Stefan could clearly remember growing up in Mystic Falls. After a thousand years, his memory was still clear on even the tiniest of details. Swimming in the Falls themselves. Hiding out on every full moon. Becoming a man and hunting. The plague that killed almost everyone. The first time he saw Elena. Bonnie turning them into Vampires. He remembered it all. And now, here he was, returning, after a thousand years.
Elena had visited every few decades while she was undaggered. She always wanted to visit Tatia's grave. Poor Tatia. Her blood had saved them all, but there was nothing they could do to stop her from dying from the plague. Bonnie kept an eye on any Bennett witches that had enough power, but the Original Witch was still taking her longest rest. Tyler wanted to stay as far away from the bad memories as possible, and Jeremy's opinion didn't really matter. Damon would come with Elena, but that was about it. And Caroline...
Caroline may have been the odd one out while they were humans, but now, she did what she wanted. A thousand years of living, unable to be daggered, growing powerful. She had bedded Kings and Conquerors, had destroyed cities, and was well known among the supernaturals. Stefan was harmless compared to Caroline, and he was rather well feared as the Original Ripper. Oh yes, Caroline was the real deal. The Queen of the Vampires. And soon, the Queen of the Werewolves as well.
Stefan had finally found her. The Doppelganger. Bonnie had said she would be born soon, and he believed her. They hadn't told Caroline. She didn't need to know that the curse that had accidently been placed upon her could soon be fixed. Tyler never wanted to have the werewolf gene and was careful to never activate it, and even with the possibility of being a hybrid, he made no signal of caring. But Caroline longed for it, and would stop at nothing to begin her Hybrid Army.
And Stefan would give it to her. He had betrayed her twice in his life, both times for Elena, and now Elena was daggered in a coffin with Damon. He wouldn't betray Caroline again. He was lucky that he had only spent a total of 30 years inside of a coffin. He didn't want to return.
It was amazing how much Katherine Pierce looked JUST like Elena. It had been a thousand years since Tatia had died, leaving Elena as the only one with those Petrova looks, but seeing her now... it was scary. He had to remind himself when he saw her the first time that she was simply a doppelganger. Even still, after a thousand years, Katherine acted just like Tatia had. She was full of herself, rude, and cocky. It was amazing the girl had any friends at all.
She had herself surrounded by an interesting family. The eldest brother was a doctor that Stefan had run into once years before while taking blood bags when he was trying to hold back his ripper tendencies. Finn knew all about Vampires and even used their blood to heal his patients. The doctor's brother and the doppelganger's current boyfriend was a Vampire Hunter. The irony that was Elijah Mikaelson wasn't lost on Stefan.
Then there were the teenagers. Rebekah seemed obsessed with being the Prom Queen and Miss Mystic Falls. She was a pretty thing, but it would be interesting to see Caroline knock the spoiled girl back into place. And of course, the girl hadn't yet realized she was a witch. And Kol... If Jeremy wasn't daggered, he knew that the two would get into serious trouble together.
The most confusing of the group, however, was Klaus. He was another of the Mikaelson group that was comprised of a doctor, a hunter, and two teenagers. Klaus was the town sheriff, and carried the werewolf gene. None of his siblings had the same capability, which was odd enough. He also hadn't activated it. How a town sheriff had never killed was beyond Stefan, but this was small town America.
Stefan pulled out his cell phone and stared at it for a moment. Should he call Caroline? He didn't have the moonstone yet, nor did he have a usable Vampire and Werewolf. And Bonnie was still asleep. No, he would call Caroline later. She was busy enough in London at the moment, dealing with cleaning up Tyler's latest mess. If a dagger worked on the boy, he would have lasted less time than Jeremy did.
He should call Tyler. Tyler would be wanting back into Caroline's good graces. The first few centuries, the two of them sleeping together off and on would save him from her wrath, but not even sex would placate her anger when he created too much of a scene. Stefan had always assumed that one day Caroline and Tyler would fall for each other, but Tyler couldn't admit that Caroline was in charge, and Caroline didn't know how to love. Tyler would be willing to do anything to make Caroline forgive him, but he was also too much of a wild card. No, not Tyler, for now.
He pushed a few buttons and waited a moment, then put the phone up to his ear. After a few minutes of waiting, he heard the clear voice answering.
"Anna. You said you want to earn Jeremy's freedom? Well, I have a way for you to do it. Virginia. Mystic Falls."
He heard the girl hurriedly rushing about on the other end, agreeing to do whatever it took to get Jeremy released from his coffin and dagger. Stefan just smiled, listening. He doubted that Caroline would ever truly let Jeremy out. He caused enough problems that even Elena didn't fight the daggering of her younger brother. But of course, Anna didn't need to know that.
"And Anna? Don't tell Caroline."
Ideas from FadingTales and CandiceMorgans on Tumblr
Idea Bouncers : LivingDeadBlondeGirl, A Little Blonde Distraction, drabblesinKlaroline
Prologue Beta : suchaglamorouslie and TheDuchessofFiction
Title Idea : TheDuchessofFiction/Kate
So, I know that I said I would update The Other Side every day, and yet it has been two with no update. I realized, once I began rewatching the Pilot, how much I hate hate hate it all centering around Elena. And this made the episode drag. I finally finished it, and I'm waiting on it to be beta'd. After that is done, it will be up. Until then...
Tumblr. TUMBLR MY PEOPLE! You want to know what's going on? Melanoradrood on Tumblr. Use it. Live it. Love it.
Also, Ch 1 for this is already done, but I'm waiting on the Betas, and Ch 2 will be done by the end of the day. I love my idea for The Other Side, but some episodes will be, sadly, slow. You know what I'm talking about.