I'm sorry for the wait.

Thanks for the reviews! Here is a sweet teaser for what is to come!


Usagi blinked sleepily. She was trying to sort out what happened and where she was. She began stretching as she came to. Usa felt as if she slept for years. The day's events took a toll of her. She sighed tiredly as she felt a cool breeze. The crisp air caused her to look around her.

She shivered as she saw a red cape flying in the distance behind a pillar. She sighed again looking at the room as if truly seeing. She was in the golden kingdom. Usagi willed her feet to move as she ventured towards the object letting her hands feel the old pillars with veins wrapped around them.

There he stood. Usagi thought she was living a memory. How many times had she awoke to this scene before her? There stood her future King as still as a statue yet she felt the rage within.

Mamoru was kneeling on one knee staring in the distance on the balcony. Far away there was a storm gathering. He was keeping it away from the palace but the sky was so dark. His ocean blue eyes were as dark as the clouds. He felt soft hands wrap around him. "Cool you're storm my prince", she whispered softly.

The skies lightened immediately as he kissed her palms. "I haven't been a prince for a long time", he sighed.

She chuckled and sat on his knee. "You are always going to be my prince in shining armor", she giggled.

He shook his head. "I almost lost you today yet here you are", he stated in awe of her presence. One couldn't tell that she had just taken a nasty blow and power drainage.

"Here we are", she corrected. She lifted her hands from around his neck to lace their hands together.

"She's strong", he argued.

Usagi smirked placing his hand on her stomach. "We're stronger", she argued.

Mamoru froze as his power felt the life growing within Usagi. "Usako", he whispered.

"I believe this little bunny have both our crystals out of whack. You know I love only you yet you think I'm having a candid affair with a kid from school", she sighed getting up from his lap and sitting on the balcony. "Your crystal is unstable…therefore you are as well"

He sighed. "I can't let you fight like this", he sighed.

She rolled her eyes. "I must…it's how things must be. The moon must protect her Earth", she cried. "Oh how she loves it so", she sighed.

Mamoru awoke with a start panting wildly. He looked at Usagi sleeping peacefully in her self-embedded crystal so she can heal herself. He wiped his eyes. "What is Earth without it's moon", he replied. He kissed her crystal and walked out the door. As he left the sliver crystal became embedded in gold.

He closed the door and was immediately surrounded by the scouts. "She's fine…merely healing", he assured them.