Ivan found himself sitting in a bed in a hospital ward. He didn't really remember much from before he passed out. His head hurt too much to think and he looked around in slight wonder. Everything was so clean. His house was never clean anymore. He didn't have time for cleaning and as the Baltic didn't live with him anymore his house was a mess. Loud noises came from outside the door and it sounded like an elephant herd was headed his way.

"Hey dude let us in!" America's loud voice grated on Ivan's nerves "Please~" Matthew added to the end.

"I'm sorry Sir. We are not taking visitors right now"

"Come on dude! I've got his boyfriend here! We're practically family!" Ivan scoffed at America. Family! Ya right! That isn't happening. Unless it's Matthew. Ivan would gladly welcome Matthew into his family. He sat up and called out to the nurse. "It's ok! Let them in!" there was a small huff and the two twin nations came into the room.

"I-Ivan!" Matthew began to sod the moment he saw Ivan sitting there in the hospital bed. Ivan had three broken fingers, a cracked rib and some of the metal from the other car had entered his eye. The hospital gown showed how thin he really was and how pale his skin was. He looked quite sickly sitting there. "Ivan what happened!?" Matthew whimpered into his chest as he hugged him tightly.

What had happened? Truth be told he didn't know. He could remember. "I can't rememder… sorry" He mumbled. "How was your party?"

"The party?" the Canadian looked at him "You're stuck in hospital after a car axident and you want to know about the party!?"

"Really Ivan you got to get your priorities straight!" Matthew yelled at him "I am not talking about something so trivial while you're lying here almost dead!" his face began to burn before cooling down "S-sorry. I'm just….."

"It is ok, da? You are allowed to be worried" Ivan said pulling Canada onto the side of his bed.

"Sirs! You should let the patient sleep. It's past visitors hours anyway!" the nurse who had been here before had returned to them with this very important news. America began to argue with her about how Ivan had only just woken up and how he needed to be with his friends (Ivan scoffed) and family (One day they will be family!).

"It is ok America! Go home. I will be fine" this did nothing for the American as he began to shout. After about half an hour America was throan out of the hospital. Matthew began to pack up his things "Wait a minute" Ivan whispered "Go hide behind that curtain" he said pointing to the window. The curtains only went to the bottom of the sel but Matthew hid behind them anyway.

The nurse returned once more after getting America out of there. "Have a good night, sir" she said walking over to the curtains and pulling them closed. Matthews natural invisibility cloak kicked in at that moment making his unnoticeable to her eyes. She walked out of Ivan's room and closed the door behind her.

"you can come out now, Da?" Ivan whispered to Matthew. Slow he slipped out from behind the curtain and to Ivan's bed side. "How did you know that would work?"

"I didn't. But I was hopeful" reaching out his good arm he pulled the Canadian closer to him "But seriously. I am tired and would like to go to bed" he said reaching up to give the blonde a kiss on both cheeks. "If you wanted to go to bed why did you keep me in here?" Matthew whispered

Ivan's face flushed softly "I cannot sleep without my Canadian bear" giggling Matthew slipped into the hospital bed next to Ivan. "Good night, Ivan"

"Good night Matthew"

Weeks later Ivan found himself sitting in Matthew's lounge room watching t.v with the little Canadian's head snug in his lap. He'd been discharged the day before and Matthew had insisted that he should stay at his house. Truth be told he felt slightly guilty that he hadn't gone home to see his sisters. Ukraine would un-doubtly be freaking out that that he'd had another accident and was back in hospital.

"Dude. When are you going to leave?!" America wined as he came out of the kitchen holding a hamburger that was not meant for one person. He flopped down on the couch on the other side of the room. "I don't know. When are you going to leave?" Ivan hissed back. America snorted "I don't have to leave~ I can come here any time that I want!" Canada's eye twitched.

"That's a good question" Canada sat up "When are you going? The next world meeting isn't until next month and it's not even at my house" he looked at the America, idiot, and his eyes went slanty. "Yeeeaaahhh…. But I can come here went ever I want. Right brother? You don't even need to be here anymore, Dude" America was quickly trying to change the subject.

"Bro. I think you should leave"

"But that's totally not far! Why can't I stay too!? You're my brother!" It always amused Ivan how he could start a conversation and it always ended up with America arguing with someone. "That's so not true! England only told you that went we were little to make you keep quiet when England took me from France!"

"Come on Bro! We have to be related! You look just like me!" America was now standing face to face with the angry Canadian who had long since gotten out of his chair to death glare the American close up. This tipped Matthew over the edge "Did you ever stop to think that it was you who looked like me! I was found first! I had a name first! We had united tribes long before your little tribes people could even figure out that a rock was stronger than sticks! Have you ever thought of that!?" America scrunched up his fists. Screw if there was someone else there. He needed to put that loud mouth, ugly little Canadian back in his place. "Why you little bastard! Don't you dare talk to me that way!" He raised his fist at Matthew and that was when Ivan decided that this argument had gone on long enough.

He moved faster than America could have predicted. For the second time that month America found himself being punched in the face. It would bruise nicely. Lifting his leg Ivan stomped on the American's rib cage until he heard the familiar noise of cracking. "Do you dare touch him! You have no right! I will kill you, you little manipulating fuck!" Ivan screamed at the American down on the ground under the continuous stomping of Ivan's foot.

"Ivan" Matthew touched his shoulder lightly "I think that's enough" Ivan's heart instantly lightened and he stopped hurting the blond to look at his brother. "Help me get his stuff?" Matthew asked hopefully. Ivan smile back at him "Of course!" the walked to America's room and pulled his bags out.

Together they through the bags on America "I do believe that you have over stayed your welcome"

Ivan and Matthew sat in their bed at Matthews house. "You really shouldn't set things up like that~" Matthew said rolling on top of Ivan. He gulped at the Canadian's closeness "I don't know what you're talking about" the Russian faked an innocent smile. Matthew growled "You know what I'm talking about!" Ivan continued to fain ignorance "Find then. Be like that!" he kissed Ivan's soft lips bitting them at the bottom.

"I'd like you to know it felt good to yell at him. By the way" Matthew said in between kisses. His hand's began to stroke Ivan's chest and he undid his buttons. Leaving little kisses and bit marks he made his way down Ivan's stomach. He was growing tantalisingly close to Ivan's lower reign. The suddenly his lips left the Russian's soft skin.

"That's all you get for now!" Matthew smile deviously as he turned off the lap next to the bed "That is no fare! Nyet! You tease!" Ivan wined at the devilish man next to him. Turning over to Ivan Matthew smile "We should get back at my brother more often. I'm in such a goo mood that I wil give you what you want. But I won't let you off so much next time" He got up off the bed he went and sat in his chair on the other side of the room "Come here, mon chien salope"

Crawling out of the bed Ivan followed the sound of Matthew's voice until he was sitting on the Canadian's lap. They began to kiss furiously as the snow fell silently unnoticed outside.

"Да, мастер"

That's it for this chapter! Sorry for being away for so long! I completely forgot my password! And then I forgot I had an account all together. DX So sorry! Please forgive me!


mon chien salope = my slutty dog or my dog bitch.

Да, мастер = Yes, Master