason was not so you could break them! Is Matthew even alive?"
Alfred looked away and muttered, "Yes. I was able to get there before it struck a final blow."
"How in the hell did you even survive?"
Alfred looked back at Arthur. "I ran up and fought it. That fucker's huge, and I swore his jaws were the size of my hands."
"That doesn't explain how you got it to run off."
"I used all my strength to grapple it and throw it to the ground. It must have been shocked I was that strong, as it bought time to get Matthew and go. I'm lucky it didn't run after me when it got up."
Arthur huffed. "Regardless if you did save Matthew or not, it was your doing that he's like this in the first place. Think of that next time you act stupid."