String of Fate

A Originalshipping Drabble

Leaf could always see it, even if no one believed her. Even in her earliest memories she saw the red string of fate that connected two people, but soul mates were a lot more romantic. More often than not she could only see the string connected to one person, the other far off in another city.

Because she grew up in a small town all her life people told her she would end up with Green, whom she had been friends with ever since she could remember. She had only smiled warmly at those comments while Green spluttered in embarrassment. But in reality she knew she would never have a chance with Green so she never looked at him that way, he was connected to another.

Green was one of the lucky ones, not having to search the world for the one; he had become close with his string partner at quite a young age. He was connected to his neighbour, childhood friend and later rival; Red.

Leaf had watched their string for many years, watched it go through turmoil, through knots, through fraying to the point where she thought it would tear; that they would never be happy with each other despite fate. It changed colours at times as well, and at that point Leaf could only hope.

However, when Red left for Mt. Silver it was almost as if the distance, weather and solitude had renewed the string, removing any knots and tears. She didn't see either of them much at that point, but she knew that despite their history both of them held the other close in their hearts.

Eventually, and Leaf expected it to happen eventually, Green finally brought Red down to Viridian, albeit worse for wear but still alive. When Leaf visited Red for the first time in Viridian she saw the vibrant red that their string had become and while it had its small knots and frays she could tell it would last them a long time.

After seeing many strings of a dark red, frayed and knotted she had thought no one could be happy with their soul mate. It was ironic how her two childhood friends had showed her that love could be found in such a world of hate.

My love for this pairing will never end. I found this drabble in my hard drive and decided to fix it up.

I don't own pokemon.